This is a cartoon but in my day you could take a few things away and it would be on the money. We required a quarter to bounce off of a made bed so that you could catch it in midair. If a trainee did not make it that tight they had to run a mile before mess.
You would not see a weapon (M14 Rifle) laying across a bed. It was either secured in the rifle rack or on being held by the trainee. On the range we would stack arms.
I have had trainees spend an hour to make sure their bed was made tight and then sleep on the floor rather than mess it up. Inspections of the barracks was at 6:00 AM
This is the footlocker lay out we used in basic training
And here is a bivouac display for Basic Training. This photo was taken in 1966 at Ft Knox. The one of the left passed, the one on the right failed.