
That type case was the only one I've ever sat on but for someone with dementia. Took all of 1-2 hours for the trial plus deciding.

Not sure what the judge's problem is. Who cares if s/he likes it? KY instituted these trials only some 40 years ago - I recall when they came to be. So saying we're one of few states who STILL have these trials is a lack of recognition of how new they are. I say fire the judge.
This was for a girl who had been in her mothers constant care since birth and would require that same care for the rest of her life. She was turning 18 and we had to have a jury trial to decide if she was fit to fend for herself. If it was to tell if someone had dementia then I can see where that wouldn't be so cut and dried.
History tells us this is the pattern to overthrow a country and replace the government with socialism/communism.. Our problem in America is public schools do not teach real history and young skulls full of mush have no idea what our forefathers did not establish the greatest country in the history of the world. So they fall for the lies they are taught and are willing to tear it down in the name of diversity.

It seems quite clear that our public school system is geared to produce a citizenry that is incapable of logical thought. The last thing a ruling government wants is having its servants think for themselves. Can't have too many seeing that the Emperor is naked.

I was just reading a story this morning about public schools dumbing down the math classes because whites and affluent students perform better in math on the standardized tests. They are also doing away with advanced classes because only certain people qualify for them. Is that what someone would do if they were actually wanting to bring the bottom up? Or does it sound exactly like it is and they are trying to bring the top down?

The biggest lie the libs ever got their useful idiots to believe is that they are the "educated" party. I was listening to the Jones Show earlier and they mentioned it was Dec 7th, Pearl Harbor Day. Sad thing is, none of the 3 of them knew that the attack occurred in 1941. 3 grown liberals who don't know when the US entered WWII. They tried to make excuses for why they didn't know and blamed it on being live on the radio.

A day that will live in infamy...until libs have total control and WWII is cancelled due to us nuking POC.

We already have diversity. What they are after is unity and they are too stupid to know it.

You're both right about public schools. My senior daughter has a +4.0 gpa while taking honors courses. She told me that for an Honors Geography final one time, all she had to do was draw a simple cartoon. In other classes the teachers will let students turn in work weeks late and will give them the answers to tests beforehand. I'll often ask her about historical events, and she will say they haven't taught us about that. During academic meets, she will say the only reason she knew any of the historical questions is because of myself.
A grown man educated in the elite universities of Transylvania and Duke didn't know we were attacked by Japanese in 1941. What is going on in this world. I knew that before it got into the history book. Surely he took U.S. History at some point in his life.

Maybe they quit teaching that after I got out of school. Matt Jones needs to go to Pearl Harbor and visit the U.S.S. Arizona memorial. It would be the best education I could suggest for him.

Wait. I thought it was the Germans who bombed Pearl Harbor?
Im laughing my ass off here!!! That emoji by Sawnee put me over the edge. Thanks dude!
Doin' my best to contribute to the community. Sometimes I get out on a limb.

We have 63° and it is foggy over the lake. The sun will burn that off as it heads on up to 68° and we may get a few scattered showers this afternoon.

I ran into another transplant yesterday while at Publix. He was a 35 year old man who was born and lived all of his life in California. I told him I have seen a lot of California cars around but he was the first person I had the pleasure to talk to. He said he plays golf with about 10 of his buddies and 7 of them are moving out of California. He promised me he would vote the right way. So I said welcome. He also said the primary reason he is leaving was because of his children. The school system, racial strife and crime is too much to handle. He wants to live normal again.

I have a busy day ahead so I better turn this over to somebody else with more to offer

I read John 12
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Wake up D Legionnaires!

32° now with the high of about 65° coming. Going up to mid to upper 70's next couple of days until the weekend

Daughter's 16th birthday is today and MIL wants us to wait until this weekend to celebrate it. Wife said no but, MIL said then we will do it again on Saturday. The fight continues. I told my wife the Army-Navy game I watch every year is Saturday at 1300 and then UK plays not long after that so...heh, heh, heh, I have an excuse not to do it then.

Wake up D Legionnaires!

32° now with the high of about 65° coming. Going up to mid to upper 70's next couple of days until the weekend

Daughter's 16th birthday is today and MIL wants us to wait until this weekend to celebrate it. Wife said no but, MIL said then we will do it again on Saturday. The fight continues. I told my wife the Army-Navy game I watch every year is Saturday at 1300 and then UK plays not long after that so...heh, heh, heh, I have an excuse not to do it then.
Happy Birthday to a fine young lady. Sweet 16

Doin' my best to contribute to the community. Sometimes I get out on a limb.

We have 63° and it is foggy over the lake. The sun will burn that off as it heads on up to 68° and we may get a few scattered showers this afternoon.

I ran into another transplant yesterday while at Publix. He was a 35 year old man who was born and lived all of his life in California. I told him I have seen a lot of California cars around but he was the first person I had the pleasure to talk to. He said he plays golf with about 10 of his buddies and 7 of them are moving out of California. He promised me he would vote the right way. So I said welcome. He also said the primary reason he is leaving was because of his children. The school system, racial strife and crime is too much to handle. He wants to live normal again.

I have a busy day ahead so I better turn this over to somebody else with more to offer

I read John 12
Isn't it a sad day when people have to uproot their families and relocate..............all because of insufferable politicians.......who are part and parcel to everything that is going on........they are the reason for the crime increase.........

Wake up D Legionnaires!

32° now with the high of about 65° coming. Going up to mid to upper 70's next couple of days until the weekend

Daughter's 16th birthday is today and MIL wants us to wait until this weekend to celebrate it. Wife said no but, MIL said then we will do it again on Saturday. The fight continues. I told my wife the Army-Navy game I watch every year is Saturday at 1300 and then UK plays not long after that so...heh, heh, heh, I have an excuse not to do it then.
Happy Birthday wishes from the awf is an important birthday in the life of a a grand parent of 10 grand kids and soon to be 2 great grand kids............we gonna do what we gonna do......... 😉
Howdy folks. Cold here today - 33f. We’re supposed to have snow but not yet.

Sleepwalk for the Cats last night from what I saw. But at least it wasn’t as bad as the last time an ex-Cat coached in Rupp - Walter McCarty at Evansville. And that Kentucky team won the SEC going away and stood to be a 2 seed before Covid. So not too concerned.

Hope all is well with all of you.
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Isn't it a sad day when people have to uproot their families and relocate..............all because of insufferable politicians.......who are part and parcel to everything that is going on........they are the reason for the crime increase.........
AS I watch the news I SMH watching hoodlums going into stores, smashing things and stealing at will. And they are protect by local and state laws. It is spreading all over the country. How can a society survive this?
This young man is in my extended family. He has helped me in the past do things that I am getting too old to do. His wife is a beautician and this Christmas Tree in outside her shop.

Warning: it is 9 minutes long.

It is nearly 50 feet tall:

Bert, is this located in Chalybeate? I may have passed it on my way up and back to Nolin Lake. Huge structure. Lots of work.

Wake up D Legionnaires!

32° now with the high of about 65° coming. Going up to mid to upper 70's next couple of days until the weekend

Daughter's 16th birthday is today and MIL wants us to wait until this weekend to celebrate it. Wife said no but, MIL said then we will do it again on Saturday. The fight continues. I told my wife the Army-Navy game I watch every year is Saturday at 1300 and then UK plays not long after that so...heh, heh, heh, I have an excuse not to do it then.

And the beat goes on...


Just don't get beat on....

Happy Birthday to your daughter. I hope all is well for her.
Bert, is this located in Chalybeate? I may have passed it on my way up and back to Nolin Lake. Huge structure. Lots of work.
It is. On the right going toward Brownsville.

It was on Fox News this morning. The Fox Christmas tree was burned last night by a turd head and they were showing Christmas trees in all the large cities and there was a tree from Chalybeate.
Multiple weapons and plenty of ammo.
Isn't it funny that the cities and states who allow this have the strictest gun laws. Some of us are fortunate that we live in states that will not put up with this. I seriously doubt I would stay in one that lets hoodlums run wild with out fear or consequence.

Voters have a choice and if they continue to vote for the ones supporting this it is hard to feel sorry for them.
Good morning! I made it until about the halfway through the Jones postgame. Woke up to Coast to Coast.

I thought the game was pretty exciting last night. I started off with sausage balls and then a big slice of blueberry pie. At halftime I made a ham and cheese sammich with a side of potato chips. Also had 4 beers during the game. Yep, pretty exciting.

My wife and I got out last Saturday for a day of shopping and food. Left the house Sunday to take out the garbage to the street. Got out Monday to bring the garbage can back to safety. Reached out the front door yesterday to grab a package off the porch. Might not leave the house today.

Have a day of your own making!