
Just saw where actor and Kentucky native Ned Beatty passed away. Some of his more well known roles were in the movies "Deliverance", "Superman", and "Rudy".

I guess it has been about 25 years now but when I was living on Lake Lanier in North Georgia we went white water rafting on the Chattooga River where Deliverance was filmed. We started rafting in South Carolina and ended in Georgia. The first time we rafted we had guides that were coeds from Clemson University which is nearby. They would point out certain areas of the river that were the locations certain scenes were filmed. "There is where the hand came out of the water" and over there on the bank is where "Ned Beatty got his." It was a fun trip and the girls were great.

Many years later I was at a Walmart in Elijay, Georgia and out in the parking lot was "the banjo boy " playing his banjo in the parking lot. He was a native of the area and his name is Billy Redden. I believe he may have been in a few more films but he was working at Walmart the last time I saw him.

Copied the below for your reading;


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An elderly Italian man lived alone in New Jersey . He wanted to plant his annual tomato garden, but it was very difficult work, since the ground was hard. His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament:
Dear Vincent,
I am feeling pretty sad, because it looks like I won’t be able to plant my tomato garden this year. I’m just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. I know if you were here my troubles would be over.. I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me, like in the old days.
Love, Papa
A few days later he received a letter from his son.
Dear Pop,
Don’t dig up that garden. That’s where the bodies are buried.
At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left. That same day the old man received another letter from his son.
Dear Pop,
Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That’s the best I could do under the circumstances.
Love you,
Good Monday morning

Just finished Jeremiah Chapter 9.

Well we had those wonderful and welcomed thunderstorms last night. My bedroom lit up like it was high noon with the lightning flashing. We have 50% chance of more. Our temperature at present is 78° and high today should hit 86°.

I am listening to the radio man talk about gas prices around the state. Locally we can get it in the $2.60 - $2.79 range further down South in the "Blue Counties" it is over $3.00 in most gas stations. Everything is always more expensive in those blue counties. Thanks Joe and those who voted for him.

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This is a song I enjoy. Wish a lot of this country could take this to heart...
Wow how poignant Glen Campbell's "Not Gonna Miss You...". (first time I heard it.)

Good morning D, starting to get humid out there, just got in from a good 1.9mile walk.

Nothing going on today.

I started the D league cookbook this morning, I booked marked the Lasagna recipe, so if anyone asks hey do you remember posting that recipe I know where it is.

Is it ok with the D, if I start putting some more of them here? May do the Southwest Chicken or Squash Casserole again, then just put one on each day for a while. Yes or no?

I hope the D has a great day, Prayers for the D!!!!
Three women die together in an accident and go to heaven:
When they get there, St. Peter says. "We only have one rule here in heaven, don't step on the ducks!"
So they enter heaven, and sure enough, there are ducks all over the place. It is almost impossible not to step on a duck and although they try their best to avoid them, the first woman accidentally steps on one.
Well, along comes St. Peter with the ugliest man she ever saw. St. Peter chains them together and says. "Your punishment for stepping on a duck is to spend eternity chained to this ugly man!"
The next day, the second woman steps accidentally on a duck and along comes St. Peter, who doesn't miss a thing. With him is another extremely ugly man. He chains them together with the same admonishment as for the first woman.
The third woman has observed all this and not wanting to be chained for all eternity to an ugly man, is very careful where she steps.
She manages to go months without stepping on any ducks.
And then one day St.Peter comes up to her with the most handsome man she has ever laid eyes on - Very tall, long eyelashes.and muscular.
St. Peter chains them together without saying a word.
The happy woman says. "I wonder what I did to deserve being chained to you for all of eternity?"
The guy says. "I don't know about you, but I stepped on a duck!"
I guess it has been about 25 years now but when I was living on Lake Lanier in North Georgia we went white water rafting on the Chattooga River where Deliverance was filmed. We started rafting in South Carolina and ended in Georgia. The first time we rafted we had guides that were coeds from Clemson University which is nearby. They would point out certain areas of the river that were the locations certain scenes were filmed. "There is where the hand came out of the water" and over there on the bank is where "Ned Beatty got his." It was a fun trip and the girls were great.

Many years later I was at a Walmart in Elijay, Georgia and out in the parking lot was "the banjo boy " playing his banjo in the parking lot. He was a native of the area and his name is Billy Redden. I believe he may have been in a few more films but he was working at Walmart the last time I saw him.
Took the same (I imagine) trip on the river.

This is a song I enjoy. Wish a lot of this country could take this to heart...
Met those guys a few times. Believe they started off just north of Atlanta.
There used to be a sign on Hwy 78 leading to Athens that I would take to UGA football games (had season tix for a few years), and on the side of the road was a large sign saying Confederate Railroad. Not a billboard by a sign company, but a very large sign. Always assumed they, or a friend put it there. Maybe used to play at the bars up in Athens.
Gotta get some things done this week before the summer heat arrives in July.

Excessive Heat Warning

Central Arizona

4 hours ago – National Weather Service

WHAT...Dangerously hot conditions. Afternoon temperatures 116 to 119. * WHERE...Portions of south central ...
Worked for about four hours in the garden was looking great......I finally came in about 5PM and took a shower and drank a couple of Gator Aid and some water to cool down.........when the Director came in we went back to look at my work.........a damn ground hog had been in my sweet potato patch and decimated one whole row of plants....they were just starting to run too..........I have my 8" head traps set.......they won't eat another bite from my garden....those varmints must be able to smell those sweet potato plants.........FYI sweet potatoes are in the morning glory family.......tomorrow is butcher day......22 rabbits to get into the freezer........we are replacing beef with rabbit.........a lot more healthier.........
If the D, gets tired of me doing this just let me know

Squash Casserole
6 Cups squash- I usually use about 4 large or 6 smaller ones, depends on how much we want to make
1 Large onion
Liquid smoke-optional
3- large tablespoons of sour cream
1/2- can cream of mushroom soup
Shredded cheese- What ever kind you like, mild cheddar. We have been using Velveeta, like it better now
Ritz crackers, We like the Kroger brand best

Cook the squash, onions until tender, drain water, let cool some

Mix sour cream, cream of mushroom soup and some shredded cheese to the squash and onions, add a little smoke if you want and add 1 or 2 teaspoons of sugar

Place mixture in a baking dish, add a layer of shredded cheese on top

Place crushed Ritz crackers on top of mixture completely covering the squash mixture
Place several pats of butter on top of Ritz crackers

Bake in oven @ 350 degrees for about 40 minutes. I know every oven cooks different this is about how long it takes in ours. Enjoy.
Worked for about four hours in the garden was looking great......I finally came in about 5PM and took a shower and drank a couple of Gator Aid and some water to cool down.........when the Director came in we went back to look at my work.........a damn ground hog had been in my sweet potato patch and decimated one whole row of plants....they were just starting to run too..........I have my 8" head traps set.......they won't eat another bite from my garden....those varmints must be able to smell those sweet potato plants.........FYI sweet potatoes are in the morning glory family.......tomorrow is butcher day......22 rabbits to get into the freezer........we are replacing beef with rabbit.........a lot more healthier.........
Ok here goes!!! Crock-pot lasagna

1lb ground beef- We use about 1 1/2 lbs we like it meaty! I also like to cook onions in too!
Lasagna Noodles
1 Jar spaghetti sauce
1 1/2 cups cottage cheese, we use a 24oz container
1 1/2 cups, Mozzarella Cheese, we use a two cup package, we like it cheesy
Parmesan Cheese
Ok, Brown and drain the ground beef and onions
Spoon 1 cup of spaghetti sauce in the bottom of the crock-pot, We use a crock-pot liner, easy clean up
Mix the remaining spaghetti sauce with your ground beef and onions
Place two uncooked lasagna noodles on top of the spaghetti sauce in crock-pot
Sprinkle 1/3 of the meat mixture on top the noodles
Spread 3/4 cup of cottage cheese on the meat mixture
Sprinkle 1/2 cup Mozzarella Cheese over cottage cheese

Another layer noodles meat mixture, cottage cheese and Mozzarella
Add layers till finished
Add Parmesan cheese to last layer

Cook on low for 3 hours Hope you enjoy!!!! From the D League Cook Book!!!!
Thanks. I may attempt soon.

Cooking more from your chicken recipe tomorrow.
I edited it before you pointed it out. But what do you have against babpipers?
Babpiper Clock

My Tanker Buddy strikes again.... (Thanks Mike D.)


Someone had written in a bathroom stall, "I like grils." Someone came along and crossed out "grils" and wrote "girls" instead. The next person then wrote, "What do you have against us grils?"
I remember this from a White Castle stall at 7th & Broadway:
Here I sit broken hearted . . .
Paid my dime and only farted.
We had a number of posts a few weeks ago about Lake Mead. Saw this just now....
Call me crazy.
OK . . . common affliction of Vincents. There is no cure.
Me supper...


Diced up beef, pork loin, onions, garlic, home made dumplings, mushrooms, squash, and an egg with a little black pepper... I am thankful.... This was Uncle Jed edible...(In a Jethro type bowl...) I ate it...
Almost perfect!

May 26, 1907 - June 11, 1979
This day 42 years ago the world lost John Wayne to cancer and today we remember his life & legacy. In honor of the Duke, what is your favorite thing about John Wayne? #JohnWayne
(photo by John Hamilton Collection)

Note to self: I graduated High School on this day 42 years ago....

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Worked for about four hours in the garden was looking great......I finally came in about 5PM and took a shower and drank a couple of Gator Aid and some water to cool down.........when the Director came in we went back to look at my work.........a damn ground hog had been in my sweet potato patch and decimated one whole row of plants....they were just starting to run too..........I have my 8" head traps set.......they won't eat another bite from my garden....those varmints must be able to smell those sweet potato plants.........FYI sweet potatoes are in the morning glory family.......tomorrow is butcher day......22 rabbits to get into the freezer........we are replacing beef with rabbit.........a lot more healthier.........
Couple weeks ago we were talking about varmints in the garden. We've had ground hogs on this property for at least 50 years. Guess they don't move around much and it's a generational thing. So far, they've never got in our veggie garden. It's in one field and the ground hogs are in maybe when they come out to eat they don't travel very far.
A few years ago one was getting very close to the back I nailed him with my high powered pellet gun.
Heard a thud...he fell down...was motionless for about a minute...then got up and made a bee line for one of his tunnel holes. Don't know how smart they are, but the other 1 or 2 must have got the message from him 'cause I didn't see any for about 6 months. And now they don't even get close.
Worked for about four hours in the garden was looking great......I finally came in about 5PM and took a shower and drank a couple of Gator Aid and some water to cool down.........when the Director came in we went back to look at my work.........a damn ground hog had been in my sweet potato patch and decimated one whole row of plants....they were just starting to run too..........I have my 8" head traps set.......they won't eat another bite from my garden....those varmints must be able to smell those sweet potato plants.........FYI sweet potatoes are in the morning glory family.......tomorrow is butcher day......22 rabbits to get into the freezer........we are replacing beef with rabbit.........a lot more healthier.........
Rabbit is good stuff. Family tradition along with squirrel, squab and of course . . . fish. Music question . Do you know a Portland carpenter/bluegrass musician named Chetty? He was raised in Portland among my Dad's bestest of friends for some 70 years.
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Couple weeks ago we were talking about varmints in the garden. We've had ground hogs on this property for at least 50 years. Guess they don't move around much and it's a generational thing. So far, they've never got in our veggie garden. It's in one field and the ground hogs are in maybe when they come out to eat they don't travel very far.
A few years ago one was getting very close to the back I nailed him with my high powered pellet gun.
Heard a thud...he fell down...was motionless for about a minute...then got up and made a bee line for one of his tunnel holes. Don't know how smart they are, but the other 1 or 2 must have got the message from him 'cause I didn't see any for about 6 months. And now they don't even get close.
I have read that the ground hog can/will travel up to two miles from their den feeding.......
Plant some sweet potatoes and stand method of trapping ensures that they never travel that far to feed again......I have spotted several in just the last three weeks as I am driving down our street........I have a Gameo 1300 which will put them down with a head shot........I prefer trapping them.....I don't have to wonder if I winged them........
With all of these great recipes I am reminded June is the last month for fresh garden tomatoes down here. For three months we will not have any then in October they will produce until next July. So it might be time to have a good old fashioned tomato pie. If you know how to make them it sure hits the spot. We always serve them with some type of pork. Bacon and pork chops are especially good with tomato pie.

Tomato Pie
  • 1 Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F
  • 2 Prepare a pie crust or you can buy pie crusts at Publix ready to go
  • 3 Bake crust in the preheated oven for 10 to 12 minutes.
  • 4 Layer sliced tomatoes on baked crust. Sprinkle with green onions and basil, and season with salt and pepper.
  • 5 Mix together Cheddar cheese, mozzarella cheese, and mayonnaise in a bowl. Spread cheese mixture over tomatoes.
  • 6 Bake until edges are lightly browned and cheese mixture is melted and bubbly, 40 to 50 minutes.
  • We also fry up bacon and crumble then sprinkle over the pie. And if you are really hungry fry up a mess of pork chops and a pan of biscuits with gravy.
With all of these great recipes I am reminded June is the last month for fresh garden tomatoes down here. For three months we will not have any then in October they will produce until next July. So it might be time to have a good old fashioned tomato pie. If you know how to make them it sure hits the spot. We always serve them with some type of pork. Bacon and pork chops are especially good with tomato pie.

Tomato Pie
  • 1 Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F
  • 2 Prepare a pie crust or you can buy pie crusts at Publix ready to go
  • 3 Bake crust in the preheated oven for 10 to 12 minutes.
  • 4 Layer sliced tomatoes on baked crust. Sprinkle with green onions and basil, and season with salt and pepper.
  • 5 Mix together Cheddar cheese, mozzarella cheese, and mayonnaise in a bowl. Spread cheese mixture over tomatoes.
  • 6 Bake until edges are lightly browned and cheese mixture is melted and bubbly, 40 to 50 minutes.
  • We also fry up bacon and crumble then sprinkle over the pie. And if you are really hungry fry up a mess of pork chops and a pan of biscuits with gravy.

Nothing much better than a fresh tomato sandwich on light bread with mayo, and a decent sprinkle of black pepper, I like crackers in between the bread too, to give it some crunch but I can do without the crackers. Especially the first sandwich, just the light bread, tomato, and mayo... Best there ever was good...
Nothing much better than a fresh tomato sandwich on light bread with mayo, and a decent sprinkle of black pepper, I like crackers in between the bread too, to give it some crunch but I can do without the crackers. Especially the first sandwich, just the light bread, tomato, and mayo... Best there ever was good...
I think when it all boils down, a fresh picked tomato, bacon and lettuce sandwich is my favorite sandwich on earth. Sometime my wife makes a platter of them for supper. Fast, easy and just goooood eating
I agree about the simple life. My favorite summer meal with fresh picked tomatoes and basil is Caprese salad. One of the many reasons that I grow both.

That looks damn good 82. Back in 1999, during the Kosovo crisis, I lived in Macedonia, in the capital of Skopje, while slipping in and out of Kosovo.

They made a real simple salad there with tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, peppers and feta cheese that was delicious.
Here's a simple recipe I found on line, but it all comes down to really fresh ingredients and the execution...