
Good morning folks.
Was up early so a skipped my walk today and watched the second half of the Cats game on ESPN. A little ragged but lots to like. A deep, athletic, talented team. As I understand it, the competition is a little tougher today so maybe we’ll learn more.

Heading to work. Hope it is a good day for all.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 71° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring partly cloudy skies and a high of a 83° .

Everyone stay safe on this Thursday.

I really enjoyed the game last night. Saw some stuff that I did not expect to see in August.

It is overcast and 75.9°F. We are supposed to get to 85° and only 10% change of rain. We got .73" yesterday, so the corn crops around here are going to make a lot of corn. The late beans are kicking butt also.

The guys are out cleaning up the downed limb. They are two guys that do odd jobs for me occasionally and I had not seen them for over a year so the first hour was spent talking and catching up.

You all enjoy your Friday eve.
Good Late Morning all, (I do hope you are well.)

Been to the swamp and back this morning. I don't miss it. (But I love the architecture!) Should be my last trip for at least a long while. Drinking coffee and planning to go out with My Darling in an hour or so to Fort Belvoir. This day was earned, not given. Tomorrow is my regular day off.... Have a great day.

(I was able to watch most of the game yesterday. I can get excited about this team. That 360 was just amazing and I think it was done specifically for the crowd of the BBN in attendance. (Just seemed that way to me from the expression on his face afterward.) I don't remember seeing that in a game before. (I know an exhibition but those either.)

Will try typing more later... ;)

Never made it to Fort Belvoir... Went to a couple grocery stores instead and picked up the BB.

My Darling made this for me just yesterday: (I am an over-easy egg man but in this case when you stir up the egg into the Black Bean sauce and noodles...Yes...)


Some other meals within the last ten days or so...

Slightly spicy but not too much...



A squash pancake...
Sounds like the Cats have a cake-walk ahead of them tonight. And Cal is forecasting some intriguing line-up variations to take advantage of it. Apparently he's going to run out two 5-man platoons in the first half, then shuffle the deck and run two different configurations in the second half. Sounds like a good receipe for building cohesion and comradeship. Who cares if they win by 20 or 60? Just stay healthy guys.
Sounds like the Cats have a cake-walk ahead of them tonight. And Cal is forecasting some intriguing line-up variations to take advantage of it. Apparently he's going to run out two 5-man platoons in the first half, then shuffle the deck and run two different configurations in the second half. Sounds like a good receipe for building cohesion and comradeship. Who cares if they win by 20 or 60? Just stay healthy guys.
What a luxury for a coach to have and to think, Onyenso isn't even in the equation yet.
What a luxury for a coach to have and to think, Onyenso isn't even in the equation yet.
Very true, 82. I think Kingsley Onyenso may be mostly a practice player this year unless, god forbid, something happens to Oscar. Ware looked very good last night and is a capable substitute center. Certainly, UKO is a very valuable insurance policy.

I know some are worried that the kid will practice for a year then bolt, but I believe there is very little chance of that. He's as different from Shaedon Sharpe as he could possibly be in almost every respect.

We'll see how it plays out but if UKO gets better for a year practicing against the NPOY and moves into the rotation next year, I'll be fine with that.
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Lodolo got screwed in 1 inning when they didn't call a 3rd strike on the pitch batter was hit. He & Reds have been out of the inning with that. End of bat was point to 2B man. But no, 3-0.
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I'm clearly a football first person, but JC saying UK is a hoops school disgusts me to no end. Get his as$ out of there. Him staying in Bahamas for the rest of his life would suit me.
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Meanwhile, the Reds are playing the Field of Dreams game now —badly, but it is still a fun game to watch - switching back and forth to the Cats.

I woke up last night to an eerie voice: “If they play it, Reds will lose.” You can’t ignore those ghostly voices. They are rarely wrong.
< - - - Pulled hard for the Reds in '90. Returned home on leave and all my Ohio relatives wore Reds sweats when they came down for a visit. Ha ha. Loved it. Height of the Marge Schott era.

But, sorry, I've been Braves fan since '69.
< - - - Pulled hard for the Reds in '90. Returned home on leave and all my Ohio relatives wore Reds sweats when they came down for a visit. Ha ha. Loved it. Height of the Marge Schott era.

But, sorry, I've been Braves fan since '69.
I’ve been a Reds fan since 1962. The only time the Reds won it all since the Big Red Machine days when I was a teenager was 1990- and I was in Baghdad the entire series, with a blackout by Saddam of all incoming communications. Never saw an inning and didn’t even know the Reds had won for a couple weeks after. How’s that for luck?
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I’ve been a Reds fan since 1962. The only time the Reds won it all since the Big Red Machine days when I was a teenager was 1990- and I was in Baghdad the entire series, with a blackout by Saddam of all incoming communications. Never saw an inning and didn’t even know the Reds had won for a couple weeks after. How’s that for luck?
Wow! If I remember correctly, we received deployment orders around Thanksgiving or thereabouts back in 1990. I remember watching final game on AFN very early morning Central European Time in October?. Can't forget Chris Sabo: "We beat 'em fair and square".

What a cluster f*ck loading up all those tracks on ships out of Bremerhaven back then. Ah, good old days...........
Wow! If I remember correctly, we received deployment orders around Thanksgiving or thereabouts back in 1990. I remember watching final game on AFN very early morning Central European Time in October?. Can't forget Chris Sabo: "We beat 'em fair and square".

What a cluster f*ck loading up all those tracks on ships out of Bremerhaven back then. Ah, good old days...........
I may have seen those very ships unloaded. For a while in November the arrival of units assigned to VII Corps was big news.

By then I’d been in the region about two months. I left the states in September and didn’t get back to the states until St. Patrick’s Day -March 17.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and clear. Today's high may reach 98°F. Hope we stay under 100°F. Slight chance for showers today and tomorrow. Lotsa clouds yesterday, but no rain.

Enjoyed another beat-down last night. Cats off today. Heard about a possible boat trip?

Heading out for a hike around 5:45 am. Happy Friday, y'all.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I’ve been a Reds fan since 1962. The only time the Reds won it all since the Big Red Machine days when I was a teenager was 1990- and I was in Baghdad the entire series, with a blackout by Saddam of all incoming communications. Never saw an inning and didn’t even know the Reds had won for a couple weeks after. How’s that for luck?
Been a Reds fan from the beginning. Born in 57 so I guess since about the same time frame as you. Yeah, I missed the 1990 WS as well sitting in the middle of the Saudi Desert preparing for the Gulf War to start. We got our information from the Stars and Stripes newspaper, and I got word of their sweep of the A's after the fact because we did not get those papers daily. Got them in bundles of successive days or weeks.

A shout out to Wheeler. For a lot of the Rafters crowd he’s a whipping boy. But he’s a unique talent in the college ranks in terms of speed and ability to find the right teammate at the right time and place.

14pts 10 assists 1 turnover tonight.
I agree, he gets a bad rap because of his speed and gets out of control sometimes (not often) but, that's what many focus on. He shifts gears of movement faster than most and I believe sometimes his teammates have a hard time getting in position enough to help him.
Good morning folks. Watching the replay of the Cats game last night. The guys just went in a 24-0 run which included 4 threes. I know those weren’t falling earlier so good to see that part of the game come around a bit.

Glad it’s Friday. Long week at work. (Wheeler just got down the court faster than anybody this side of John Wall and nailed Livingston in the chest for an open 3. Wow. )

Hope you all have a good day.
I’ve been a Reds fan since 1962. The only time the Reds won it all since the Big Red Machine days when I was a teenager was 1990- and I was in Baghdad the entire series, with a blackout by Saddam of all incoming communications. Never saw an inning and didn’t even know the Reds had won for a couple weeks after. How’s that for luck?
Starting as a Reds fan in 1962, you missed a great Reds season in 1961. One of my all time favorite teams. Unfortunately they ran into the New York Yankees in the World Series and lost the series 4-1. The Yankees won 109 games that year and had the M&M boys locked in a home run battle until Mantle got injured. Maris broke the Babe's record that season. That Yankee team had it all.

One thing I remember about that World Series is it was during the cold war with the Soviets and the Press termed it the "Reds vs. Yanks" You could do stuff like that back then. Now someone would be offended. But it was a tremendous year for the Reds. Some of my all time favorite Reds were on that team.


Good morning D-League. It's currently 64° and sunny here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring mostly sunny skies and a high of 79°.

Today my daughter moves into her dorm. I'm excited for her to start the next chapter of her life.

Everyone stay safe on this Friday.
