Good morning D, got a glaze of ice on everything this morning!!
It's times like last week that I am glad I am out of the carpet business! Tracking in and out of houses when you got there or having to take the carpet or vinyl to the houses the day before, so it would be warm enough to install it, don't miss that at all!!!!
Tried the Cube Steak in the crock-pot, it was really good. We tried to cut down on the salt, so we just put the steaks in, mixed the cream of mushroom, and the brown gravy, then poured it over the steak and onions we had cut up.
Got to go get my fishing license today, expires this month. One good thing about being over 65 is our whole package is just $5, only have to but a Trout stamp extra!
Found out I am going back to Arkansas in April, this will be my first spring time trip there, supposedly we may be able to catch larger Brown Trout. We will have access to a good dock to fish off of the docks if we want to late in the evening.
Have a great day D, prayers for the D!!!!!