
I liked Willie Nelson's records but didn't like his performances. He seldom sang them in his performances like they were recorded. Same for Jerry Lee Lewis.

I have probably told the story before, but once, when I was in Austin, I sat on the same bed in a hotel room, with Willie, Kris Kristofferson and a couple of guys from Willie's band. Listened to them jam for about an hour.
All kidding aside, a shot of bourbon is great in eggnog, if you like bourbon. And I may be the only person on the planet who mixes vodka with ice cream for a float. Or double float maybe.

Ha, I think you may be that only person... ;)

I do like spiced rum but have refrained from any hard liquor for years but the spiced rum is PERFECT for eggnog... (Try it a time or too... That type rum really sets off the flavor of the ....concoction... 😉
Ha, I think you may be that only person... ;)

I do like spiced rum but have refrained from any hard liquor for years but the spiced rum is PERFECT for eggnog... (Try it a time or too... That type rum really sets off the flavor of the ....concoction... 😉
Don’t know why but I’ve always had a liking for weird combinations and food and drink. Won’t mention any food combinations, don’t want to make any of y’all go off your feed. And yeah, I like spice rum occasionally, will have to try that next week.
Cold clear morning. It was 22°F at sunrise and now it is up to 27.0°. The frost was thick.

UNC tomorrow. I don't know what to expect. 1-5 would hurt.
Expect it for when it happens it won't hurt as much. Had a Sergeant Major who once told me to always expect no so that when it came you would be ready for it. But, if you got yes you would be happier for it.
My wife is going to fry up a mess of chicken gizzards for our supper. I am the only one that eats them so I think she is wanting something from me. I bet tomorrow she hits me with a "Christmas Wish"

I thought my Christmas shopping was over but apparently not. If she bakes some biscuits and makes some milk gravy that is a sign she wants a big $$$$$ item. But chicken gizzards, milk gravy and biscuits would be worth it
In Ashland, I sent a Christmas card to my neighbor, and it went to our post office, then to Charleston, WV, and back to Ashland, then out for delivery. Took 4 days for a card to go across the street. Next year, I'll just take it to her.

Works that way here too as it goes to OKC and then back but only takes three days.
This reminds me of when my wife and I were first married. We did not have a wedding shower and got zero wedding presents other than my dad bought us a small screen black and white TV. So we bought items like toasters, kitchen pots and pans, etc for each other. Many we still have. I borrowed $20 from my wife to have enough to get married on. I think I was making $80 a month back then as a corporal in the Army.

Many have heard of the "Don't Mess With Texas" anti-litter ad campaign. 30 years ago, Texas Department of Transportation filmed an amazing commercial involving the Confederate Air Force. Below are production shots. B-17 flyover was breathtaking at ~20 feet altitude. Location was near Midland, TX.



Actual commercial

Flyby footage. Amazing for such a big bird.

Watched Memphis Belle last night with my wife. We had been watching Christmas movies lately and were channel hopping when we came across it and she saw the look on my face and knew I would rather watch that than then on going onslaught of Lifetime and Hallmark Christmas movies she had us watching. Since she works and I can watch what I want during the day she gets to pick the evenings entertainment. We'll she likes the movie too so...Memphis Belle it was.
I moved to Texas in 1985. 1986 was the Texas sesquicentennial. It was wonderful.

I had kin there before it became a republic. I have nothing but good family. We were rebels. We would fight for any cause! :cool:
Correct. Founded after Battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836, which is now a Texas state holiday.

Below is a photo of the last known surviving veterans from that battle taken in 1906 during their reunion.

Priority 2 day mail 5 days and counting!

Made a big pot of the Creamy Crock-pot Chicken Noodle soup today. daughter and 4 of our grandgillin! Mrs. M don't get off from the bank till 6, Friday's are rough days for her!!!

Speaking of food that is a go or no go, what about Braunschweiger? Yes or no?
Priority 2 day mail 5 days and counting!

Made a big pot of the Creamy Crock-pot Chicken Noodle soup today. daughter and 4 of our grandgillin! Mrs. M don't get off from the bank till 6, Friday's are rough days for her!!!

Speaking of food that is a go or no go, what about Braunschweiger? Yes or no?
Priority 2 day mail 5 days and counting!

Made a big pot of the Creamy Crock-pot Chicken Noodle soup today. daughter and 4 of our grandgillin! Mrs. M don't get off from the bank till 6, Friday's are rough days for her!!!

Speaking of food that is a go or no go, what about Braunschweiger? Yes or no?
Resounding yes! Called "Leberwurst" over in Germany. I love it on toast.
The day The Baron died.

My the way you folks that like eggnog are messed up.

Geeze short of starving I could not drink it! 😂
I like a little eggnog in my bourbon 🤪

I've heard a lot of people say it's even better spiked. I guess I'm going to have to try some bourbon in eggnog and find out.
Seeing one part bourbon to 5 parts eggnog. I also plan on trying some very soon.

I like my eggnog: 10 parts bourbon to zero parts eggnog!
My wife is going to fry up a mess of chicken gizzards for our supper. I am the only one that eats them so I think she is wanting something from me. I bet tomorrow she hits me with a "Christmas Wish"

I thought my Christmas shopping was over but apparently not. If she bakes some biscuits and makes some milk gravy that is a sign she wants a big $$$$$ item. But chicken gizzards, milk gravy and biscuits would be worth it

No disrespect Sir but this came to mind... Crow Gizzards...

I am 69 and never had any whisky. I had an uncle that I stayed with while I was working at Paducah on I-24, he really liked it, we would stop at the liquor store just about every time we wen to Barkley Dam fishing. I am not sure what he was drinking, VO or Barton?
Bert will like this. I had an uncle Walter Samuel Rich like that named after our common grandfather. Unlike Bert, I like fishing too so I your uncle is prolly kin. You too. btw I'm 69 and haven't had any hard liquor since Hollerween. I can enjoy an adult beverage. I have zero desire to enjoy too much and know the difference.
Bert will like this. I had an uncle Walter Samuel Rich like that named after our common grandfather. Unlike Bert, I like fishing too so I your uncle is prolly kin. You too. btw I'm 69 and haven't had any hard liquor since Hollerween. I can enjoy an adult beverage. I have zero desire to enjoy too much and know the difference.
You got the IQ in the family. I got the whisky genes.
Old Grand-Dad 114 is wonderful, you just have to "measure" it out. That stuff will kick you in the butt.

The reason that I have some is that Ymmot came down and gave it to me.

Hell, even Ymmot can't handle it!
I miss Ymmot. What I would give to see him posting during a basketball game this season. That would be worth the price of admission.
Sawnee reminds me of my grandfather in that way. Would eat anything. Pigs feet, souse, possum, groundhog, raccoon, even frog heads. Probably his favorite was fish eggs, and I learned to like it too.
Funny story. I use to travel a lot in my work and flew all over the country. One afternoon my wife mentioned to me that I should bring back a little something on my trips.

So I am in Baton Rouge getting ready to go to the airport and suddenly I remember what she said. So I looked and looked for a gift shop but nothing. Finally I saw a grocery store and decided to check it out. In this store were jars and jars (big jars) of pig parts. Pig feet, pig tails, pig ears and pig lips. All pickled in a vinegar based hot sauce. So a light went on in my little brain. The wife wants a gift so how about a very large jar of pig lips. For some reason I thought that would be a good idea.

WRONG. I showed up at the door with that big jar under my arms and thought I would get a welcome kiss home. I got a "what is THAT". Pig lips, my love. Pickled and ready to eat. Not only would she not eat them with me she would not let me open them up in the house.