
Controlling mole crickets is the key. About 40 years ago I had Bahia grass and fighting mole crickets was a war. We had street lights out front and at night you could hear them being squashed as cars drove by. It was a battle to control them.

I haven't had the problem with St Augustine but I have a regular lawn service that fertilizes and controls the weeds and insects. They do a good job. It takes about 4 treatments a year so it is inexpensive.

Mole crickets are just plain ugly and they can wipe out a lawn in no time


They must not like winters, because I don't recall ever seeing one of those around here.
I just heard on the radio all health care workers, doctors, nurses and support have all been vaccinated in our county. As have everyone in nursing homes. The vaccinations were not mandatory but it sounds like most people wanted them.

My son had one Tuesday. I will probably get one but my wife will not. But she drinks buttermilk every day.

We had a little action in the back yard. A very large bass died in the lake and these boys all gathered around to share a meal. They keep things nice and clean and it is against the law to harm one.


I don't trust that vaccine at all and will go down fighting before I would ever get it.
They must not like winters, because I don't recall ever seeing one of those around here.
I doubt they go that far north. You would know it if you ever saw one or 10,000 eating up your yard. They can wipe a lawn out overnight. St Augustine is not their favorite grass. Bahia seems to be their choice.

Another reason I like St Augustine is we do not have to bag it. Bahia and Bermuda should be for a clean look.
This is a cartoon but in my day you could take a few things away and it would be on the money. We required a quarter to bounce off of a made bed so that you could catch it in midair. If a trainee did not make it that tight they had to run a mile before mess.

You would not see a weapon (M14 Rifle) laying across a bed. It was either secured in the rifle rack or on being held by the trainee. On the range we would stack arms.

I have had trainees spend an hour to make sure their bed was made tight and then sleep on the floor rather than mess it up. Inspections of the barracks was at 6:00 AM

This is the footlocker lay out we used in basic training


And here is a bivouac display for Basic Training. This photo was taken in 1966 at Ft Knox. The one of the left passed, the one on the right failed.

Yep, for sure. Was for me too. Now days they live in one and two room billets in the RA and in AIT but still open bays for BCT. The regular units even pay people to clean their rooms for them if they want.
Yep. I just saw that one of the women that was among the top brass in the EPA under Obama, just was appointed by Biden. I guess there are still some power plants that they didn't shut down that need to be taken care of. Plus, Joe has vowed to stop all drilling of any kind, so natural gas and oil will really go up, too. People hated Trump so badly, that they forgot the consequences of electing Democrats. Now they will get a reminder.
I may have to go back to work under Obiden.
Yep. I just saw that one of the women that was among the top brass in the EPA under Obama, just was appointed by Biden. I guess there are still some power plants that they didn't shut down that need to be taken care of. Plus, Joe has vowed to stop all drilling of any kind, so natural gas and oil will really go up, too. People hated Trump so badly, that they forgot the consequences of electing Democrats. Now they will get a reminder.
True Ben, but people really didn't elect Biden, the deep state did.
Willie Nelson and Charley Pride, Soap Creek Saloon in Austin, 1975. Looking good.

Would have Paid a small fortune back in the day to have been there. Unfortunately for me, that would have amounted to about ten bucks. Come to think of it, ten bucks is still a lot if you know what I mean. Things change, but everything stays the same. But I digress. Would have been fun.
Good morning from the Gulf Coast

Pine Island is reporting 39° with lots of sunshine and a high of 59°, that is cool for us. But it will be a perfect day to take a day trip down to Lake Wales and a visit to Bok Tower. Bok Tower is a hidden gem and consists of a 250-acre garden and a 205-foot tall Singing Tower with its carillon bells, a beautiful walking trail and a visitor center. The tower is built on Iron Mountain, one of the highest points in Florida, 295 feet above sea level.

Bok Tower is a National Historic Landmark and was built be Edward Bok a very wealthy man from Philadelphia. He was editor of the Ladies Home Journal and his wife established the Curtis Institute of Music. Bok built the tower in her honor and is buried at the base. The Singing Tower is made of pink and gray Etowah marble mined in Tate, Georgia. It also has tabby which is a concrete type mixture of coquina shells. Inside the tower is a 60 bell carillon which plays through out the day. Special Christmas music will be presented at 1:00 and 3:00 PM.

It makes for a nice day trip and is a beautiful spot on earth.



An old Army buddy of mine (CW4 retired) and boss for a while after the Army (Got me started with military contractor and then Civil Service) just lost his wife and mother-in-law to "Covid-19". His MIL moved in last year and was living with them after they built an extra room onto their house. MIL recently went out (not sure where) and came back apparently contracting the virus. All three tested positive but, MIL and his wife were both in poor health already have been hospitalized a few times over a year or so. Wife went to Hospital Sunday and died with MIL doing the same on Tuesday. He is doing good (72 years old) in relation to virus but is devastated from the losses. He worked with my wife for years on the contractor side and helped her get the job she is in. My wife's boss said he was not responding to anyone's text or calls from the contract and ask if I would contact him since we served together and got along. Not many got along with him because he was a straight shooter and did not coddle workers he supervised.

I contacted him last night in a text and offered my condolences and help if he needed it. He responded within minutes and thanked me and said he was having a tough time dealing with it and would let me know. My wife was a bit surprised he responded because he did not to anyone else. But, I said: "none of them were in the military and we spent a lot of time in Germany and Ft. Sill together before both retiring.
Good morning D-League.

My condolences to your friend, Warrior. What a tragedy. Stories like this make it all real: A family member goes out for a visit or whatever, and soon everyone has the virus. My older daughter knows a guy -- a student of hers at Kansas University actually -- who went to visit his parents, thinking he was fine. But he was carrying the virus, and they both caught it. Both passed away. That'd be a lot to carry in life.

Just back from a brisk walk in the freezing air. We're getting a little more snow right now, but then clear and warming through the weekend. Looks like no White Christmas.

Hope all is well with all of you.