
Happy Birthday to a fine young lady. Sweet 16

One of my favorite oldies. Reached #2 on the charts in 1958.

Traveling Man was my high school sweetheart's favorite song. I traveled to Detroit in 1961 and broke up with her in a letter after I went away - so I'm not sure how she felt about the song after that.

This young man is in my extended family. He has helped me in the past do things that I am getting too old to do. His wife is a beautician and this Christmas Tree in outside her shop.

Warning: it is 9 minutes long.

It is nearly 50 feet tall:

Bert that Christmas Tree looks like a graphic representation of my drinking patterns in my 20s and early 30s. I'm happy to say I was able to cut way, way back without having to quit altogether.

Great job by that young man building it. I'm going to watch the whole nine-minute video after work, but its a terrific looking piece of construction.
One of my favorite oldies. Reached #2 on the charts in 1958.

Traveling Man was my high school sweetheart's favorite song. I traveled to Detroit in 1961 and broke up with her in a letter after I went away - so I'm not sure how she felt about the song after that.
Great song Chief. As for your ex- my guess is she was glad you were a Travelin' Man - going in the opposite direction of her.

The song genre of being a guy floating around the world from port-to-port breaking women's hearts is irresistible to romantic adolescent boys. This one came out when I was about 15 or 16 and made a big impression on me...
Hey bud! Coming around for the game tonight?
Well... I guess not. The redhead was watching something else, I got comfortable on the couch and BAM it was 8:30. Thanks for the invite though. Will try to make it for the ND game.
Everytime I drop down a Blues hole you come to mind. You interested in an occasional music tag.
Thanks Rooster...always interested in an occasional game of blues music tag.

When I said Cats by 30...I misspelled 12. Dang autocorrect.
One of my favorite oldies. Reached #2 on the charts in 1958.

Traveling Man was my high school sweetheart's favorite song. I traveled to Detroit in 1961 and broke up with her in a letter after I went away - so I'm not sure how she felt about the song after that.

My wife and i play a game with YouTube and this came up the other night. I searched for Rick Nelson and played it, it has been years since I heard that tune.

Here is one of a man breaking hearts every where he goes.

Great song Chief. As for your ex- my guess is she was glad you were a Travelin' Man - going in the opposite direction of her.

The song genre of being a guy floating around the world from port-to-port breaking women's hearts is irresistible to romantic adolescent boys. This one came out when I was about 15 or 16 and made a big impression on me...

I ran into her the next time I came back to town. She wasn't grieving, she was pissed. I never had any contact with her until more than 50 years later after someone informed me she was dying of cancer. I called her to express my sympathy for her situation and we had a nice conversation and we both agreed that our time together was just a fond memory. I had always believed that after one married it was not a good idea to have any contact with former girl/boyfriends (which I still think is good advice).
Been a nice easy day here in my nest. Did venture out to the store to pick up a couple of things to make some gingerbread cookies.

Almost picked up some eggnog. Reason I didn't is it's too early to get started on that. I put bourbon in it and drink it during ball games or movies. Afraid I'll burn out on it if I start this early before Christmas. Maybe have some White Russians to tide me over. Dude will abide.

Holiday tradition at our house throughout my life growing up was to have fried oysters on Christmas Eve. Gonna get back to that this year.
Been a nice easy day here in my nest. Did venture out to the store to pick up a couple of things to make some gingerbread cookies.

Almost picked up some eggnog. Reason I didn't is it's too early to get started on that. I put bourbon in it and drink it during ball games or movies. Afraid I'll burn out on it if I start this early before Christmas. Maybe have some White Russians to tide me over. Dude will abide.

Holiday tradition at our house throughout my life growing up was to have fried oysters on Christmas Eve. Gonna get back to that this year.
Try a shot of Rum Chata in your is never too early if you can find eggnog.......unless you make your own...........the Director has been on me to make some rolled oysters........Mazonni's style..............
Try a shot of Rum Chata in your is never too early if you can find eggnog.......unless you make your own...........the Director has been on me to make some rolled oysters........Mazonni's style..............
That's the way I make them too. I use Saltines though because that's what Mom did. I made them for all of us when she became unable and we all still got together. I've got about at least 10 or 12 breaded oysters cooks under my belt.
That's the way I make them too. I use Saltines though because that's what Mom did. I made them for all of us when she became unable and we all still got together. I've got about at least 10 or 12 breaded oysters cooks under my belt.
I don't remember how long I have been making them.......since Flabby's quit having them I guess..........the recipe I use has oatmeal for the mix and cracker crumbs to roll them in ..........pretty close to the real deal........
Been a nice easy day here in my nest. Did venture out to the store to pick up a couple of things to make some gingerbread cookies.

Almost picked up some eggnog. Reason I didn't is it's too early to get started on that. I put bourbon in it and drink it during ball games or movies. Afraid I'll burn out on it if I start this early before Christmas. Maybe have some White Russians to tide me over. Dude will abide.

Holiday tradition at our house throughout my life growing up was to have fried oysters on Christmas Eve. Gonna get back to that this year.
We share the same taste and holiday tradition. Christmas Eve featured oysters at my house also. We would fry 5 or 6 dozen and also serve Oyster Stew. We were fortunate to get fresh oysters out of the Gulf.

When a was a youngster you had a couple of options. You could take a big tub and go oystering or get a bushel from the seafood market for $6.00 and carry them home in a toe sack. Over the years prices have increased to about $60.00 a bushel locally. But that cost may rise even more. The best oysters in Florida, come from the beds at Apalachicola Bay and they have been shut down for 5 years. Oyster beds were seeded off the coast in my county about 3 years ago and we should be in good supply of oysters in a couple of years. Right now I get mine from Cedar Key.

I enjoy a lot of different foods but nothing comes close to oysters in my opinion. My very favorite way to eat oysters (other than raw) is to have an oyster roast. Get some hot coals and a large grill, put the oysters on them and let them roast until the shell pops open. Get your oyster knife out and pop one after another into your mouth. A group of folks can take care of a bushel in no time.

This is what an oyster boat looks like. You take a long "rake" and scoop them up off of the bottom. They are found in shallow waters. This picture was taken in Apalachicola Bay.

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Try a shot of Rum Chata in your is never too early if you can find eggnog.......unless you make your own...........the Director has been on me to make some rolled oysters........Mazonni's style..............
Mazonni's style..............

Oh my goodness, Mazonni's were the best.

For years they were lunch at the L&N in Louisville on Fridays.
That's the way I make them too. I use Saltines though because that's what Mom did. I made them for all of us when she became unable and we all still got together. I've got about at least 10 or 12 breaded oysters cooks under my belt.
For years and years and years mama and my wife always fried oysters and other seafood in Nabisco Cracker Meal. I am not sure they make it anymore but a light dusting of that would fry your food to a golden brown and not be so thick you could not get the flavor of the shrimp, or fish or oyster. I have not seen this in stores in years.

Try a shot of Rum Chata in your is never too early if you can find eggnog.......unless you make your own...........the Director has been on me to make some rolled oysters........Mazonni's style..............
Ah Mazzoni's. Really sorry that they closed up shop. Should never have left their Bowman Field location. They had a sign "Free oysters for anyone 80 years or older accompanied by a parent". Believe it or not an 80-something man came in with his 100-something mom and had an oyster feast.
One of my favorite oldies. Reached #2 on the charts in 1958.

Traveling Man was my high school sweetheart's favorite song. I traveled to Detroit in 1961 and broke up with her in a letter after I went away - so I'm not sure how she felt about the song after that.

I hoped you stopped by if it was after July of 61 Sir and at least tapped on whatever it was I was laying on at the time. I couldn't have done much to say hello as I was just getting over.....being born.
We share the same taste and holiday tradition. Christmas Eve featured oysters at my house also. We would fry 5 or 6 dozen and also serve Oyster Stew. We were fortunate to get fresh oysters out of the Gulf.

When a was a youngster you had a couple of options. You could take a big tub and go oystering or get a bushel from the seafood market for $6.00 and carry them home in a toe sack. Over the years prices have increased to about $60.00 a bushel locally. But that cost may rise even more. The best oysters in Florida, come from the beds at Apalachicola Bay and they have been shut down for 5 years. Oyster beds were seeded off the coast in my county about 3 years ago and we should be in good supply of oysters in a couple of years. Right now I get mine from Cedar Key.

I enjoy a lot of different foods but nothing comes close to oysters in my opinion. My very favorite way to eat oysters (other than raw) is to have an oyster roast. Get some hot coals and a large grill, put the oysters on them and let them roast until the shell pops open. Get your oyster knife out and pop one after another into your mouth. A group of folks can take care of a bushel in no time.

This is what an oyster boat looks like. You take a long "rake" and scoop them up off of the bottom. They are found in shallow waters. This picture was taken in Apalachicola Bay.


I'm "wit ya" there on that eating Sir. I'm "wit ya"... A good, good day!


I was going to make a gizzard joke and decided to look first before I did. I am glad I looked first BUT, I do have to tell on myself..(Once in a whlie.)

A brudder ought not joke about Oyster gizzards until he checks the internet...

AS I watch the news I SMH watching hoodlums going into stores, smashing things and stealing at will. And they are protect by local and state laws. It is spreading all over the country. How can a society survive this?
Most of us were brought up to respect authority. We knew if we did anything remotely close to what these young people are doing, the law would be the least of our worries. We also were taught if you wanted something, you got out and worked for it. My dad would say, "If it wasn't worth working for, then it wasn't worth having". We need to get back to those days.
I hoped you stopped by if it was after July of 61 Sir and at least tapped on whatever it was I was laying on at the time. I couldn't have done much to say hello as I was just getting over.....being born.
1961, the year I graduated from high school. I was 17 years old I bought this 1956 Ford for $500 and started saving my money for college. It was a very good year

I hoped you stopped by if it was after July of 61 Sir and at least tapped on whatever it was I was laying on at the time. I couldn't have done much to say hello as I was just getting over.....being born.

I was in Detroit during the winter of 61, early 62. Couldn't find a job there as there was a recession at that time. Best failure of my life.
Good evening, D-League!

Phone is almost completely dead, as in bricked. Trying to recover data and such. Won't be back on for a while, so continue to enjoy your time without me! Lol

The difference between a world run by democrats and a world run by republicans seems pretty stark right now. In congress the left is mostly psychotic and the right is out for their own self-interests. Dividing up the spoils between them. We need to put real people forward as candidates. People that can't be bought, and know the constitution.

No getting around it that we need to get rid of most of those elected and start over, as well as putting the ones who've voted for and promoted anti-constitutional legislation in jail for treason. I don't know who we can trust to work towards getting that done, however.

It may be too late after all.
I started smoking in elementary school. Quit when I was 19. I've picked up and smoked many cigarette butts from the side of the road. My dad rolled his own (Prince Albert) and would let me get a puff whenever but my mother would whip me if she caught me.
I was probably 11-12 yrs old when I started..........mostly older kids in my neighborhood........I found a way to fit in.......
I was probably 11-12 yrs old when I started..........mostly older kids in my neighborhood........I found a way to fit in.......

I smoked in the Army for almost a year. (Mostly at Fort Bragg) I couldn't catch a good breath for a few days and I quit it. I was huffing and puffing them though. Caught the habit but good. Of course you could get a pack out of the machine for I think 45 cents at the time in the barracks or buy them by the carton a whole lot cheaper.
I started smoking in elementary school. Quit when I was 19. I've picked up and smoked many cigarette butts from the side of the road. My dad rolled his own (Prince Albert) and would let me get a puff whenever but my mother would whip me if she caught me.
Fortunately every time I smoked I got sicker than a dog. So 3 cigarettes for me in my lifetime.
Last name, if you dare?

My Dad had seven brothers and a sister (My Uncles and Aunt). They lived on the Y. Not worried about sharing my name, I have with several here but I am careful. Many of the children still live there and about. (I will look and see if I have a picture or two of many of them together. May have to ask my brother. My brother is ten years liking a week older than me.)
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