Scott Drew .646 winning percentage

He did improve it no doubt but he still keeps having dd losses and can't win his league.Not going to fly at UK.
I’m curious, how do you know in advance that he will have double digit losses and can’t win his league in the future?

Why do people think the exact same results will happen when nearly all of the circumstances change? New league, different NIL, different facilities, different tradition, different players, different opponents and probably plenty of other differences. It’s mind boggling to me that people think the exact same result will happen with all those differences.
I’m curious, how do you know in advance that he will have double digit losses and can’t win his league in the future?

Why do people think the exact same results will happen when nearly all of the circumstances change? New league, different NIL, different facilities, different tradition, different players, different opponents and probably plenty of other differences. It’s mind boggling to me that people think the exact same result will happen with all those differences.
I just don't think going to UK is a magic pill that makes average coaches become great.
People keep saying Drew took over a program in shambles and brought it back. Those must be the same people who wanted to keep Cal because of his overall results. But BBN pressured Cal to leaving not because of his overall record but for what have you done for us lately. We saw how winning a NC can take some of the wind out of a coach's sail. So hiring Drew should not be based on what he did before winning that NC, but just as with Cal it should be based on what he has done at Baylor since that championship. And for one I am not impressed.
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The tourney is random. What I’m saying is UK elevates coaches. He proved he could win a NC at a school that was a nobody in basketball and had a murder that basically put them on the death penalty for a good 8 years.
Then he forgot how to coach . Nothing but failure since
Drew has had top 5 recruiting classes the past 3 years and had 10 plus losses with all of them.Sound familiar?
I have been just critical as anyone on this board calling out Mitch Barnhart. my reason, I disagreed with the contract he gave Cal, I felt it held the program hostage without any stipulations.
Danny Hurley .642 winning percentage

Hurley has one more title. Point is that they are both great coaches. This board has acted ridiculous about Drew. Let’s see what Drew can do at Kentucky if he is indeed named the new coach. I think that winning percentage will go up and I will support him.
This can’t be a see what he can do moment
And how did it end?
Disappointing but he made it past the first round at least. Clemson was playing well and they had a bad first half. It happens. I watched that game, they were just cold early. If we could get their dude Dennis he looked really good in that game. Prolly go to the league but he’s a 23 year old PG with one year left I assume. He was a senior.
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There’s a lot of frustration in the fan base but it’s mostly misguided towards Drew. Fans have been so disappointed the last 5 years they’re looking for a miracle hire and super fast turnaround.

That’s not gonna happen and the frustration continues to come out.

Recent posts called for a quick hire to be able to get the portal and I just read that since Drew seems to be the pick that Mitch should be more patient and get a different guy.

The Cats are going to be fine. At least that’s what many of us have said n not worrying about would happen if Cal left.

I’d say that recruits coming to UK under Drew will be more about the program than the coach. Isn’t that what we all want?

Well all of us except those who want to win recruiting titles and games on paper.
Last time y’all came down to central Texas to get a basketball coach it was a disaster and I think you may be repeating the same mistake in its mirror form.

I am, obviously, a Baylor homer. I’d love for Drew to stay, but if he goes, then I wish him the best. I just think Drew is a terrible fit basketball-wise at KY.

Ironically, I think the comparison to BCG actually holds some water, Drew is just the inverse. Here’s what to expect:

He is not a disciplinarian nor will he hire one onto his staff (polar opposite of BCG). He is very much a positive affirmation guy and he expects the whole staff to be that way. He will carry and enforce a no cursing rule in his program (not a big deal, but indicative of the culture he wants). The play will be sloppy or bone-headed at times. Ironically KY may be a place that covers for him if he starts getting some of those high basketball IQ home grown KY and Indiana boys.

Fundamentally, you have to appreciate that Baylor is a football school. Grandma in the stands can discuss all day long why some nose tackle was lined up wrong by 3 inches, but Baylor fans will see a dead eye shooter in the corner and not understand he’s stretching the floor while calling for his benching. That allows a lot of inefficiencies in Drew’s teams to fly under the radar but you guys will have him under a microscope.

Recruiting will be great. Especially on the perimeter. You will likely miss out on gifted big men. Drew wants to run a 3-guard offense with a stretch, lanky 4 and a slightly undersized but Uber strong and athletic 5 who can screen, rim run, rebound and block shots. A guy like Quincy Acy or pre-injury Jonathan Tchamwa Tchatchoua is prototypical. Jalen Bridges and Matthew Mayer are what he likes at the 4.—stretch 4s who aren’t really bangers inside but can be pressed into service. Gifted interior bigs won’t get a feature role and they stay away. So the bigs are usually developmental projects.

At its best, his offense is a better version of what Jay Wright was doing at Nova. It is basically a three man weave in the backcourt trying to get into a favorable pick and roll or iso situations (see Gonzaga championship game).

Defense is where the weakness will show up. Each year Baylor fans will debate and defend his zone, but my guess is that won’t fly in Lexington. The defensive weakness is a function of his recruiting philosophy. Drew is close to Fran F. and Fran has openly stated that Drew prefers to recruit natural offensive talents on the theory that you can always teach defense. That theory may be right, but it is hard to execute with one-and-done guys. Indeed, the National Championship team played great D but had all upper classmen. We have failed to play good defense when featuring lottery pick freshmen in the backcourt.

Where he’s lost an edge: the transfer portal. Pre-portal, Drew was adding a lot of value to the team by getting talented transfers that were young and would sit out a year. He was really great at going to lower conferences and swiping their underclassmen player of the year winners (Adam Flagler and, I believe, Macio Teague). He’d also find developmental projects who would go to work while sitting out a year (Davion Mitchell). The national championship team had an 8-man rotation and only 3 guys were home grown. The transfer portal has taken away his edge there as the dynamics of transferring are different now and it is a much more competitive market.

I hope you guys love him as much as we did.
He's had double digit losses all but 6 years at Baylor. Do research before you say stupid shiit
Need to look in the mirror before you write to keep from looking stupid.
Over the same period of time(15 years) at UK and Baylor ( certainly not a level playing field) JVC has 6 dd losses vs SD's 7.
Need to look in the mirror before you write to keep from looking stupid.
Over the same period of time(15 years) at UK and Baylor ( certainly not a level playing field) JVC has 6 dd losses vs SD's 7.
What the hell does that have to do with my post?
Dummy Feeling Dumb GIF
Downward spiral. Drew is a Coach that’s not a wanted commodity. He needs to retire he has nothing left