
Good morning from ATX. Currently 60°F and clear.

Power outage. We lost electricity. Believe truck hit a power poll. Using smartphone to connect.

Monday, Monday.... Y'all have a great day.

St. Magnus Cathedral. Coming up on 900 years old. Located downtown Kirkwall, Orkney


Morning Legionnaires!

58° this morning with light winds. Today's high to be in the low 90's with plenty of sunshine. Supposed to return back to the triple digits by the weekend. Hope not.

Manic Monday? I hope not but if so, here is some eye candy and music to help ease the start.

Be safe out there grinders and God Bless.

Morning Legionnaires!

58° this morning with light winds. Today's high to be in the low 90's with plenty of sunshine. Supposed to return back to the triple digits by the weekend. Hope not.

Manic Monday? I hope not but if so, here is some eye candy and music to help ease the start.

Be safe out there grinders and God Bless.
She's still hot at 65.
Good morning folks. Sunny, clear and actually chilly this morning during my run. This streak of fall weather has already lasted about two weeks, effectively ending summer in late August. Fine with me.

Back to work. Not a fan of Mondays at all, and already hit with some depressing assignments to attend to this week. Ah well, in a year when I retire I'll probably lament having no place to be.

You folks have a good day.
Good morning folks. Sunny, clear and actually chilly this morning during my run. This streak of fall weather has already lasted about two weeks, effectively ending summer in late August. Fine with me.

Back to work. Not a fan of Mondays at all, and already hit with some depressing assignments to attend to this week. Ah well, in a year when I retire I'll probably lament having no place to be.

You folks have a good day.
You have to do something when you retire. I am 77 and I still work, just fewer hours and only when I want to. My only real hobbies were sports and I am to old for that now. I guess working is my hobby now. Part of it is there were health related things, but I worked for ten years at a large plant and they said the average retiree there only lived 19 months. You have to stay busy.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and clear. Today's high expected around 93°F. Heat ratcheting back up between now and Friday.

In addition to chemo, received a magnesium infusion yesterday. Felt like a brand new man thereafter. Stayed up until 9 pm last night. Usually crash and burn after supper. More of it, please.

Working today. Wishing y'all a good one.

Grocery shelf and prices at Tesco in Kirkwall. Multiply by roughly 1.31 for amount in dollars.

Good morning folks. Cloudy and cool in the east.

Hurrying to work. Not much going on for me outside the office right now.

Austin, I don’t know what to make of those prices since I don’t buy many instant cookie, muffin or cake mixes. You could tell me any price from two to ten dollars was fair for a Betty Crocker cake mix and I’d believe it.

Have a good day folks.
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Good morning all,

Working from home today. Do not plan to be back in DC until at least next Thursday. Taking some leave starting Friday through Wednesday. (I need it.)

My SIL (My Darlings older sister.) and BIL are coming for a visit Friday from Radcliff. Am really looking forward to it. Plan on showing them the town, taking them to some good food, and maybe hitting the Naval Recreation Center in Maryland for a day. (Heard the crab and croaker are biting.) Only about 80 miles away too. (We shall see.)

Hope your day today is special in a great way.