
Good morning D-League. It's currently 28° and clear here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring mostly cloudy skies and a high of 38°.

Everyone stay safe out there today.

Finally! Echo Yoho
Good morning D-League. I hope all i well.

80 years since Pearl Harbor. What a remarkable day and era for America.

I don't normally bring my work here, but I thought some of you guys would be interested in a project I commissioned and edited - written by the notable WW2 historian Alex Kershaw. Some interesting stories here if you click on the individual name tabs.
Will Do Thanks!
It makes my blood boil knowing there are citizens of our country who want to tear these monuments down. Anyone caught in the act should be shot down like a rabid animal. When this tearing monuments down started it was not Robert E Lee they were after it was the very core of American history. So if you cheered when the Confederate monuments were torn down or put in a garbage dump, don't cry when they are going after Washington, Jefferson and every monument in Washington DC. That is their ultimate goal.

Socialism and Communism is a cancer that starts out gradually and before you know it you are in Stage 4 and a death sentence is your future. Keep America Free and Never Forget
The bad guys are swimming upstream, the attack seems against Christianity itself and the insanity appears to have no limits.
Good morning! Woke up at 0735 and figured I might as well make a go of it. Went to sleep at 0300 so if a nap slips up on me today, I won't be surprised at all.

Should be a good game for us tonight. Not necessarily a good game, but a good game for us since we'll be almost at full strength. Glad to see that Mintz will be back. I trust him.

28° here this morning but that don't confront me none because I don't intend to leave this house.

Have a great day and endeavor to persevere!

Thanks Sawnee. I appreciate your kind words about the piece. We intentionally wanted to tell the story of how unified America was after Pearl Harbor - the Japanese American we profile in Hawaii at the time of the attack who ends up fighting in Italy, the African American who becomes a dedicated fighter pilot, the Navajo who ends up on Iwo Jima, and so on.

There was prejudice and inequality in America in 1941, but all those people still loved the country, recognized it even then as the best place in a world of tyranny and oppression, and were willing to risk everything to defend it. We're hoping people see the contrast between that and a much more privileged and coddled generation finding tiny reasons to feel aggrieved constantly.

Anyway, I hope people have time to read some of these stories.
Hell, I've heard the patiotic Americans of Japanese decent that were rounded up and confined along the Colorado here in Arizona understood and contributed where they could. They didn't like being rounded up much but understood the country had been attacked. (fixed)
Just broke my reading glasses. Looking at a long day.
My arms have been shrinking for about 30 years
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Is it true that 13 SEC football teams have bowl games?

This can't be true. ESPN knows sports and covers the SEC. How can they be so wrong. They have been telling us how bad the SEC is. Why are 13 of the 14 teams going to play in the post season?

I need to see a professional.

Why do SEC teams have to play teams ranked higher than them? If these other schools are so great why not pit them with higher ranked teams.

I need to see a professional.
Doomed to repeat history.
Some people know the fire is hot, others have burned fingers.
Afternoon fellas.
Not much happening.
Glad to see everyone still putterin' about.
Football Cats on New Years Day...nice. Probably means bedtime will be early that night....
Cats by 30 this evening.
Hey bud! Coming around for the game tonight?

@Bert Higginbotha Watch this!

Is it true that 13 SEC football teams have bowl games?

This can't be true. ESPN knows sports and covers the SEC. How can they be so wrong. They have been telling us how bad the SEC is. Why are 13 of the 14 teams going to play in the post season?

I need to see a professional.

Why do SEC teams have to play teams ranked higher than them? If these other schools are so great why not pit them with higher ranked teams.

I need to see a professional.
Very good point. Here we have "lowly Kentucky" having to play the loser of the Big 10 championship game. The loser of the SEC championship game is in the playoffs.
It seems quite clear that our public school system is geared to produce a citizenry that is incapable of logical thought. The last thing a ruling government wants is having its servants think for themselves. Can't have too many seeing that the Emperor is naked.

I was just reading a story this morning about public schools dumbing down the math classes because whites and affluent students perform better in math on the standardized tests. They are also doing away with advanced classes because only certain people qualify for them. Is that what someone would do if they were actually wanting to bring the bottom up? Or does it sound exactly like it is and they are trying to bring the top down?

The biggest lie the libs ever got their useful idiots to believe is that they are the "educated" party. I was listening to the Jones Show earlier and they mentioned it was Dec 7th, Pearl Harbor Day. Sad thing is, none of the 3 of them knew that the attack occurred in 1941. 3 grown liberals who don't know when the US entered WWII. They tried to make excuses for why they didn't know and blamed it on being live on the radio.

A day that will live in infamy...until libs have total control and WWII is cancelled due to us nuking POC.

We already have diversity. What they are after is unity and they are too stupid to know it.
A grown man educated in the elite universities of Transylvania and Duke didn't know we were attacked by Japanese in 1941. What is going on in this world. I knew that before it got into the history book. Surely he took U.S. History at some point in his life.

Maybe they quit teaching that after I got out of school. Matt Jones needs to go to Pearl Harbor and visit the U.S.S. Arizona memorial. It would be the best education I could suggest for him.
Talking about coaching changes and he thought Cristobal's name was pronounced cris TO' bel. Seems like I've been hearing that name for years.

He thinks he knows how the country should be ran, but he doesn't know the little things. The little things are pretty important to the big decisions.

Unlike him, I DO KNOW HOW THE COUNTRY SHOULD BE RAN! That was a bold statement. get it?
Anyway, I would run the country by relying on the Constitution when enacting laws and I would enforce those laws in a fair and just manner.
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A grown man educated in the elite universities of Transylvania and Duke didn't know we were attacked by Japanese in 1941. What is going on in this world. I knew that before it got into the history book. Surely he took U.S. History at some point in his life.

Maybe they quit teaching that after I got out of school. Matt Jones needs to go to Pearl Harbor and visit the U.S.S. Arizona memorial. It would be the best education I could suggest for him.
Yet, the pompous ass always wants to talk down to people when they call in........the main reason I don't like he is so much smarter.........he isn't smarter....he has more education.....maybe........
A grown man educated in the elite universities of Transylvania and Duke didn't know we were attacked by Japanese in 1941. What is going on in this world. I knew that before it got into the history book. Surely he took U.S. History at some point in his life.

Maybe they quit teaching that after I got out of school. Matt Jones needs to go to Pearl Harbor and visit the U.S.S. Arizona memorial. It would be the best education I could suggest for him.

While listening to Jones in the past, I concluded that while book smart, he sure lacks in common sense.
I only had to sit for one trial and it was to give a lady power of attorney for her daughter who was severely handicapped. It is basically a formality and the judge told us up front she didn't like it and that Kentucky was one of a handful of states that still require a jury trial.
That type case was the only one I've ever sat on but for someone with dementia. Took all of 1-2 hours for the trial plus deciding.

Not sure what the judge's problem is. Who cares if s/he likes it? KY instituted these trials only some 40 years ago - I recall when they came to be. So saying we're one of few states who STILL have these trials is a lack of recognition of how new they are. I say fire the judge.
You never know about those things. My daughter was on a jury for a civil suit between a man and wife vs a bank. It concerned osha regulations and how certain work was handled. When the jury first started deliberating . the jury was going to give the verdict for the bank. Turns out my daughter has a degree in osha stuff and was working for a major insurance company. She told them she worked daily with that kind of stuff and explained to the jury the proper way things were supposed to be done. The jury then voted for the couple. Without her the couple would have lost. What are the odds an expert in the field just happened to be on the jury? I always wondered if the couples lawyer realized how lucky he was that he won despite not being smart enough to get an osha expert to testify.
I'm surprised your daughter was seated on that jury. Usually prefer jurists be clueless.
Good morning D-League. I hope all i well.

80 years since Pearl Harbor. What a remarkable day and era for America.

I don't normally bring my work here, but I thought some of you guys would be interested in a project I commissioned and edited - written by the notable WW2 historian Alex Kershaw. Some interesting stories here if you click on the individual name tabs.
Dad was 20. Said when people heard Pearl Harbor had been attacked, many replied, "Where's Pearl Harbor?". Apparently not well known in 1941.
It makes my blood boil knowing there are citizens of our country who want to tear these monuments down. Anyone caught in the act should be shot down like a rabid animal. When this tearing monuments down started it was not Robert E Lee they were after it was the very core of American history. So if you cheered when the Confederate monuments were torn down or put in a garbage dump, don't cry when they are going after Washington, Jefferson and every monument in Washington DC. That is their ultimate goal.

Socialism and Communism is a cancer that starts out gradually and before you know it you are in Stage 4 and a death sentence is your future. Keep America Free and Never Forget
I've visited the AZ Memorial at PH (Don't know if this photo is from there.). Moving to say the least. USS AZ was BB 39 - sister battleship to Dad's BB 38, USS PA, which he got on ~14 months later. The PA was one of the few battleships not sunk because it was in drydock for repairs about a mile from Battleship Row (Duh, sitting ducks so to speak.).
Afternoon fellas.
Not much happening.
Glad to see everyone still putterin' about.
Football Cats on New Years Day...nice. Probably means bedtime will be early that night....
Cats by 30 this evening.
That's about what I'm thinking. You're about a jump shot or two more optimistic than me. I think they're capable of 50. Now off topic. Everytime I drop down a Blues hole you come to mind. You interested in an occasional music tag. While this midway sideshow would be rated X by 1960's standards. Today not so much. I find "HillBilly Moon Explosion" very entertaining euro rockabillys that are sometines Pycholbillies.

Enough Rockabilly to Rev up!
Even one for the Louisvile Cardinals
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A grown man educated in the elite universities of Transylvania and Duke didn't know we were attacked by Japanese in 1941. What is going on in this world. I knew that before it got into the history book. Surely he took U.S. History at some point in his life.

Maybe they quit teaching that after I got out of school. Matt Jones needs to go to Pearl Harbor and visit the U.S.S. Arizona memorial. It would be the best education I could suggest for him.
Guess I'm not surprised. Most anyone under 50 doesn't know Civil War was in 1860's even, much less the exact years. Eighty years ago is getting to be a long time.
That type case was the only one I've ever sat on but for someone with dementia. Took all of 1-2 hours for the trial plus deciding.

Not sure what the judge's problem is. Who cares if s/he likes it? KY instituted these trials only some 40 years ago - I recall when they came to be. So saying we're one of few states who STILL have these trials is a lack of recognition of how new they are. I say fire the judge.
This was for a girl who had been in her mothers constant care since birth and would require that same care for the rest of her life. She was turning 18 and we had to have a jury trial to decide if she was fit to fend for herself. If it was to tell if someone had dementia then I can see where that wouldn't be so cut and dried.
History tells us this is the pattern to overthrow a country and replace the government with socialism/communism.. Our problem in America is public schools do not teach real history and young skulls full of mush have no idea what our forefathers did not establish the greatest country in the history of the world. So they fall for the lies they are taught and are willing to tear it down in the name of diversity.

It seems quite clear that our public school system is geared to produce a citizenry that is incapable of logical thought. The last thing a ruling government wants is having its servants think for themselves. Can't have too many seeing that the Emperor is naked.

I was just reading a story this morning about public schools dumbing down the math classes because whites and affluent students perform better in math on the standardized tests. They are also doing away with advanced classes because only certain people qualify for them. Is that what someone would do if they were actually wanting to bring the bottom up? Or does it sound exactly like it is and they are trying to bring the top down?

The biggest lie the libs ever got their useful idiots to believe is that they are the "educated" party. I was listening to the Jones Show earlier and they mentioned it was Dec 7th, Pearl Harbor Day. Sad thing is, none of the 3 of them knew that the attack occurred in 1941. 3 grown liberals who don't know when the US entered WWII. They tried to make excuses for why they didn't know and blamed it on being live on the radio.

A day that will live in infamy...until libs have total control and WWII is cancelled due to us nuking POC.

We already have diversity. What they are after is unity and they are too stupid to know it.

You're both right about public schools. My senior daughter has a +4.0 gpa while taking honors courses. She told me that for an Honors Geography final one time, all she had to do was draw a simple cartoon. In other classes the teachers will let students turn in work weeks late and will give them the answers to tests beforehand. I'll often ask her about historical events, and she will say they haven't taught us about that. During academic meets, she will say the only reason she knew any of the historical questions is because of myself.
A grown man educated in the elite universities of Transylvania and Duke didn't know we were attacked by Japanese in 1941. What is going on in this world. I knew that before it got into the history book. Surely he took U.S. History at some point in his life.

Maybe they quit teaching that after I got out of school. Matt Jones needs to go to Pearl Harbor and visit the U.S.S. Arizona memorial. It would be the best education I could suggest for him.

Wait. I thought it was the Germans who bombed Pearl Harbor?