
Good late morning all,

Not been around my phone. Had it commandeered. Not at church today. My Darling and I have a hacking cough. Been to the doctor as it is lingering. Got bunches of medicine, been tested for the china virus (They did that first though we had test kits and I sent them pictures the day before we went.) I guess they must to get the extra "government funding" 😡 . Was tested for the flu too. Nope

Mine is about gone but My Darling and I could imagine sitting in church and having a hacking attack. We'd very well be ostracized and quarantined for nearly life. (I say this guardedly but the one constant here, almost anywhere you are at is a liberal mind-set. Even in church I do not find the deep relationship with Christ versus a casual acquaintance hoping for acceptance into heaven when they die. It seems going through the motions. My Darling and I are not and will never be used to that. We have searched all within driving distance of where we live that practice the worship to the same God we believe in. Not to be found so far.) Note: I am not judging but comparing from where we've been, what we've seen, and what we've been involved in...

In any event, plenty of work to do... no days off for this ole boy. Never has been and doubt I ever will unless it is a mortal sickness. (That's okay.) I just like to sleep in an extra hour or two. If a couple days a week that is gravy. (I was able to do that this morning.)

Yeah what a waste of coaching space that is occupying the head coaching job at the moment. Just criminal BUT, criminals are rarely prosecuted now IF they are guilty. Mostly working stiffs are prosecuted to where they can be bled dry of their hard earned dough from lawyers who haven't worked a day in their lives. It sounds like I am bitter, and I am BUT, I do not hold it in to where it effects loving. I try not to spout it out to where others are effected as well. Just a strategic vent or three...

Dreary here today anyway. Have a joyous day and give thanks. I will and do....

Hope to type more later and lighten it up a bit.
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Good late morning all,

Not been around my phone. Had it commandeered. Not at church today. My Darling and I have a hacking cough. Been to the doctor as it is lingering. Got bunches of medicine, been tested for the china virus (They did that first though we had test kits and I sent them pictures the day before we went.) I guess they must to get the extra "government funding" 😡 . Was tested for the flu too. Nope

Mine is about gone but My Darling and I could imagine sitting in church and having a hacking attack. We'd very well be ostracized and quarantined for nearly life. (I say this guardedly but the one constant here, almost anywhere you are at is a liberal mind-set. Even in church I do not find the deep relationship with Christ versus a casual acquaintance hoping for acceptance into heaven when they die. It seems going through the motions. My Darling and I are not and will never be used to that. We have searched all within driving distance of where we live that practice the worship to the same God we believe in. Not to be found so far.) Note: I am not judging but comparing from where we've been, what we've seen, and what we've been involved in...

In any event, plenty of work to do... no days off for this ole boy. Never has been and doubt I ever will unless it is a mortal sickness. (That's okay.) I just like to sleep in an extra hour or two. If a couple days a week that is gravy. (I was able to do that this morning.)

Yeah what a waste of coaching space that is occupying the head coaching job at the moment. Just criminal BUT, criminals are rarely prosecuted now IF they are guilty. Mostly working stiffs are prosecuted to where they can be bled dry of their hard earned dough from lawyers who haven't worked a day in their lives. It sounds like I am bitter, and I am BUT, I do not hold it in to where it effects loving. I try not to spout it out to where others are effected as well. Just a strategic vent or three...

Dreary here today anyway. Have a joyous day and give thanks. I will and do....

Hope to type more later and lighten it up a bit.
The little lady was arranging with a freight company to make a delivery to our house the other day. They asked if anyone in the house had covid. She's meaner than I am. Mentioned hippa to them and said, "Besides, it's none of your damn business." I'd of just said no to end the conversation.
Went over to RR to read and support with a few likes here and there to those I have known for a long while. Getting ready to work on the taxes again... not much headway so far. (I have all the information I need now too, just cannot get motivated to do them.) May watch a John Wayne movie and see if I can get into a better frame of mind...... ;)

Oh My Darling has an appointment Thursday to review her MRI she has tomorrow evening. I just received a robot call and the bot got all into covid. The message was WAY TOO LONG..I hit #1 and it stated thank you for confirming your appointment....
HA, drinking green tea and lemon... for the earth (quasi) health nuts the green tea is "organic". The lemon is the 100% bottled kind. It is sour but good. Do not do sugar except in cakes, pies, and sweets.

Bought My Darling a couple boxes of emergen-c or whatever. the name is.. we shall see...

No dog in the superbowl...
HA, drinking green tea and lemon... for the earth (quasi) health nuts the green tea is "organic". The lemon is the 100% bottled kind. It is sour but good. Do not do sugar except in cakes, pies, and sweets.

Bought My Darling a couple boxes of emergen-c or whatever. the name is.. we shall see...

No dog in the superbowl...
Thanks BBUK. You got me going. I share your views.

What is "organic"?

I was raised on a farm. We used chicken, hog and cattle shit for fertilizer to spread on our land. We also used 'bought' phosphate and a few other things. I guess if we bought the phosphate, dug up outside Tampa, Fl, we could not claim "organic". Is that correct?

The definition of "organic" is:
Produce can be called organic if it's certified to have grown on soil that had no prohibited substances applied for three years prior to harvest. Prohibited substances include most synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

Do you want to eat produce that the insects left for you?

What are "synthetic fertilizers"? Being a failed chemist I know all about this stuff. If you go to your garden center and buy a bag of fertilizer it will usually contain a source of phosphate, potash and nitrogen. Having called on fertilizer companies at the railroad, so I could haul their products, I know where they get the shit. They dig up the phosphate and potash from animals that lived millions of years ago. They get the nitrogen by using air and supercharging it with electricity to bond the nitrogen atoms into an association that they don't like and the plants take that energy to make FOOD. It is called "synthetic" fertilizer because of a bunch of idiots that could not pass an organic chemistry lab if their damned lives depended on it.

I am brilliant. I got an "A" in organic chemistry.

Now let us get to pesticides: Do you want to eat your produce with bugs? How many worms do you want to knock off your lettuce before you make your salad? How many rows of corn do you want to leave to avoid eating a worm when you are eating corn on the cob? Do you like eating corn on the cob that includes the juices of some wonderful worm? Of course the worm could add a little protein, so go for it EPA types.

In the last 200 years the "West" (with no help from asia, africa just us old racist Europeans and Americans, have come up with solutions to where we can feed over 7 billion people on this earth. I was told in 1964, my first year in college, that the earth could not sustain 4 billion humans. Modern agriculture and science is now feeding nearly double that and in the evil "West" one of our biggest problems is obesity. Why? ANSWER: Western science.

So I protest every time I can't find a regular product that is not "organic" or "natural". I want to eat good stuff not half eaten crap that the bugs left. I love clean phosphate, potash and nitrogen fed food. I love food that has been protected from bugs and disease by pesticides. I want all these retards to eat "organic" or "natural" until they get sick and die. Leave the smart folks alone.
Folks, I just opened up ESPN and the first picture tells you how you beat UK.

Both hands on a player is a foul.

Look at this and recall that this was not a UGA foul. UGA got more than double the free throws to UK.

The SEC refs suck.

Thanks BBUK. You got me going. I share your views.

What is "organic"?

I was raised on a farm. We used chicken, hog and cattle shit for fertilizer to spread on our land. We also used 'bought' phosphate and a few other things. I guess if we bought the phosphate, dug up outside Tampa, Fl, we could not claim "organic". Is that correct?

The definition of "organic" is:
Produce can be called organic if it's certified to have grown on soil that had no prohibited substances applied for three years prior to harvest. Prohibited substances include most synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

Do you want to eat produce that the insects left for you?

What are "synthetic fertilizers"? Being a failed chemist I know all about this stuff. If you go to your garden center and buy a bag of fertilizer it will usually contain a source of phosphate, potash and nitrogen. Having called on fertilizer companies at the railroad, so I could haul their products, I know where they get the shit. They dig up the phosphate and potash from animals that lived millions of years ago. They get the nitrogen by using air and supercharging it with electricity to bond the nitrogen atoms into an association that they don't like and the plants take that energy to make FOOD. It is called "synthetic" fertilizer because of a bunch of idiots that could not pass an organic chemistry lab if their damned lives depended on it.

I am brilliant. I got an "A" in organic chemistry.

Now let us get to pesticides: Do you want to eat your produce with bugs? How many worms do you want to knock off your lettuce before you make your salad? How many rows of corn do you want to leave to avoid eating a worm when you are eating corn on the cob? Do you like eating corn on the cob that includes the juices of some wonderful worm? Of course the worm could add a little protein, so go for it EPA types.

In the last 200 years the "West" (with no help from asia, africa just us old racist Europeans and Americans, have come up with solutions to where we can feed over 7 billion people on this earth. I was told in 1964, my first year in college, that the earth could not sustain 4 billion humans. Modern agriculture and science is now feeding nearly double that and in the evil "West" one of our biggest problems is obesity. Why? ANSWER: Western science.

So I protest every time I can't find a regular product that is not "organic" or "natural". I want to eat good stuff not half eaten crap that the bugs left. I love clean phosphate, potash and nitrogen fed food. I love food that has been protected from bugs and disease by pesticides. I want all these retards to eat "organic" or "natural" until they get sick and die. Leave the smart folks alone.


I was in the bug business for about 20 years (In Kentucky) to include owning and selling my own business. I had the same sentiments as you, exactly the same sentiments.

The key was always not to be stupid with pesticides. Use just a little common sense. I kept bugs from coming in versus using sprays to kill them once they got in, unless they were already in..

Do people ever look at "organic" food. Laughable to compare some good common sense pesticide usage versus the nut jobs whose only motivation is really profit. (Of course you get the hangers on that think they are saving the planet. I wonder where pesticides "really" come from? Must be from out of this world because they cannot be naturally created... I will stop, I will stop but I could go on...

It seems everything that is made "better" is tons more expensive, I wonder why...
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There's a video on Fox News now

of a 12 yr old girl being shocked at LaBron James - not my favorite - sitting down next to her courtside at a recent Laker game. He's injured. How she had a what, floor side $3000 ticket, I don't know. Another kid next her. Owner's kids/grandkids?

But the point is that it reminded me of us being on vacation in Laguna Beach CA when son was around 15 and waiting for a table at Las Brisas Restaurant that overlooks the ocean from a cliff. Just a fantastic view & atmosphere. Not as formal as it looks below, at least not back then. Causal dress, shorts fine. Expensive but not overly so. Just worth the view. Coworkers in Anaheim put me onto it.
Las Brisas restaurant: Best coastal view in O.C.? – Orange County Register

Anyway, I noticed my son's eyes getting as big as saucers - as Magic walks by! Of course he and his wife didn't have to wait in line. We got in about 15 minutes later and by chance (I think) were seated two tables from them. Of course they were by the windows & we were three rows in. Such is life. But very memorable even 35 years later. Him I still like.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 42°F, clear and calm. Bit chilly out. Expecting highs around 71°F later on today..

I actually enjoyed watching the Super Bowl last night. Nice drive by game-clinching drive by Patrick Mahomes to secure the W.

Changing gears: Still no replacement trashcan from City of Austin. Guess I'll make another trash drop later this morning at an open dumpster. Such an inconvenience when someone makes a mistake.

Monday, Monday...

Wishing all you fine gents a happy, productive day.

Good morning folks. Another Monday.

Had no real rooting interest in the SB and enjoyed an entertaining game —til the last two minutes. The questionable holding call ruined the end.

It is easy just to say the refs suck. And they do. But it’s also true that today’s athletes are so big and fast that the refereeing becomes close to impossible. You could call a foul on nearly every possession in basketball. You could call holding on half the possessions in football and pass interference 50 times a game. So the game-changing calls stand out and feel arbitrary. It was the same in the AFC championship game and last year’s Super Bowl for Bengal fans.

Ah well. Let the Philly fans bitch this year.

Hope you guys have a good day.

Morning D-Legionnaires!

38° this morning with a high in the mid 60's expected. Winds moderate 15-20mph.

Watched the Super Bowl with about 3/4 of our softball team and discussed upcoming practices for this year when the weather warms above 70 which it does sometimes in Feb and March around here. The game while entertaining was tainted in the end with the questionable call (I agree @MdWIldcat55). The referees should never be the determining factor to the outcome of the game especially when it is that close.

Nothing much going on today, normal workout, walk the monster, and then veg.

You guys enjoy the day, stay safe, and God Bless.
Good morning everyone.

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend despite another UK loss. My cautious optimism has finally left the building. Oh well. I don't have to worry about convincing my wife that a good thing to do on our upcoming vacation is to watch UK basketball. She is not a sports fan...not at all. One of the few things we don't have in common.

I didn't even watch a second of the SB. Sports in general is dropping on my list of things to do very fast. Things change, people change, I change.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Good morning D-League

It's currently a cool for us 40° with sunny skies. The high is forecast to reach 70° by this afternoon. Clear skies and no chance of rain.

It is time for another cup of coffee which I shall get in a moment. I need to pick up some palm fronds that blew off during the high winds yesterday. It was a steady 22 mph wind all day with gusts much higher. But this morning everything feels fresh and clean.

I am headed back to the gym this morning to loosen up these bones and get in some cardiac exercise. Trust all are doing well and in good spirits.
Good morning D-League

It's currently a cool for us 40° with sunny skies. The high is forecast to reach 70° by this afternoon. Clear skies and no chance of rain.

It is time for another cup of coffee which I shall get in a moment. I need to pick up some palm fronds that blew off during the high winds yesterday. It was a steady 22 mph wind all day with gusts much higher. But this morning everything feels fresh and clean.

I am headed back to the gym this morning to loosen up these bones and get in some cardiac exercise. Trust all are doing well and in good spirits.

I need to get in another little workout myself today. 10-20 years ago I was addicted, but now just do a few pushups, etc when the notion strikes. Hiking/walking is high on the agenda though.

Love your Nature/Adventure Coast pics. My wife loves to travel too, but it's difficult to get the mountain girl to stay away from home long. I would be a snowbird (Jan & Feb) in your area in a heartbeat.
I need to get in another little workout myself today. 10-20 years ago I was addicted, but now just do a few pushups, etc when the notion strikes. Hiking/walking is high on the agenda though.

Love your Nature/Adventure Coast pics. My wife loves to travel too, but it's difficult to get the mountain girl to stay away from home long. I would be a snowbird (Jan & Feb) in your area in a heartbeat.
Yes those cypress swamps are majestic and produce some of the world's finest wood. Years ago it was in such high demand they had to stop the production and protect the trees from being cut down. A few remain but they are not as plentiful anymore.

I had cypress ceilings in my last home and have some cypress on the walls of my current home. The cypress wood used today has been taken from the bottom of the St Johns River. In the early days the cypress logs were floated in the St Johns to Jacksonville where they could be shipped out. Many sunk to the bottom and are now being recovered. The wood will not rot in the water, most have been at the bottom of the river for over 100 years.

Sunken Treasure

Yes those cypress swamps are majestic and produce some of the world's finest wood. Years ago it was in such high demand they had to stop the production and protect the trees from being cut down. A few remain but they are not as plentiful anymore.

I had cypress ceilings in my last home and have some cypress on the walls of my current home. The cypress wood used today has been taken from the bottom of the St Johns River. In the early days the cypress logs were floated in the St Johns to Jacksonville where they could be shipped out. Many sunk to the bottom and are now being recovered. The wood will not rot in the water, most have been at the bottom of the river for over 100 years.

Sunken Treasure

A lot of that in this general area. This artile about Reelfoot Lae in west tenn.

Was reading an article yesterday that included the number of aircraft carriers the US built during WW2. I had no idea & was dumbfounded. One hundred & forty-one! I would have guessed 25-30, 40 tops. I wouldn't have guessed the US built 141 in total since we started building them.
I know it was a massive war effort but that surprised me. My birth year was 1943 and no automobiles were made that year because the plants were making tanks and aircraft. But 141 aircraft carriers is hard to imagine.

But it took that to stop the Japanese. They were vicious and cruel. Japanese prisoner of war camps were some of the cruelest in World History.
It was a cold frosty morning but now we are up to 50 with sunshine.

I enjoyed the game last night.

Cypess swamps: I lived in Henderson, KY. It is one of the most northern cypress swamps.

My good friend John Williams owns about 400 acres of the slough and is fighting the State because they want to make a park out of it.

You all may recall a couple years ago @OldEvilleCat mentioned my cypress tree in my front yard. I posted a picture of it. My cypress tree came from the slough pictured above. When they grow in non-swampy soil they do like most other trees. Their base does not expand and they do not put up aereal roots. Here is my tree:

They do not look like the same tree.
It was a cold frosty morning but now we are up to 50 with sunshine.

I enjoyed the game last night.

Cypess swamps: I lived in Henderson, KY. It is one of the most northern cypress swamps.

My good friend John Williams owns about 400 acres of the slough and is fighting the State because they want to make a park out of it.

You all may recall a couple years ago @OldEvilleCat mentioned my cypress tree in my front yard. I posted a picture of it. My cypress tree came from the slough pictured above. When they grow in non-swampy soil they do like most other trees. Their base does not expand and they do not put up aereal roots. Here is my tree:

They do not look like the same tree.
Very Cool. Thanks.