Do We Audible?


Dec 16, 2008
Honest question.

I see many teams come to the line, get in formation, see the defensive alignment and then the QB, RBs, TEs, WRs looked to sideline for a signal to go with the played called or another play is signaled in based on the defensive alignment.

Do we audible? Several times today Vandy loaded the box and we would still go with a run when the defenders in the box outnumbered the blockers. I have noticed the same thing over the last several weeks. It seems we huddle, call a play and then run that play no matter the defensive alignment. Last year it seemed we would look to the sidelines and change the play based on defensive alignment if necessary. Does anyone know if we call audibles either from the sidelines or does Will have discretion to audible?
Not to be mean but with Levis’ decision making and lack of awareness at times, I don’t think he can do it effectively. Perhaps he can grow that skill at the next level.
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We don't but a lot of that has to do with our pace and tempo. We're lucky if Levis get's 5 seconds to look at the defense before we snap the ball, much less make adjustments. We have to get faster. It's been a bit better in the past few weeks, but it's still pretty rough.
Not really.

We don't so much audible as have plays we can check down to based on defensive alignments and perceived pressures, but we're not reading those well either. Instead of dumming down the offense, we should have gone with uptempo and kept the playback open. Again, though, we have to read the defense better, call out the proper protections, and go through our progressions quickly in the passing game.

We're not
Not to be mean but with Levis’ decision making and lack of awareness at times, I don’t think he can do it effectively. Perhaps he can grow that skill at the next level.
We don't but a lot of that has to do with our pace and tempo. We're lucky if Levis get's 5 seconds to look at the defense before we snap the ball, much less make adjustments. We have to get faster. It's been a bit better in the past few weeks, but it's still pretty rough.
The high octane offenses are high octane in large measure because they frequently get the matches they want based on changing plays after they see the defensive alignment. We seem to call a play in the huddle and go with it despite the defensive alignment.
Honest question.

I see many teams come to the line, get in formation, see the defensive alignment and then the QB, RBs, TEs, WRs looked to sideline for a signal to go with the played called or another play is signaled in based on the defensive alignment.

Do we audible? Several times today Vandy loaded the box and we would still go with a run when the defenders in the box outnumbered the blockers. I have noticed the same thing over the last several weeks. It seems we huddle, call a play and then run that play no matter the defensive alignment. Last year it seemed we would look to the sidelines and change the play based on defensive alignment if necessary. Does anyone know if we call audibles either from the sidelines or does Will have discretion to audible?
Will has a GREAT arm . He cannot be trusted in any decision making at this time of his career though . He is very poor at reading the defense pre-snap and probably worse reading the defense as the play unfolds .
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The high octane offenses are high octane in large measure because they frequently get the matches they want based on changing plays after they see the defensive alignment. We seem to call a play in the huddle and go with it despite the defensive alignment.
And often after about 20 seconds of confusion a play finally comes in and we rush up to the line confused. And that happens on defense too.
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Not really.

We don't so much audible as have plays we can check down to based on defensive alignments and perceived pressures, but we're not reading those well either. Instead of dumming down the offense, we should have gone with uptempo and kept the playback open. Again, though, we have to read the defense better, call out the proper protections, and go through our progressions quickly in the passing game.

We're not
No sh*t ? You’ve got that ‘dumming down’ thing down pat. I can see it now. Stoops goes to Bama or Georgia and takes YOU as his OC. They’d have to cancel college football cuz you dorks would win every damn game. I bet you were the last one picked when you were a kid and now you’re that weekend warrior. What a loser.