
Any Lexington peeps have a good source for seasoned firewood? The dude I bought from last year was fast and decently priced, but the wood was too green. Preferably looking for someone who will deliver and stack it on my stoop for me.
Strange as it may seem with this being a UK sports site but I don't think any of the D-League lives in Lexington. I'm actually getting some wood delivered later this week from a guy in Oldham County but I doubt he'd deliver that far away.
Good evening D, got a call from Mrs. M today, she had a roll of nickels and on one end was a Buffalo , she wanted to know if I wanted it. I told her just go ahead and bring it home. It came in from the Feds. Anyway I unrolled it and there was another one in there too. Just barely could make out one was made in the 40's and no date on the other. The Buffalo nickel was the worse designed coin, the raised date was the first thing that wore off. I have a few, but more of them don't have a date than has one. Still a beautiful coin. Mercury dime is my favorite coin. I have found 4 metal detecting, with 1916 being the oldest!
Tomorrow marks the 35th anniversary of the Joe Theismann injury. I watched that game and damned if they didn't play it over and over ad nauseam. Still one of the most gruesome I've seen.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 44°F and clear. Today's high is projected at 79°F. Beautiful.

Happy Hump Day.
Tomorrow marks the 35th anniversary of the Joe Theismann injury. I watched that game and damned if they didn't play it over and over ad nauseam. Still one of the most gruesome I've seen.

Heard about the game, but missed viewing it. At the time, I was on duty at a remote missile site. No AFN TV. German media started covering American football during the early 90s. Ugh, injury looks horrible.

Wishing all our fellow D-League members happiness and health.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 44°F and clear. Today's high is projected at 79°F. Beautiful.

Happy Hump Day.

Heard about the game, but missed viewing it. At the time, I was on duty at a remote missile site. No AFN TV. German media started covering American football during the early 90s. Ugh, injury looks horrible.

Wishing all our fellow D-League members happiness and health.
Same here on remote site and missing that game.
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Morning D Legionnaires!

Prayers for all who need them (That would be all of us).

Yesterday, wife and I went to commissary for groceries and I suggested getting our turkey there and she complained that she would not pay $1.40 lb for a turkey so, we passed it by. She then looked at other places on the internet and found it for $.98 lb at Walmart. Wants to go there today after work to buy one. I then said, we will go several miles out of our way to buy a turkey for $.98 and spend a few bucks on gas to save maybe a couple of bucks on a turkey. She said "Yes". I just shook my head and said " Can't figure the mind of a woman" and she just chuckled.

Morning D Legionnaires!

Prayers for all who need them (That would be all of us).

Yesterday, wife and I went to commissary for groceries and I suggested getting our turkey there and she complained that she would not pay $1.40 lb for a turkey so, we passed it by. She then looked at other places on the internet and found it for $.98 lb at Walmart. Wants to go there today after work to buy one. I then said, we will go several miles out of our way to buy a turkey for $.98 and spend a few bucks on gas to save maybe a couple of bucks on a turkey. She said "Yes". I just shook my head and said " Can't figure the mind of a woman" and she just chuckled.
I've seen turkeys advertised around here for as low as .33 a pound. Tell the Mrs how much she could save if you guys drove from OK to OH to get one. 😊
Now, here's something other words you're not dead. A line or two from an email we got this morning from a health organization we've done some business with over the years. Advertising getting a flu shot....

'You deserve a round of applause! You’ve made it to November — despite all the challenges — in a year that feels like it will never end. We’re proud of you! Please take a moment to celebrate by doing something good for yourself.'
Good morning from what I consider a chilly Nature Coast

We have 46° at the present and we should reach 69°. The sunshine is bright with clear skies and a low for us of 65% humidity. And I still do not have any heat in my house. I am going to go as long as I can without it.

The lawn boy is mowing outside and the yard is getting a little tender loving care. I often think of poor Les Moore on a day like today. He never knew what hit him

Good morning from what I consider a chilly Nature Coast

We have 46° at the present and we should reach 69°. The sunshine is bright with clear skies and a low for us of 65% humidity. And I still do not have any heat in my house. I am going to go as long as I can without it.

The lawn boy is mowing outside and the yard is getting a little tender loving care. I often think of poor Les Moore on a day like today. He never knew what hit him

Have only had to use my heater for about a week during the Ice Age here. Most of the time when I wake up the house is around 68-70° with the outside temperature near 50°. Today's high will be around the mid 70's and will remain close to 70° for the next week or so. Saves on the electric bill.
Have only had to use my heater for about a week during the Ice Age here. Most of the time when I wake up the house is around 68-70° with the outside temperature near 50°. Today's high will be around the mid 70's and will remain close to 70° for the next week or so. Saves on the electric bill.
Exactly. With weather like that who needs a furnace?

My house does not have heat or a source of heat. I have a heat pump but it only has an AC mode. Last year the mother board for the controls went out and the AC man did not have a control with both heat and AC on his truck and said he would have to order it. He did have one for AC only so he put that one on for no charge. He told me to give him a call when I need some heat and he would come out and take care of it. That was July when heat was the further thought from my mind.

We still don't need any heat and I am going to go as long as I can without it. Last year I doubt we turned on the heat more than a couple of times and that was because my wife insisted on it. She over heats in the summer and chills in the winter. Women do that sort of thing
Another bright sunny day and currently 34.7°F on our way to 56°.

On heating our house: years ago the price of natural gas got high, so I installed two heat pumps with gas backup (emergency) heat. In the last few years natural gas is way, way cheaper to heat with than electricity on the heat pump. So I place it on emergency heat and enjoy the big savings.

You all enjoy your hump day.
I saw where the Governor of Pennsylvania is going to require masks inside your house if you have people from multiple households gathered. Should be easily enough to enforce:rolleyes:.
Just amazing how they think they can make these be required and enforce them. Just complete insanity in our country right now. A bunch of wannabe dictators trying tyranny on for size.
Exactly. With weather like that who needs a furnace?

My house does not have heat or a source of heat. I have a heat pump but it only has an AC mode. Last year the mother board for the controls went out and the AC man did not have a control with both heat and AC on his truck and said he would have to order it. He did have one for AC only so he put that one on for no charge. He told me to give him a call when I need some heat and he would come out and take care of it. That was July when heat was the further thought from my mind.

We still don't need any heat and I am going to go as long as I can without it. Last year I doubt we turned on the heat more than a couple of times and that was because my wife insisted on it. She over heats in the summer and chills in the winter. Women do that sort of thing

Women. Can't live with 'em and you can't live without 'em. Whatcha gonna do.

Morning D Legionnaires!

Prayers for all who need them (That would be all of us).

Yesterday, wife and I went to commissary for groceries and I suggested getting our turkey there and she complained that she would not pay $1.40 lb for a turkey so, we passed it by. She then looked at other places on the internet and found it for $.98 lb at Walmart. Wants to go there today after work to buy one. I then said, we will go several miles out of our way to buy a turkey for $.98 and spend a few bucks on gas to save maybe a couple of bucks on a turkey. She said "Yes". I just shook my head and said " Can't figure the mind of a woman" and she just chuckled.

Pick your battles brother Sir! Pick your battles...

Oh, A great morning to you all. May your day be filled with eternal riches. Joy unspeakable and full of glory!

Another bright sunny day and currently 34.7°F on our way to 56°.

On heating our house: years ago the price of natural gas got high, so I installed two heat pumps with gas backup (emergency) heat. In the last few years natural gas is way, way cheaper to heat with than electricity on the heat pump. So I place it on emergency heat and enjoy the big savings.

You all enjoy your hump day.
Our kitchen, dining and living room is all an open area. We have a fireplace and just close off the rest of the house. It will keep us warm enough without using our electric heat except while we sleep. I also get a daily workout during the winter months busting wood.
Looking forward to the end of Medicare enrollment period.
That and car warranty calls. I must get two or three a day and all from a different phone number. I always block the call but it doesn't stop them from using a new number.

I usually let them go to voicemail but this morning I answered one. I had a foreign sounding lady on the phone trying to sell me an extended warranty. She got about 10 words out before I let her go. What a horrible way to make a living.
  • Good Morning, All and Lurkers.
  • Happy Hump Day!
  • We have 37º in Cumming. Blanket cover to keep from freezing.
  • I took a break to listen to Tom Leach. Mack Jones was unbearable. Turned it off.
  • All posts have been liked.
  • Wildlife since Monday have been 9 sightings. Lola barked at the two that we saw this morning. Lola getting some sunbeams right now.
  • Clear and blue sky. Just beautiful.
  • SawneeCat: Hope you are healing and well. Good move on hiring out the lawn mowing. You need to take it very easy.
  • FCC called the other night. Woke me up. I fear he is still intoxicated. He is drinking himself to death. I called him back, but no answer. Poor thing. Pitiful.
  • When is rut?
  • That is it.
  • As you were.
  • Do carry on.
That and car warranty calls. I must get two or three a day and all from a different phone number. I always block the call but it doesn't stop them from using a new number.

I usually let them go to voicemail but this morning I answered one. I had a foreign sounding lady on the phone trying to sell me an extended warranty. She got about 10 words out before I let her go. What a horrible way to make a living.
I've gotten many of those warranty calls.
" " " " " Medicare " .
  • Good Morning, All and Lurkers.
  • Happy Hump Day!
  • We have 37º in Cumming. Blanket cover to keep from freezing.
  • I took a break to listen to Tom Leach. Mack Jones was unbearable. Turned it off.
  • All posts have been liked.
  • Wildlife since Monday have been 9 sightings. Lola barked at the two that we saw this morning. Lola getting some sunbeams right now.
  • Clear and blue sky. Just beautiful.
  • SawneeCat: Hope you are healing and well. Good move on hiring out the lawn mowing. You need to take it very easy.
  • FCC called the other night. Woke me up. I fear he is still intoxicated. He is drinking himself to death. I called him back, but no answer. Poor thing. Pitiful.
  • When is rut?
  • That is it.
  • As you were.
  • Do carry on.
Rut is in full swing here in Kentucky.
Pick your battles brother Sir! Pick your battles...

Oh, A great morning to you all. May your day be filled with eternal riches. Joy unspeakable and full of glory!

A little different type of church music from a time past. I remember first time I watched Cold Mountain I kept playing the church singing scene over and over. From the movie...The Sacred Harp Singers from Liberty Baptist Church in Henagar, AlL

I love old trees, Live Oaks and Cypress are two of my favorites. This one is located in Jacksonville near the St Johns River and is called the Treaty Oak.

The Treaty Oak is an octopus-like Southern live oak (Quercus virginiana) in Jacksonville, Florida. The tree is estimated to be 250 plus years old and may be the single oldest living thing in Jacksonville, predating the founding of the city by Isaiah Hart during the 1820s. It is located in Treaty Oak Park in the Southbank area of Downtown Jacksonville.


This picture of the old oak was taken in 1919.

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Morning D Legionnaires!

Prayers for all who need them (That would be all of us).

Yesterday, wife and I went to commissary for groceries and I suggested getting our turkey there and she complained that she would not pay $1.40 lb for a turkey so, we passed it by. She then looked at other places on the internet and found it for $.98 lb at Walmart. Wants to go there today after work to buy one. I then said, we will go several miles out of our way to buy a turkey for $.98 and spend a few bucks on gas to save maybe a couple of bucks on a turkey. She said "Yes". I just shook my head and said " Can't figure the mind of a woman" and she just chuckled.

Our Kroger had them for .49 lb. Well, Gov Andy just said that he is closing all the restaurants again after Friday. What really frosts me is that he said that in our homes, we can have our family and one other person. That is out and out communism when the govt thinks it can tell you what you can do inside your own home. He can bite me.
That and car warranty calls. I must get two or three a day and all from a different phone number. I always block the call but it doesn't stop them from using a new number.

I usually let them go to voicemail but this morning I answered one. I had a foreign sounding lady on the phone trying to sell me an extended warranty. She got about 10 words out before I let her go. What a horrible way to make a living.

On the car warranty calls, I tell them how much I want one, and how glad I am that they called. Then when they ask me about my car, I tell them I have a 1976 Chev. Vega, with 278,000 miles on it. They hang up without saying another word. If they can waste my time, I can waste theirs.
Good morning from what I consider a chilly Nature Coast

We have 46° at the present and we should reach 69°. The sunshine is bright with clear skies and a low for us of 65% humidity. And I still do not have any heat in my house. I am going to go as long as I can without it.

The lawn boy is mowing outside and the yard is getting a little tender loving care. I often think of poor Les Moore on a day like today. He never knew what hit him


I've seen that, in Tombstone. Interesting place.
On the car warranty calls, I tell them how much I want one, and how glad I am that they called. Then when they ask me about my car, I tell them I have a 1976 Chev. Vega, with 278,000 miles on it. They hang up without saying another word. If they can waste my time, I can waste theirs.
You sound like my brother. I don't answer the phone unless it's somebody we know that's in our Caller ID. Not going to waste my time. But my bro', he loves answering all these crap calls and doing what you do. String them along, give them a hard time, etc, etc.
You sound like my brother. I don't answer the phone unless it's somebody we know that's in our Caller ID. Not going to waste my time. But my bro', he loves answering all these crap calls and doing what you do. String them along, give them a hard time, etc, etc.

I don't usually answer them, either, but when you get 5 calls in one day from the same number, I finally get fed up.
Our Kroger had them for .49 lb. Well, Gov Andy just said that he is closing all the restaurants again after Friday. What really frosts me is that he said that in our homes, we can have our family and one other person. That is out and out communism when the govt thinks it can tell you what you can do inside your own home. He can bite me.
You are serious? I know you are but man that just seems wrong. When he closes the restaurants does he allow outside seating? Take out?

And telling you only one person plus your family in your home. How can a governor do that? SMH

Today I was coming back from the Gulf and noticed a lot of school buses with school kids going home. I thought to myself there are places in America where kids can't go to school because of government orders. Where are we headed with this.