Drew assessment


Jan 3, 2003
Some have said Drew is "the safe choice". I can see that.

I think there is a solid chance Drew wins a championship, makes 2-3 Final 4's.

But I do not think he is the type to build a dynasty and make a take-no-prisoners approach, becoming the team that everyone Fears year after year.
He is Hall and Tubby.
Hall and Tubby are ok to end up with, but we should aim higher. Shoot for the stars, settle for the moon.
They are taking your attractive out-of-town cousin to your first school dance, instead of the hot cheerleader. Others see her and think "damn", but you know scoring is not an option.

Some will say, "but Drew has had only 1 good NCAA-T". Yeah, but he's at freakin Baylor. That is like being at Vandy. Except even Nashville is a cool place for college kids to be, Waco not so much.

IMO, Mitch made the offer to Hurley because he knew his head might be on the chopping block if he didn't, AND because he doesn't think Hurley will accept. But he hasn't talked with Donovan because he thinks Billy D will accept, blocking off who he really wants (Drew).
This is what makes this discussion so frustrating. Is Scott Drew a great coach? Without question, yes. However, should Barnhart have put more effort into a bigger name? Again, yes. I don't think the fanbase is upset with Drew being coach as much as they are upset at Mitch for just settling. Granted the settle is damn good, but it's a settle nonetheless.
Some have said Drew is "the safe choice". I can see that.

I think there is a solid chance Drew wins a championship, makes 2-3 Final 4's.

But I do not think he is the type to build a dynasty and make a take-no-prisoners approach, becoming the team that everyone Fears year after year.
He is Hall and Tubby.
Hall and Tubby are ok to end up with, but we should aim higher. Shoot for the stars, settle for the moon.
They are taking your attractive out-of-town cousin to your first school dance, instead of the hot cheerleader. Others see her and think "damn", but you know scoring is not an option.

Some will say, "but Drew has had only 1 good NCAA-T". Yeah, but he's at freakin Baylor. That is like being at Vandy. Except even Nashville is a cool place for college kids to be, Waco not so much.

IMO, Mitch made the offer to Hurley because he knew his head might be on the chopping block if he didn't, AND because he doesn't think Hurley will accept. But he hasn't talked with Donovan because he thinks Billy D will accept, blocking off who he really wants (Drew).
I agree with this up to the point that Drew is second because he fears Donovan will accept. Donovan has turned us down twice. There's no way to know he's even remotely interested.
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We don't need someone to build a dynasty here. It's been built.

Cal was ultimately right when he said this is a 10 year job. He stayed about 6 years too long.

Get in, win a title, make a few additional runs and get the f80k out.

That's what whoever is next needs to do.
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I think there's something to be said about Drew's natty and how tough his team was against us in the Elite Eight. Sure, he's not a flashy hire, but he's got more ships than Cal had coming in.

They are taking your attractive out-of-town cousin to your first school dance, instead of the hot cheerleader. Others see her and think "damn", but you know scoring is not an option.
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid What GIF

Interesting analogy.
Some have said Drew is "the safe choice". I can see that.

I think there is a solid chance Drew wins a championship, makes 2-3 Final 4's.

But I do not think he is the type to build a dynasty and make a take-no-prisoners approach, becoming the team that everyone Fears year after year.
He is Hall and Tubby.
Hall and Tubby are ok to end up with, but we should aim higher. Shoot for the stars, settle for the moon.
They are taking your attractive out-of-town cousin to your first school dance, instead of the hot cheerleader. Others see her and think "damn", but you know scoring is not an option.

Some will say, "but Drew has had only 1 good NCAA-T". Yeah, but he's at freakin Baylor. That is like being at Vandy. Except even Nashville is a cool place for college kids to be, Waco not so much.

IMO, Mitch made the offer to Hurley because he knew his head might be on the chopping block if he didn't, AND because he doesn't think Hurley will accept. But he hasn't talked with Donovan because he thinks Billy D will accept, blocking off who he really wants (Drew).
I think Mitch hasn’t hired donavon because he doesn’t want this process to last very long and wants to be done with it as quick as possible. I also think Mitch doesn’t want to be turned down a third time by the same guy.
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Man I want a killer on our sidelines, one that is up 40 and wants to be up 60. I'm tired of mid basketball, and I feel that's what Drew is going to give us, mid.

Watch his team that won it all and tell me they were mid.
I don't see Drew coming he is set with family at Baylor, Billy D don't think will leave the NBA, Hurley is set at UConn, I think Ky going have to go after someone like the young coach at Fla, or Smart or someone like them.
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Hurley is like.. Pitino 2.0 but with a far better resume. Ya gotta try your best to make it happen before looking anywhere else.
That's not gonna happen. The Hurley's are entrenched in the NE and his wife would certainly never go for it.
I'm trying like hell to talk myself into Drew so let me share my newest mental gymnatic routine. The game is new now. I think our success (everyones really) hinges on money. Buy the best roster possible and have a coach who is competent enough to put them in position to win. I think Drew is a good coach, better than Cal. I think if Drew had some of cals teams we would have more wins in march. no doubt. He's a good recruiter with 3 5 stars commited to playing in Waco TX. He will recruit well at Ky too. If the reports are true about Craft and other donors pledging NIL money (even enough to match the 5 mil that arky is bragging about) then Drew will be able to buy what he needs in the portal.

So maybe his dull personality doesn't matter as much now as it used to to here. Maybe this really is just moneyball in 2024. I know all these schools have money but this is college bball and not every school cares about it like we do. having it and spending it are two different things. Kentucky will spend on bball.

I'm trying yall.
Some have said Drew is "the safe choice". I can see that.

I think there is a solid chance Drew wins a championship, makes 2-3 Final 4's.

But I do not think he is the type to build a dynasty and make a take-no-prisoners approach, becoming the team that everyone Fears year after year.
He is Hall and Tubby.
Hall and Tubby are ok to end up with, but we should aim higher. Shoot for the stars, settle for the moon.
They are taking your attractive out-of-town cousin to your first school dance, instead of the hot cheerleader. Others see her and think "damn", but you know scoring is not an option.

Some will say, "but Drew has had only 1 good NCAA-T". Yeah, but he's at freakin Baylor. That is like being at Vandy. Except even Nashville is a cool place for college kids to be, Waco not so much.

IMO, Mitch made the offer to Hurley because he knew his head might be on the chopping block if he didn't, AND because he doesn't think Hurley will accept. But he hasn't talked with Donovan because he thinks Billy D will accept, blocking off who he really wants (Drew).

Reminiscent of the Sutton hire...
That's not gonna happen. The Hurley's are entrenched in the NE and his wife would certainly never go for it.
Probably right but a woman that doesn't like a few extra million $$$/ year for herself and for their childrens' futures is a rare thing. I like Lexington and you couldn't make me live in Ct, but that's me.

Sorry, but I'll concede when he says no after our best offer. Not before. That said, I agree that the odds are not high he comes but ya gotta go after him with everything ya can. We'll be fine with Drew and I like Lloyd a lot from Az...but we'd be scary with Hurley.
We're talking a 5-7 year contract. Cal had how many titles and final fours in 15 years?
Same amount of titles but more final fours than Drew’s 21 at Baylor. I’m over the “it’s Baylor” argument then to have the same person turn around and say Baylor is now a solid program. If he was at Baylor 5 years and turned it around I get it. 21 years, 1 title, many missed tournaments, 3 straight 2nd round losses. Isn’t that what we just got rid of?
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That's not gonna happen. The Hurley's are entrenched in the NE and his wife would certainly never go for it.
IF I'm making 5m a year and another firm offered me 15m a year, it wouldn't be hard to convince the better half it's time for a move.
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I think if its Drew, it will work out, might take a year. We just couldn't continue with Cal and the one and done philosophy. Hurley doesn't want it, Donovon might, but I don't think we can afford to wait and find out.