Early Lunardi 1 and 2 seeds

You are on a uk board, you're going to get "dissed" bro.
Furthermore, know why we don't spend a whole lot of time on other boards? It's because the insults we have to endure about our coach and how, apparently, dirty and slimey our program is ridiculous.
You are going to get punked over here, you and your compadres are over here trying to do comparison's between Nova and UK and trying to make it appear as though Nova is in UK's league. Those aren't going to be received well.
Seriously? 1 of 15 programs to win multiple titles? Are we supposed to be impressed by that?

You're right, 'Nova is not in the weak SEC league. The Big East is much better...:sunglasses:

Whether you're impressed or not is irrelevant. Only UNCheat is consistently comparable. And that could be debated ad-infinitum.

Stop getting your knickers in a twist. Comparing 'Nova to UK in terms of historical accomplishments is pointless. Completely different schools/programs with vast differences in resources, facilities, and approach.

  • UK - big state school and the only show in town
  • 'Nova - highly selective small private, Top 50 national university, in suburb of a major metropolitan area with many professional sports teams
Compare to Gtown, BC, ND, Duke, Wake, Northwestern as well as DePaul, St. John's, Providence, Xavier, Butler, Gonzaga, Syracuse (not small), etc. Duke is the clear outlier. 'Nova & Syracuse are next.

'Nova is still one of the best hoops programs, even without FBS football (Duke & Syr) and ahead of many much bigger state schools.

The '05-'16 years stats were used because you criticized Jay's past. Using UK stats as a measuring stick was relevant to show his complete past and is not as bad as you'd like to believe. Whether you're proud of your '05 - '09 years or not, that time period happened. And, nobody was comparing Jay to Cal. That's dumb. One wins with class and the other cheats.

Starting to see what it's like being a non-Yankees fan...[eyeroll]

I know your post is directed at DSH, who can certainly defend himself adequately, but I'll add a comment. When you mention that he "joined here" in 2002, you do understand, I hope, that he's been a member of Rivals' 'Nova board since then. There hasn't been any waiting or lurking or trolling. He happened to come by here only because you guys were foolishly dissing 'Nova in this thread and he wanted to defend his team. If you don't want 'Nova fans around, don't diss our team. Pretty simple.

It's not like you get an alert when someone disses your favourite team on other boards. So, in fact, he was lurking around here.

This is our board, we can say and diss whoever we want. You honestly think your board isn't knocking on UK? Gimme a break
You are on a uk board, you're going to get "dissed" bro.
Furthermore, know why we don't spend a whole lot of time on other boards? It's because the insults we have to endure about our coach and how, apparently, dirty and slimey our program is ridiculous.
You are going to get punked over here, you and your compadres are over here trying to do comparison's between Nova and UK and trying to make it appear as though Nova is in UK's league. Those aren't going to be received well.
Seriously? 1 of 15 programs to win multiple titles? Are we supposed to be impressed by that?


I think you're still missing a crucial fact--you guys were dissing us on this thread before any of us posted here. We didn't invite this conversation or initiate it. But if you bother to start it, we can finish it.

When you say we're trying to make it look like we're in your league, I don't know exactly what league you mean. UK is historically the best college BB program of all time. That's not disputed by anyone and no one would ever claim that 'Nova is in that conversation. You guys have also been much more successful during Calipari's time. On the other hand, over Jay Wright's time, the schools are pretty similar, except for 2 more Final Fours for you. And in terms of this year, can anyone honestly try to deny that our two teams are equally strong? We are actually slightly better than you by every metric and according to the polls, but the difference is close enough that I'd call it a pick em. So yes, for this year we are definitely "in your league," and isn't this year really the only one that matters right now?
It's not like you get an alert when someone disses your favourite team on other boards. So, in fact, he was lurking around here.

This is our board, we can say and diss whoever we want. You honestly think your board isn't knocking on UK? Gimme a break

LOL. Our board pays no attention to UK whatsoever. The vast majority of 'Nova fans would say that UK has no relevance to our season. A few of us recognize that we could end up meeting in the tournament, so we're trying to establish a little back-and-forth in case that happens.
How is saying that a team is on the bottom of the top 8 teams in the country even a diss? lol

When you're ranked #1 in the country, someone claiming you're only #8 and all the other teams are scarier to play, yes, that's a diss. It's a diss proceeding from ignorance, but a diss nonetheless. So we're here to educate you on why you're mistaken.
LOL. Our board pays no attention to UK whatsoever. The vast majority of 'Nova fans would say that UK has no relevance to our season. A few of us recognize that we could end up meeting in the tournament, so we're trying to establish a little back-and-forth in case that happens.

Then why are you here Baboo? You don't get an alert when someone disses your team from another board. You had to be over here lurking. What is so hard to understand about that? It's not difficult.
When you're ranked #1 in the country, someone claiming you're only #8 and all the other teams are scarier to play, yes, that's a diss. It's a diss proceeding from ignorance, but a diss nonetheless. So we're here to educate you on why you're mistaken.

Why are you so damn sensitive? Are you the Nova police? Geez, if I went around to all the board jumping on people who said something bad about UK, I'd never see the end. That's not a diss either, that's just someone's opinion.
When you're ranked #1 in the country, someone claiming you're only #8 and all the other teams are scarier to play, yes, that's a diss. It's a diss proceeding from ignorance, but a diss nonetheless. So we're here to educate you on why you're mistaken.

eh there's not really much of a difference between 1 and 8 TBH. Just because a bunch of coaches or media put a team at 1 doesn't really mean they should be ranked number 1 either. We are 10 games into a season.

He might be wrong saying they are 8th. But just as likely you might be wrong in thinking they are the best team in the nation.
Then why are you here Baboo? You don't get an alert when someone disses your team from another board. You had to be over here lurking. What is so hard to understand about that? It's not difficult.


A month ago I was visiting often because of the Lonnie Walker competition, and because your board was a great source for general recruiting info. After Walker chose Miami, I stopped coming by. Late last week I was bored so I decided to stop by to see what was going on and noticed the thread. It was just a coincidence.
You're right, 'Nova is not in the weak SEC league. The Big East is much better...:sunglasses:

Whether you're impressed or not is irrelevant. Only UNCheat is consistently comparable. And that could be debated ad-infinitum.

Stop getting your knickers in a twist. Comparing 'Nova to UK in terms of historical accomplishments is pointless. Completely different schools/programs with vast differences in resources, facilities, and approach.

  • UK - big state school and the only show in town
  • 'Nova - highly selective small private, Top 50 national university, in suburb of a major metropolitan area with many professional sports teams
Compare to Gtown, BC, ND, Duke, Wake, Northwestern as well as DePaul, St. John's, Providence, Xavier, Butler, Gonzaga, Syracuse (not small), etc. Duke is the clear outlier. 'Nova & Syracuse are next.

'Nova is still one of the best hoops programs, even without FBS football (Duke & Syr) and ahead of many much bigger state schools.

The '05-'16 years stats were used because you criticized Jay's past. Using UK stats as a measuring stick was relevant to show his complete past and is not as bad as you'd like to believe. Whether you're proud of your '05 - '09 years or not, that time period happened. And, nobody was comparing Jay to Cal. That's dumb. One wins with class and the other cheats.

Starting to see what it's like being a non-Yankees fan...[eyeroll]
Way to repeat drivel from 2009 with no basis. Don't really think Calipari needs to cheat. If this poster hasn't been banned yet, they should be.
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Pretty obvious both UK and UNC would bitch-slap Nova. Only a moron/homer could watch that game and not come away with the same conclusion.

A month ago I was visiting often because of the Lonnie Walker competition, and because your board was a great source for general recruiting info. After Walker chose Miami, I stopped coming by. Late last week I was bored so I decided to stop by to see what was going on and noticed the thread. It was just a coincidence.

Thank You! My point EXACTLY! You were here lurking. Then you came back to lurk again.

Look, I got no problem with anyone from another fan base coming over to talk basketball. If you were here alot then you would know that. But when you come over and say that you just happened to hear we were throwing shade at your team and youre coming over to educate us, then all of us tend to bite back. You shouldn't be surprised if some of our fans diss another team, it happens all the time. We get talked about worse than any program in history but I don't go around "educating" the other fans then act like I got an alert telling me about it.

If youre here on our board, saw it, and wanted to respond then just say so. It's ok to have a discussion or even an argument. You just need to be honest about what you were doing and why you came here. You were lurking for info to begin with and then you came back lurking. It's no big deal, just need to admit it.
Thank You! My point EXACTLY! You were here lurking. Then you came back to lurk again.

Look, I got no problem with anyone from another fan base coming over to talk basketball. If you were here alot then you would know that. But when you come over and say that you just happened to hear we were throwing shade at your team and youre coming over to educate us, then all of us tend to bite back. You shouldn't be surprised if some of our fans diss another team, it happens all the time. We get talked about worse than any program in history but I don't go around "educating" the other fans then act like I got an alert telling me about it.

If youre here on our board, saw it, and wanted to respond then just say so. It's ok to have a discussion or even an argument. You just need to be honest about what you were doing and why you came here. You were lurking for info to begin with and then you came back lurking. It's no big deal, just need to admit it.

If you want to call it lurking, that's fine. But lurking usually means hanging around in the shadows, just watching and not participating. I never come by without leaving some comments. When I'm here, you'll know I'm here, so I wouldn't call that lurking. But I have no objection if you want to call it that.