My Darling never misses choir and church. She and the BB are still out. I left them alone. Drinking coffee with a new bag of coconut powder, cinnamon, cacao powder, and half& half.... Not bad, on my second cup minus the cinnamon and cacao powder.
Here are a few pics of food, this guy farms his own oysters. Scallops, and other delicacies. This mess is called shaboo shaboo (Spelled phonetically.) (Kind of Japanese in nature but with a Korean twist.
This is kind of a "pot licker" type soup base. You then add what you want to eat to the soup, cook it and enjoy, then cook another mess...
Our hosts preparation of some oysters: Had platters and platters of these. (Had my share.)
Nearer the end of eating:
Scallop's and "Shrimp's"... (With a little squid. I only normally do dried squid.)
Some of the other items to include finely sliced Ribeye... (We each had our own pot to cook and eat from.)
The white mushrooms, I grew to love these types while in Korea... Just ate'em all..
The BB had a good time though he was the only young'un. He had a lot of people enjoying him... (Boy is about to lose his first tooth.)
This is where we were at: (Nearly all side roads during the drive but it was scenic to state the least...)
Have a blessed day...