
39° this morning for us with a high in the upper 60's expected. I'll take it. Starts going back up through the weekend to the mid to upper 80's for next week. Good fishing weather so...

Had oral surgery yesterday for my next level of dental implants. Now must wait for it to heal before the tooth is installed. Will do 6 of the lower front teeth area when done with this one.

Had a young dental assistant yesterday who struggled to get the IV for anesthesia in my right arm so, he shifted to the left arm and struggled until a female assistant helped him do it. He must be new; I thought being a ginny pig for medical staff to get practice in was over after I retired from the military. (@AustinTXCat) Silly me. He was apologizing profusely until I told him to stop apologizing, I am used to pain, I have been married to a woman for over 24 years now. He looked at his female partner I guess expecting ire from her. Instead, she just laughed shook her head.

Well, normal hump day has been shifted to tomorrow for this week so, I will save that for tomorrow.

Have a great day and God Bless the D-league.
Good morning folks. Cold and clear in the east.

Warrior, your story reminds me of when my wife was training to make her life change from media to RN. I can’t count the times I had to let her practice drawing blood or inserting IV bags into my perfectly healthy veins. Lots of bruising. If anyone noted I’d make a joke about “battered husband syndrome.” She got the hang of it eventually but many patients were spared by my sacrifice.

Beautiful morning here. Stars are very bright —Sirius, Rigel, Arcturus, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Vega, many others I’ve forgotten or never knew. I hope to spend some nights again where you can really see the stars like in younger days in west Texas or Alaska or the Saudi desert or East Africa. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the Milky Way stretching out.

Hope you all have a good day.
Good morning folks. Cold and clear in the east.

Warrior, your story reminds me of when my wife was training to make her life change from media to RN. I can’t count the times I had to let her practice drawing blood or inserting IV bags into my perfectly healthy veins. Lots of bruising. If anyone noted I’d make a joke about “battered husband syndrome.” She got the hang of it eventually but many patients were spared by my sacrifice.

Beautiful morning here. Stars are very bright —Sirius, Rigel, Arcturus, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Vega, many others I’ve forgotten or never knew. I hope to spend some nights again where you can really see the stars like in younger days in west Texas or Alaska or the Saudi desert or East Africa. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the Milky Way stretching out.

Hope you all have a good day.
Agree with the view of the stars in a couple of those regions. I spent a month in Alaska for military winter training in the early 80's and for about a week in the mountains during the training. The view was amazing with the stars and Arora Borealis. In the Saudi desert even more so with the stars. Plus, with night vision one can get a better perspective to just how many stars fill the skies.
39° this morning for us with a high in the upper 60's expected. I'll take it. Starts going back up through the weekend to the mid to upper 80's for next week. Good fishing weather so...

Had oral surgery yesterday for my next level of dental implants. Now must wait for it to heal before the tooth is installed. Will do 6 of the lower front teeth area when done with this one.

Had a young dental assistant yesterday who struggled to get the IV for anesthesia in my right arm so, he shifted to the left arm and struggled until a female assistant helped him do it. He must be new; I thought being a ginny pig for medical staff to get practice in was over after I retired from the military. (@AustinTXCat) Silly me. He was apologizing profusely until I told him to stop apologizing, I am used to pain, I have been married to a woman for over 24 years now. He looked at his female partner I guess expecting ire from her. Instead, she just laughed shook her head.

Well, normal hump day has been shifted to tomorrow for this week so, I will save that for tomorrow.

Have a great day and God Bless the D-league.

Good morning folks. Cold and clear in the east.

Warrior, your story reminds me of when my wife was training to make her life change from media to RN. I can’t count the times I had to let her practice drawing blood or inserting IV bags into my perfectly healthy veins. Lots of bruising. If anyone noted I’d make a joke about “battered husband syndrome.” She got the hang of it eventually but many patients were spared by my sacrifice.

Beautiful morning here. Stars are very bright —Sirius, Rigel, Arcturus, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Vega, many others I’ve forgotten or never knew. I hope to spend some nights again where you can really see the stars like in younger days in west Texas or Alaska or the Saudi desert or East Africa. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the Milky Way stretching out.

Hope you all have a good day.



Ought to have daughter(s) try that stuff on you, yeah both... Want "pain", just sit and watch them laugh and giggle while sticking you... (They knew I handle needles well.) Yeah, they had a ball....

Thought I'd have issues when I had my physicals, drug tests... Looked like a pin cushion...

Good morning all,

At the house today working BUT, must attend a ceremony tomorrow in the Pentagon.. Sigh...


Ought to have daughter(s) try that stuff on you, yeah both... Want "pain", just sit and watch them laugh and giggle while sticking you... (They knew I handle needles well.) Yeah, they had a ball....

Thought I'd have issues when I had my physicals, drug tests... Looked like a pin cushion...

Good morning all,

At the house today working BUT, must attend a ceremony tomorrow in the Pentagon.. Sigh...



Combat life saver training and military doctors prepared me for yesterday's problems. Talk about pin cushion...
I guess people in KY will soon be able to buy legal pot. I guess it is just for medical, I haven't really followed it as I didn't figure it would effect me. Well, I have had my business property listed for sale for over a year with not a single looker. I have a cabin and six additional acres connected to the business property that is not listed. All of a sudden, we have a showing scheduled this Thursday and Friday. I think at least one and maybe both are for people connected to the legal pot. You could knock me down with a feather. Can't get my hopes to "high", but after a year with not a single showing...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 54°F, clear and calm. Today's high expected around 78°F. Gonna love this morning's walk. We actually received about two minutes light rain yesterday afternoon.

Unless something really wrong, I should find out MRI results next week. Stay tuned.

Wishing y'all another great day.

I guess people in KY will soon be able to buy legal pot. I guess it is just for medical, I haven't really followed it as I didn't figure it would effect me. Well, I have had my business property listed for sale for over a year with not a single looker. I have a cabin and six additional acres connected to the business property that is not listed. All of a sudden, we have a showing scheduled this Thursday and Friday. I think at least one and maybe both are for people connected to the legal pot. You could knock me down with a feather. Can't get my hopes to "high", but after a year with not a single showing...
Legal medical pot of course is a farce as many doctors prescribed it for their patients just to shut them up about it. It has been legal medically here in Oklahoma for a while now and people use it (smoke, eat, etc...) just about everywhere. About 1/4 of my softball team smoke it in the parking lot before games. They don't hide it. We have smoke shops on just about every major street corner in Lawton and in the small town I live in we have 3 shops. It's crazy, as soon as it was legalized medically, shops seemingly just sprung up overnight.
Good morning folks. Another cold clear day in the east.

Anybody happen to see the story of the British photojournalist Paul Lowe who came to the U.S. looking for his troubled 19-year-old son who had disappeared in California? He found the son near Los Angeles -but then his kid suddenly turned on him and stabbed him to death. A real horror story. The kid was deeply disturbed obviously. Easy to Google if interested in the details.

I knew the guy. I’d met him in Sarajevo 31 years ago, got to be friends, then saw him occasionally through the years in places like Rwanda and Kosovo. I found a photo last night of us at a camp on the Rwanda-Zaire border. What a terrible way for it all to end for the guy.

Last day downtown today. Pulling in to the subway station, so I’ll wish you all a good day.
I don't post, but I read on a St Louis baseball board. They were talking about Babe Ruth. No idea if it is true, but one guy tells a story that he says was told to him by Buck O'Neill (old time black player). He says on barnstorming teams, the blacks were paid a dollar a day. Sometimes Babe would travel with them and those times, they would get to split 1500 dollars among the black players.
Hollywood Boys Choir, 1973. From Top Left: Kent Mccord, Martin Milner, Charles Nelson Reilly, Ed Asner, Glenn Ford, Red Foxx, Jack Carter, Ernest Borgnine, John Wayne And Howard Cosell
May be an image of 7 people, trumpet and clarinet

All reactions:
I recall someone talking about Howard Cosell. They said something about Howard walking his pet rat. Also recall some bars would have a raffle. Win it and you get to throw a brick through the TV while Howard was on air.
I recall someone talking about Howard Cosell. They said something about Howard walking his pet rat. Also recall some bars would have a raffle. Win it and you get to throw a brick through the TV while Howard was on air.
Wow Sir,

I never got that impression from Howard. I was young though. My memories of him come from Ali-Cosell. (I loved the chemistry they had.) Later in the movie about Ali it was stated Cosell tipped off Ali about bad things the government was trying, to get Ali in some trouble when he objected to being drafted. (Not sure if the movie was accurate or not but I gained a respect for Cosell just out of that hoping it was true.)

One thing, I ALWAY liked Muhammad Ali... (He fought being drafted and serving but unlike Bill Clinton, he NEVER ran.) Had a good chance to meet him after he retired. I was young and may have been just before I entered the Army but it was not so important to me then... A serious regret. (I was introverted a lot back then though and stayed away from any spotlight(s).) Met Robin once (Burt Ward) when I was no more than about ten and rather than meet him, he was at a publicity event. (I hunkered down in the back of my Dad's car while he tried reaching in to shake my hand.) I was a Batman and Robin junky then too....and he was in costume. (Funny the things you remember.. That came up a lot through the years about meeting Burt.) Oh well... I am thankful... I sure lost my bashfulness though.... ;)
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Wow Sir,

I never got that impression from Howard. I was young though. My memories of him come from Ali-Cosell. (I loved the chemistry they had.) Later in the movie about Ali it was stated Cosell tipped off Ali about bad things the government was trying, to get Ali in some trouble when he objected to being drafted. (Not sure if the movie was accurate or not but I gained a respect for Cosell just out of that hoping it was true.)

One thing, I ALWAY liked Muhammad Ali... (He fought being drafted and serving but unlike Bill Clinton, he NEVER ran.) Had a good chance to meet him after he retired. I was young and may have been just before I entered the Army but it was not so important to me then... A serious regret. (I was introverted a lot back then though and stayed away from any spotlight(s).) Met Robin once (Burt Ward) when I was no more than about ten and rather than meet him, he was at a publicity event. (I hunkered down in the back of my Dad's car while he tried reaching in to shake my hand.) I was a Batman and Robin junky then too....and he was in costume. (Funny the things you remember.. That came up a lot through the years about meeting Burt.) Oh well... I am thankful... I sure lost my bashfulness though.... ;)
Some liked Howard and some hated him. He was a controversial figure.

Yes, I really liked Ali. I volunteered to go and he fought it, but I respected that. The heavyweight champ wasn't going to war. He would have entertained the troops or something. He fought it (right or wrong , i don't know) on principle. Don't know if you know, but he saw the wrestler Gorgeous George wrestle in Louisville. He said it was a full house and the fans were all excited. He said it didn't matter whether the fans loved or hated George because they all paid money to see him. All Ali saw was dollar signs. That is where Ali got his act.

Another reason I liked him is his work ethic. I don't recall the details, but I read a book that talked about his routine in his prime when preparing for a fight. The mileage run, the sparring, the jumping rope, everything, he way out worked everyone else. In his prime he built a fantastic camp to work out in up in the mountains without distractions. When it opened, he took a group of reporters on a tour. There was a pathway where he often ran. Every so often there was a huge rock with a champions name on it. At the end a reporter asked, "there is a rock with the name of every champion except you. Where is your rock? Ali answered, " This whole mountain is mine."
I met Ali a couple of times when I was a kid living in Louisville where I grew up. He was friends with and visited the neighbors at the end of my block a couple of times and when he did, the boy who lived there would let the local kids know when he was coming. We ran down to their house and waited and he (Ali) would talk to us for a few minutes before he went into the house. He was and is my all-time favorite fighter or course.
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I don't post, but I read on a St Louis baseball board. They were talking about Babe Ruth. No idea if it is true, but one guy tells a story that he says was told to him by Buck O'Neill (old time black player). He says on barnstorming teams, the blacks were paid a dollar a day. Sometimes Babe would travel with them and those times, they would get to split 1500 dollars among the black players.
I met Mr. O'Neill on a plane after seeing the Ken Burns baseball TV series in which he literally stole the show with his stories. I'd heard the name prior to that series, but didn't know anything about him. This must have in late-90s.

I was on a business trip returning from KC and he was already seated. I immediately recognized him & stopped & introduced myself & told him how great he was on the series. He was surprised/startled - apparently that anyone would recognize an old black man. I was pumped meeting him. I told the 3-4 others I was with who he was & explained his relevance. They looked at me like l was nuts being so excited. Apparently they never saw the TV series, knew who the hell he was, nor were baseball fans. I was on cloud nine all the way home. Also met Mr. October at spring training in AZ as the A's were staying in the same hotel as my group and I had breakfast at the next table. Again, the others with me weren't baseball fans & didn't GAS, but me, tickled pink.
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I recall someone talking about Howard Cosell. They said something about Howard walking his pet rat. Also recall some bars would have a raffle. Win it and you get to throw a brick through the TV while Howard was on air.
I still recall a Monday Night Game that Cosell, Gifford, & Meredith were doing. Late in 4Q, it was a blowout ,and the camera was panning the stands for the few fans left as just something to show. Big as day, one guy flips the camera the bird. So Meredith chimes in with, "He says we're No. 1". Haven't ever laughed harder than at that.
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Wow Sir,

I never got that impression from Howard. I was young though. My memories of him come from Ali-Cosell. (I loved the chemistry they had.) Later in the movie about Ali it was stated Cosell tipped off Ali about bad things the government was trying, to get Ali in some trouble when he objected to being drafted. (Not sure if the movie was accurate or not but I gained a respect for Cosell just out of that hoping it was true.)

One thing, I ALWAY liked Muhammad Ali... (He fought being drafted and serving but unlike Bill Clinton, he NEVER ran.) Had a good chance to meet him after he retired. I was young and may have been just before I entered the Army but it was not so important to me then... A serious regret. (I was introverted a lot back then though and stayed away from any spotlight(s).) Met Robin once (Burt Ward) when I was no more than about ten and rather than meet him, he was at a publicity event. (I hunkered down in the back of my Dad's car while he tried reaching in to shake my hand.) I was a Batman and Robin junky then too....and he was in costume. (Funny the things you remember.. That came up a lot through the years about meeting Burt.) Oh well... I am thankful... I sure lost my bashfulness though.... ;)
Young woman engineer I worked with sat next to Ali after he'd retired on a plane from his home in MI to Cincy to connect to LV. She had nothing but good things to say about him from talking.

I never had a problem with Cosell though I thought he was FOS at times. That was his job.
I met Mr. O'Neill on a plane after seeing the Ken Burns baseball TV series in which he literally stole the show with his stories. I'd heard the name prior to that series, but didn't know anything about him. This must have in late-90s.

I was on a business trip returning from KC and he was already seated. I immediately recognized him & stopped & introduced myself & told him how great he was on the series. He was surprised/startled - apparently that anyone would recognize an old black man. I was pumped meeting him. I told the 3-4 others I was with who he was & explained his relevance. They looked at me like l was nuts being so excited. Apparently they never saw the TV series, knew who the hell he was, nor were baseball fans. I was on cloud nine all the way home. Also met Mr. October at spring training in AZ as the A's were staying in the same hotel as my group and I had breakfast at the next table. Again, the others with me weren't baseball fans & didn't GAS, but me, tickled pink.
Re Reggie Jackson. They came out with a Reggie candy bar back when he was with the Yankees. A reporter asked a teammate (Craig Nettles I think) what they thought a bout it. He said, "I had one once. It opened itself up and told me how good it was."
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