
I was stationed near Izmir at the foot of the Taurus mountains. Some of us would do an occasional hike into the mountains. Beautiful scenery and you would normally see a camel caravan or two. Another time, we went way up in the mountains For a week or so on a mission. the villages had no electricity and we would see sheep herders with their flocks and dogs. At night you would hear the wolves howling.
I hope that was a calm time during your service so you could enjoy it somewhat. I think I'll just stick with the Appalachian mountains.
Funny story from Saturday, we went to see the movie Twister, as we were walking out there is a couple setting to the side, he young man was wearing an Arkansas t-shirt, I saw a guy with a Kentucky shirt on, he walks up to the young man and says, I just want to thank y'all from the bottom of my heart for taking coach cow off our hands, we really appreciate it!!! As we walked away, both of them were laughing and shaking hands!!