
Here's me in front of the Ziggurat of Ur, Oct 11, 2005, near Nasiriyah, Iraq. Heh, I may have posted to the Paddock later that evening.

My wife and I have a tradition of splurging on our New Year's Eve meal. Usually king crab legs, lobster, caviar, champagne, etc.. Just a one-time a year thing. I started early this year trying to find the best deals. Colossal red king crab legs from our local fish monger has gone up from $45/lb. to $73/lb. !!! Evidently Alaska has cancelled the 2021-2022 season due to an unexplained low stock. First time that's happened in 25 years and next year doesn't look any better. I thought about dungeness or blue crab (love them both) but my wife loves king crabs. I've got time to convince her otherwise.
Have you thought about Stone Crabs claws.

Happy Thanksgiving D League. I trust all have a wonderful day with family and friends as we reflect on our blessings.

The Mayflower passengers went through a bitter year after reaching America. The number who sailed in 1620 was 102 and the number alive in 1621 was 52.

Number who sailed in 1620 Number alive in 1621
Adult Men 49 21
Adult women 18 4
Minor males 23 17 (2 newborns)
Minor Females 12 10

When I consider the sacrifices of those who came before me I realize how blessed I have been in my life.
Good Day Before Thanksgiving morning D-League.

"If I ever needed a cup of coffee before, I sure do need it now"

We have a crisp 42° with clear skies down here in Dixie Land. We will warm up to a blistering 69°. The skies will be sunny and humidity low. Not a bad day. I still have not turned on the heat in the house and it is a comfortable in the low 70's. We never turn it on before January and even then the house is insulated so good most afternoons we do not need it. With the cost of fuel around the country I am thankful.

A little bad news to report. Nancy Pelosi has bought a house ( a $25 million dollar mansion) in Jupiter and plans on retiring to Florida after she destroyed California. She bashes us on the House floor and then is ready to move down here. What a hypocrite.

She wants to retire in Florida to enjoy low taxes, mask free hair salons, and Republican freedom policies, while literally destroying all these good things for the American people.

What a way to mess up Thanksgiving.


Is this her place, or just an example of a Florida home... asking for a friend
My wife and I have a tradition of splurging on our New Year's Eve meal. Usually king crab legs, lobster, caviar, champagne, etc.. Just a one-time a year thing. I started early this year trying to find the best deals. Colossal red king crab legs from our local fish monger has gone up from $45/lb. to $73/lb. !!! Evidently Alaska has cancelled the 2021-2022 season due to an unexplained low stock. First time that's happened in 25 years and next year doesn't look any better. I thought about dungeness or blue crab (love them both) but my wife loves king crabs. I've got time to convince her otherwise.

Chinese overfishing, or Fukushima runoff leading to massive die off?
Absolutely freaky how small those ships were that brought people here. Can't imagine.
I doubt there are many that would/could survive the hardships these folks did............and they were Puritans.........probably didn't even complain......they were pacifist.........they didn't really know where they were but they were damn glad to be here......some might even say......thankful.............and now you know the rest of the story........😉
I just don't buy what Jones is selling. Stoops will have to change his coaching philosophy. No more playing down to your opposition, no more trying to run out the clock at the start of the second half with a 17 point lead.

I still think this is all agent driven to get Stoops a better contract that he already has or a new training facility and $1 million minimum for each assistant.

I would think Dave Aranda has as good a resume as Stoops and is under consideration. LSU may be in competition with USC for him though. Kiffen and Lincoln Riley also have interest from LSU.

If I am wrong and Stoops bales and takes his crew out of Lexington it is going to be more difficult to replace him because so many premier jobs are open. USC, UF, LSU are just a few

...and jones trying to get back on the coaches' good sides after jumping the gun on some recruiting info previously. I doubt Stoops would want to go there, unless he's just tired of fighting the battle on all sides that he has here.

I don't think he has yet come close to the potential he has here. We need to keep him, Marrow, and Coen for as long as possible to reach it. After that, we may have a very hard time finding someone that can take it to the next level. He still has some growing to do as a coach and leader, though, to keep from the stumbles we've seen in the 2nd half of the season.
Is this her place, or just an example of a Florida home... asking for a friend
I believe it is, it was the picture in the article. The house has a lot of acres on the water. If I recall there are several living structures or guest houses on the land too.

The only good part of this story is she settled in what we call the "containment area" for liberal transplants. Southeast Florida is no different than New York, with the exception of the weather. I imagine she will not stray for off so the rest of us should be safe.
Happy Thanksgiving D League. I trust all have a wonderful day with family and friends as we reflect on our blessings.

The Mayflower passengers went through a bitter year after reaching America. The number who sailed in 1620 was 102 and the number alive in 1621 was 52.

Number who sailed in 1620 Number alive in 1621
Adult Men 49 21
Adult women 18 4
Minor males 23 17 (2 newborns)
Minor Females 12 10

When I consider the sacrifices of those who came before me I realize how blessed I have been in my life.
What stands out in those numbers is their apparent recognition that kids are our future and have to come first. Thank you.
My thoughts go back to mother on days like today. Mama was an excellent seamstress and made most of my clothes in childhood. Kids didn't get into brands back then like they do today. Most of my friends clothes were made by their mothers too.

During the holiday season mama always made us something for the occasion. When I was six years old and in the first grade the Wednesday before Thanksgiving she dressed me up as a pilgrim and off to school I went. All of the outfit was made in her sewing room the day before. I also had to wear it on Thanksgiving Day. I was probably embarrassed back in 1949 when she did it but now I look back and smile and I am thankful for the memories. RIP mom, you sure had a sense of humor and boy howdy could you cook.


The boots were my dad's rubber fishing boots and the buckle is cardboard covered with aluminum foil. The scarf was a piece of linen on the coffee table in the front room. The hat was made of cardboard and painted black. She sure had an imagination.
I have to admit. I never cared much for parades. Growing up, Dad would always turn on the Macy's parade but I found it boring. Even as a kid. More so today.
Before WDW became so woke and I quit going, I took the kids out of school for a couple of days one year and we went over Thanksgiving. During the parade, we chose to go to the Thunder Mountain ride that is always packed. During the length of the parade, we probably rode it 6 or 7 times with no wait. A couple of times we didn't even have to disembark. They just asked us if we wanted to stay on. Most everyone was watching the parade.
Happy Thanksgiving! Cool and rainy here this morning. Might have to break the cardinal rule of drinking beer while cooking over a fire. I got us a 6 pound turkey breast this year instead of the whole bird so it will just take a little over an hour to cook.
I have to admit. I never cared much for parades. Growing up, Dad would always turn on the Macy's parade but I found it boring. Even as a kid. More so today.
I started to turn the parade on just like I do every Thanksgiving morning, but I saved myself the despair and the 5 minutes I would have wasted before turning the channel.
Happy Thanksgiving D-League.

Out hiking before getting involved in meal prep. Small celebration for us, and then a quiet evening probably watching the first of our Christmas movie favorites to get that season kicked off.

Hope it’s a great day for all.
Did an hour workout on my Total Gym at 0800 this morning in prep but, will probably walk some this afternoon to settle the stomach after the meal (if not sleeping on the couch).
Before WDW became so woke and I quit going, I took the kids out of school for a couple of days one year and we went over Thanksgiving. During the parade, we chose to go to the Thunder Mountain ride that is always packed. During the length of the parade, we probably rode it 6 or 7 times with no wait. A couple of times we didn't even have to disembark. They just asked us if we wanted to stay on. Most everyone was watching the parade.
That was an E ticket plan, bernie.
Let's say a prayer for our men and women still in harms way around the world and remember most will not be eating as well as us today.

May God bless you all today and bring you peace. Especially those who will be missing recent loved ones who have passed. Remembering them and know that they now have peace and no pain and are happy with God.

What stands out in those numbers is their apparent recognition that kids are our future and have to come first. Thank you.

The mortality rate for the adult women was very bad with only 4 still alive after one year. About 300 were chosen or volunteered to go to America in 1620 but only a little over 100 came on the Mayflower. Another ship, the Speedwell was to be a part of the Pilgrimage but never got off the "ground"

Only half of the passengers on the Mayflower were actually "Saints", a term given to the religious "Pilgrims" who were going to America. The others were in it to make some money and of course the crew. They returned to Europe for the most part. A falsehood that has spread through history was that the "Saints or Pilgrims" were coming to America because they wanted "Religious Freedom" That is not totally accurate. The Pilgrims had fled England for that purpose but they went to Holland to settle and the Dutch did not persecute them. The Dutch were secular and did not have a State Religion or care one way or the other. So they practiced their religion in peace. But the Dutch culture was not based on the "Bible" or morality in the eyes of the "Saints" or "Pilgrims as they became known

The reason the "Saints or Pilgrims" came to America was because their children were adopting the Dutch culture and they wanted them to remain British and be able to practice their religion free from the King. They did not want their children and children's children to be Dutch. If one has been to Amsterdam today you would understand why a Pilgrim would want to get out of the Netherlands and flee the Dutch culture.

As history shows three smaller ships followed the Mayflower and brought many family members, wives and children, aunts and uncles which helped stabilize the population and allow the colony to survive

The three ships that followed the Mayflower were 1) The Fortune (arrived in 1621) with 35 passengers 2) The Anne (arrived in 1623) with 39 passengers and 3) The Little James which sailed with the Anne. The Little James carried mostly cargo but had 15 passengers.

Without the three ships that followed it is doubtful the Mayflower passengers would have survived. The people and cargo on these ships were a boost to the Plymouth Colony and the rest is history.
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Woot woot! Turkey breast is beautiful! I don't use my big green eggs as often as I used to, but if you're cooking meat you can't get much better.

@Backer cutter you'll be happy to know that I did not use a thermometer DURING this cook. I did however use one to verify the turkey was done when I thought it was.

Used the instapot to hard boil the eggs again. Takes about 15 minutes total and then dump them in an ice bath for a little while. Did a dozen and all but one peeled easily and cleanly. There has to be one in every crowd.

Turkey and deviled eggs are my only responsibility on this day.

Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday! I
Had a house full at my sister's house. Too much food and a ton of leftovers. Weatherwise this will go down as one of the dreariest Thanksgivings on record.
I ended up outside sitting at the bar drinking cold beer while the turkey cooked. It was quiet, damp, and dark. Had classic tunes going so it was still a party.
Woot woot! Turkey breast is beautiful! I don't use my big green eggs as often as I used to, but if you're cooking meat you can't get much better.

@Backer cutter you'll be happy to know that I did not use a thermometer DURING this cook. I did however use one to verify the turkey was done when I thought it was.

Used the instapot to hard boil the eggs again. Takes about 15 minutes total and then dump them in an ice bath for a little while. Did a dozen and all but one peeled easily and cleanly. There has to be one in every crowd.

Turkey and deviled eggs are my only responsibility on this day.

Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday! I

I ended up outside sitting at the bar drinking cold beer while the turkey cooked. It was quiet, damp, and dark. Had classic tunes going so it was still a party.
It got quite windy as well which just added to the "black and white movie" atmosphere. Even with the fire pit it was cold.
KY/German Thanksgiving, 1983. Soon after Able Archer 83. Event held at a Gasthaus known back then as "Zur Linde" in Burbach, Germany. Guy left hoisting the glass boot (Stiefel) is from Corbin, KY. Far right is cuz from Perry County. Gal in the picture is still a good friend. Her and I traveled to London England in 1984 over Thanksgiving. Her parents hosted our little get-together. Her father, Horst (wearing apron), is carving the turkey. He now lives in California. We supplied the turkey and other extras. We celebrated the holiday again in 1985 minus a few folks, at the same Gasthaus.

We had absolutely no idea at the time how close the world came to nuclear war.

Good morning from Shawanee, TN. Currently 35°F, cloudy with a slight breeze. We may have reached our high. Temps could drop down into the teens.

Hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving.

Must fill tires on rental car with air. Afterwards, link up with daughter and ride with her so she can get an oil change.

Ospreys visit Cats at Rupp tonight. Game on SECN. Go Cats!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

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I started to turn the parade on just like I do every Thanksgiving morning, but I saved myself the despair and the 5 minutes I would have wasted before turning the channel.
My daughter's were wanting to watch it, so I turned in on. It was nothing but a political statement (shocker, I know). If I wanted politics, I would have turned on C-SPAN or something like it. So you did the right thing and saved yourself the 5 minutes.
My daughter's were wanting to watch it, so I turned in on. It was nothing but a political statement (shocker, I know). If I wanted politics, I would have turned on C-SPAN or something like it. So you did the right thing and saved yourself the 5 minutes.
I did not and have not turned on the Macy Parade for many years. Unfortunately almost everything on TV that is aimed at a younger audience, especially children is left wing oriented political commentary. With an emphasis on homosexuality. Anything owned or operated by Disney including ESPN and ABC have a left wing theme and distort or bury the truth.

I just find something else to do with my time.
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