
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and partly cloudy. Today's high may reach 88°F.

Must run errands and clean out back room after a walk. May catch some Olympic action later on.

Wishing y'all a great day.

Flight 4 of 10, which transported me from Reykjavik to Akureyi. Comparatively smooth, actually.

Good morning folks.

Thats an interesting tip Bert. I’ll try that.

Beautiful day in the east. Back from a long run, and destroying a large piece of ice cold, sweet crisp watermelon. Damn, that’s good.

We have reservations at a favorite steakhouse tonight. The place makes the best key lime pie I’ve had north of Islamorada. So it’ll be a good day.

Wishing all of you the same.

Morning Sports Fans!

Got home at around 3am this morning as we did not make it to the championship. We lost our first game by 2 runs and 3rd game by 3 (double elimination tournament). We won the 2nd game by 4. I hit my first and only home run of the year in our second game (not a home run hitter, just base hits normally). But, for context, the field had 250 ft. fence instead of the standard 300ft we normally play on so... However, my teammates noted that it would easily have gone out on our standard fields we generally play on, and they were right. It was a line shot that was still rising went it went over the fence. Don't know where the power came from, but I will take it. Wind was blowing in so that was not a factor either.

You folks enjoy your weekend and Go USA! (Olympics).
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 76°F and cloudy. Today's high expected around 89°F. Our lovely 80s nearly over. 90s begin tomorrow. Lovely while it lasted.

Sent Icelandic "care package" off to daughter/granddaughter yesterday AM. $28 shipping cost for 2.3 lb package. Damn near suffered a stroke upon seeing delivery price. Drove out to Bastrop Buc-ee's yesterday for fudge and petrol. Nice little jaunt. Finished day with Rudy's BBQ pickup.

Watched Knox Goes Away last night with wife. Very enjoyable. Reminiscent of what I'm currently enduring with memory lapses.

Wish y'all a peaceful Sunday.

More Game of Thrones action from near Silfra Rift, Þingvellir National Park, Iceland

Good morning folks.

Very nice steak dinner last night, perfectly cooked and seasoned piece of quality new york strip, a caesar salad and some sauteed spinach with a generous piece of key lime pie for dessert. Then my wife and I watched a passably engaging horror movie, 'Talk To Me,' before sleeping soundly. Got up early and knocked off a four mile run, three mile walk.

I'm heading over the the subway to ride downtown. I think I'll hit the Natural History Museum's paleontology and anthropology rooms while my wife is spending time with her brother's sister at a luncheon. Its a mild and sunny day in the east. Good weekend so far.

My younger daughter is in Peru with her travel-loving boyfriend. I laid out an itinerary for them starting in Cusco, and including the narrow gauge train along the Urubamba River to the foot of the mountain where the ruins are hidden. I did the trip back in the 1990s while writing about the Sendero Luminoso -- the Shining Path guerrillas. They'd been causing problems while led to me having a very nice, uncrowded look around Macchu Picchu. The government had closed it to tourists but I was able to hook onto a small party allowed to make the trip. It's one of those places that doesn't disappoint.

Hope everyone is having a good day.
Good morning folks.

Very nice steak dinner last night, perfectly cooked and seasoned piece of quality new york strip, a caesar salad and some sauteed spinach with a generous piece of key lime pie for dessert. Then my wife and I watched a passably engaging horror movie, 'Talk To Me,' before sleeping soundly. Got up early and knocked off a four mile run, three mile walk.

I'm heading over the the subway to ride downtown. I think I'll hit the Natural History Museum's paleontology and anthropology rooms while my wife is spending time with her brother's sister at a luncheon. Its a mild and sunny day in the east. Good weekend so far.

My younger daughter is in Peru with her travel-loving boyfriend. I laid out an itinerary for them starting in Cusco, and including the narrow gauge train along the Urubamba River to the foot of the mountain where the ruins are hidden. I did the trip back in the 1990s while writing about the Sendero Luminoso -- the Shining Path guerrillas. They'd been causing problems while led to me having a very nice, uncrowded look around Macchu Picchu. The government had closed it to tourists but I was able to hook onto a small party allowed to make the trip. It's one of those places that doesn't disappoint.

Hope everyone is having a good day.


Hello all,

Just busy busy here... Take care...
This ol' board is slowing down for the summer.

A fairly slow day for me, working from home.

Continue to battle with a horde of small wasps with sharp stingers -- at least according to my wife who has been hit twice and swelled up both times.

They seem to be everywhere -- I've knocked down a half dozen small nests under my porch after dousing them with poison spray. And I must have shot down two hundred out of the air with this foamy spray my wife bought, but I don't think you can beat them by killing them retail. That theory hasn't worked from the Chosin Reservoir to Khe Sanh to Fallujah. It looks like they've crawled or gnawed into a little seam between my porch and a new door I had installed into the house. I was going to seal that up with caulk, but I read that was a bad idea, that they would do more damage escaping from the tomb...Ah well. I'm very good at ignoring problems until they go away. We'll have a deep freeze here in 90 days or so. That'll take care of it.

Hope you all manage to ignore all your problems.
I use dawn dish detergent and water, not an instant kill but don't take long!
Good morning folks. It is a partly cloudy 73°F on our way to a warm 88°F and 30% chance of rain. Yesterday we ended up with .68 inches which is really good for late July.

I watched the USA basketball team and actually enjoyed it. I do not watch the NBA and so it was different than I expected.

You all enjoy the start of a new week.
Damn, what a Monday morning. Started work around 7am and just hitting a lull to catch my breath.

It was a nice weekend and the milder weather is holding so far today. It was really beautiful and about 65 degrees for a light run this morning.

Not much else aside from work problems. Hope all is well with you folks.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 79°F and cloudy. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high expected around 94°F. Couple more months remain of this misery.

Co-worker's son got into a car accident. She left abruptly at 9:15 am yesterday. Hope he's okay.

Jacked around with Oculus viewer yesterday. Messy until you figure it out.

President Biden visited ATX yesterday to commemorate signing of civil rights act. Created chaos downtown.

Wishing y'all another outstanding day.

Good morning folks. Running a little late today. Still on the subway instead of at the office. I guess I needed some extra sleep.

Rainy, overcast day. Still pretty warm so sticky as hell between the moments of light rain.

Just grinding out work for the next couple days. Nothing much to report. Have a good one.
Good morning folks. Hot and muggy in the east.

Heading into DC on the subway. An ordinary day.

Talked to my daughter last night. She was getting on the train to Macchu Picchu. And my son was waiting to hear from a Fish and Wildlife office in South Dakota. They’d put out a call for volunteers to help with a problem and he was going to head up there. It’s great to be young and on an adventure. Hell, it’s good to be old and on an adventure. I’m planning some as soon as I set this job aside.

Pulling into my subway station. Hope it’s a good day for all of you.
Good morning everyone

With all the rain this week I stayed here at the house and getting some honey dos completed in between the rains. Going good so far. We did see a bear Saturday while the 3 year old great niece was here. It's not her first one but I don't think she remembers the others. I got to watch the little bear dig out a yellow jacket's nest about 75 yards from the house. It went at it hard until he didn't. It took off in a big hurry for some reason. lol Gas and match (well, not a match) worked great on them later that night.

My sister has a teenage S. Korean exchange student through 4-H at her house for a couple of weeks. I hope it's a good experience for her 3 adopted kids from there. I won't have a chance to get up to central KY to meet him.

It's still a few months til the Bball season gets going. I sure hope FB season gets here quick to fill in the gap.

I hope everyone has a great day.

Morning Legionnaires!

80° this morning with light winds and a high of 104° expected.

Taking wife to a routine doctor's appointment this morning followed by breakfast wherever I want (was thinking IHOP). Turned 67 today so... my choice. Will have a full day of work around the house tomorrow before shifting to her birthday (51) on Saturday (makes it easy to remember) so, it will be her choice. Cake and ice cream for days, yes!

Gearing up for football (college and Pro) at the end of the month but until then, Olympics and Little League World Series. I always watch both. For those wondering, E, USA, and NBC networks along with Peacock channels are showing the Olympics.

For those traveling and working today, be careful out there and God Bless.
Good morning folks.

Sunny and warm in the east. Crazy that it is already August. It feels like this summer was just starting, and now we can see the end down there at the end of the month. At least I got in some visits to home, and to my kids in Texas and Kansas City. And we’ll hit the beach in Delaware for a long weekend before summer’s gone.

Heading in to work. Hope you all have a good day.

Morning Legionnaires!

80° this morning with light winds and a high of 104° expected.

Taking wife to a routine doctor's appointment this morning followed by breakfast wherever I want (was thinking IHOP). Turned 67 today so... my choice. Will have a full day of work around the house tomorrow before shifting to her birthday (51) on Saturday (makes it easy to remember) so, it will be her choice. Cake and ice cream for days, yes!

Gearing up for football (college and Pro) at the end of the month but until then, Olympics and Little League World Series. I always watch both. For those wondering, E, USA, and NBC networks along with Peacock channels are showing the Olympics.

For those traveling and working today, be careful out there and God Bless.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 79°F and clear. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high expected around 100°F. Bah!

- Belated Happy Birthday to @warrior-cat . Wishing you many, many more.

- Took our 2019 Nissan Rogue in for service yesterday at dealership. $496 = total bill. Rear brakes, oil and tire rotation. Vehicle only has 11,800 miles on it. Our 2013 Nissan Frontier shows 32,000 miles. We drive very little. May sell Frontier soon. Purchased both vehicles new.

- Reserved Thanksgiving flight on Lufthansa yesterday. Depart November 25 at 4 PM and arrive in Frankfurt Germany 26 Nov at 6:30 am local. Return December 5 at 10 am local. Flight cost = $1,015 round trip and is direct. Already contacted former sister in-law about purchasing a turkey. I'll send her Euros next month via Geld überweisen.

Happy Friday, y'all.

Good morning folks. Happy Friday.

Working from home today. It is sunny and hot in the east.

Slow weekend planned, which is fine. If I'm feeling like it, I may drive up to the passes of South Mountain and walk a few miles of the Appalachian Trial that follows roughly the Confederate lines during the battles in 1862 that led up to Antietam between Crampton's Gap and Fox and Turner's gaps. There are some really nice little towns scattered up through that part of western Maryland, West Virginia and VIrginia. I always seem to find some little cafe right out of Andy Griffith's Mayberry.

Gotta get some work done before then. Take care everyone.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 79°F and clear. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high expected around 100°F. Bah!

- Belated Happy Birthday to @warrior-cat . Wishing you many, many more.

- Took our 2019 Nissan Rogue in for service yesterday at dealership. $496 = total bill. Rear brakes, oil and tire rotation. Vehicle only has 11,800 miles on it. Our 2013 Nissan Frontier shows 32,000 miles. We drive very little. May sell Frontier soon. Purchased both vehicles new.

- Reserved Thanksgiving flight on Lufthansa yesterday. Depart November 25 at 4 PM and arrive in Frankfurt Germany 26 Nov at 6:30 am local. Return December 5 at 10 am local. Flight cost = $1,015 round trip and is direct. Already contacted former sister in-law about purchasing a turkey. I'll send her Euros next month via Geld überweisen.

Happy Friday, y'all.

And International Beer Day.
Hello all,

Been working, and working, and working.... At work and at home...

I am not complaining, just stating fact.

I did receive my Kentucky Colonel documentation and Certificate today. A real good feeling. Doing some research into this and enjoying so far.

I do hope all is going well for you all... Have a great rest of your day and enjoy the weekend....
Morning folks. It is cloudy and 70.7°F on our way to a muggy 88°F but only 4% chance of rain. We ended up with .89" the last two nights. That is good for my weeds.

I plan on watching the team USA later today, I will probably dvr it to get through the crap I don't want to here.

@MdWIldcat55 our Wall Street Journal man got back yesterday, I thought of you. What a sham Russia is today. Putin is horrible.

You all have a good Saturday.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and clear. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high expected at roughly 101°F.

Working out remaining details for Scotland trip. May visit Bamberg and a day in Austria or Belgium or Czech Republic during upcoming Germany stop.

USA Men's Basketball plays at 10:15 am. 🇺🇲 We'll watch.

Headed out for a hike soon. Wishing y'all an awesome Saturday.

Good morning folks. Hot and sunny in the east. Just back from my long Saturday run and am literally moaning with pleasure so loud my wife told me to knock it off as I demolish a huge center slice of perfectly sweet and crisp watermelon. You are, of course, supposed to stay hydrated during a run but I gave that up long ago, end my turns totally dehydrated, then can feel my cells plumping up from the melon juice.

Bert, I agree that it was good that the journalist got to come home. I had mixed feelings about it, considering the horrible people we had to let go. No good answer —I don’t agree with the premise that journalists should just stay out of places where they might get unfairly detained. That’s just allowing any asshole like Putin or Saddam or Muslim extremists to set the agenda and hide the truth by shutting down negative coverage.

I was in Baghdad in 1990 just a few months after the Iraqis hanged a British journalist —a UK citizen of Iranian ancestry, claiming he was a spy. The spying charges were bullshit. It was pure murder. And I had lunch with a small group of journalists in Islamabad which included Danny Pearl shortly before he was kidnapped and murdered. Tragic prices to pay to do a job they believed in.

I’m glad to be able to sit on the back porch and decimate a melon. Hope it’s a good day for you folks.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and clear. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high expected at roughly 101°F.

Working out remaining details for Scotland trip. May visit Bamberg and a day in Austria or Belgium or Czech Republic during upcoming Germany stop.

USA Men's Basketball plays at 10:15 am. 🇺🇲 We'll watch.

Headed out for a hike soon. Wishing y'all an awesome Saturday.

Since yesterday was International Beer Day, today is also International Hangover Day. 😂