

PIck 6 again for UK. Kentucky 45-Vandy 21
Good morning from ATX. Currently 79°F and partly cloudy. Today's high may hit 102°F. Slightly cooler temps on the way tomorrow.

How bout them Cats? Hairston set records with his pick sixes. Defense looked great with a few exceptions. Ray Davis and Barion Brown ran all over the place. Not happy about Leary tossing two picks. Compared to last season when Dores visited Kroger Field, I'll take it. Next up: Gators.

Heading out for a hike shortly. May hit up Firehouse Subs for lunch. Watch some NFL.

Great day to count myself amongst the living. Wishing y'all another awesome Sunday.

I haven't been on here much for the last year........I stated flying racing pigeons again and it is a bit more than time consuming.........I have put 5,600 miles on my truck driving down I-65 to train my birds........We started racing five weeks ago.......I had the 3rd - 5th birds on the race.......I was 3 seconds, 4 seconds and 9 seconds from 1st place.......the second race I didn't do very well..(2-1/2min from 1st)...19th & 20th........the third race a 200 mile....1st.....(14 birds in top 20).....................the fourth race 130 I won 1, 2 & 3...............the fifth race was a 300 I had the 1st & 2nd....... we still have a 100, 130 & 250......I aim to sweep the last four races.........I am at the top of all statistical catagories ( champion loft, average speed, except for master loft and I am only a few points behind........ So I haven't just been frittering my time away.......also we have canned over 400 jars of veggies from the garden.........I waited 45 yrs to get to retirement age so I could fly my pigeons full time.........and I am having the time of my life.......who wouldn't when they are dominating the competition like I am........

Morning Legionnaires!

71° this morning with light winds and cloudy skies. High to be around 90°. Headed out shortly and since it has been a while, I hope I don't have to resort to this to get my fish:

@AustinTXCat I appreciate everyday that we can count.

Enjoy your day folks and God Bless.
I haven't had my boat on the water but one time........took the twin grandsons.........Heckle and Jeckle......out to run the 2 yr old gas out of my tank.......
Good morning folks.

You just have to laugh at the Reds at this point, Warrior. They had something like a 99.6 percent chance of winning up 9-0in arguably the most critical game of the year against a non-contender. Totally mismanaged by Bell, but plenty of blame.

Still, a good sports day. Cats win. ND managed to blow a game by lining up with ten men on a goal line stand.

Waiting out the rain before my walk today. Hope it is a good morning for all.
Good morning all,

Getting plenty rain here the last couple days. I took My Darling to choir practice and am sitting in the car drinking coffee waiting for the service. I could just drive back home but I have everything here and I am dry.

My Darling has the chestnuts all spread out in a large flat pan. Well over a hundred. (Letting them dry a little, or season....) My Darling has already foundered on them but is now going to prepare them in different ways. I enjoy watching her work.

She will season them and cook them differently several different ways in their own little groups. She is an artist in her own right...

I haven't eat the first one.....yet.

Have a blessed day. Stay dry, catch a bigun wc....
Fishing report: Hooked 4 landed 3 so, Warrior cat 3-Big Mouth Bass 1. @BBUK one was decent sized at just short of 4lbs.


Dayum! Just a fine load!!!

We are heading to Myrtle Beach this coming Friday/ Thursday night. (Belt/Ribbon fish and Spanish mackerel are the goal....catching a cooler full...) Whoever knows but I sure need the time "on the bank"...
Warrior, while you were fishing the hated Baltimore Ravens blew a game at home to Indy…It was one of the most entertaining NFL regular season games I’ve seen in years. Tucker missed a 61-yard FG attempt as time expired for the win…and the Colts’ kicker hit FOUR FGs of 50 yards plus, including the winner!

May end up not mattering. But if the Bengals do manage to right the ship, this may prove to be a big game.
Here is one for you baseball fans. I mentioned it another thread about a pitcher being hit by a batted ball. The sharp end of a large section of a bat went through Larry Jackson's jaw, breaking it in 2 places. Next to Stan Musial, he was my favorite player growing up. At one time, he had the most wins of any player that never played on a first place team. He had a 2.77 ERA his last season but retired other than play for an expansion team.

Good afternoon D, got back from our fishing trip around noon today. Probably the worst (fishing wise) one I have been on so far. I still caught lots of fish, just not big quality ones, 16 1/2" was my biggest. The main problem was, they are not running any water on the Norfork River, got something broken that hasn't been fixed yet. Fished the White River both days, it was also low, at times we would hit bottom while running. Well there will always be next year unless GOD calls me home!!!
Warrior, while you were fishing the hated Baltimore Ravens blew a game at home to Indy…It was one of the most entertaining NFL regular season games I’ve seen in years. Tucker missed a 61-yard FG attempt as time expired for the win…and the Colts’ kicker hit FOUR FGs of 50 yards plus, including the winner!

May end up not mattering. But if the Bengals do manage to right the ship, this may prove to be a big g

Good morning folks.

You just have to laugh at the Reds at this point, Warrior. They had something like a 99.6 percent chance of winning up 9-0in arguably the most critical game of the year against a non-contender. Totally mismanaged by Bell, but plenty of blame.

Still, a good sports day. Cats win. ND managed to blow a game by lining up with ten men on a goal line stand.

Waiting out the rain before my walk today. Hope it is a good morning for all.
If the Reds don't make the wild card do you pull for the Orioles? Just curious. Even though I lived in Seattle in the 80s I never was a big fan of any of their teams.
Hey 82: I like the young Orioles team, but I don’t especially root for them. Went to dozens of their games before Washington got a team, but I’ve always been a NL fan. Once the Reds are eliminated I’ll mostly just pull for underdogs.
Matt Holiday's boy was the #1 pick last year. He is in the Orioles system and had a very impressive year in the minors. He has another boy who is probably about a high school senior now. He is supposed to be very good.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 79°F and cloudy. Severe hailstorms moved through overnight. Our AC unit got knocked out. Unknown if by hail stones or other factors. Present indoor temperature = 76°F. Personally speaking, I'm fine with it, but wife freaking out. Repairman can't come out until at least between 2-6 pm today.

Monday, Monday....

Wishing y'all a great start to your week.

Good morning D-League.

Well, it rained all weekend, and it’s still cloudy and gray this morning.

Reds played themselves out of the Wildcard this weekend. Joey Votto very likely played his last game in Cincinnati yesterday. Borderline HOF career. It’s been a frustrating era for Reds fans —the team never won a playoff series during his tenure. It’ll be interesting to see what the voters value when he becomes eligible.

Back to work. Hope it’s a good day for all.
I knew that storm late last night was rather intense. Grapefruit size hail.

Looks like some of the ones that hit around here April 22 2020. Below is one of a couple I collected from my back yard.

Fishing report: Hooked 4 landed 3 so, Warrior cat 3-Big Mouth Bass 1. @BBUK one was decent sized at just short of 4lbs.

If that biggest one had been filled out like it should.....(it looks skinny) long was it? It should be a 5-1/2 - 6 lb fish looks to me........but it has been so long since I have caught a fish my memory might be foggy......nice stringer......
I knew that storm late last night was rather intense. Grapefruit size hail.

Sorry about your storm. Wish we had the rain though. Less than 1/4 inch so far for September. A lot of brown. Drought.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and clear. Today's high expected around 94°F.

Still recovering from "super-cell thunderstorm". Locally speaking, it caused millions of dollars in damage to roofs and autos. On the home front, repairman came out yesterday and reset our AC unit. Another mess.

Wishing y'all another great day.

If that biggest one had been filled out like it should.....(it looks skinny) long was it? It should be a 5-1/2 - 6 lb fish looks to me........but it has been so long since I have caught a fish my memory might be foggy......nice stringer......
I did not measure the length but yeah, it was skinny but all of them were.

Morning Legionnaires!

60° this morning with a high of 94° expected.

Picked up new water softener yesterday and will install sometime this week. Have to figure out what new attachments I need to connect it to the plumbing of the old one. Old one was here when we bought the place, and it was from Culligan. Went to Culligan to check on a new one and they wanted $2900.00-$3300.00 installed. So, I bought one from Lowes for just over $600.00. Aqua-Sure brand. Had good reviews so we will see.

Bengals win, but it was ugly. Burrow still not healthy and O-line is not performing up to what they paid for. Defense looked good so...

Hey, you folks enjoy your day and God Bless.