
Have you heard from Bertfan lately? Haven’t seen him post in the past few.
Ben are you still up for lunch? BBUK is going to be in the area? It would be nice to hook up for lunch.......I mentioned Linnigs.............I am open any day........I guess it depends on if BBUK is going to be in the hood...........I can travel to Radcliff and could hook up with you so we both don't have to drive down? I am not really familiar with that area when it comes to eats......

(edit)....any one in the area........speak up.........heck......I would like to meet everyone that post on here........a bunch of interesting people for sure.......Linnigs has great fish and it is a nice place to eat out under the tall oak trees........
I bought the Director a Kel Tec .380 with a Crimsom Track laser.......that was last Oct...........I have only been able to scrounge a few bullets........I got 25 from a friend and the guy that we got the gun from gave us two boxes.........the archery shop in Radcliff sometimes has ammo.......I will have to look up the is about one mile south of the Joe Prather on the west side of 31W.........are you going to have time for lunch one day while you are down this way?

Man, I sure would like to meet you. Would you be able to come to Radcliff? The reason I ask is I would be on a tight schedule this trip. It would have to be this coming Tuesday (We will be driving to and from Monday and Wednesday). What I will do is check my ammo in a few minutes. I don't have much but I'd give you 15 or 20 rounds. It would be all I could do but I would. I will check what I have now and will edit this post once I do to be exact on the ammo.. I have a couple of busted boxes and a new box.

Edit: If you'd meet me in Radcliff on Tuesday I have 15 .380 rounds of Monarch 94GR I will give you. (I'd have to work out the time with you. My Darling will be calling the shots as to where I am at most of the time but if you can, I will give you my cell in a private message and setup a more specific time.)(May not be able to do lunch but I may be able to, will have to play that by ear. In any event if we can do lunch, I buy!)
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I bought the Director a Kel Tec .380 with a Crimsom Track laser.......that was last Oct...........I have only been able to scrounge a few bullets........I got 25 from a friend and the guy that we got the gun from gave us two boxes.........the archery shop in Radcliff sometimes has ammo.......I will have to look up the is about one mile south of the Joe Prather on the west side of 31W.........are you going to have time for lunch one day while you are down this way?
You might get lucky at a flea market (not the consignment type), a pawn shop, or a gun show. It won't be cheap though.
Ben are you still up for lunch? BBUK is going to be in the area? It would be nice to hook up for lunch.......I mentioned Linnigs.............I am open any day........I guess it depends on if BBUK is going to be in the hood...........I can travel to Radcliff and could hook up with you so we both don't have to drive down? I am not really familiar with that area when it comes to eats......

(edit)....any one in the area........speak up.........heck......I would like to meet everyone that post on here........a bunch of interesting people for sure.......Linnigs has great fish and it is a nice place to eat out under the tall oak trees........

If you all could it would have to be this Tuesday for me. (We are making a quick trip and will be driving to and from Monday and Wednesday) I would HAVE to do this if a couple could do it. Some where near or in Radcliff if at all possible. (I know that cuts down on the quality of food available but I only have so much time I can take away this trip!)
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I remember watching Billy Sims play for the Lions. He was about all they had on offense too. It was a shame that his career was cut short by a knee injury. He got the nickname Kung Fu Billy Sims from the following play:

Billy Sims career was cut short by the sorry-arsed Lions not budging on paying him and rather than play for them he retired. The Lions never would release him and let him rot his last playing years. He had a good shot at eclipsing a lot of records. I guess you might say Karma's a biotch as the Lion's have been nothing since then except the NFL's biotch... they sure haven't assembled anything resembling a winning football team since Billy.
My Tanker buddy posted this: (Good Stuff!)

I grew up in Warren Indiana during a time when most everyone treated each other with respect.
We didn't eat a lot of fast food because it was considered a treat, not a food group. We drank Kool-Aid and iced tea made from water that came from our kitchen sink. We ate bologna sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches, grilled cheese sandwiches, hot dogs, pot pies, but mostly home made meals consisting of mainly meat, potatoes, beans, home grown vegetables, bread and butter and homemade dessert.
School lunches were delicious. Sometimes, for a special treat, we got to take our lunches to school in a brown paper bag or a lunch box.
We grew up during a time when we would gather glass bottles to take to the store and use the deposit money to buy penny candy. (We even got a brown paper bag to put the candy in). You could get a lot for just 25 cents.
We mowed lawns, helped neighbors with chores, worked in the garden in the summer. We went outside, a lot, to play games, ride bikes, run with siblings, cousins and friends. We played hide and seek, kick the can, jump rope, hopscotch, Red Rover, red light, "Mother May I", London Bridges, kickball, basketball and dodge ball.
We drank tap water from the hose outside... bottled water was unheard of.
We ate a hot breakfast or cold cereal at the breakfast table before going to school.
We had no cable TV, just 3 channels no microwave or cell phones.
We watched TV as a family: Gunsmoke, HeeHaw, Gilligan's Island, Wonderful World of Disney, Bonanza, Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, Red Skelton and Ed Sullivan.
After school, we came home and did homework and chores and watched some cartoons on Saturday morning before going out to the fields to bale hay, plant tobacco, or whatever the farm needed us for that day.
If we were bad in school, we got in trouble there. When we got home, we got in trouble again (because your parents already knew). Paddling was allowed in school and you behaved yourself or else. The fear and not of being in trouble and not wanting to disappoint our parents kept us from getting into trouble.
We would ride our bikes/ horses for hours, and talk and play outside until the lightning bugs came out. We would catch bugs in mason jars, make mud pies, play in the creek, and pick wildflowers and four-leafed clovers.
We LEARNED from our parents and grandparents instead of disrespecting them and treating them as if they knew nothing. What they said was the gospel.
If someone had a fight, that's what it was - a fist fight and then you were back to being friends afterwards and the bullying pretty much ceased.
Kids that were around guns were taught how to properly use them and to respect them and never thought of taking a human life.
We had to be close enough to home to hear our Mom yelling or Dad whistling to tell you it’s time to come home for dinner. We ate around the dinner table and talked to each other as a family, discussing our day, dreams and plans. Hats were never worn at the dinner table. We learned to clean up our plate and eat what was cooked.
We said the Pledge of Allegiance, stood for the National Anthem and listened to our teachers. It’s Called RESPECT!
We watched what we said around our elders because we knew If we DISRESPECTED any grown up we would get our behinds whipped. It wasn't called abuse, it was called discipline! We held doors, carried groceries and gave up our seat without being asked.
We didn't hear curse words on the radio, in songs or TV, and if you cursed and got caught you had a bar of soap stuck in your mouth and had to stand in the corner for quite some time.
“Please”, “Thank you”, “Yes Ma’am” and “Yes, Sir" were part of our daily vocabulary!
We grew up with good, God-loving families.
Re-post if you're thankful for your childhood and will never forget where you came from!
My Tanker buddy posted this too. (I have been away from my computer most of the day.)


Fyi. One of things old people get taking advantage of. Tires. Shops want to collect your money prior to completing their job. Looks as a courtesy to you. Not. Always pay after they are done. Why? Tire balance. Always ask how much weight it took to balance each tire. If its over 4 ounces on either tire, the tire is no good, however they can in some cases rotate that tire 180 degrees and it will be in compliance of the 4 degree or less weight balance. That is acceptable. You should enjoy your new tires with no issues. Never ever accept any tire that takes more than 3.5 or 4.0 ounces to balance.
Rooster, the Dove parents are not stupid, and they don’t forget. They have been looking non stop for the babies.

What food do they like? I gotta at least feed them.

I left the dead babies outside all night, and most of the morning, then disposed of them. I figured Momma and Dad would have known.
Don't give them too much credit for thinking. Dead babies can take care of themselves. If they're not too busy they'll always lay another egg or two. Older they should have more active hormones. Makes all the difference. If still in the window sill maybe not . . . . Bird seed.
Thanks Rooster. Would you happen to have the entire link. My son wants a copy of it. Thanks. This is a photo of Bill, Jr at West Point

Address to an "After Action Report for the 329th Infantry Regiment, February 1945" *.pdf

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If you all could it would have to be this Tuesday for me. (We are making a quick trip and will be driving to and from Monday and Wednesday) I would HAVE to do this if a couple could do it. Some where near or in Radcliff if at all possible. (I know that cuts down on the quality of food available but I only have so much time I can take away this trip!)
I have to be in Springfield about a rain check.....
A good Lord's Day to all.

Normally on the Memorial Day weekend Sunday I have the smoker out early....smoking all day. Outside TV, garage TV, kitchen TV, sitting room off kitchen TV, and living room TV all on with the Indy 500. A day of smoking, piddlin' in the yard, and so forth with the smell of hickory in the air and the race on. Not this year. Decided not to bother. Too chilly. While it's supposed to get to about 70's starting off at 45 right now. So it'll just be a grill and flip the burgers day.

Speaking of Indy....130,000+ people, but all HAVE to wear masks. What's up with that? Plus, Indiana dropped their mask requirement weeks who came up with everybody wearing a mask at the race? I can't imagine sitting there in the sun all day wearing one of those things. Was going to go over one day for practice...but didn't for that very reason.

Y'all have a safe, healthy, and productive day that the Lord has made.
Address to an "After Action Report for the 329th Infantry Regiment, February 1945" *.pdf

Rooster, I want to thank you for this. I trust you realize how valuable of a member of the D League you are. It is much appreciated. I have copied the report for our family records. Bill, Jr. was my mother's first cousin and they were very close as most families were back in those days.

Here is the Morning Report dated July 5, 1944 showing duty to killed in action., Normandy,. France. Co A 329th Infantry suffered quite a few casualties that day.


His younger brother, Phillip Taylor Blanton received an appointment to West Point by Florida Senator Holland in 1951. He was a Sophomore at the University of Florida when he got the appointment. Their father was Colonel William Blanton, Sr who was on the Staff of General Eisenhower and was involved in the planning and operation of the Normandy Invasion. I thought it ironic that his oldest son would die there. The family had a very strong military career.

As we hear over and over Freedom is Not Free. You have to fight and die for it. History shows that. Thank you again Rooster, and may God bless you

In reviewing some headlines I see where we lost two celebs yesterday...BJ Thomas and Gavin MacLeod.
Don't know much about Thomas (liked his music), but MacLeod after being an alcoholic, which caused a divorce from his wife, got sobered up....remarried his wife....and became an outspoken, solid Christian.
In reviewing some headlines I see where we lost two celebs yesterday...BJ Thomas and Gavin MacLeod.
Don't know much about Thomas (liked his music), but MacLeod after being an alcoholic, which caused a divorce from his wife, got sobered up....remarried his wife....and became an outspoken, solid Christian.
Macleod will always be associated with his roles on The Mary Tyler Moore show and Love Boat. As for Thomas, "Raindrops keep falling on my head", comes to mind right away.
Good morning D-League.

We are sitting at 72° and expect a high of 83°. We have a 15% chance of much needed rain the winds are 7 mph. I spent some time at Kings Bay yesterday and enjoyed it. Then some fresh grouper and Gulf shrimp at a local seafood restaurant. A good time.

I pray all are well on this Sunday and stay safe over the weekend.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and cloudy with a 30% chance for rain. Today's high may reach 84°F.

We've received 3 cable boxes from Spectrum. Cable box for this TV here in my study currently acting up. Usually requires several minutes for a cycle. Frustrating.

I might mow today, but probably wait until tomorrow. Plan on hopefully fixing a tree that's partially fallen over after a walk.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Don't worry.......Doves and pigeons don't grieve..........usually after a couple of hours or so they are forgotten......they will lay back in about ten days......
Here are a couple pictures of doves in my gutter. This gutter can be seen going to the guest place out back. Doves apparently are not very selective in where they nest!
My father was on the Queen Mary. He brought back a WW1 German rifle which was used in WW2 by the German railroad police.
That is a great story. It is amazing how many WWII vets came back with German or Japanese war relics. I have in my gun and firearm collection this Nazi Germany 1913 Lugar 9 mm. I also have the orders granting permission for the Private who captured the officer to keep it and bring it home.

This pistol allegedly was carried by the German Colonel in WWI and WWII. His name and address is on the inside of the leather holster. Another interesting fact is the serial number for the pistol and magazine match. That increases the value a little. I have been offered $3,000 for this one. But I am giving it to my grandson.

Yesterday a sailor that was killed on the USS Oklahoma at Pearl Harbor was recently found. Yesterday he was laid to rest in Mary Oaks, a few miles from my house. They put him away in a first class manner.

Here are two pages of the program:


The pictures are from my dear friend Velta Rose Smith.
That is a great story. It is amazing how many WWII vets came back with German or Japanese war relics. I have in my gun and firearm collection this Nazi Germany 1913 Lugar 9 mm. I also have the orders granting permission for the Private who captured the officer to keep it and bring it home.

This pistol allegedly was carried by the German Colonel in WWI and WWII. His name and address is on the inside of the leather holster. Another interesting fact is the serial number for the pistol and magazine match. That increases the value a little. I have been offered $3,000 for this one. But I am giving it to my grandson.

Interesting, thanks for the picture. Dad's rifle was made in Spandau (spelling?) in 1912 or 14 (I forget which). All parts have the same serial number, but I don't know what it's worth, but I wouldn't sell it anyhow. He used to talk about shooting "King Mussolini's deer" with it to help feed the guys. He used it untill he was no longer healthy enough for deer hunting back home.
In the Spirit of Memorial Day weekend, here is a picture of the Queen Elizabeth returning troops home form Europe after WWII. I have always been amazed at this photo. They were as thick as ants.

Reminds me of a story Dad used to tell all the time. When war ended, his battleship brought 100's (1,000's?) of Marines home from Okinawa. Their normal crew was around 2200. Said there were hammocks hung from anywhere there was space, like from gun turrets. Said he never saw so many guys so happy in all his life. They ate hot meals nonstop all the way back. Marines said it was the best food they'd had in two years.

Dad said ship food was really good - except liver. One of the reasons he enlisted in Navy vs. waiting to be drafted. :)
Interesting, thanks for the picture. Dad's rifle was made in Spandau (spelling?) in 1912 or 14 (I forget which). All parts have the same serial number, but I don't know what it's worth, but I wouldn't sell it anyhow. He used to talk about shooting "King Mussolini's deer" with it to help feed the guys. He used it untill he was no longer healthy enough for deer hunting back home.
Stories like these make the D League special. Thanks for sharing. We have a lot to be thankful for due to men like your father.
Yesterday a sailor that was killed on the USS Oklahoma at Pearl Harbor was recently found. Yesterday he was laid to rest in Mary Oaks, a few miles from my house. They put him away in a first class manner.

Here are two pages of the program:


The pictures are from my dear friend Velta Rose Smith.
Just a lad of 18. I am so thankful he finally made it home to rest in peace in his Kentucky home. Thanks for sharing Bert