Early Lunardi 1 and 2 seeds


You need to calm down a bit. I know you were addressing DSH, but there are lots of 'Nova fans who would enjoy meeting UK in the tourney. Why? Not because we have an axe to grind. Not because we're stupid. Not because we think it's an easy win. It's because we expect you to be good and we'd like to play the best teams around. Is that so hard to understand?

Please keep in mind that we aren't scared of any team. No one is so impressive that we can't beat them. That doesn't mean we won't get beaten, of course. There are no guarantees of a repeat championship. And by the end of the year, UK is one of those team that could definitely beat us. But we can definitely beat UK too and view the game as a good test.

Your history lesson, while interesting, is not really relevant. This 'Nova team has already proven they have what it takes to go all the way. This UK team has not. We are defending national champions. Come take the championship away from us if you can. We relish the challenge.

Here's a little history for you. When Jay Wright gets beyond the first weekend, he's never lost to any team except the eventual national champion (it's happened 4 times). Only champions are good enough to beat 'Nova. Is UK that good? We will see. But unless you're good enough and prepared to go all the way, you don't want to see us in the tournament.


Did you just say only Champions can beat us? BWHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa...[roll][laughing][pfftt]

I cannot believe there are such Nova fans here with this moxie. I have to hand it to you, you either have no clue how to troll or you are delusional. Nova is not a Blue Blood and their fan base should not be talking the way you do, but for some reason you come in here with this swagger. Omg, it is hilarious!

I can tear your little history lesson apart from one end to the other yet you never bothered to pay attention to what I so elegantly put together for you before so I am no longer wasting my time on you or your team. Thank you so much for the laughs, you brought a smile to my face and warmth to my heart today.

Champion... :joy:

Yes, 'Nova lost two seniors. But all the younger guys have improved their games. Hart, leading POY candidate--better. Jenkins--better. Brunson, making the FR to SO jump--better. Bridges, making the FR to SO jump--better. Paschall, A10 ROY transfer--new. And the leading scorer from the championship game, Phil Booth, hasn't even played yet because of injury. Do you understand that two guys are easily replaced by everyone else improving by a few points per game? If you compare 'Nova's games this year versus last year, you will see they're playing better this year.

Who have we played? Our SOS is stronger than yours. RPI SOS ranked 10 versus your 41. Sagarin says #33 versus your 187 (!). Pomeroy says #21 versus your #42. We've played Purdue on the road and ND on a neutral court. Who have you played? A lot of patsies at home, a lame Michigan St. team on a neutral court, and UCLA at home (loss).
Apparently you don't understand the value of a 4 year senior pg. You don't just replace an Archie, who played his dues for 4 years, with a kid who improved from a freshman to a sophomore. Jay Wright doesn't run that kind of style.
Are you forgetting about all they years when Nova was way overrated, got a 1 or 2 seed and fell flat on their face?
Yes, Nova's SOS is better, but that's an average of the teams they have played.
Have they played anyone anywhere near the caliber of UCLA? Have they been as dominant as UK has been? I'll hang up and listen.

Yes, 'Nova lost two seniors. But all the younger guys have improved their games. Hart, leading POY candidate--better. Jenkins--better. Brunson, making the FR to SO jump--better. Bridges, making the FR to SO jump--better. Paschall, A10 ROY transfer--new. And the leading scorer from the championship game, Phil Booth, hasn't even played yet because of injury. Do you understand that two guys are easily replaced by everyone else improving by a few points per game? If you compare 'Nova's games this year versus last year, you will see they're playing better this year.

Who have we played? Our SOS is stronger than yours. RPI SOS ranked 10 versus your 41. Sagarin says #33 versus your 187 (!). Pomeroy says #21 versus your #42. We've played Purdue on the road and ND on a neutral court. Who have you played? A lot of patsies at home, a lame Michigan St. team on a neutral court, and UCLA at home (loss).

When did Villanova fans get uppity?
Yep, and an even better game for 'Nova fans to watch.
You sir are an N away from being a Baboon . Villanova hell the larger percentage of viewers have no clue what state it is in . But you did get lucky last year .
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Did you just say only Champions can beat us? BWHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa...[roll][laughing][pfftt]

I cannot believe there are such Nova fans here with this moxie. I have to hand it to you, you either have no clue how to troll or you are delusional. Nova is not a Blue Blood and their fan base should not be talking the way you do, but for some reason you come in here with this swagger. Omg, it is hilarious!

I can tear your little history lesson apart from one end to the other yet you never bothered to pay attention to what I so elegantly put together for you before so I am no longer wasting my time on you or your team. Thank you so much for the laughs, you brought a smile to my face and warmth to my heart today.

Champion... :joy:


I didn't say only champions can beat 'Nova. What I did say, because it's a basic fact, is that Jay Wright has never lost to any team except the eventual champion once he gets to the second weekend. I don't know why that is, but it's true. What it really means, I suppose, is that when 'Nova is playing well enough to get to the second weekend, they are a very tough out. And that's why, if you guys had any sense, you wouldn't want to meet us in the tourney. Unless, of course, you are convinced you are championship caliber. Based on what I saw in the UCLA game, you guys are not yet ready for that.
Boy, real balsy Nova fan here and on a UK board . Dude you needed a superman effort out of Hart to beat a ND team that might finish mid pack in ACC!! Slow your roll lol.
Apparently you don't understand the value of a 4 year senior pg. You don't just replace an Archie, who played his dues for 4 years, with a kid who improved from a freshman to a sophomore. Jay Wright doesn't run that kind of style.
Are you forgetting about all they years when Nova was way overrated, got a 1 or 2 seed and fell flat on their face?
Yes, Nova's SOS is better, but that's an average of the teams they have played.
Have they played anyone anywhere near the caliber of UCLA? Have they been as dominant as UK has been? I'll hang up and listen.


Oh, I understand the value of a senior, 4-year starter PG perfectly well. Arch was even more important than that, because he basically served as a coach on the court. I was very worried about replacing him this year. Chef was a tough loss also.

Look, I'm not saying 'Nova is better this year because of some analysis of the personnel. I'm saying it based on what they've actually done. This year's team is beating similar competition by larger margins than last year's team. That's just a fact. If that's not better, I don't know what is.

Have we played anyone as good as UCLA? Well, I don't know, which UCLA do you mean? The one that UK fans imagine they played, or the one that actually exists? Because the one that actually exists is only rated 91.24 by Sagarin. You guys played them at home, so discount them by 3.14. That gives them a rating at Rupp of only 88.10, very good but not world-beating. Compare that with Purdue, who we played at their home. They're rated 90.21 by Sagarin. Add in home court and they're at 93.35. That's the same as you guys on a neutral court. We also played ND on a neutral court, which rates them at 89.25. That's also better than UCLA.

I know you guys think that any team that beats you must be incredible, but I watched UCLA play and I'm not that impressed. Neither are the numerical rating systems. Both Sagarin and Pomeroy have UCLA well below both of us, and both say that Purdue at home is better than UCLA on the road. Those are just the facts.

Oh, I understand the value of a senior, 4-year starter PG perfectly well. Arch was even more important than that, because he basically served as a coach on the court. I was very worried about replacing him this year. Chef was a tough loss also.

Look, I'm not saying 'Nova is better this year because of some analysis of the personnel. I'm saying it based on what they've actually done. This year's team is beating similar competition by larger margins than last year's team. That's just a fact. If that's not better, I don't know what is.

Have we played anyone as good as UCLA? Well, I don't know, which UCLA do you mean? The one that UK fans imagine they played, or the one that actually exists? Because the one that actually exists is only rated 91.24 by Sagarin. You guys played them at home, so discount them by 3.14. That gives them a rating at Rupp of only 88.10, very good but not world-beating. Compare that with Purdue, who we played at their home. They're rated 90.21 by Sagarin. Add in home court and they're at 93.35. That's the same as you guys on a neutral court. We also played ND on a neutral court, which rates them at 89.25. That's also better than UCLA.

I know you guys think that any team that beats you must be incredible, but I watched UCLA play and I'm not that impressed. Neither are the numerical rating systems. Both Sagarin and Pomeroy have UCLA well below both of us, and both say that Purdue at home is better than UCLA on the road. Those are just the facts.
Did you seriously just try to compare Purdue to UCLA and try to convince me that Purdue is better?
I don't care what the numbers say, it's way too early in the season for Sagarin to be anywhere close to accurate, but look at the product on the court. Purdont is garbage. They can't shoot or defend and they are a very slow team.
Sure, they have a couple of experienced bigs, one of which is mediocre at best.
Nice try though.
Boy, real balsy Nova fan here and on a UK board . Dude you needed a superman effort out of Hart to beat a ND team that might finish mid pack in ACC!! Slow your roll lol.

Superhuman, yes. He's the first player to score at least 35 points, 10 rebounds, and shoot > 70% from the field against a ranked opponent since Antawn Jamison (you might remember him) did it against Duke in 1998.

Did you consider Antawn's effort a reason to diss UK back then? That's what superstars do, and Josh is making himself into one. Does that make 'Nova better or worse as a team? Hah! You guys wouldn't win anything without Abedeyo, Fox, and Monk! See, I can play that game too. Let's all make stupid attempts at dissing dominant teams. ;)
Did you seriously just try to compare Purdue to UCLA and try to convince me that Purdue is better?
I don't care what the numbers say, it's way too early in the season for Sagarin to be anywhere close to accurate, but look at the product on the court. Purdont is garbage. They can't shoot or defend and they are a very slow team.
Sure, they have a couple of experienced bigs, one of which is mediocre at best.
Nice try though.

Nope, I didn't say Purdue is better. But I did point out that all the metrics agree that Purdue at home is better than UCLA on the road. That's actual evidence, as opposed to making things up.

You think Purdue is not very good based on the eye test? Fair enough. We will see what happens down the road. But I watched UCLA versus UK and I wasn't very impressed. My eye test tells me we would spank UCLA, especially at the Pavillion. They are just not very good defensively. Why couldn't you guys beat them at Rupp?

One of these days you guys might learn that having a big name, like UCLA and UK, doesn't make you a good team. That has to be earned every year, every game, on the court. And this year, 'Nova and Purdue and ND are earning it just as muck as UK and UCLA are.

I didn't say only champions can beat 'Nova. What I did say, because it's a basic fact, is that Jay Wright has never lost to any team except the eventual champion once he gets to the second weekend. I don't know why that is, but it's true. What it really means, I suppose, is that when 'Nova is playing well enough to get to the second weekend, they are a very tough out. And that's why, if you guys had any sense, you wouldn't want to meet us in the tourney. Unless, of course, you are convinced you are championship caliber. Based on what I saw in the UCLA game, you guys are not yet ready for that.

About like saying whenever we've played on Saturday's when the temperature was below 60 degrees and the wind gusts were below 10mph we're undefeated.
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Nope, I didn't say Purdue is better. But I did point out that all the metrics agree that Purdue at home is better than UCLA on the road. That's actual evidence, as opposed to making things up.

You think Purdue is not very good based on the eye test? Fair enough. We will see what happens down the road. But I watched UCLA versus UK and I wasn't very impressed. My eye test tells me we would spank UCLA, especially at the Pavillion. They are just not very good defensively. Why couldn't you guys beat them at Rupp?

One of these days you guys might learn that having a big name, like UCLA and UK, doesn't make you a good team. That has to be earned every year, every game, on the court. And this year, 'Nova and Purdue and ND are earning it just as muck as UK and UCLA are.
Who said name matters?
If anybody has something to learn, it's obviously you. You are forgetting Nova's track record, yeah great, they won the title last year, but that is an outlier, look at what Jay Wright and the boys accomplished prior to that.

I didn't say only champions can beat 'Nova. What I did say, because it's a basic fact, is that Jay Wright has never lost to any team except the eventual champion once he gets to the second weekend. I don't know why that is, but it's true. What it really means, I suppose, is that when 'Nova is playing well enough to get to the second weekend, they are a very tough out. And that's why, if you guys had any sense, you wouldn't want to meet us in the tourney. Unless, of course, you are convinced you are championship caliber. Based on what I saw in the UCLA game, you guys are not yet ready for that.

Please go back and read my first post. You clearly dont view BB the way a champion should. We dont care about how we looked vs UCLA. Sure as fans we're a bit salty because we lost but UK schedules tough teams in November/December because it prepares us for the tournament, bot because we care about how we look. We build up towards the tournament (again, take some time with my earlier post... it was put there to educate you on how BB works and how UK uses the schedule to its benefit.) Unlike most teams, UK only focuses on the big picture and that starts in March, not november. Please understand this, Im tired of explaining it to you.

And for your little anomoly of only losing to the national champion? There is an important word in your sentence I want you to think about.... LOSING! You still lost so dont break your neck patting yourself on the back.

Please go away. What started as a humorous excursion is now turning into a an anoying exercise into futility.
Superhuman, yes. He's the first player to score at least 35 points, 10 rebounds, and shoot > 70% from the field against a ranked opponent since Antawn Jamison (you might remember him) did it against Duke in 1998.

Did you consider Antawn's effort a reason to diss UK back then? That's what superstars do, and Josh is making himself into one. Does that make 'Nova better or worse as a team? Hah! You guys wouldn't win anything without Abedeyo, Fox, and Monk! See, I can play that game too. Let's all make stupid attempts at dissing dominant teams. ;)

My god, you are so full of yourself. DOMINANT team... please tell me you arent serious? UCLA would crush your lttle dominant team.
Nope, I didn't say Purdue is better. But I did point out that all the metrics agree that Purdue at home is better than UCLA on the road. That's actual evidence, as opposed to making things up.

You think Purdue is not very good based on the eye test? Fair enough. We will see what happens down the road. But I watched UCLA versus UK and I wasn't very impressed. My eye test tells me we would spank UCLA, especially at the Pavillion. They are just not very good defensively. Why couldn't you guys beat them at Rupp?

One of these days you guys might learn that having a big name, like UCLA and UK, doesn't make you a good team. That has to be earned every year, every game, on the court. And this year, 'Nova and Purdue and ND are earning it just as muck as UK and UCLA are.

You are correct. At Perdue is a tougher game than home to UCLA. And they aren't great on defense.

Having said that lets not act like UCLA and UK aren't good teams this year. I don't think Nova goes against UCLA or UK and "spanks" anyone.
Who said name matters?
If anybody has something to learn, it's obviously you. You are forgetting Nova's track record, yeah great, they won the title last year, but that is an outlier, look at what Jay Wright and the boys accomplished prior to that.

Here's what 'Nova & Jay accomplished since 2005, the first year Jay took them to the NCAA's, and UK as well in that same time period:

11 appearances, 2 FF, 1 NC
1x missed NCAA's
5x lost to NCAA Champs (UCONN, UNC, Kansas, Florida, UNC)
4x lost to a lower seed (2x eventual champs - UCONN & Florida) = 2 'bad' losses
6x lost to higher seed
20 wins

10 appearances, 4FF, 1 NC
2x missed NCAA's
1x lost to NCAA Champs (UCONN)
4x lost to a lower seed (1x eventual champs - UCONN) = 3 'bad' losses
4x lost to higher seed, 1x lost to equal seed (Wisconsin)
28 wins

Both teams lost to lower ranked UCONN in 2014. 'Nova's 2 bad losses were more severe based on variance in seeds.

Despite the enormous disparity in resources and recruiting services talent rankings of the two schools, there is little difference in NCAAT results and it could be argued 'Nova has the edge, though I'd probably take UK's 4 FF. Losing against the eventual champs 5 times is uncanny. 'Nova's 2 bad losses definitely were bad.

Either way, the difference is not as great as many outsiders would perceive it to be.
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My god, you are so full of yourself. DOMINANT team... please tell me you arent serious? UCLA would crush your lttle dominant team.

Based on what? What evidence do you have for claiming UCLA would beat us? It's speculation on your part. But since you like history so much, here's one for you. 'Nova has a 30+ win streak going at the Pavilion. The last time UCLA visited the Pavilion was 2002. They were ranked #15 at the time and we were not very good (Jay Wright's first year, 19 - 13). We still beat them. The Pavilion is a tough place to play. They wouldn't stand a chance against us there. It would be a much more competitive game, however, at the Wells Fargo Center. We would still be favored by 5 or 6, but it would be closer. But they certainly wouldn't be able to crush us, not even at Pauley.
You are correct. At Perdue is a tougher game than home to UCLA. And they aren't great on defense.

Having said that lets not act like UCLA and UK aren't good teams this year. I don't think Nova goes against UCLA or UK and "spanks" anyone.

UK and UCLA, especially UK, are very good this year. On most courts they would make for very competitive and challenging opponents. At the Pavilion UCLA wouldn't have a prayer.
Here's what 'Nova & Jay accomplished since 2005, the first year Jay took them to the NCAA's, and UK as well in that same time period:

11 appearances, 2 FF, 1 NC
1x missed NCAA's
5x lost to NCAA Champs (UCONN, UNC, Kansas, Florida, UNC)
4x lost to a lower seed (2x eventual champs - UCONN & Florida) = 2 'bad' losses
6x lost to higher seed
20 wins

10 appearances, 2FF, 1 NC
2x missed NCAA's
1x lost to NCAA Champs (UCONN)
4x lost to a lower seed (1x eventual champs - UCONN) = 3 'bad' losses
4x lost to higher seed, 1x lost to equal seed (Wisconsin)
28 wins

Both teams lost to lower ranked UCONN in 2014. 'Nova's 2 bad losses were more severe based on variance in seeds.

Despite the enormous disparity in recruiting services talent rankings on the two teams, there is nary any difference in NCAAT results and it could be argued 'Nova has the edge in performance, except for total wins which is more attributed to 'Nova losing against the eventual champs 4 more times in earlier rounds and their 2 bad losses.

Either way, the difference is not as great as many would perceive it to be.


Thanks for stepping in. But doesn't UK have 4 FF's under Calipari? Let's make sure the stats are right.
Here's what 'Nova & Jay accomplished since 2005, the first year Jay took them to the NCAA's, and UK as well in that same time period:

11 appearances, 2 FF, 1 NC
1x missed NCAA's
5x lost to NCAA Champs (UCONN, UNC, Kansas, Florida, UNC)
4x lost to a lower seed (2x eventual champs - UCONN & Florida) = 2 'bad' losses
6x lost to higher seed
20 wins

10 appearances, 4FF, 1 NC
2x missed NCAA's
1x lost to NCAA Champs (UCONN)
4x lost to a lower seed (1x eventual champs - UCONN) = 3 'bad' losses
4x lost to higher seed, 1x lost to equal seed (Wisconsin)
28 wins

Both teams lost to lower ranked UCONN in 2014. 'Nova's 2 bad losses were more severe based on variance in seeds.

Despite the enormous disparity in resources and recruiting services talent rankings of the two schools, there is little difference in NCAAT results and it could be argued 'Nova has the edge, though I'd probably take UK's 4 FF. Losing against the eventual champs 5 times is uncanny. 'Nova's 2 bad losses definitely were bad.

Either way, the difference is not as great as many outsiders would perceive it to be.
So we are going to include Tubby and BCG results? Come on.
You said, in reference to last season's championship - "You are forgetting Nova's track record, yeah great, they won the title last year, but that is an outlier, look at what Jay Wright and the boys accomplished prior to that."

So that's what I posted. And compared it to UK over the same time period. Why not? Relevant in terms of pointing out 'Nova's record is not as bad as all the 'big boys' perceive it to be. They had 2 SS, 1 EE, and 1 FF from '04 - '09, then the dry spell from '10 - '15.

For being a small, catholic school its success is quite remarkable compared to the big state universities, and Duke, with seemingly unlimited, never-ending resources. Most teams have struggled at some point - e.g., UConn missed the NCAA's 4x since '05. Duke has been 1 and done 3x.

Since 2005 'Nova has the 9th most NCAA wins - UNCheat (35), UK (28), KU (27), MSU (27), Duke (26), UL (25), Wisc (23), UConn (21), 'Nova (20). Not bad company and hardly small-time...
Based on what? What evidence do you have for claiming UCLA would beat us? It's speculation on your part. But since you like history so much, here's one for you. 'Nova has a 30+ win streak going at the Pavilion. The last time UCLA visited the Pavilion was 2002. They were ranked #15 at the time and we were not very good (Jay Wright's first year, 19 - 13). We still beat them. The Pavilion is a tough place to play. They wouldn't stand a chance against us there. It would be a much more competitive game, however, at the Wells Fargo Center. We would still be favored by 5 or 6, but it would be closer. But they certainly wouldn't be able to crush us, not even at Pauley.

Lol :rolleyes:

I love it when the new kid on the block feels like jhe has to stretch his wings.

Your team is good, but it aint that good. Did you see what UCLA did at Rupp? Rupp has way more history than your quaint Pavillion. If they werent intimidated by us they sure as hell wouldnt quake in their boots when they played you.

Man, just give it a rest. You need to realize your the new kid and you should know your role and shut up and sit down. You're on a UK message board for petes sake. Understand that your little acts of bravado arent going to impress us.

You won last season, great for you. I was happy you won. The little guy needs to win every so often, but now you're getting a little to big for your britches.

Go back to your board where you all can give each a false sense of security and you brag about how you tolds us whats what and we were afraid of little ole Nova.
I love the fact that we are now tweaking the numbers. Lets go back to before our current coach and skew his obvious dominate stats...

Please refer to my first post if you want to true stats that actually reflect relevant numbers.
I love the fact that we are now tweaking the numbers. Lets go back to before our current coach and skew his obvious dominate stats...

Please refer to my first post if you want to true stats that actually reflect relevant numbers.

Tweaking what numbers? I was responding to kyjeff1, who asked about what Jay Wright has done prior to last season's championship. Those are the stats...

The post was a shot at denigrating 'Nova and Jay. Coach Cal was never mentioned so don't know why bringing his name up. The comparison is relevant for perspective. Big, bad UK should always be the best, no?

If you want to go back historically, all-time, the rankings are not much different. All-time NCAA wins, 'Nova is 11th. Add UCLA, Syr, and Indiana and remove Wisc.

'Nova is 1 of only 15 schools to win 2 or more championships (only 8 have won 3 or more) and 1 of 8 to win 2 or more since the field expanded to current 64 teams in 1985. Top 10 in NCAA appearances. Sounds pretty good to me, especially in the more 'recent' format.

Not suggesting 'Nova is historically more accomplished than UK or other big-state schools but 'Nova is not some small-time, flash-in-the-pan basketball program as many seem to project and perceive. Besides Duke, what other school its size has accomplished as much for as long a time period??
Tweaking what numbers? I was responding to kyjeff1, who asked about what Jay Wright has done prior to last season's championship. Those are the stats...

The post was a shot at denigrating 'Nova and Jay. Coach Cal was never mentioned so don't know why bringing his name up. The comparison is relevant for perspective. Big, bad UK should always be the best, no?

If you want to go back historically, all-time, the rankings are not much different. All-time NCAA wins, 'Nova is 11th. Add UCLA, Syr, and Indiana and remove Wisc.

'Nova is 1 of only 15 schools to win 2 or more championships (only 8 have won 3 or more) and 1 of 8 to win 2 or more since the field expanded to current 64 teams in 1985. Top 10 in NCAA appearances. Sounds pretty good to me, especially in the more 'recent' format.

Not suggesting 'Nova is historically more accomplished than UK or other big-state schools but 'Nova is not some small-time, flash-in-the-pan basketball program as many seem to project and perceive. Besides Duke, what other school its size has accomplished as much for as long a time period??

The comparison between UK and Nova is what I was referring to. You went back to a time when we were obviously led by either a declining Tubby or a drunk which conveniently made ypur number comparison much better, thats all.

Its little man syndrome.

Why dont you compare the numbers of our current coaches, that seems to be a more relevant stat.

Dont worry, Ive already done it for you, just go back a few pages.
You said, in reference to last season's championship - "You are forgetting Nova's track record, yeah great, they won the title last year, but that is an outlier, look at what Jay Wright and the boys accomplished prior to that."

So that's what I posted. And compared it to UK over the same time period. Why not? Relevant in terms of pointing out 'Nova's record is not as bad as all the 'big boys' perceive it to be. They had 2 SS, 1 EE, and 1 FF from '04 - '09, then the dry spell from '10 - '15.

For being a small, catholic school its success is quite remarkable compared to the big state universities, and Duke, with seemingly unlimited, never-ending resources. Most teams have struggled at some point - e.g., UConn missed the NCAA's 4x since '05. Duke has been 1 and done 3x.

Since 2005 'Nova has the 9th most NCAA wins - UNCheat (35), UK (28), KU (27), MSU (27), Duke (26), UL (25), Wisc (23), UConn (21), 'Nova (20). Not bad company and hardly small-time...
Yes, no doubt, their accomplishments are tremendous for what they are. But they have had some high seeds over the years and flames out early.
Finally the stars aligned for them last year, but my man Baboo needs to realize that those kind of runs and that kind of chemistry doesn't come around every year. Those nova fans got a taste of it, now they want to come here and pound chests like they're a big dog now.
9th most wins huh? Lets put that right up there on that trophy case Focker.
Tweaking what numbers? I was responding to kyjeff1, who asked about what Jay Wright has done prior to last season's championship. Those are the stats...

The post was a shot at denigrating 'Nova and Jay. Coach Cal was never mentioned so don't know why bringing his name up. The comparison is relevant for perspective. Big, bad UK should always be the best, no?

If you want to go back historically, all-time, the rankings are not much different. All-time NCAA wins, 'Nova is 11th. Add UCLA, Syr, and Indiana and remove Wisc.

'Nova is 1 of only 15 schools to win 2 or more championships (only 8 have won 3 or more) and 1 of 8 to win 2 or more since the field expanded to current 64 teams in 1985. Top 10 in NCAA appearances. Sounds pretty good to me, especially in the more 'recent' format.

Not suggesting 'Nova is historically more accomplished than UK or other big-state schools but 'Nova is not some small-time, flash-in-the-pan basketball program as many seem to project and perceive. Besides Duke, what other school its size has accomplished as much for as long a time period??
"Nova is 11th in all time wins"
"Nova is one of 15 schools with more than 1 title"
Seriously, are these supposed to be impressive numbers Focker? Do you want a ribbon for those accomplishments?
And yes, you compared stats back to 2005, that skews the numbers.
If you compare what UK is doing in the present, in other words, since the 09/10 season, not when UK had a drunk, whore chaser of a coach, or the few years before that when we were mediocre at best, compare the programs now. 09/10 to present. What do the numbers look like then? I know the answer, but you won't want to talk about that.
Bottom line: Nova has a good squad, and a, now proven coach. But you need to realize that Nova is not going to be what they were last year, I'm trying to save you some emotional stress. Because, you know, I like you, I really do.
Most people do not know what state Villanove is in .
Is Villa Nova spanish for I live in my chevy ?
"Nova is 11th in all time wins"
"Nova is one of 15 schools with more than 1 title"
Seriously, are these supposed to be impressive numbers Focker? Do you want a ribbon for those accomplishments?
And yes, you compared stats back to 2005, that skews the numbers.
If you compare what UK is doing in the present, in other words, since the 09/10 season, not when UK had a drunk, whore chaser of a coach, or the few years before that when we were mediocre at best, compare the programs now. 09/10 to present. What do the numbers look like then? I know the answer, but you won't want to talk about that.
Bottom line: Nova has a good squad, and a, now proven coach. But you need to realize that Nova is not going to be what they were last year, I'm trying to save you some emotional stress. Because, you know, I like you, I really do.

Leave it to small-minded UK fans to segue off-topic and start beating their chests about their 'proud' history and how untouchable they are vs. little 'Nova...Lol.

You asked and I provided what Jay's done prior to 2016. Nothing more.

However, then, y'all have to go off tangent and discount that previous history/success of Jay & 'Nova as well as those UK years before Cal arrived, as if they don't count and should be erased from UK's history. Lol.

BTW, Jay has been Naismith Coach of the Year 2x, so not just now a 'proven coach'. No other coach has 2 at the same school since 1999 when Coach K got his 3rd.

Actually, I don't realize that 'Nova won't be what they were last year. Enlighten me, oh wise one... This year they are already better up to this point and as defending NC and #1 team, they're good to go 'til someone else knocks them out. They will lose, like everyone else, but will still be at the top through March. Very good chance to repeat with 6 returning players. 'Nova will always be around, just as they've always been. No worries there.

Out of 340+ schools, being in the top 10/11 is fine with me, and as a small catholic, undergrad, academic focused school without public funding and a huge pool of boosters, and others (WWW), pulling strings behind the scenes with unlimited bags of cash to entice top recruits, 'Nova does quite fine, thank you very much. Only school besides Duke in the top 10 that is not a big state school. Syracuse is private, but much bigger and took Boeheim 27 years to win, so Jay in 15 years is pretty good.

I'd love to see a VU - UK NCAA matchup; just like in '88 when the 6-seed Wildcats took down the 2-seed UK Pussycats...
Yes, no doubt, their accomplishments are tremendous for what they are. But they have had some high seeds over the years and flames out early.
Finally the stars aligned for them last year, but my man Baboo needs to realize that those kind of runs and that kind of chemistry doesn't come around every year. Those nova fans got a taste of it, now they want to come here and pound chests like they're a big dog now.
9th most wins huh? Lets put that right up there on that trophy case Focker.


We understand very well that championships don't happen every year. We don't necessarily expect to repeat, but know we're in a good position to do so.

There's no chest pounding from us. If you remember two pages ago, you guys were dissing us, pretending that we are the worst ("or second worst") of the 8 teams listed. If you are going to disrespect us, why shouldn't we defend our team? The facts are that we are defending champs, currently undefeated against a tougher schedule than everyone but Baylor, ranked #1 in both polls and will continue to be so for at least a couple of weeks, and our team is currently playing better than last year's team. Until proven otherwise, we are the best team in the country, whether you guys like it or not. And you should accept that with the humility appropriate for a team that just lost at home. You have your own issues to work on; don't try to belittle us.

Finally, when we say we'd love to meet UK in the tourney, it was a compliment. You guys acted like it was an insult, or that we are insane. What's so hard to understand about our wanting to and believing we can beat the best? I would think that if anyone could understand an unrelenting pursuit of excellence, it would be UK fans.

By the way, good luck against UNC tomorrow. They are our favorite whipping boy. ;)
No actually would welcome it. We know how to win games. This senor class is 108 and 13. They would out tough U.K.; when Punched in the mouth and You'd fold. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather play a Baylor but be between U.K. Kansas and duke, give me Uk in a heart beat.


Yes like was said last year. So dumb

Listen, it's one thing to be a loyal fan but it's another thing to be a biased idiot. Trust me, we have a few in our fan base and it's easy for us to spot and I've just spotted one with you.

I have a dose of reality for you, if Nova doesn't go on a historical shooting run during the tournament, they don't even get to the FF. If Nova doesn't hit THE biggest shot in the history of college basketball, they don't win the championship.

Now ask yourself, is that going to happen again? Possibly......but the likelihood of that happening in back to back years is pretty damn small.

It seems like you've been waiting for that since 2002 when you joined here. I guess it gave you enough cojones to show your face here. It's only took 15 years for it to happen. Come back when you get a few more cause youre not even close to our level yet. You are the definition of troll. You haven't brought a single intelligent or logical thought in any of your post.

Enjoy that troll title buddy! You've reached the upper tier pretty quick.

We understand very well that championships don't happen every year. We don't necessarily expect to repeat, but know we're in a good position to do so.

There's no chest pounding from us. If you remember two pages ago, you guys were dissing us, pretending that we are the worst ("or second worst") of the 8 teams listed. If you are going to disrespect us, why shouldn't we defend our team? The facts are that we are defending champs, currently undefeated against a tougher schedule than everyone but Baylor, ranked #1 in both polls and will continue to be so for at least a couple of weeks, and our team is currently playing better than last year's team. Until proven otherwise, we are the best team in the country, whether you guys like it or not. And you should accept that with the humility appropriate for a team that just lost at home. You have your own issues to work on; don't try to belittle us.

Finally, when we say we'd love to meet UK in the tourney, it was a compliment. You guys acted like it was an insult, or that we are insane. What's so hard to understand about our wanting to and believing we can beat the best? I would think that if anyone could understand an unrelenting pursuit of excellence, it would be UK fans.

By the way, good luck against UNC tomorrow. They are our favorite whipping boy. ;)

A tougher schedule than everyone? Really?

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A tougher schedule than everyone? Really?


According to all the metrics, our schedule is the second toughest among the 8 teams that are the subject of this post. Is that point unclear to you? And if you doubt that we've have the second toughest schedule so far among the 8 teams, look it up. The metrics are not hard to find.
Listen, it's one thing to be a loyal fan but it's another thing to be a biased idiot. Trust me, we have a few in our fan base and it's easy for us to spot and I've just spotted one with you.

I have a dose of reality for you, if Nova doesn't go on a historical shooting run during the tournament, they don't even get to the FF. If Nova doesn't hit THE biggest shot in the history of college basketball, they don't win the championship.

Now ask yourself, is that going to happen again? Possibly......but the likelihood of that happening in back to back years is pretty damn small.

It seems like you've been waiting for that since 2002 when you joined here. I guess it gave you enough cojones to show your face here. It's only took 15 years for it to happen. Come back when you get a few more cause youre not even close to our level yet. You are the definition of troll. You haven't brought a single intelligent or logical thought in any of your post.

Enjoy that troll title buddy! You've reached the upper tier pretty quick.


I know your post is directed at DSH, who can certainly defend himself adequately, but I'll add a comment. When you mention that he "joined here" in 2002, you do understand, I hope, that he's been a member of Rivals' 'Nova board since then. There hasn't been any waiting or lurking or trolling. He happened to come by here only because you guys were foolishly dissing 'Nova in this thread and he wanted to defend his team. If you don't want 'Nova fans around, don't diss our team. Pretty simple.
Yeah, the only reason I came over was because there was a mention of something about 'Nova on here in a post on the Rivals College Basketball board (aka the UK-KU-IU-UNC-Duke circle jerk), which I read at times for amusement...

We understand very well that championships don't happen every year. We don't necessarily expect to repeat, but know we're in a good position to do so.

There's no chest pounding from us. If you remember two pages ago, you guys were dissing us, pretending that we are the worst ("or second worst") of the 8 teams listed. If you are going to disrespect us, why shouldn't we defend our team? The facts are that we are defending champs, currently undefeated against a tougher schedule than everyone but Baylor, ranked #1 in both polls and will continue to be so for at least a couple of weeks, and our team is currently playing better than last year's team. Until proven otherwise, we are the best team in the country, whether you guys like it or not. And you should accept that with the humility appropriate for a team that just lost at home. You have your own issues to work on; don't try to belittle us.

Finally, when we say we'd love to meet UK in the tourney, it was a compliment. You guys acted like it was an insult, or that we are insane. What's so hard to understand about our wanting to and believing we can beat the best? I would think that if anyone could understand an unrelenting pursuit of excellence, it would be UK fans.

By the way, good luck against UNC tomorrow. They are our favorite whipping boy. ;)
You are on a uk board, you're going to get "dissed" bro.
Furthermore, know why we don't spend a whole lot of time on other boards? It's because the insults we have to endure about our coach and how, apparently, dirty and slimey our program is ridiculous.
You are going to get punked over here, you and your compadres are over here trying to do comparison's between Nova and UK and trying to make it appear as though Nova is in UK's league. Those aren't going to be received well.
Seriously? 1 of 15 programs to win multiple titles? Are we supposed to be impressed by that?