
I think Cal has run his course here and should move on. I am not as disappointed as I would have been in the past. After a "surprise" loss like this (years gone by, not now) I would be feeling depressed the next morning and could not wait for the next game to right the ship. Now, I almost expect this to happen so, the next game is just that, the next game.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 54°F and windy. Expect today's high around 62°F. More rain expected by Friday. We sure need some.

I've got COVID cough. Heading to doctor later this morning. Hopefully all turns out well.

Monday, Monday.....

Always like hearing Military talk from you guys!!! I worked at Dyno Nobel, made det-cord. We also made cord for the Military. Any of you Veterans use any 1-E or M-50?We also made some called A-Pods,, I think it was used in a rocket propelled set up for breaching areas. Correct me if I am wrong. Thank you Veterans, Honor and Respect!!!
Good morning folks.

Another work week upon us. Good weekend despite the Cats. Enjoyed the Delaware coast. Even on a cold day being on a long stretch of beach with no other people as far as the eye can see is an interesting experience.

Heading out to get a bit of exercise. Hope you retired folks are appreciating the freedom to do anything or nothing today. Looking forward to that.
Always like hearing Military talk from you guys!!! I worked at Dyno Nobel, made det-cord. We also made cord for the Military. Any of you Veterans use any 1-E or M-50?We also made some called A-Pods,, I think it was used in a rocket propelled set up for breaching areas. Correct me if I am wrong. Thank you Veterans, Honor and Respect!!!
Used a lot of det-cord when stationed at the 4th USAFAD special weapons unit in Germany. Set up emergency destruct training scenarios and actually destroyed old explosives (C-4, crater bombs, shape charges, M18 claymores, etc...) that were approaching their shelf-life end. Used blasting caps, time fuses and M60 ignitors to complete the task. Destroyed so much at one time on one of those days getting rid of old explosives that we had big chunks of ground and rocks flying around. Had to take cover behind trees and military trucks we had there. Shook a few doors and windows in a neighboring town so much so, it shattered a couple of windows and cracked a door or two and a couple of walls. Got back to my unit and the commander asked, "What the hell did you do?"

He had given me a time limit to get back to the unit by 1300 and I not only had our old explosives but also those of another unit (a couple of truck loads) that was part of our group so...I had a lot of old explosives. Blew one truck load at a time. It was quite powerful.

We had to visit the town to see the damage and report back to our command. My commander told me later he would never give me a time limit like that again and later came up with a limit to how much we could blow up at one time.

Live and learn I guess. :p
Good morning folks.

Another work week upon us. Good weekend despite the Cats. Enjoyed the Delaware coast. Even on a cold day being on a long stretch of beach with no other people as far as the eye can see is an interesting experience.

Heading out to get a bit of exercise. Hope you retired folks are appreciating the freedom to do anything or nothing today. Looking forward to that.
6 Saturday's and a Sunday for this retired bum!!!
Good morning folks.

Another work week upon us. Good weekend despite the Cats. Enjoyed the Delaware coast. Even on a cold day being on a long stretch of beach with no other people as far as the eye can see is an interesting experience.

Heading out to get a bit of exercise. Hope you retired folks are appreciating the freedom to do anything or nothing today. Looking forward to that.
Come on in, the water's fine.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 54°F and windy. Expect today's high around 62°F. More rain expected by Friday. We sure need some.

I've got COVID cough. Heading to doctor later this morning. Hopefully all turns out well.

Monday, Monday.....

Hope you get over that cough.............when I came down with Covid I lost my taste and smell...................after about eight months I started to get both smell and taste back.......then last Oct I got Covid again and lost both senses again........I cook by taste........
Used a lot of det-cord when stationed at the 4th USAFAD special weapons unit in Germany. Set up emergency destruct training scenarios and actually destroyed old explosives (C-4, crater bombs, shape charges, M18 claymores, etc...) that were approaching their shelf-life end. Used blasting caps, time fuses and M60 ignitors to complete the task. Destroyed so much at one time on one of those days getting rid of old explosives that we had big chunks of ground and rocks flying around. Had to take cover behind trees and military trucks we had there. Shook a few doors and windows in a neighboring town so much so, it shattered a couple of windows and cracked a door or two and a couple of walls. Got back to my unit and the commander asked, "What the hell did you do?"

He had given me a time limit to get back to the unit by 1300 and I not only had our old explosives but also those of another unit (a couple of truck loads) that was part of our group so...I had a lot of old explosives. Blew one truck load at a time. It was quite powerful.

We had to visit the town to see the damage and report back to our command. My commander told me later he would never give me a time limit like that again and later came up with a limit to how much we could blow up at one time.

Live and learn I guess. :p

Who'd a thunk it from you... 😉
Hope you get over that cough.............when I came down with Covid I lost my taste and smell...................after about eight months I started to get both smell and taste back.......then last Oct I got Covid again and lost both senses again........I cook by taste........
I largely lost my sense of smell. Taste still there, thankfully
I largely lost my sense of smell. Taste still there, thankfully
The first time around everything had a chalky taste......this time when it started again I have the sensation of saltiness......I drink black seems salty but.......I hope it comes back again.....eating has become a chore.....I have went down a waist 6'-5", 215 lbs....... I don't have a lot of extra to lose.......
I'm the opposite of most people. There are precious few foods I like. I mostly eat because of hunger and one has to eat to live. I had a few Ritz crackers and water for supper last night. It was plenty. I used to like a cold beer, but no more. My son inlaw visited over the summer and left a case of Miller Lite. I drank one (and didn't really like it). I gave the rest to the guys at the volunteer fire dept which is near my shop.
Good morning folks.

Cold again in the east. Heading downtown today.

Sad news about Toby Keith —I wasnt a big fan, he’s not the generation of country music for me. But awfully young to go.

Cats have a chance to take a baby step in the right direction in a tough place to play tonight. I hope they do. No Wagner or Mitchell apparently.

Have a good day folks.
Had something small and trivial happen yesterday that just made my day. Was driving home from shopping (honey do list) when just before driving in front of my house and turning in, a Road Runner dashed out of the grass from the field across from our homes on our street. He was booking it too so as not to be run over by me. I slowed down for a bit to watch him go between my neighbor's house and the house next to his on the other side. He was hauling ass. Cracked me up. Had me singing the road runner song and saying Meep! Meep! as I was getting out or the car. Daughter was opening the inside door to the garage and said: "Why are you singing that" When I told her she wanted to go around the back easement area and over behind the neighbors house to see if it was still there because she has never seen one in real life.

It is the simple things that sometimes make ho hum days better.

Had something small and trivial happen yesterday that just made my day. Was driving home from shopping (honey do list) when just before driving in front of my house and turning in, a Road Runner dashed out of the grass from the field across from our homes on our street. He was booking it too so as not to be run over by me. I slowed down for a bit to watch him go between my neighbor's house and the house next to his on the other side. He was hauling ass. Cracked me up. Had me singing the road runner song and saying Meep! Meep! as I was getting out or the car. Daughter was opening the inside door to the garage and said: "Why are you singing that" When I told her she wanted to go around the back easement area and over behind the neighbors house to see if it was still there because she has never seen one in real life.

It is the simple things that sometimes make ho hum days better.


Had something small and trivial happen yesterday that just made my day. Was driving home from shopping (honey do list) when just before driving in front of my house and turning in, a Road Runner dashed out of the grass from the field across from our homes on our street. He was booking it too so as not to be run over by me. I slowed down for a bit to watch him go between my neighbor's house and the house next to his on the other side. He was hauling ass. Cracked me up. Had me singing the road runner song and saying Meep! Meep! as I was getting out or the car. Daughter was opening the inside door to the garage and said: "Why are you singing that" When I told her she wanted to go around the back easement area and over behind the neighbors house to see if it was still there because she has never seen one in real life.

It is the simple things that sometimes make ho hum days better.

I saw roadrunners a few times back in my younger days when I drove the southwest. Always a cool experience. They really haul ass.

As for the cartoon, am I the only one who rooted like hell for Wile E. Coyote to eventually catch him? Something about that smug expression on the roadrunners' face. To me, the greatest Looney Tunes cartoon ever would have been the one where one of Wile E.'s stupid schemes finally worked, and the last scene was him digging into fried bird.
I saw roadrunners a few times back in my younger days when I drove the southwest. Always a cool experience. They really haul ass.

As for the cartoon, am I the only one who rooted like hell for Wile E. Coyote to eventually catch him? Something about that smug expression on the roadrunners' face. To me, the greatest Looney Tunes cartoon ever would have been the one where one of Wile E.'s stupid schemes finally worked, and the last scene was him digging into fried bird.
Because of Wile E. Coyote I bought stock in ACME. :)
I don't feel that way about Indiana. I think it's one of the best run states. Plus GD goes to college in the state.
My paternal family settled the Ohio Vallly from Fort Pitt via Port Tobacco in the coloney of Maryland during the 1600s. Many were good for nothining Hoosier's. They made their choice.
There is a little community near me called Viola (population about 300). During WW2, they built an ordinance plant there where they built artillery shells for the anti aircraft guns. They worked 3.000 people and had their own fire department. I was reading that the women could not comb their hair because the static electricity might cause an explosion.
I also worked at the uranium enrichment plant west of Paducah for 12 years. Before it was an enrichment plant, it was a TNT plant during WW2.
Apperars we lost family to ordinance explosion.
I think Cal has run his course here and should move on. I am not as disappointed as I would have been in the past. After a "surprise" loss like this (years gone by, not now) I would be feeling depressed the next morning and could not wait for the next game to right the ship. Now, I almost expect this to happen so, the next game is just that, the next game.
Defense is all about want to, so I'm just a little POd with the lack the effort.
Good morning D, Cal has destroyed UK basketball, time for him to leave, but with his ego he won't. His priorities are Cal, money, players to the NBA. We were Kentucky before he got here and we will be Kentucky when he's gone!!!! ATX still praying for you my friend!!!
You might be right and I'm just a bit slow.
Always like hearing Military talk from you guys!!! I worked at Dyno Nobel, made det-cord. We also made cord for the Military. Any of you Veterans use any 1-E or M-50?We also made some called A-Pods,, I think it was used in a rocket propelled set up for breaching areas. Correct me if I am wrong. Thank you Veterans, Honor and Respect!!!
Good morning folks.

Sad news about Toby Keith —I wasnt a big fan, he’s not the generation of country music for me.
Ditto again. We shared many friends. His tavern was just couple of miles down the road. He was one Hell of a Patriiot. Lots of tears locally.
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Had something small and trivial happen yesterday that just made my day. Was driving home from shopping (honey do list) when just before driving in front of my house and turning in, a Road Runner dashed out of the grass from the field across from our homes on our street. He was booking it too so as not to be run over by me. I slowed down for a bit to watch him go between my neighbor's house and the house next to his on the other side. He was hauling ass. Cracked me up. Had me singing the road runner song and saying Meep! Meep! as I was getting out or the car. Daughter was opening the inside door to the garage and said: "Why are you singing that" When I told her she wanted to go around the back easement area and over behind the neighbors house to see if it was still there because she has never seen one in real life.

It is the simple things that sometimes make ho hum days better.

I saw a few at Fort Hood (always will be). There was always a joke there at Hood, it was so hot we saw a coyote chasing a Road Runner and they were both walking!!!!
I saw a few at Fort Hood (always will be). There was always a joke there at Hood, it was so hot we saw a coyote chasing a Road Runner and they were both walking!!!!
Heh, got that right. Once got so hot, I took 5 gallon can of water and just poured it all over myself. Good grief, Fort Hood is miserable in the summer.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 47°F and clear. Today's high may reach 67°F.

How 'bout them Cats last night? Epic beat-down. Just filled the stat-sheet.

Happy Hump Day, y'all.

Good morning folks. Saw a beautiful sky on my morning walk-pitch black with a silver crescent moon low in the sky, and a bright star -Venus? - hovering above it. Maybe we’re coming up on Ramadan. In any case it reminded me of the Islamic moon and star symbolism.

Heading in early to get a jump on work. I may be heading for NYC Friday and want the option to take half the day off with my work done. My wife needs to go to check on her sick aunt.

All is well other wise. Have a good day folks.
Good morning folks. Saw a beautiful sky on my morning walk-pitch black with a silver crescent moon low in the sky, and a bright star -Venus? - hovering above it. Maybe we’re coming up on Ramadan. In any case it reminded me of the Islamic moon and star symbolism.

Heading in early to get a jump on work. I may be heading for NYC Friday and want the option to take half the day off with my work done. My wife needs to go to check on her sick aunt.

All is well other wise. Have a good day folks.

Uranus.... (Pulling my inner wc, it was the perfect spot...) Hope all goes well for your wife's aunt.

I'd like to think the Cats turned the corner but this team was not the team to tell anyone whether the Cats are or are not humbled and re-dedicated. I have no faith in Cal more than I have no faith in this team. Cal is not a coach, he is a recruiter...

(I am not against what Cal stands for but, I know he could have done both and do then well if he had a mind to. No reason he could not with the talent he has and his coaching experience along with his staff.)

It never had to be either-or....

Morning Legionnaires!

41° this morning with moderate winds and a high in the mid 60's expected.

UK on fire last night but still allowed Vandy who scores around 67 points a game average score 77 points. Still enough time to shore up the defense before March, but not much time. The unfortunate thing about shoring up the defense is most of the time you lose a little offense with that as people tend to get tired earlier in the game and that affects shooting. However, we have enough players to offset that so...Come on Cats!

It's Hump Day grinders so stoke those engines and roll over the top.

Have a good day and God Bless.
Good morning folks. Saw a beautiful sky on my morning walk-pitch black with a silver crescent moon low in the sky, and a bright star -Venus? - hovering above it. Maybe we’re coming up on Ramadan. In any case it reminded me of the Islamic moon and star symbolism.

Heading in early to get a jump on work. I may be heading for NYC Friday and want the option to take half the day off with my work done. My wife needs to go to check on her sick aunt.

All is well other wise. Have a good day folks.
Yeah, noticed on my morning walk. Pretty cool from what I saw through the clouds.