
Actually, I think the doll would be a better choice.

I have a computer question. Do you know or recommend a program to change old black & white photos into colorized. This is a picture taken by my mother of the old home place that was changed into color and I was surprised at the quality and realism. It is just as my eyes remember it from my childhood. I would love to get my hands on something like that because I have 100's of old family photos, many are over 100 years old.




I like Paint Shop Pro Linky
I completely understand why people keep the service because it's a great way to stay in touch with friends and family from out of town. My sister sent me many pics of her grandkids via Facebook. She'll just have to send them to my e-mail from now on. I thought about trying Parlor but decided to make a clean break. I'll stay in touch via e-mail and telephone or really do it right and visit in person. Gives us a good reason for a road trip.

When I was with the Army Recruiting Command Facebook was just gaining steam. The Army decided to use it and I was "made" to create an account to manage the Army account for our Battalion and Brigade. (Seems about 2005 or so.) Back then my family asked why I'd have such an account. "I have to for work..." Smart aleck kids.. yeah sure Dad...

Fast forward to today. I have 42 friends. Mostly immediate Family members and a couple of people I was in the Army with and a couple I grew up with and that is it. (I do not even have one co-worker friended.)

My "kids" hundreds upon hundreds of people they very likely have NEVER met.
When I was with the Army Recruiting Command Facebook was just gaining steam. The Army decided to use it and I was "made" to create an account. (Seems about 2005 or so.) Back then my family asked why I'd have such an account. "I have to for work..." Smart aleck kids.. yeah sure Dad...

Fast forward to today. I have 42 friends. Mostly immediate Family members and a couple of people I was in the Army with and a couple I grew up with and that is it. (I do not even have one co-worker friended.)

My "kids" hundreds upon hundreds of people they very likely have NEVER met.
Were you with USAREC at command level or BDE or BN?

I like Paint Shop Pro Linky
Rooster, can you do anything with this old photo? This is the back of the house of my old home place. Mom took it about 1945. The trees behind the old 39 Mercury coupe are Australian pines and the trees to the right of them are orange trees. The house did not have electricity then or indoor plumbing. When the boys got back from WWII they added that. Thanks

I have got to get into this with my 100's of very old photos. It seems the details are much better in color

Good morning D!

Scum of the earth was in our neighborhood last night, our neighbor came over and told me to check our cars, theirs was broken into last night, ours were ok, we keep ours locked! Then we get a message that showed that some more were gotten into in our area, someone is going to get shot!!!!! Going to put a sign out on our tree that says Mr. Smith and Wesson lives here, do you want to take a chance!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day!!!!!
I know how you feel. I live way out in the country on a one lane road. Closest neighbors are my parents nearly a mile away. We have a shop and tool shed near my parents house, where we store our farm equipment. Had some items stolen in July. Have since put up a couple security cameras. Gonna be hard to keep me from shooting the first one I catch on camera.
Were you with USAREC at command level or BDE or BN?

All! I was at HQ at Knox and BDE, also an IMS and an IMO in SA at BN and BDE level along with another position or two. (Was a contractor for four years with USAREC too.)(I started with USAREC the day before 9/11 at Knox. Was last with USAREC in 2011 in SA.)
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I know how you feel. I live way out in the country on a one lane road. Closest neighbors are my parents nearly a mile away. We have a shop and tool shed near my parents house, where we store our farm equipment. Had some items stolen in July. Have since put up a couple security cameras. Gonna be hard to keep me from shooting the first one I catch on camera.
I hate a thief, oh how I hate a thief. Nothing gets me angrier than someone stealing.

If I have something you want and you need it more than me, you can have it. Just ask, don't steal it from me. I give away most of what I own it seems so stealing irritates me a little more than normal I guess.
I have a computer question. Do you know or recommend a program to change old black & white photos into colorized. This is a picture taken by my mother of the old home place that was changed into color and I was surprised at the quality and realism. It is just as my eyes remember it from my childhood. I would love to get my hands on something like that because I have 100's of old family photos, many are over 100 years old.




I'll put in a call to Ted Turner for you.
I hate a thief, oh how I hate a thief. Nothing gets me angrier than someone stealing.

If I have something you want and you need it more than me, you can have it. Just ask, don't steal it from me. I give away most of what I own it seems so stealing irritates me a little more than normal I guess.

Yes Sir, I am sure with you. I cannot stand a thief or a liar. I do not tolerate either.
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I hate a thief, oh how I hate a thief. Nothing gets me angrier than someone stealing.

If I have something you want and you need it more than me, you can have it. Just ask, don't steal it from me. I give away most of what I own it seems so stealing irritates me a little more than normal I guess.
We have lots of “dopeheads” I call them, running the road all night long. They steal in order to buy the drugs. I wouldn’t give them the time of day.
I hate a thief, oh how I hate a thief. Nothing gets me angrier than someone stealing.

If I have something you want and you need it more than me, you can have it. Just ask, don't steal it from me. I give away most of what I own it seems so stealing irritates me a little more than normal I guess.
Mrs. M was MAD! She said I'll shoot somebody!!!!!
Rooster, can you do anything with this old photo? This is the back of the house of my old home place. Mom took it about 1945. The trees behind the old 39 Mercury coupe are Australian pines and the trees to the right of them are orange trees. The house did not have electricity then or indoor plumbing. When the boys got back from WWII they added that. Thanks

I have got to get into this with my 100's of very old photos. It seems the details are much better in color

That picture brings back memories of when I was a kid and we'd visit my aunt (favorite aunt of many) and uncle in S. KY. Theiir house in the country was built up on blocks like that. Hot summer day and their two (maybe three) dogs spent the entire day under the house trying to cool off.

Loved going to their farm. Play in the big ol barn (if the tobacco wasn't drying), check out the smoke house, play down by the creek, shoot .22 rifle, pick watermelons from the garden, etc. All the things us city boys couldn't do at home.
We have lots of “dopeheads” I call them, running the road all night long. They steal in order to buy the drugs. I wouldn’t give them the time of day.

I don't consider myself a hard case but the elderly and children I will do about anything for in a second. An able-bodied man who is begging or won't work I'd be able to watch starve. (I can attest to what you can do if you get in a hopeless situation. I'd rather not eat than to beg. I'd easily go hungry. (Got down to 153 pounds once after knee surgery (In Middlesboro actually) and I had some hard luck. I know what I would do, I am not guessing what I would do, I know.)
I have zero social media except this site.
Same Here. I learn from validity, my opinion, is just that and subject to change but not up for negotiation or argument.
Scum of the earth was in our neighborhood last night, our neighbor came over and told me to check our cars, theirs was broken into last night, ours were ok, we keep ours locked! Then we get a message that showed that some more were gotten into in our area, someone is going to get shot!!!!! Going to put a sign out on our tree that says Mr. Smith and Wesson lives here, do you want to take a chance!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day!!!!!
Gun theft? Cowboy cure.
That picture brings back memories of when I was a kid and we'd visit my aunt (favorite aunt of many) and uncle in S. KY. Theiir house in the country was built up on blocks like that. Hot summer day and their two (maybe three) dogs spent the entire day under the house trying to cool off.

Loved going to their farm. Play in the big ol barn (if the tobacco wasn't drying), check out the smoke house, play down by the creek, shoot .22 rifle, pick watermelons from the garden, etc. All the things us city boys couldn't do at home.
That reminds me of the coon hunting story Jerry Clower used to tell, when the dogs came running out from under the porch. They knew we was going coon hunting. Love that story.
This is the truth. Anything that appears conservative may get you in facebook jail and the comment deleted. It is unreal but we see it on the political board too. We have lost a lot of good posters because of this. Some may never return and I don't really blame them

It always amazed me that liberals preach tolerance, but it doesn't apply to the opinions of conservatives.
Since some are discussing old photos, let me pose the question to all of you. Does anyone know a a person, or business, that converts 8 mm film to a disc? I found some old rolls of film from when I was a kid and thought that it would make a nice Christmas present for my sister.
Legacy Box is advertised on Rush's show but I have not used it. I have a bunch of tapes from the late 40's and early 50's my dad made. Lots of old UK ball games on them. Maybe some day

Legacy Box is advertised on Rush's show but I have not used it. I have a bunch of tapes from the late 40's and early 50's my dad made. Lots of old UK ball games on them. Maybe some day

Just looked online. It seems Costco also does these conversions. I convert a lot of media types but I don't have an 8mm player or I'd offer but doubt I could complete any large amount by Christmas. @Ben101er

May be worth a membership if there charges are not too much to convert. All it really takes is time if you have the equipment. (I usually start a project and just monitor it while doing something else too.)

Edit: Costco seems pricy but not sure how much film is 150 feet.

Costco conversion link
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I hate a thief, oh how I hate a thief. Nothing gets me angrier than someone stealing.

If I have something you want and you need it more than me, you can have it. Just ask, don't steal it from me. I give away most of what I own it seems so stealing irritates me a little more than normal I guess.
I'm with you on thieves. I've always heard "If it isn't worth working for, it isn't worth having".
It and other social media sure has changed our society. What a difference in the way people treat each other. You can insult and threaten people over the internet in ways you could never get away with face to face
Having a civilized conversation on social media is a rare thing nowadays. I don't care what you post, someone will take issue with it. Makes you realize a lot of people are either off their meds or need them prescribed.
Mrs. M was MAD! She said I'll shoot somebody!!!!!
The D, would just have to know Mrs. M and her saying that! We have been married for 22 years and we have had one argument and that was because I wouldn't question one of my kids deeper on something she did!!! But I will say this, I know when she is mad at me!!!!! I will also add, that I did not deserver this lady, but GOD granted my prayer when I asked GOD to send me someone that would love my kids as much as me!!!!! I really think she loves them more than me!!!!! Plus the grandchildren!!!!!
Since some are discussing old photos, let me pose the question to all of you. Does anyone know a a person, or business, that converts 8 mm film to a disc? I found some old rolls of film from when I was a kid and thought that it would make a nice Christmas present for my sister.
Walmart photo center should be able to do it for you Ben. Link
I have exactly five FB friends. One of which is my wife. Her FB posts (she actually doesn't post much) are the only way I know somewhat what's going on in the family. I laid down the rule years ago that unless it involves something I personally need to do something about I don't even want to know about the family drama (bunch of women). It has worked well. My wife threatened to block me last night because I caught her reporting something dumb that she had done (just answering a "few questions" and receive a free gift) and mentioned it to her (doh). She already regrets it as the sales calls come pouring in now to her cell phone which number she gave to them. I've had dozens of friend requests which I ignore.
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Just looked online. It seems Costco also does these conversions. I convert a lot of media types but I don't have an 8mm player or I'd offer but doubt I could complete any large amount by Christmas. @Ben101er

May be worth a membership if there charges are not too much to convert. All it really takes is time if you have the equipment. (I usually start a project and just monitor it while doing something else too.)

Edit: Costco seems pricy but not sure how much film is 150 feet.

Costco conversion link

Thanks. Costco doesn't seem too pricey, but I don't have a location close enough to me to warrant a membership.