
This is be kind to a snake day. Let him cross the road in peace


He's got it made as long as it's a road I am not driving... That Rattler's a Cobra!!!

That Snake be like... Help Me!!!


I be like...


Not so sneaky Snake...

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I had all you can eat catfish Saturday night. A popular restaurant down in Bayport sells an all you can eat platter of catfish for $10.00. Including sweet tea. You can't cook it at home for that price.

Our weather is a carbon copy of yesterday. Not much happening here except I am going to report for an MRI and Cat scan to follow up on my latest surgery. Trust all are well.
Good luck in your follow up.

We had a stormy night last night and so far my rain gauge says 2.92 inches.
I had all you can eat catfish Saturday night. A popular restaurant down in Bayport sells an all you can eat platter of catfish for $10.00. Including sweet tea. You can't cook it at home for that price.

Our weather is a carbon copy of yesterday. Not much happening here except I am going to report for an MRI and Cat scan to follow up on my latest surgery. Trust all are well.

God Bless you Sir!
Overcast morning in the Buckeye State. Sitting here streaming 'McArthur'. Haven't seen it for a number of years. Not as good as 'Patton' but still not bad.

Waiting on the Kentucky rain....if it doesn't fizzle out by the time it gets here.

Prayers for Sawnee's follow up.

See where Warren Buffet's talking about significant inflation. While I don't care much for him, I respect what he's accomplished...and he sure knows more about the economy/business than the current crop of politicians.
I understand this is a new trend in some communities. Stand up at your funeral. This lady is as dead as dead can be. I am going to pass on this but to each his/her/trans/156 gender own.

This Ole World is passing me by day by day.

This changes everything for me.......I now want to be stranding there with my right hand extended for a hand shake.....
I got the yard wacked and mowed. I never expected that to happen today but it turned out to be a wonderful, windy day.

Catfish tomorrow night.
My mower is in the shop.....they said it would be 4-6 weeks......they let me use a loaner when I need it for free......just as I pulled out of the drive to go get it yesterday afternoon it started raining again......going to need a bush hog........

Best catfish I ever had was at a friends house......his BIL brought 50lbs. of albino catfish up from Mississippi......breaded and deep fried.......I could do that again and I am not really a catfish eater.......nothing beats bluegill or crappie....IMHO........
This is be kind to a snake day. Let him cross the road in peace


Yesterday, I had a friend in the yard while I was mowing (eastern rat snake Pantherophis alleghaniensis). He was about 3.5 to 4' long. I added the scientific name for Rooster.

I played with him a few minutes and ran him out of the mowing zone. It did not like being herded. I beg my neighbors not to kill the rat snakes but they often do not comply.

They are handsome snakes. The second picture is when he reacted to me herding him.

Yeah the dumb homeowners. Yep the hail may tear up your roof and the insurance company comes out or issues you a check. Great right. The insurance company issues you a check for the prevailing rates. IF your roof isn't leaking hold off getting it replaced. Did that with my home in SA, waited until we were getting ready to sell. Insurance settles for about 12k. The prevailing rate at the time we sold.... about $4800.00 and a great job and warranty too. Be patient if you can.

Oh, have a great day and may your day be monetarily blessed to where you can afford to bless others less fortunate. God Bless you all...
In late 2006 we bought a Buick La was a program sat in the garage for almost a year covered up.....we kept the old 94 Tarus that had been in a wreck......we started driving it.....then we had a big hail storm....the insurance paid us for the hail damage.....I was in a friend's wedding in SC.....the Director evidently lost focus as when I looked up we were cruising down the center median at 85mph...........our nice car didn't do as well as we was strung out over 1/4 mile of I-26...186 mile marker....ass end of the car nailed a tree 10' off of the ground...I got a little scratch and the Director came out shook up but unscathed.......when the insurance man called his first words were, "man that was a nice kept car".......after they settled we ended up with $300 more than we had paid for the car including the extended warranty we purchased......I am glad we didn't get the hail damage fixed when they cut us a check......the director didn't want to drive it with the hail is the first and only time I felt like I had beat the insurance company....
Yesterday, I had a friend in the yard while I was mowing (eastern rat snake Pantherophis alleghaniensis). He was about 3.5 to 4' long. I added the scientific name for Rooster.

I played with him a few minutes and ran him out of the mowing zone. It did not like being herded. I beg my neighbors not to kill the rat snakes but they often do not comply.

They are handsome snakes. The second picture is when he reacted to me herding him.


That first picture looks like he has the heebie geebies... That looks almost like a Cobra to me...
In late 2006 we bought a Buick La was a program sat in the garage for almost a year covered up.....we kept the old 94 Tarus that had been in a wreck......we started driving it.....then we had a big hail storm....the insurance paid us for the hail damage.....I was in a friend's wedding in SC.....the Director evidently lost focus as when I looked up we were cruising down the center median at 85mph...........our nice car didn't do as well as we was strung out over 1/4 mile of I-26...186 mile marker....ass end of the car nailed a tree 10' off of the ground...I got a little scratch and the Director came out shook up but unscathed.......when the insurance man called his first words were, "man that was a nice kept car".......after they settled we ended up with $300 more than we had paid for the car including the extended warranty we purchased......I am glad we didn't get the hail damage fixed when they cut us a check......the director didn't want to drive it with the hail is the first and only time I felt like I had beat the insurance company....

I bought my daughter a new 2012 Mazda 3 when we went to Korea. (So I didn't worry about her having a dependable ride while we were gone.) Near when we were to return it hailed in San Antonio and damaged her car. (The Insurance company totaled it. I bought it back from them and they paid me the difference.) I never fixed the hail damage. (Same hail storm that ruined my roof.) I drive it, the dents are noticeable but the paint never chipped. No rust.

The car has 70k miles just turned over. I cleaned it up and still drive it. I used it to commute when I was taking the train to DC. All I'd need to do now before I'd drive it to California is check the air in the tires and clean the front windshield inside. I keep it clean.

The kicker, I have a salvage title. Instead of paying well over 200 dollars a year I pay 74 bucks annually. With the taxes here that car is gold to me. I had a couple people ask me if i wanted to sell it. Nope...

When I leave this place I will sell it and buy my Darling a new SUV for our drive to where-ever and tow her car to our new place.
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Overcast morning in the Buckeye State. Sitting here streaming 'McArthur'. Haven't seen it for a number of years. Not as good as 'Patton' but still not bad.

Waiting on the Kentucky rain....if it doesn't fizzle out by the time it gets here.

Prayers for Sawnee's follow up.

See where Warren Buffet's talking about significant inflation. While I don't care much for him, I respect what he's accomplished...and he sure knows more about the economy/business than the current crop of politicians.
I don't know Ohio Colonel if there was much rain left after Kentucky. We got nearly three inches here, so me and cordmaker may have saved you.

On inflation: I was a failed chemistry major who took business courses at night forever after I started working for the railroad. Based on the economics that I was taught the Fed can't print all this money and the government can't spend all this money without major inflation. It will come back and bite us in the butt for sure.
I went RVing with my daughter and son in law this weekend
Getting the bug to go camping. Between the rain and the growing grass, haven't had a chance to open up the camper and do the Spring cleaning.

Speaking of inflation....campers/trailers, seem they have gone up 25-30% in the last year and a half. A friend's brother is in the industry and said they can't hardly keep up with demand...and are having a hard time getting parts. So when they run the camper through the manufacturing line.....they park them completed out in the field where they park them before delivery...but many times they are missing windows or doors and the rain just goes inside them.
My grandpa, born in 1905 only made it to the 4th grade.

He had a slow horse, eh?

My dad was born in 1905 and didn't get past the 4th grade either.

Good thing about being born about that time? Too young for WW1 and too old for WW2.

The bad? Being poor and going through the Depression and, well, you're dead now.
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My mower is in the shop.....they said it would be 4-6 weeks......they let me use a loaner when I need it for free......just as I pulled out of the drive to go get it yesterday afternoon it started raining again......going to need a bush hog........

Best catfish I ever had was at a friends house......his BIL brought 50lbs. of albino catfish up from Mississippi......breaded and deep fried.......I could do that again and I am not really a catfish eater.......nothing beats bluegill or crappie....IMHO........
Walleye grilled in some Goya sauce, butter, and a few other spices a Puerto Rican friend of mine makes is just delicious. Walleye is a thick fish with lots of meat.
I have never eaten walleye. Here's a strange one. I've never eaten crappie. Mostly bass. I never thought bluegill were worth the cleaning effort.
We like to fillet the bluegill......then give it a fry.......poor man's shrimp.........use an electric fillet knife same with the crappie........only fish that is better IMHO.......fried Haddock fish n chips from Phil's Fish N Chips in Littleport, England.......if'n the chap is still open........
I have never eaten walleye. Here's a strange one. I've never eaten crappie. Mostly bass. Some catfish. I never thought bluegill were worth the cleaning effort.

I'm not a picky eater but I do despise picking through bones to eat some fish. Just not worth it to me though I will eat up some mackerel... (Plenty of small bones but you get some good chunks of meat too.)
Friend from Nashville area goes to Harpers on a regular basis. Speaks highly of the place.
Since my son moved to N'ville we'll probably be taking a trip down that way this Summer. Looked up Harper's and yelp says that it's closed. Unless there's another Harper's around there. Reviews from a few years ago didn't say anything about catfish...but seemed like a country cooking type place that probably had fish on the menu.
Since my son moved to N'ville we'll probably be taking a trip down that way this Summer. Looked up Harper's and yelp says that it's closed. Unless there's another Harper's around there. Reviews from a few years ago didn't say anything about catfish...but seemed like a country cooking type place that probably had fish on the menu.
Check this out. My cousin brought over take out last month.

Check this out. My cousin brought over take out last month.

This is my kind of place. Great menu..

If you ever get down our way, go over to Ozello and try Pecks Old Port Cove. Fresh right out of their back yard.!1s0x88e847424fbdd84d:0x677de35b32146021!3m1!7e115!4s


There is one road there and one road back. Road is about 10 or 11 miles long. Worth the trip. From U.S. 19 to the Gulf there is very little habitation until you get to Ozello. Population is small, in 1890 it was zero but in 1900 it had grown to 49. Anyone living there with children had to get them to school by boat. The word was if a 6 year old can't boat to school he ain't worth sending to school.

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This is my kind of place. Great menu..

If you ever get down our way, go over to Ozello and try Pecks Old Port Cove. Fresh right out of their back yard.!1s0x88e847424fbdd84d:0x677de35b32146021!3m1!7e115!4s


In Jacksonville we went here. It was wonderful:
In Jacksonville we went here. It was wonderful:
I have been there several times. What a menu and what a restaurant. I took some friends with kids and their 6 year old girl got afraid because of all of the stuff animals. They are everywhere and every thing on Noah's Ark is in that place. When the football Cats were in the Gator Bowl against Georgia Tech I took my brother and his wife there. Amazing place.
In Jacksonville we went here. It was wonderful:

I have been there several times. What a menu and what a restaurant. I took some friends with kids and their 6 year old girl got afraid because of all of the stuff animals. They are everywhere and every thing on Noah's Ark is in that place. When the football Cats were in the Gator Bowl against Georgia Tech I took my brother and his wife there. Amazing place.
Believe that I've been there a number of times back in the 80s and 90s. Can't remember the name but I think it's the same place. Has it been around that long?