
Coleman lanterns and gigs late at night are another cool fishing trick. Cuz gigged a 5 lb largemouth bass right through the nose back about June, 1982. I was with him. Illegal as heck because bass are a non-roughage fish and we were on Fort Campbell. He mounted the fish and still has it 39 years later hanging on his wall at his place near Nolin Lake.
You guys simply don't appreciate the dynamite. It does not weigh a lot and you can pull the fish out one at a time. :cool:
"You in the dinghy! This is the police. Put your hands on your head."
"G'day, Sarge!"
"I might have known it would be you."
"It's these New York fish, Sarge, they won't take the bait."

Another nice day in store. Perfect to do some outside work or just enjoy mother nature

We had a nice visit today by 7 or 8 Muscovy ducks which is unusual. They seldom appear and were quite a site flying in and landing on the lake. I snapped a couple of pictures but by the time I ran into the house to get my phone they had swam to the other side of the lake and I couldn't get a close up.


I raise white French Muscovy ducks for my dogs and me..........they are allergic to chicken and I love duck liver......
Going to take my first fishing day of the year sometime next week (Afternoon). Stand by for fish report.
I’m wanting to, and as I said earlier, I’m not really what you would call a fisherman. But I do love fresh fish to eat occasionally. If it’s not a carp , whatever I catch is going in the skillet. I’m happy with whatever the good lord gives me this time of year.
I’m wanting to, and as I said earlier, I’m not really what you would call a fisherman. But I do love fresh fish to eat occasionally. If it’s not a carp , whatever I catch is going in the skillet. I’m happy with whatever the good lord gives me this time of year.
I wish somebody could catch all those doggone Asian carp. Those critters = evil.
Going to take my first fishing day of the year sometime next week (Afternoon). Stand by for fish report.
since I sculpted my finger with the table saw..........there is a big hunk that has minimal only takes about five minutes before it wants to get warm..............I have my crappie poles on the deck of my boat and ready to go.......
since I sculpted my finger with the table saw..........there is a big hunk that has minimal only takes about five minutes before it wants to get warm..............I have my crappie poles on the deck of my boat and ready to go.......
My cuz on Nolin Lake loves crappie fishing. He's amazing. Watched him catch 8 crappie on three poles in two minutes once back in the day. You'd love this fella. He was born in Perry Co. KY and grew up in Hillview near Louisville. Greatest outdoorsman on Earth. Watched him site, jump out of of my car and catch a groundhog on the run. Dude was incredible when we were younger. Put Turtleman to shame. True story.
My cuz on Nolin Lake loves crappie fishing. He's amazing. Watched him catch 8 crappie on three poles in two minutes once back in the day. You'd love this fella. He was born in Perry Co. KY and grew up in Hillview near Louisville. Greatest outdoorsman on Earth. Watched him site, jump out of of my car and catch a groundhog on the run. Dude was incredible when we were younger. Put Turtleman to shame. True story.
There are an amazingly lot of people like that still here in the boondocks. I consider myself kind of a turtle man, in some respects. But there’s people here that could put him to shame easily. Backwoods wisdom is handed down and practiced still. It’s just not on tv like moonshiners etc. That stuff is rehearsed. Ain’t no rehearsals out here.
There are an amazingly lot of people like that still here in the boondocks. I consider myself kind of a turtle man, in some respects. But there’s people here that could put him to shame easily. Backwoods wisdom is handed down and practiced still. It’s just not on tv like moonshiners etc. That stuff is rehearsed. Ain’t no rehearsals out here.
Got that right. Ever gone noodling? He he, fun stuff. Old cuz introduced me to noodling 40 years ago. Hell, I was a UK dropout back then. He taught this old boy many new tricks. I remember seeing a whole trough full of turtles he caught after I got back from Desert Storm. Caught them the old fashioned way. Sold turtle meat at bars around Hillview for $5 a pound. Folks bought it. Tripped me out.
Got that right. Ever gone noodling? He he, fun stuff. Old cuz introduced me to noodling 40 years ago. Hell, I was a UK dropout back then. He taught this old boy many new tricks. I remember seeing a whole trough full of turtles he caught after I got back from Desert Storm. Caught them the old fashioned way. Sold turtle meat at bars around Hillview for $5 a pound. Folks bought it. Tripped me out.
Nope. Had a good friend(gone now ), who used to noodle for catfish in our creek. Asked me to join him several times. I declined several times. Need my fingers for my professional purposes. I’ve seen the damage a snapping turtle can do to a catfish on a twig line. No thanks.
My cuz on Nolin Lake loves crappie fishing. He's amazing. Watched him catch 8 crappie on three poles in two minutes once back in the day. You'd love this fella. He was born in Perry Co. KY and grew up in Hillview near Louisville. Greatest outdoorsman on Earth. Watched him site, jump out of of my car and catch a groundhog on the run. Dude was incredible when we were younger. Put Turtleman to shame. True story.

John Ubanks was a great American!

Bless you all, I wanted to give you a day off from me. I've been running around with my darling a lot today and got my grandson enrolled in day care with his mom. God Bless you all and may you enjoy your evening.

I just registered us to attend church Sunday, yeah you have to register to go to church here now. "Ain't" that stupid!

God Bless you and consider gaining a personal relationship with God as he is close.
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Nope. Had a good friend(gone now ), who used to noodle for catfish in our creek. Asked me to join him several times. I declined several times. Need my fingers for my professional purposes. I’ve seen the damage a snapping turtle can do to a catfish on a twig line. No thanks.
Heh heh. Cuz began appreciating his fingers about 20 years ago when he got in the plumbing business. Different story when we were younger.
Yep. Wasn’t afraid of nothing when I was 20. Now trying to cook with a batter scares the crap out of me. At least, that’s what I tell my better half. Been working so far.

When I was first married I did the dishes once. My wife inspected them and never again let me do the dishes. I didn't do it deliberately but it was one of my best failures ever. Hehe.
I’m wanting to, and as I said earlier, I’m not really what you would call a fisherman. But I do love fresh fish to eat occasionally. If it’s not a carp , whatever I catch is going in the skillet. I’m happy with whatever the good lord gives me this time of year.
While I do do quite a bit of fishing (at least a couple days a week during the season) I don't consider my self an expert or a fisherman per se but, I do fish quite a bit. My fishing is however limited to just a couple of species (bass mainly and on occasion, crappie) these days.
Happy Saturday to all. Another weekend...but no plans. Heading to the store here in a little while.
Another warm(er) day, but still a fair amount of snow to melt. Can see a lot of the yard, but there is still a lot of snow not counting the piles next to the driveway from the snow plow. Being originally 3-5 feet tall....they are the last to go. But at least it's not freezing.
Did Virginia change their state flag?

When I hear stories like this it makes me ever more appreciative to have a Governor who did not shut down the state. When COVID first broke out a pastor in Tampa was arrested for holding church. The police chief in Tampa is a typical liberal you find in big city America.

The governor put a stop to that and said no Floridian will be denied the right to attend church, school or open their small business. If Home Depot and Walmart can open their doors everyone else could do the same.

Registering for church is a new low.
There are an amazingly lot of people like that still here in the boondocks. I consider myself kind of a turtle man, in some respects. But there’s people here that could put him to shame easily. Backwoods wisdom is handed down and practiced still. It’s just not on tv like moonshiners etc. That stuff is rehearsed. Ain’t no rehearsals out here.
Only a few lucky people have the benefit of growing up like foster father had coon dogs......field trail, water races and night hunting........a kid learns a bunch of handy things following dogs around the countryside....
Registering for church is a new one to me. Makes you wonder what's next.
I hadn't been to the doctor for a while....when I called the lady said I would have to fill out an application.....I had been going to this guy for 15 -20 yrs......ain't been back to see him yet......
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Good morning D-League. I hope everyone is enjoying Saturday. Low-key day here in Maryland.

I miss the days of getting on the subway with my wife on Saturday morning, or sometimes driving downtwon, hitting a place like the Old Ebbitt Grill for brunch then spending hours in and out of the Smithsonian Museums, or walking around the old Victorian-Era neighborhoods on Capitol Hill where I lived when we first met way back in the 1980s, then maybe having a few drinks and some dinner in Georgetown or the Penn Quarter. Maybe by this summer we'll be able to do that again.

I hope whatever was a great Saturday for you all pre-pandemic is back in play before too many more months.

As for today, we need a big performance by the Cats to build on some recent momentum.
I remember when I was in basic training we were allowed one phone call a week, Sunday afternoons, and I stayed in line for hours to use the phone to call back home. We had a 5 minute limit on our calls and of course they were all pay phones.

The older I get the more I realize I was born into the Stone Age.

If I didn't know better I would say the the girl in the blue hoodie was one of my g'daughters. 😲

Had a friend in Atlanta that in addition to his regular business owned thousands of pay phones. The great majority were in the not so nice parts of Atlanta. I would help him out once in a while on a Saturday if he got behind on things and called and needed my help. If so, I would go around and collect the coins out of them.
I would have multiple thousands of dollars in quarters, dimes, and nickels by the end of the day in the car. Oh the stories I could tell....

One...was collecting one day in a housing project on the west side of Atlanta. Think there were 4 or 5 in the courtyard area. One of them ring while I'm working on the other. So I answer it. Guy on the other end tells me he's watching me. Calls me a racial slur (at least it was to me...probably not in our PC culture today). Says that he and his buds think I'm with the Atlanta P.D. or FBI tapping their phone and to get the @#*& out. Told him I was helping a friend that owned the phone and I'd leave when I was through. A little nervous but I stayed.
Obviously still alive to tell the story.
When I hear stories like this it makes me ever more appreciative to have a Governor who did not shut down the state. When COVID first broke out a pastor in Tampa was arrested for holding church. The police chief in Tampa is a typical liberal you find in big city America.

The governor put a stop to that and said no Floridian will be denied the right to attend church, school or open their small business. If Home Depot and Walmart can open their doors everyone else could do the same.

Registering for church is a new low.

I know you didn't mean it that way but registering for church is in deed a horror story or should be for any christian but I wanted to provide the bonafides too.... Never thought there would be this day in.. America...

Just click on the link...

God's protection to you all and may God's spirit always strive with you as it will not always strive with man....

I am at a loss for words as to what this means. This is a relatively large church we attended before covid.
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If I didn't know better I would say the the girl in the blue hoodie was one of my g'daughters. 😲

Had a friend in Atlanta that in addition to his regular business owned thousands of pay phones. The great majority were in the not so nice parts of Atlanta. I would help him out once in a while on a Saturday if he got behind on things and called and needed my help. If so, I would go around and collect the coins out of them.
I would have multiple thousands of dollars in quarters, dimes, and nickels by the end of the day in the car. Oh the stories I could tell....

One...was collecting one day in a housing project on the west side of Atlanta. Think there were 4 or 5 in the courtyard area. One of them ring while I'm working on the other. So I answer it. Guy on the other end tells me he's watching me. Calls me a racial slur (at least it was to me...probably not in our PC culture today). Says that he and his buds think I'm with the Atlanta P.D. or FBI tapping their phone and to get the @#*& out. Told him I was helping a friend that owned the phone and I'd leave when I was through. A little nervous but I stayed.
Obviously still alive to tell the story.
Back in the 50's & 60's my grandfather had penny gum machines......they had penny sticks of Wrigley's and Dentine gum.........he had a four wheel cart that he would load his pennies on when we went to the bank.....I rode on top of the bags of pennies.......when we left the bank we would go to his pool hall and he would have them fix me a hamburger and coke......or we would go to White Castle for lunch........I thought that was the greatest thing on earth.....
Good morning D, dreary ole day here with lots of rain heading our way!!!

We have been married for 23 years today! This lady saved my life!!!! I never had anything before her, she turned my life around and straightened me out. I say this all the time when someone makes a comment about her, I don't deserve her, but GOD gave her to me and I am more than thankful HE did!!!! She has been a GREAT Wife, mother and grandmother!!!! I'll say this again, not many ladies would come into someone that has three children, but she did with an open heart! I ask GOD to please send me someone that would love my children as much as me, still think she loves them and the grandchildren more!!!!

We are heading to Patti's here in a little while with our friends. Strange connection with our friends, here are some of the things with us. Our friends and us were married in the same year 98, Mrs. M and her friend has the same birthday and his birthday is on our anniversary, didn't know ant of this before we met them. One more thing, please keep our friend in your prayers, she has a form of ALS and it is had to watch her health over the years. I thought at one time she did have it, then she called me on day and told me.

I hope the D, has a great dat and prayers for the D!!!!!