Sir thanks for sharing. It did me good as I was about the reverse. I do not think I have ever been young in my life concerning my thinking and mind-set. Even at a very early age I was very sober about my surroundings. I never fit in with people my own age. I'd never partake of things that I knew were not safe or right to do. (I had my issues in my late teens with decision-making but I sure chose to do what I did, it was not mistakes. I was not fooled and cannot blame my youth as many could/ tried to do.)
I guess now I cherish my ability to act younger than I am in many instances but I also do that on purpose just to have fun and cause enjoyment. Especially when I am not harming anyone with my actions... (My Grandchildren love it anyway.)

(My children and at times My Darling get perturbed BUT, I am still looking for my "children" to start acting their ages and not like youngsters without a care in the world when they themselves have children now... all three of them...) Sigh, I have to laugh.... Take care Sir and thanks again!