*Edited with link* Sore loser Coach K admonishes Dylan Brooks in handshake line

Notice that K's last three titles have come with some help?

2001- Remember when this wasn't called for a foul, which would have put Williams on the bench in the national title game?


IIRC, people were booing over that non-call and it was the first time I'd heard a national mouthpiece(pACCker) comment about Duke getting all the calls/non-calls.
STFU CBS - all of them on here now talking about how awesome K is for doing this. Calling it a "teaching moment". Give me a freaking break.

Only thing kid was guilty of is not giving K and the Dukies enough respect. No one crying for the teams Duke has disrespected for similar late game shots.
How did Brooks showboat Greg Gumbel? He took a shot his coach told him to take and he was excited. Has he not watched Duke players react. Pretty bush league they blamed the kid. Also why did Coach K deny saying it?
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All these TV guys praising K. I just don't get. I think that he was way out of line to talk to the kid. How about other coaches lecturing Grayson Allen about his weird tripping impulse!!!??
Such an effing Joke.

If it was Middle Tenn State getting the beat down from Oregon, first of all they would have taken it with dignity - their coach must certainly wouldn't have dreamed of berating an Oregon player for taking that shot, and if he had, he would have been savaged instead of praised like Krybabyshitsky.

Especially galling considering Duke has done the same to several teams this year. Apparently stat sheet stuffing is ok if you're Duke.
Was Coach K upset with the shot or the reaction to the shot? Either way, Brooks shot because his coach told him to. If it was the reaction, Coach K needs to make sure his team NEVER slaps the floor, waves their fists, or yells ever again.
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I'm not sure what all the fake outrage is about. Frank Mason of Kansas shot a layup at the buzzer in a 16 point win just minutes before. I would have shot it; Grayson Allen would have too. Why is no one talking about Kansas shooting a layup at the buzzer?
The game will be better off when some coaches are gone. Coach K, Boheim, Pitino, ol Roy just to name a few.
Hitting the shot was no problem , his reaction wasn't very respectful but it's not a big deal . We wouldn't appreciate somebody doing that to us but it's to be expected with teams like Oregon . You usually don't see elite programs doing stuff like that , there's an unwritten rule about what's acceptable behavior . Programs that rarely accomplish anything tend to express their excitement with no regard to the opponent . I don't think K should be teaching in the handshake line , he seems to be sensitive to petty things .
bunch of dad-gum pansies! Crying over a kid celebrating ? Coach shyshitski is an azz and any adult that whines about the same needs to grow up ! What do you expect from kids?
What is weird was K denying the remarks. The cover-up is always worse than the crime.

/Well, usually.
//Sometimes the crime is pretty grim.
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I, maybe, could give K a pass if this was an OOC game in Dec. However, this is the NCAAT, and UO just knocked off the defending champs. That 3 did absolutely nothing to change the game, it's pretty petty. K just looking for something to be mad about after taking an L. It's not UOs job to make sure poor Duke doesn't get scored on at the end, if Duke didn't want that then keep playing hard defense.

I'd be kind of embarrassed if we had a coach going around lecturing players in the handshake line. Didn't K also blow by half the Syracuse team bc they did something at the end of a game? K could probably walk up and slap a player and the media would call it a teaching moment.
if a coach has a problem with a player it is best discussed with that players coach. As in this case Coach K may have let the heat of the moment get the best of him. It happens to us all whether we like to admit it or not.
Oregons coach looks like a ball-less wonder for not ripping K a new one. That's the story for me. Rat face is a proven liar, crickets.
bunch of dad-gum pansies! Crying over a kid celebrating ? Coach shyshitski is an azz and any adult that whines about the same needs to grow up ! What do you expect from kids?
Honestly you look like the baby when comparing posts , I doubt you know what respect even means since it's unlikely you ever practice it .
K says he called and appologized to the Oregon coach, he acknowledged it's not his place.

As $hitty as it is, sounds like not much more to do/say
Looks like Coach K did finally come clean and admit he lied. I wonder if he would've done the same if the video showing that he did indeed lie hadn't came out? I seriously doubt it and this is nothing but damage control on his part. He knows that in a week or so all will be forgotten by the media and he'll go back to being hailed as the greatest coach of all time that can do no wrong. The hypocrisy surrounding him is enough to make you sick to your stomach!!
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Did Saint K watch the UNI-A&M game or not? Play to the end. It's not like the Ducks were up 30 pts.

I don't disagree with your play to the end line and I thought Krzyzewski was out of line here (the audio proved it as did the subsequent apology), but the situation in the Northern Iowa/Texas A&M game was different. There were 44 seconds in that one and A&M was pressing to try and get UNI to turn the ball over, which they used successfully time and again. Coach K called off the dogs, told his team not to foul and let the Ducks run the clock down to where there were only 11 seconds or so when Brooks took the shot. They weren't coming back from that deficit with so little time on the clock.

But watching the replay of everything again, I think Coach K took exception to Brooks looking at the Duke bench, pumping his fist and screaming a bit. Not taking (and making) the shot. I didn't take the same offense to what happened after seeing it during the OU/Oregon broadcast, but I can understand why an opposing coach might take offense to it.
Or, alternatively, he could shut up and not feel the need to be the sportsmanship police when he has a history of horrible sports in his own program (Laettner stomp, Grayson Allen, Hurley, the list goes on and on and on and on).

In this case, he would have been better served to keep his mouth shut. I said as such even before everything snowballed and he apologized (probably because of the heat he was getting for the way he handled everything). I am semi-disappointed you didn't mention Justise Winslow as a singular player, though. IMO he was worse than Grayson considering he kicked Brice Johnson in the groin last year, but that's just me.

IMO if coach K had a problem with it he should have said something to the Oregon coach .

Agree 100 percent. I said that in the first or second post I made in this thread. Things would have gone over better here if he'd said it to Coach Altman instead of Brooks.
But watching the replay of everything again, I think Coach K took exception to Brooks looking at the Duke bench, pumping his fist and screaming a bit. Not taking (and making) the shot. I didn't take the same offense to what happened after seeing it during the OU/Oregon broadcast, but I can understand why an opposing coach might take offense to it.

This is a joke right? No Duke Player has ever pumped his fist when about to win a game? Woofed? Talked smack? "Looked at the bench"?

It's ok to trip players in St. K's book. It's ok to flop and fake getting fouled. It's ok to lie about lecturing another teams player after they beat your ass and then lie about it to the national media so it looks like a college kid is lying about the lecture. It's ok to leave that kid twisting in the wind for 48 hours while getting ready for a trip to the final four.

St. K is a classless front running phony.
This is a joke right? No Duke Player has ever pumped his fist when about to win a game? Woofed? Talked smack? "Looked at the bench"?

Having players like Laettner, Redick and Wojo (among others), obvously Duke players have talked garbage and taunted opposing teams in the past. I didn't say Duke has never had players do that. I'm fully acknowledging that they have. Not sure why you thought I said Duke players have never done things like that before. I am saying that I can see why an opposing coach (not necessarily Krzyzewski) may have taken offense to it., But he should have talked to Coach Altman if he felt Brooks was out of line instead of admonishing Brooks in the handshake line. That was his first mistake in my opinion. Which brings me to this next part of your message I'm going to quote...

It's ok to lie about lecturing another teams player after they beat your ass and then lie about it to the national media so it looks like a college kid is lying about the lecture. It's ok to leave that kid twisting in the wind for 48 hours while getting ready for a trip to the final four.

It's certainly not okay for Krzyzewski to lie about it the way he did. That was mistake number two and an even bigger, worse mistake than the first one. Coach K screwed up on this one and I'm not defending it.
K needs to come clean and stop lying about what he said to the kid.
Coach K needs to come clean about Chris Duhon, Corey Magette, and Lance Thomas instead of giving the NCAA the finger and refusing to cooperate with their investigation.

Did he ever apologize for Christian Laettner stomping on Aminu Timberlake?
A guy named Jason McCallum on Twitter has found 7 instances this year where Duke took a shot with a big lead and less than 45 seconds on the clock. Several were three's taken with less than 15 seconds on the clock and 20+ pt leads.

Interesting as well as the shots were take by repeat offenders - Ingram and Jones, so obviously K didn't take these young men aside and tell them they were too talented to showboat like that.

Duke's been doing that for years. And not just with a big lead but when down 12, say, to cut it to single digits. Contrast Calipari's approach at the end of games - I don't think I've ever seen a UK player showboat like that.
Looks like Coach K did finally come clean and admit he lied. I wonder if he would've done the same if the video showing that he did indeed lie hadn't came out? I seriously doubt it and this is nothing but damage control on his part. He knows that in a week or so all will be forgotten by the media and he'll go back to being hailed as the greatest coach of all time that can do no wrong. The hypocrisy surrounding him is enough to make you sick to your stomach!!

To the media he was never painted in any other light as being the greatest ever. Now that there is proof he lied about doing a jerk move they just talk about what a saint he is for coming clean. What??? Would they have given Coach Cal the same courtesy?
Anybody else seeing it as a positive that Coach K has to issue explanations regarding lying to the national media just days before he goes to TX to make his pitch to Marques Bolden and family?
Someone on our board said he should have slowly rolled the ball in the direction of K instead of shooting it.
Looks like Coach K did finally come clean and admit he lied. I wonder if he would've done the same if the video showing that he did indeed lie hadn't came out? I seriously doubt it and this is nothing but damage control on his part. He knows that in a week or so all will be forgotten by the media and he'll go back to being hailed as the greatest coach of all time that can do no wrong. The hypocrisy surrounding him is enough to make you sick to your stomach!!

Oh, no no no no. Not lied, certainly. He merely "reacted incorrectly." Hahaha. What a crock. "I didn't lie to you, babe, I swear! I merely reacted incorrectly to the question!"