
I'm "only" 73, but was from a pretty rural area. I figured some were older than me.
Sawnee, wildcatdon and I are 77. I think Bert is about 75. Most of the other whippersnappers/kids are I believe in their late 50s and 60s.
I will be 75 on June 13th this year. I am a young punk.
I may have mentioned this before, but if you get a KET channel, check out the show Kentucky Seasons: A KET Special. It takes you around the state and shows some beautiful scenery. It happens to be on right now here in Louisville. This is the second time I've watched it.
Can you believe people like this get elected. This is Texas so I doubt it passes but still what is going on in America? Think before you vote for someone.

They're just kids, but they seem like pretty good kids. They will probably grow up to be responsible adults.

I'm not so sure about that. They had it pretty soft. Whereas us older guys had to walk several miles to school in the snow barefooted, uphill both ways, they got to go downhill either going or coming back.

This team is missing some important parts.
Nick Richards.
Haven't had a chance to catch up.
Me either. Lots of complications.
Yeah and if that UK82 character gives you much grief I may have to call him a wheelbarrow and it with no handles.
Don't start messing with family.

This is not on topic but I felt it was necessary to share.........I had a skin tag/mole appear on my eyelid about 2 yrs ago........I ignored it until about Thanksgiving last year......It had gotten large enough to pull my eyelid down.......I had been thinking about performing surgery on it but the Director wasn't in agreement.....I bought a product called Hempvanna Skin tag remover.....I brushed the liquid several time a day.....for 12 weeks......IT IS GONE! I didn't spend a couple grand with the doctor.........I didn't have to do the surgery myself.........and IT"S GONE...........$19.99 and it really, really works...........
My Uncle Walter would take a tater, cut in half, rub it on a wart, bury it under the eve of the barn and after it rotted the wart would be gone.
What a miserable season . . . Hope we sweep the SEC tournament. Highly unlikely, though.
Love the avatar WC!!!!

girlfriend/ex-girlfriend/girlfriend/ex-girlfriend/girlfriend now ex-girlfriend
Had a great uncle Estill whose wife Maude Pearl divorced him twice before their lasting 3rd marriage.
Rooster McConaughey? [laughing]. He's a hoot, and a very successful one at that. My wife's cousin knows him. He has a son named Miller Lyte and daughter named Olympia.
Fine distinguished and honorable animal name. I've still got my hoot too and not about to give it up either. Also blessed not being Sterling Falls.
Sawnee, wildcatdon and I are 77. I think Bert is about 75. Most of the other whippersnappers/kids are I believe in their late 50s and 60s.
This bird reaches 70 this summer.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 44°F, clear and calm. We expect our high at around 70°F. Nice out, actually.

Chores, grocery shopping and taking pup in for grooming are on my agenda for later today.
Afternoon D, just wanted to drop a quick note telling ya'll the little boy is home!!!!
Good news. Happy to hear.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D League. The talk of funerals made me recall the days when some people still got buried on family ground on their property in some parts of rural Kentucky. When I was 15, and just barely able to be considered one of the men in the family, I was pressed into duty to be a pall bearer at my great aunt Blanche’s burial way out in rural Bracken County.

The house was on some crumbling backroad and the burial plot was a little fenced in area down a stone path past a barn and on the edge of a wood lot.

It was blowing snow that day, the ground was covered and the stone path was slick as snot. Blanche was a sizable woman and I remember being desperate not to slip and drop my part. But it all went well and was a moving - and mercifully short - ceremony.

I wish people were still laid to rest that way, on family ground.
My wife's family has a plot in NC....we have a spot over in the corner........only problem is it is hard as hell to get up to the's a rough final ride in a 4 wheel truck........but the view is to die for........
Good morning from ATX. Currently 44°F, clear and calm. We expect our high at around 70°F. Nice out, actually.

Chores, grocery shopping and taking pup in for grooming are on my agenda for later today.

Good news. Happy to hear.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I bought some good clippers and have learned to trim my two Goldendoodles........I was going to have to get a job to have them clipped every three weeks.......that is what I have planned for this afternoon....trim dogs......

Nick Richards.

Me either. Lots of complications.
Don't start messing with family.

My Uncle Walter would take a tater, cut in half, rub it on a wart, bury it under the eve of the barn and after it rotted the wart would be gone.


Had a great uncle Estill whose wife Maude Pearl divorced him twice before their lasting 3rd marriage.
Fine distinguished and honorable animal name. I've still got my hoot too and not about to give it up either. Also blessed not being Sterling Falls.
This bird reaches 70 this summer.
Love that picture.
Good Lord's Day to all.
Beginning to warm up in the Buckeye state. 60s the next few days.....hopefully.

Watched Saving Private Ryan again yesterday on PlutoTV. Pluto has as many commercials as the networks only they're shorter, but they have them constantly. They showed Ford SUV commercials over and over and over again. One of them showed the vehicle driving thru a city's streets (as a lot of car commercials do). Since they're new models it had to be filmed about 9 months ago. While one of the SUVs is going down the street it passes a building that looks like all the windows have plywood over them. Another building that is all glass looks like it's got plywood in an area that looks like it's 8' by 8'. No graffiti....just plywood. On Pluto you can't stop or fast forward the commercials...cause I wanted to freeze it to see if I really saw what I thought I saw. Must have seen it 10-12 times and really paid attention....and I still think it was plywood.
State of the nation.
Good Lord's Day to all.
Beginning to warm up in the Buckeye state. 60s the next few days.....hopefully.

Watched Saving Private Ryan again yesterday on PlutoTV. Pluto has as many commercials as the networks only they're shorter, but they have them constantly. They showed Ford SUV commercials over and over and over again. One of them showed the vehicle driving thru a city's streets (as a lot of car commercials do). Since they're new models it had to be filmed about 9 months ago. While one of the SUVs is going down the street it passes a building that looks like all the windows have plywood over them. Another building that is all glass looks like it's got plywood in an area that looks like it's 8' by 8'. No graffiti....just plywood. On Pluto you can't stop or fast forward the commercials...cause I wanted to freeze it to see if I really saw what I thought I saw. Must have seen it 10-12 times and really paid attention....and I still think it was plywood.
State of the nation.
I have seen pictures of American cities with damages that looks like boarded up windows in commercial buildings but I have not experienced it in person. If any of the D lives near major urban areas maybe they can confirm it. But on TV it looked bad.

This week our governor announced a tax reduction is coming for us because of the financial status of the state. We have been open during this mess or crisis for the most part and so we are financially sound as a state. Restaurants, bars and beaches are full. Masks are getting scarce as you go out. I was at the Post Office Fridy and the only people with a mask on were the government employees. I guess the feds have to wear one. I haven't worn a mask in who knows when.
I have seen pictures of American cities with damages that looks like boarded up windows in commercial buildings but I have not experienced it in person. If any of the D lives near major urban areas maybe they can confirm it. But on TV it looked bad.

This week our governor announced a tax reduction is coming for us because of the financial status of the state. We have been open during this mess or crisis for the most part and so we are financially sound as a state. Restaurants, bars and beaches are full. Masks are getting scarce as you go out. I was at the Post Office Fridy and the only people with a mask on were the government employees. I guess the feds have to wear one. I haven't worn a mask in who knows when.
Had the Arnold Palmer golf tournament on yesterday while I was doing something (only sports I watch now, other an occasional glimpse at the 'Bubba Wallace Cup Series' on Sundays). But wasn't paying a lot of attention.
I think, for the first time in almost a year, there was a gallery. Sounded like quite a few and it wasn't fake crowd noise by the network. Nice to see/hear.
Good morning D, beautiful LORD'S morning here in the Berg, cold but beautiful!!!

Again my friend wanted me to thank the D, for their prayers!!!!

I also will turn 70 in June!!! I use to think only old people were 70!!!!

I saw a reference to the movie Young Fronkenstein, One of the funniest parts was when he ask Gene Wilder (Igor) what name was on the brain, was it Hans Delbruck? No it was Abby somebody, Abby normal maybe!!!

Well I got the call Friday, my friend who is a Pharmacists said I will call as soon as I get the vaccine in and he did. He got the Johnson and Johnson one. So if the D, don't hear from me after 10 tomorrow, you will know that my Johnson did me in!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day!!! Prayers for the D!!!!!
Hey D-League. I hope Sunday is off to a good start. Back from a long walk. 25f and clear here today, so pleasant hiking weather. My wife the occasional marathoner is off for a long run, after which we have plans to drive up to Frederick, Maryland, about 25 miles away to have lunch at an Irish pub we like -- that county is open for dining, our county is not. I'd be pretty angry if I were trying to make a go of it in one of the scores of restaurants closer to us to know people are driving to the next county. We're run by an incredibly oppressive band of Big Government, Nanny State liberals here.

But too nice a day to dwell on politics. Glad to see the Cats look good against a weak team yesterday. At least there is some hope heading into the SEC tournament.

I hope you all have a good day.
I have had the responsibility of having to pay for funeral expenses for relatives. In my case (s) it was a person who had made poor choices in life. But it was family so you do what you have to do.

If one can afford it, I would highly recommend a person have all of the funeral issues paid for and resolved before that day comes. And it will come. We are all going to die and one can rest assured it will cost a lot more money to see you out of this world than it cost to bring you in it. Let those left behind have one less thing to worry about once you are gone, a financial burden is one of the worst things a survivor will have to face if not prepared.

My wife has a step-brother who has been on disability almost his entire life. He only has an IQ of 59 and his kidneys were shot as a child, when he had several operations. Needless to say, he doesn't have a dime, and knowing that we would be stuck with funeral expenses, I got him a small insurance policy, about a year ago. It's one of those that do not require physicals, only that you live at least a year, through Colonial Penn. $9K policy for $49 bucks a month, and that will keep me from paying too much out of pocket. I am finally up and around, with my back getting better, daily. All have a great day.

Nick Richards.

Me either. Lots of complications.
Don't start messing with family.

My Uncle Walter would take a tater, cut in half, rub it on a wart, bury it under the eve of the barn and after it rotted the wart would be gone.


Had a great uncle Estill whose wife Maude Pearl divorced him twice before their lasting 3rd marriage.
Fine distinguished and honorable animal name. I've still got my hoot too and not about to give it up either. Also blessed not being Sterling Falls.
This bird reaches 70 this summer.
Glad you're still around. Hope there's nothing serious with the complications.
Good morning D, beautiful LORD'S morning here in the Berg, cold but beautiful!!!

Again my friend wanted me to thank the D, for their prayers!!!!

I also will turn 70 in June!!! I use to think only old people were 70!!!!

I saw a reference to the movie Young Fronkenstein, One of the funniest parts was when he ask Gene Wilder (Igor) what name was on the brain, was it Hans Delbruck? No it was Abby somebody, Abby normal maybe!!!

Well I got the call Friday, my friend who is a Pharmacists said I will call as soon as I get the vaccine in and he did. He got the Johnson and Johnson one. So if the D, don't hear from me after 10 tomorrow, you will know that my Johnson did me in!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day!!! Prayers for the D!!!!!
I take my parents in for their 2nd shot this afternoon. My wife and I are scheduled to get our first at Broadbent Arena Wednesday. At least it's a drive-thru so hopefully it'll be quick other than the 15 minute wait afterwards.
Spawning season in OK yet, or a bit too early?
When Water temperatures reach 62-65°, normally April-May. But, I'm hoping for the early ones to start biting. I figure the surface temperature in the afternoon may bring them up so, top water to just subsurface swimming bait might do. I will teach my Karate class from 1400-1530 (3 times a week) then head out.