
Good late morning folks. Back from my longest walk of the week. Lots of water fowl on display today, including a couple great blue heron and a snow white Great Egret.

Nice photo today 41102. Philly is one of my wife and my favorite cities. We went through a period where we were driving up there -- its about two hours for us -- and spending three day weekends every few months. Lots of great museums, historical sites and restaurants. And a couple great cheese steak venues -- not the famous ones Pats' and Geno's.

Game day today. I'll confess to you folks that I'm not optimistic. I watched the Florida game last week and just think their QB is going to be a handful. A guy who will keep drives alive all day, keep the time of possession in the Gators' favor and frustrate Kentucky's defense. I'm among those who really is aggravated at CRod. How hard is it when you are a star college athlete to respect the university, your teammates and the scholarship by not getting busted for criminal behavior? Seems like it would be pretty easy.

Hope you folks all have a good day.
I guess the high gas prices finally got to Bo and Luke.

On the bright side, Daisey's shorts and shirts are smaller too.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and partly cloudy. 10% rain chance. Today's high expected around 94°F.

Game Day. Go Cats! Beat the Gators. Hoping for a competitive game and nobody gets hurt.

Wife and I plan on tuning in Tide vs Longhorns around 11 am CST. That game will be played near our place downtown at Darrell K Royal Memorial Stadium ("DKR"). Marks first time Tide has ever played Horns in Austin. Temps expected around 85°F at kickoff and 92°F when game ends. Gonna be a hot one.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Ich kann spreche (I can speak), lesen (read), und schriben (write) auf Deutsch (in German).
Good late morning folks. Back from my longest walk of the week. Lots of water fowl on display today, including a couple great blue heron and a snow white Great Egret.

Nice photo today 41102. Philly is one of my wife and my favorite cities. We went through a period where we were driving up there -- its about two hours for us -- and spending three day weekends every few months. Lots of great museums, historical sites and restaurants. And a couple great cheese steak venues -- not the famous ones Pats' and Geno's.

Game day today. I'll confess to you folks that I'm not optimistic. I watched the Florida game last week and just think their QB is going to be a handful. A guy who will keep drives alive all day, keep the time of possession in the Gators' favor and frustrate Kentucky's defense. I'm among those who really is aggravated at CRod. How hard is it when you are a star college athlete to respect the university, your teammates and the scholarship by not getting busted for criminal behavior? Seems like it would be pretty easy.

Hope you folks all have a good day.
With C-Rod I would feel better.
Good late morning folks. Back from my longest walk of the week. Lots of water fowl on display today, including a couple great blue heron and a snow white Great Egret.

Nice photo today 41102. Philly is one of my wife and my favorite cities. We went through a period where we were driving up there -- its about two hours for us -- and spending three day weekends every few months. Lots of great museums, historical sites and restaurants. And a couple great cheese steak venues -- not the famous ones Pats' and Geno's.

Game day today. I'll confess to you folks that I'm not optimistic. I watched the Florida game last week and just think their QB is going to be a handful. A guy who will keep drives alive all day, keep the time of possession in the Gators' favor and frustrate Kentucky's defense. I'm among those who really is aggravated at CRod. How hard is it when you are a star college athlete to respect the university, your teammates and the scholarship by not getting busted for criminal behavior? Seems like it would be pretty easy.

Hope you folks all have a good day.
I totally agree; however, I have been following Kentucky football for 60 years and it has taught me not to be optimistic.

But if we win, I may come back and edit this post! o_O
I had to take German to get my degree in chemistry. Sherry ended up knowing more Deutsch than Bert.
I spent 8 years total (3 PCS moves) over there and spent a lot of time with the German people. My first three years I stayed with a young German woman (girlfriend) and her mother a lot so all of the TV programming at their apartment was German. Plus they did not speak much english. I learned quickly and then kept learning the other times there. Third time I was divorced so, back to the street. Dated an Argentinian woman who spoke Spanish, Italian, and German but no english. I was not fluent but could speak it quite well.
Just watched a thrilling game between Alabama -Texas. Saban went for it on 4th down and Texas stuffed it. Texas proceeded to march down the field for a go ahead field goal. Unfortunately, Texas left around a minute and a half on the clock for Bryce Young. Needless to say, he once again proved why he's a Heisman winner. Alabama 20, Texas 19.
I spent 8 years total (3 PCS moves) over there and spent a lot of time with the German people. My first three years I stayed with a young German woman (girlfriend) and her mother a lot so all of the TV programming at their apartment was German. Plus they did not speak much english. I learned quickly and then kept learning the other times there. Third time I was divorced so, back to the street. Dated an Argentinian woman who spoke Spanish, Italian, and German but no english. I was not fluent but could speak it quite well.

Oh my stupidity. I let it shine. MdW lite..... I know, I don't have the sense God gave a goose and I am glad I live so far away but I hope brother WC is a forgiving sort. In fact, that is kind of my prayer today since I have a BIG mouth in type.... (Did I mention how stupid I am...)
Beat me to it. IHATE Notre Dame. That game made me feel like Matthew McConaughy. WE ARE MARSHALL!

BTW - Anyone looking for a good game, ESPN 2. Appy State driving on TA&M in the 4th in a tie game.
Living in the Huntington, WV market, I can't describe how ecstatic the local news stations were at the outcome. I was happy to see them beat the Irish as well.