
All I can say is that you are one lucky dude.:joy:

She's the lucky one. If it had been a noon game I would not be going. Final answer. Since she's been home I've found out that these two are already married! They did it last month out in Oregon. I'm going because all the hotty chicks from her office are going to be there. Sometimes there's a bright side.
She's the lucky one. If it had been a noon game I would not be going. Final answer. Since she's been home I've found out that these two are already married! They did it last month out in Oregon. I'm going because all the hotty chicks from her office are going to be there. Sometimes there's a bright side.
Wise man (if a little too horny). :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
She's the lucky one. If it had been a noon game I would not be going. Final answer.
What they used to say about pilots they might as well say about husbands, Ymmot: There are old husbands, and there are bold husbands but there are no old, bold husbands. Might as well learn now to mostly give her her way. You'll be happier in the long run. It took me years to figure this out.
What they used to say about pilots they might as well say about husbands, Ymmot: There are old husbands, and there are bold husbands but there are no old, bold husbands. Might as well learn now to mostly give her her way. You'll be happier in the long run. It took me years to figure this out.

She gets her way enough. But sometimes an adult decision has to be made and that's where I come in. [winking]
She gets her way enough. But sometimes an adult decision has to be made and that's where I come in. [winking]
That's true enough Ymmot. My wife would be shocked to hear me counseling guys to give wives their way. I doubt she sees me as the world's best example of that philosophy.

I hope the day is off to a good start D-Leaguers. I have an early morning dental appointment, so Tuesday is feeling a lot like Monday so far.

98°F Sunny, warm, & dry


Good morning and happy 2sD
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  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers.
  • 72º in Johns Creek. Light rain. We could use a good slow rain.
  • Tuesday.
  • South Carolina Saturday night. This will probably be a tough game. Can't wait.
  • Pine straw everywhere.
  • Goldfish & Koi fed.
  • Dark Magic tasty.
  • Finally got all of the Chocolate Malt cleaned up. What a mess that was!
  • Loving hearing Kentucky Football all over the sport's news.
  • Watch out for the IDMOs. They think they can drive 75-85 and still stop. Idiots.
  • As you were and Carry on.
Remember being a kid and going to the dentist, and being terrified you'd have to get fillings involving those air-powered drills punching through your enamel. And the whine of the drill was enough to cause your heart to start hammering, and you hated the novocaine shot. And then you could actually smell burning as the drill bit took hold...

But every once in a while you'd hear the dentist tell your mother, "His teeth look perfect. No cavities." And that was the kid equivalent to getting some unexpected huge bonus or extra week off work...

Well, it's still a damn good thing to be told all these years later. I think I'll skip my next appointment...
“Everyone is a moon and has a dark side, which he never shows to anybody.”

“We stopped checking for monsters under our bed when we realized they were inside us.”

“Hell is empty. All the devils are here.”

“There are some secrets, which do not permit themselves to be told.

“There is something at work in my soul, which I do not understand.”

“I fear not the dark itself, but what may lurk within it.”

“By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.”

"The scariest monsters are the ones that lurk within our souls."

“Danger doesn’t lurk at every corner. It’s just hanging out, waiting for fear and horror to show up.”
Got the table down off the platform today but not without incident. I knew that when I let one end down to the floor it would push the other way and I thought I prepared for it. Nope. It fell a little bit but it didn't hurt the table at all. It's like a rock. I did end up breaking a sawhorse though.

I've got the top clamped on it and sawed to its final size. Also sanded the whole thing. Tomorrow I'll put the screws to it and mark where I need to cut holes for the eggs and rout out for the stainless steel insert.

Oh yeah, all 8 of the casters are touching the floor and it's pretty easy to roll. Happy with that because it means it is level and square.