
It was a cold frosty morning but now we are up to 50 with sunshine.

I enjoyed the game last night.

Cypess swamps: I lived in Henderson, KY. It is one of the most northern cypress swamps.

My good friend John Williams owns about 400 acres of the slough and is fighting the State because they want to make a park out of it.

You all may recall a couple years ago @OldEvilleCat mentioned my cypress tree in my front yard. I posted a picture of it. My cypress tree came from the slough pictured above. When they grow in non-swampy soil they do like most other trees. Their base does not expand and they do not put up aereal roots. Here is my tree:

They do not look like the same tree.
The picture of the swamp looks just like a place close to me, I pass by it when I go arrow head hunting, love those big cypress trees. That area is called Cypress Swamp.

Morning D-Legionnaires!

Rain this morning with a temp of 49°. Mid 60's as a high expected.

Doing the Miyagi thing this morning at 0900 and then shopping (procrastinated) for Valentines Day. Wife is working anyway, and daughter will not be up until about noon so, I have time. Heh, heh, heh.

Not much else with no game tonight.

You folks be good and God Bless.
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Good Morning D

A brisk 38° with the sun rising. Should reach 78° by the afternoon with lots of sunshine . A nice day but cool. I am going to do a little work outside.

I think I will try out a new restaurant, not new new but new for us, to treat my love for Valentines Day, I can truthfully say she is the best thing that ever happened to me and we met when she was 17.

I see over 35,000 are dead in the Turkey earthquake. That is a medium size town. Prayers for those folks. Take care all,

Good morning D-League.

Clear and crisp in the east. A beautiful day.

One of the under appreciated pleasures of a long marriage: No pressure on Valentines Day. Through the years my wife informed me she didn’t really like flowers. Or candy. So we had dinner out Saturday at a place we both like, said the words to each other this morning, I gave her a grocery store card and we moved on.

As a young, single man I dreaded the day. Whatever stage I was in with some woman I was seeing, she seemed to think -on Valentines Day - we needed to move up to a higher level and document that with some extravagant display. Go to hell, Valentines Day!

Ah well. Getting off the subway now so I’ll wish you fellows a good day.
Good morning everyone.

My wife and I are similar to Md. We'll go for a scenic drive with our pet bird. Don't laugh. lol Daisy (bird) loves to ride. She handles the drives to FL better than we do. Instead of eating out, we'll cook out here since it's a nice day. We did a bigger purchase recently and we'll be vacationing next week so we'll be eating out every day. So, we call it good.

We've been married 34 years. How bout the rest of you?
Stranraer, Scotland, land of my family roots . A friend who lives there sent me this photo this morning. He helped me trace my family back to the very beginning, circa 1,100 AD. The name had been Fitzgerald in Ireland but was changed to my surname by the King shortly after Robert Fitzgerald went to Scotland. It is 15 miles between Ireland and Scotland across the North Channel.

The King had a bounty on a murderers head and said "who ever kills this man will get his land and possessions". Robert Fitzgerald did it, got the wealth of the criminal and his name was changed. So my family line began.


The family coat of arms and badge have the head of the man killed by Robert Fitzgerald. As custom in those days you would take the head when there was a bounty on it. I guess that was the proof you did it. You can see the drops of blood depicted below the neck line.


Ruins of Dunskey Castle Home of The Clan. This castle was once in a Budweiser Beer commercial. :D
Good morning everyone.

My wife and I are similar to Md. We'll go for a scenic drive with our pet bird. Don't laugh. lol Daisy (bird) loves to ride. She handles the drives to FL better than we do. Instead of eating out, we'll cook out here since it's a nice day. We did a bigger purchase recently and we'll be vacationing next week so we'll be eating out every day. So, we call it good.

We've been married 34 years. How bout the rest of you?
Similar to you and MD. We exchange the customary card and will find a nice place to eat in the early afternoon to beat the crowd. Other than that no big deal. My wife is not materialistic at all so no diamonds, fur coats or jewels for us. I see the average spent today will be $200. The only expense I will have is a $4.00 card and a nice meal.

On April 7, we will be married 56 years, married in 1967 when I was in the Army. We met in 1964 when I was at UK. Bert H has me beat by a few years.
Similar to you and MD. We exchange the customary card and will find a nice place to eat in the early afternoon to beat the crowd. Other than that no big deal. My wife is not materialistic at all so no diamonds, fur coats or jewels for us. I see the average spent today will be $200. The only expense I will have is a $4.00 card and a nice meal.

On April 7, we will be married 56 years, married in 1967 when I was in the Army. We met in 1964 when I was at UK. Bert H has me beat by a few years.
Between my wife and daughter, I will hit about the average posted above. I don't go too far and if I did, my wife would want the receipt to return it. That would never happen though as I throw away receipts understanding that she would take it back. I used to spend more, but after a few years of griping I learned my lesson.

Since this is my second marriage and I waited until after retirement from the Army to get hitched again (first wife 10 years all in the Army) we will be married 23 years in June. Not hard to count the years since it was 2000 when we got married.
It is a sunny 53.8°F on our way to a warm 67° with 50/50 chance of rain. We could use some rain.

The balloon crisis is pure stupidity and our President is simply absent without leave. His Sect. of State and Defense are dumb shits. I can't believe this is happening. Then the borders. GEEZE.
It is a sunny 53.8°F on our way to a warm 67° with 50/50 chance of rain. We could use some rain.

The balloon crisis is pure stupidity and our President is simply absent without leave. His Sect. of State and Defense are dumb shits. I can't believe this is happening. Then the borders. GEEZE.
We do not have a president, just a face standing up like a puppet. Somebody behind the scenes is driving this train and right straight to hell for all of us.

The damage being done may be permanent.
Between my wife and daughter, I will hit about the average posted above. I don't go too far and if I did, my wife would want the receipt to return it. That would never happen though as I throw away receipts understanding that she would take it back. I used to spend more, but after a few years of griping I learned my lesson.

Since this is my second marriage and I waited until after retirement from the Army to get hitched again (first wife 10 years all in the Army) we will be married 23 years in June. Not hard to count the years since it was 2000 when we got married.
I also got married in 2000. I didn't want to try and remember how many years we'd been married, so I made it easier for myself 😉.

"I'd Rather Have Jesus"

If you've never heard Matthew Hagee sing this is a good one where he sings a little bit. Matthew Hagee is the son of John Hagee...

His preaching is as well received. A blessing can be had worshipping God in a Hagee service (Many other services as well but not all.). God Bless you all...

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It is a sunny 53.8°F on our way to a warm 67° with 50/50 chance of rain. We could use some rain.

The balloon crisis is pure stupidity and our President is simply absent without leave. His Sect. of State and Defense are dumb shits. I can't believe this is happening. Then the borders. GEEZE.

It is happening on purpose Sir! Yeah, on purpose. How's that for communist leadership? Destroying any country is easy when you have communistic leadership... Very easy.. No fight at all so it seems.
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Hello all,

My Darling and I have been married for a good amount of years nearing 4 decades come April 3rd. Suffice it to say I had a rough time prior to My Darling. Anything we have is due to her. I am thankful.. All I did was wish her a Happy Valentines Day today. My Darling loves flowers but she loves growing them, not receiving a bunch unless they're potted. We will go out to eat in the next few days as soon as we are able. (I think Thursday as My Darling has her appointment after her MRI yesterday concerning her back.) I hope it's something that can be easily fixed, I know if I could, I'd take whatever is coming for her.

I have some back issues too but for now mine is just some occasional pain. Pain I can bare. I am thankful... God will provide our needs.

Have a peaceful evening. I plan to work from home tomorrow and Thursday. I may be able to "bug" a lot more.

I saw the site had some fatal errors earlier....
It is a sunny 53.8°F on our way to a warm 67° with 50/50 chance of rain. We could use some rain.

The balloon crisis is pure stupidity and our President is simply absent without leave. His Sect. of State and Defense are dumb shits. I can't believe this is happening. Then the borders. GEEZE.
Sec of Transportation basically absent with the toxic train derailment. It seems that this admin at almost every position is negligent and lazy. Appointments by social justice status. Checked the box with no consideration given to capability or experience. In times of crises, they disappear.
Good morning all,

Hard at it... As hard as you can work and still sit in a chair. I should be stationary most of the day except I will help out My Darling at a couple strategic points with the two youngest grandchildren. I will have to take an hours leave or so to do it.

I do plan to traverse our stairs though eight or ten times extra today as my steps have been down a lot these past two weeks.. Got my eating back under control but have to get the activity spiked. Another day, another...

Have a goodun...
Good morning everyone.

I hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day. It was good here. I hope the wind dies down a bit this afternoon so we can get a hike in. I sure don't want any trees falling down on us.


Wildlife Wednesday. This was a dozen or so years ago when we first started using trail cameras. I was trying to get bear pictures, but ended up getting a couple of KY Wildcats (bobcats). I've seen several through the years including a moma with a cub this past hunting season.

I hope everyone has a great day.