Used a lot of det-cord when stationed at the 4th USAFAD special weapons unit in Germany. Set up emergency destruct training scenarios and actually destroyed old explosives (C-4, crater bombs, shape charges, M18 claymores, etc...) that were approaching their shelf-life end. Used blasting caps, time fuses and M60 ignitors to complete the task. Destroyed so much at one time on one of those days getting rid of old explosives that we had big chunks of ground and rocks flying around. Had to take cover behind trees and military trucks we had there. Shook a few doors and windows in a neighboring town so much so, it shattered a couple of windows and cracked a door or two and a couple of walls. Got back to my unit and the commander asked, "What the hell did you do?"
He had given me a time limit to get back to the unit by 1300 and I not only had our old explosives but also those of another unit (a couple of truck loads) that was part of our group so...I had a lot of old explosives. Blew one truck load at a time. It was quite powerful.
We had to visit the town to see the damage and report back to our command. My commander told me later he would never give me a time limit like that again and later came up
with a limit to how much we could blow up at one time.
Live and learn I guess.