Does UK have the worst SEC home atmosphere?

So you begin the thread trashing fans/home crowd and now you're already quitting on next week's game. LOL.

Trashing? Quitting? Your name speaks volumes here.

Have some perspective- Kroger just isn't as loud as Knoxville, UGA, Columbia, Ole Miss, Texas A&M, and others....and i do predict a loss next week.

Sorry if this is offensive, i just dont think UK is title bound as many on here secretly hope and believe.
No. Unless you're drunk or stupid, absolutely not. We are affecting other teams more than their home crowds to this point affected us last season. Georgia will be different, but we've come a LONG way since the 90s.

The SHOW itself (outside of the actual game play) is a little dull. 10 years behind on lighting and sound but getting better by leaps (inches) and bounds (centimeters). I'm there for the football, but the recruits want the experience. They love the fan support, but the admin spending some money on the experience would be UUUUGE
I remember an opposing coach, which the media claimed as anonymous, said it was the least intimidating.

Is UK the least loud and exciting and what are your experiences at away games?

When you're winning, it doesn't matter. But our fans are impacting the game of visiting teams. Idgaf if the coach is intimidated or underestimates the atmosphere. I just want him to go home disappointed, and then take away his pride at their place as well.
Well, this is obviously subjective, as my time in Oxford (in a win for Ole Miss) left me entirely unimpressed.

I’ll give you UGA and UT, but I’ve been to USCe and other than their 15 minute choreographed opening, would be close to a draw in my opinion for noise on the field, during play.

We got something very right with the last “expansion.” The press boxes (and luxury boxes) on the South side of the stadium lean sharply forward with a concave curvature, focusing all of the smaller, upper-deck noise directly back to the field.

I was at the Bama upset in 1998, the wins over Louisville and LSU in 2008, USCe in 2010 and 2014, and none of those games came close to the noise levels we achieved in big games in 2021, with the new configuration and a full house.

Again, the topic is very subjective, and given our typical position in the SEC, we tend to sell ourselves a bit short on the subject.

So, is there an objective measure?

Go back to YouTube videos of the Mizzou, UF and LSU wins in 2021.

The lead announcer had difficulties speaking with the sideline reporter, and at one point asked his partner if it was the loudest crowd he’d ever heard. There was no response; apparently he did not hear the question.

And as to effecting a team, I have never (on TV or in person) seen a team more effected by crowd noise than Florida in 2021; they had 8 false starts, the announcers crediting the crowd noise for them all.

I’d put us in the top 4 or 5 in the conference. We are obviously below A & M, UT, Georgia and Bama because of size issues. As to the rest, I just haven’t been that blown away.

I have been to all except A & M and Auburn and UF.

Mizzou, Vandy, Ole Miss, and Miss State we’re all pretty quiet, sort of baseball type crowds.

Arky had impressive hog calling, but no where near the noise of Kroger during play.

LSU and Georgia blew me away, but did not seem to effect play on the field.

For a well choreographed pregame, no one (maybe A & M) can beat USCe and LSU.

And USCj has hughjass speakers ON THE FIELD LEVEL just to the end of the visiting bench with dangerously little space between the field and the stands.

*97 victory over Bama. We were at all of the same games I think
Sorry if this is offensive, i just dont think UK is title bound as many on here secretly hope and believe.
Not offensive at all.

It is no more offensive than your and others’ claim that Rupp Arena is at the top of roundball forums for sound.

Maybe it wassss.

But nobody has had a reason to get loud in Rupp Arena since 2015, and that condition will likely exist until Cal kicks the bucket.
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Not offensive at all.

It is no more offensive than your and others’ claim that Rupp Arena is at the top of roundball forums for sound.

Maybe it wassss.

But nobody has had a reason to get loud in Rupp Arena since 2015, and that condition will likely exist until Cal kicks the bucket.
It takes a true football expert to make the prediction that the reigning national champ No 1 team at home will beat UK. I think he will be on a small island with that shocker. Man has done his research.
Saturday vs. Florida, the crowd was pretty great! I think we showed up and pounded some beers! The Students were in their seats early and the Blue\White T-shirt sides were a success and looked great on TV. The crowd was very loud and the Blue\White chant was very noticeable.

Former UF QB Jesse Palmer was a Gator cheerleader in the ESPN broadcast booth the whole game which was annoying AF!
Not offensive at all.

It is no more offensive than your and others’ claim that Rupp Arena is at the top of roundball forums for sound.

Maybe it wassss.

But nobody has had a reason to get loud in Rupp Arena since 2015, and that condition will likely exist until Cal kicks the bucket.
I have very high hopes for this year...if we can get 2 of our 3 seven-footers healthy/enrolled, that is
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Trashing? Quitting? Your name speaks volumes here.

Have some perspective- Kroger just isn't as loud as Knoxville, UGA, Columbia, Ole Miss, Texas A&M, and others....and i do predict a loss next week.

Sorry if this is offensive, i just dont think UK is title bound as many on here secretly hope and believe.
Were you at KF on Saturday?
Saturday vs. Florida, the crowd was pretty great! I think we showed up and pounded some beers! The Students were in their seats early and the Blue\White T-shirt sides were a success and looked great on TV. The crowd was very loud and the Blue\White chant was very noticeable.

Former UF QB Jesse Palmer was a Gator cheerleader in the ESPN broadcast booth the whole game which was annoying AF!
He gave UK all kinds of kudos. I didn’t notice him being a cheerleader for Fla.