
Glad you’re back on. I did nothing. But glad.
Many, many thanks. You and JohnBlue did a heckuva lot. Believe or not, that's the first I've spoken on the phone with Donfather in five years. Thanks, @bertfan31 . Years ago, I'd fly or drive in, and grab the MARTA for a visit.

Here we are back during November, 2016 in late-night Catlanta.

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Are you there? If so then have a great time. BJ is one of my all time favorites.
Not now. Home. But yes. He played for 2+ hr straight thru. Pretty good for an old man. Sold out I think. 30K +/- I'd say. Nose bleed seats but great sightlines & old ears not blown out. Riverview with barges going by. Newport & Covington in the background. We parked in Newport & walked on water, I mean the bridge.

I think we 73 yrs olds were the oldest in our section. At least we looked it. Lots of young women so I was fine. I'd say about 2% wearing masks. TETO.
Good morning D-League. Sitting on a hotel balcony looking at the Atlantic Ocean rumble and crash into the beach. I already saw several very large dolphin not far offshore, heading south.

We’re about to go to a little breakfast bistro that has killer cream cheese croissants. Life is good.

Twenty years ago I was about to get on the DC subway and head to the Pentagon. I was one station away when they stopped the trains, citing an emergency. I got to the street, could see the huge plume of black smoke - the plane had just struck - and managed to get a cabbie to drive me right up to the Pentagon entrance on the opposite side. I got to the crash site just as the first firefighting teams were arriving, and as the first ambulances were pulling out and other terribly burned people were being helped to a safe spot. At first I assumed someone had flown a small plane packed with explosives into the side because there was so little debris. Then I saw a piece of the jetliner tail big enough that you could make out the American Airlines logo. I really felt sick at that moment.

A day to remember 3,000 Americans killed for a twisted corruption of religion.
Good morning all. Another Fall type morning here in the Buckeye State. 55 heading up to 80...then high 80s for the next several days.

20 years...hard to believe. Does time fly by that fast....or just when you're older? A world changer...that's for sure.

Y'all have a good Saturday.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 54° and foggy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring mostly sunny skies and a high of 81°.

Hard to believe it's been 20 years since 9/11.

Everyone stay safe on this Saturday.

20 years ago this time of day I was flying out of Atlanta and in the air when the first plane hit. We had no idea what would be unfolding the rest of the day.

They landed us in Myrtle Beach and I went into the terminal to the AVIS car rental desk. A black teenage boy came running through the terminal holding one of the huge "boom boxes" to his head saying we are being attacked. I thought he was crazy. Then the second plane hit. Police officers were wrapping yellow tape all over the airport and the PA said the airport is closed.

The girl at the counter started shutting down the car rental and I begged her to give me a car. She agreed and I started driving back to Georgia.

We had stayed at the WTC Marriott the past weekend and checked out Sunday. My wife wanted to stay until Wednesday but I received a new assignment I had to fly to on the Tuesday of the attack. So we left. Thank God we were able to get out of there.

20 years. Wow. Doesn't seem like that long ago. I was working out of my house for a localization company based in San Francisco. My MIL called and asked if we were watching. I said no I've been busy taking care of business. I turned on the TV just in time to see the 2nd plane hit the tower. I'll never forget the horror and the sickening feeling I had for the world to come.
Good Saturday Morning

GAME DAY It is a beautiful day to play football so everybody put on their game face and let's get it on. This is a huge game for the Cats

The weather: Locally we have 73° with 91% humidity. Prepare to sweat as the temperature reaches 86° by midafternoon. We have a chance of scattered thunder storms. Typical September day down here.

I trust all have a great day and it is good to see Don back on board. It isn't the D League with out Don.

Read Zechariah 6
Good morning! I was at WTC in the previous March. Me and a guy from work in PA decided to bounce over to NYC and ride to the top of WTC. We got there and they wanted $15 for me to ride an elevator to the top. Wish I would have paid the fee looking back.

The morning of the attack I was playing golf at a country club in Valdosta GA. We had just made our way to the 10th tee when I saw a blue suv speeding across the golf course. We just stood and watched and wondered what this nut was up to. It was a female and she slid to a stop right next to the tee box and started shouting that we were under attack and they had blown up the WTC, the Pentagon, and the White House!

Then she sped off. We thought she was just a regular nut and continued on with the back nine. We noticed after a hole or two that we were the only two people on the course. Everyone was in the clubhouse when we got there and the first thing I saw coming through the door was the first WTC building fall. I looked at dude and said "nothing will ever be the same".

If I were in charge there would be 2 buildings there right now that look just like all the pictures. The thing to do was rebuild and tell those animals that they can't shake us. What did we do?

Our government told us this happened because the terrorists hated our freedom. What was our governments response? The "Patriot Act" which immediately curtailed a huge swath of our freedom!
Many, many thanks. You and JohnBlue did a heckuva lot. Believe or not, that's the first I've spoken on the phone with Donfather in five years. Thanks, @bertfan31 . Years ago, I'd fly or drive in, and grab the MARTA for a visit.

Here we are back during November, 2016 in late-night Catlanta.

Black face could get you in trouble these days.
Good morning! I was at WTC in the previous March. Me and a guy from work in PA decided to bounce over to NYC and ride to the top of WTC. We got there and they wanted $15 for me to ride an elevator to the top. Wish I would have paid the fee looking back.

The morning of the attack I was playing golf at a country club in Valdosta GA. We had just made our way to the 10th tee when I saw a blue suv speeding across the golf course. We just stood and watched and wondered what this nut was up to. It was a female and she slid to a stop right next to the tee box and started shouting that we were under attack and they had blown up the WTC, the Pentagon, and the White House!

Then she sped off. We thought she was just a regular nut and continued on with the back nine. We noticed after a hole or two that we were the only two people on the course. Everyone was in the clubhouse when we got there and the first thing I saw coming through the door was the first WTC building fall. I looked at dude and said "nothing will ever be the same".

If I were in charge there would be 2 buildings there right now that look just like all the pictures. The thing to do was rebuild and tell those animals that they can't shake us. What did we do?

Our government told us this happened because the terrorists hated our freedom. What was our governments response? The "Patriot Act" which immediately curtailed a huge swath of our freedom!
On Saturday September 8, 2001, I was in New York with my wife and daughter. It was a beautiful clear day and we were passing by the Empire State Building. I asked my daughter if she had ever been to the top of the building and she said no. My wife had been several times so she said if we wanted to go up to do so but she would rather shop. So I took my daughter up. One of the better views from up there was the Statute of Liberty in the harbor and at that time the Twin Towers in Lower Manhattan. You could get all of them in a photo.

As we looked in that direction I told my daughter to take a picture. She said dad I only have a couple of shots left on my camera and I don't want to waste them. I said TAKE THE PICTURE and I offered to buy her some film once we get back down. She did and three days later it was gone for eternity. Never to return. You just never know.
Many, many thanks. You and JohnBlue did a heckuva lot. Believe or not, that's the first I've spoken on the phone with Donfather in five years. Thanks, @bertfan31 . Years ago, I'd fly or drive in, and grab the MARTA for a visit.

Here we are back during November, 2016 in late-night Catlanta.


No way you guys would be out past 7PM five years later.
I wear briefs when I go out and people usually point. Have not quite figured out why.

Try putting the banana in the front instead of the back. Trust me on this.
Ever have a situation like Tom had with Mamie?

'AGEING Hollywood bombshell Mamie Van Doren says she slept with Tom Jones - and then deflated the singing superstar's reputation as a man of parts.

The voluptuous 1960s sexpot revealed that his privates were unusual - only a size "four".

Mamie believes he stuffed his pants to make himself look like a man of parts.
"I was working at the Latin Quarter in New York when Tom called and asked if I'd like to go out. It was the perfect combination, the sexy blonde who was too hot for TV and the sexy Welshman who was too. I said yes.

"I began to think about that bulge. It spoke volumes to me, as I'm sure it did to his other female fans, of the treasures that must lie beneath

"Tom took that bulge into the bathroom to get undressed, but when he came out it was gone.

Tom was not sporting a slugger, alas, but a rather unimpressive swatter.

"I didn't whip out a tape measure, but it must have been four or so. I made the best of it that I could.'
Ever have a situation like Tom had with Mamie?

'AGEING Hollywood bombshell Mamie Van Doren says she slept with Tom Jones - and then deflated the singing superstar's reputation as a man of parts.

The voluptuous 1960s sexpot revealed that his privates were unusual - only a size "four".

Mamie believes he stuffed his pants to make himself look like a man of parts.
"I was working at the Latin Quarter in New York when Tom called and asked if I'd like to go out. It was the perfect combination, the sexy blonde who was too hot for TV and the sexy Welshman who was too. I said yes.

"I began to think about that bulge. It spoke volumes to me, as I'm sure it did to his other female fans, of the treasures that must lie beneath

"Tom took that bulge into the bathroom to get undressed, but when he came out it was gone.

Tom was not sporting a slugger, alas, but a rather unimpressive swatter.

"I didn't whip out a tape measure, but it must have been four or so. I made the best of it that I could.'

This is exactly the reason I only keep a metric tape measure in my bedroom.

Hmmm. 104.6 mm, eh? Not bad.
9-11 was a tough day.
A few things:
- We were due to leave on a vacation to France the next day. Obviously didn't happen & finally went two years later. Hotels in France were very accommodating in letting us cancel reservations at last minute.
- We made the point to visit NYC in November to support them. WTC site was still smoking when we got within a few blocks - all you could do. Also could see the smoke from sightseeing boat around Manhattan. The day we were coming back was the day the next plane went down by accident from JFK and crashed into Queens. We supposedly had flight out of Newark & knew that would be delayed for hours. So we got a rental car & made connections home from Allentown of all places.