
Feels a bit like Old Man Winter in Ohio this morning. Mid-20s. Brrrrrrr.
The Mrs headed out at 5:30 to WalMart for their ongoing Black Friday deals. For some weird reason we always enjoyed Black Fridays over the years. Became a family tradition. For probably 20 years we'd get up at 4 or so and hit the stores till about 9...and we were pretty much done. Always enjoyed it....and I'm not a shopper at all. Once a year. But this year I don't even know if they'll have a Black Friday on Black Friday. Covid ya know.

Say a prayer for one of my granddaughters if you would. She passed out at school yesterday and was out for about 5 minutes. So far they haven't found anything wrong and are attributing it to dehydration. She's about 14, so she's at the age where they quit eating trying to look like a supermodel to fit into the latest 'in' jeans, etc. Plus she's a whirlwind of activity. In all kinds of things at school and is on a traveling All-Star cheerleading squad so she's always training and working out.

Have a good Saturday.
Say a prayer for one of my granddaughters if you would. She passed out at school yesterday and was out for about 5 minutes. So far they haven't found anything wrong and are attributing it to dehydration. She's about 14, so she's at the age where they quit eating trying to look like a supermodel to fit into the latest 'in' jeans, etc. Plus she's a whirlwind of activity. In all kinds of things at school and is on a traveling All-Star cheerleading squad so she's always training and working out.

Have a good Saturday.
Hopefully nothing major. Get well soon. Prayers sent.
Say a prayer for one of my granddaughters if you would. She passed out at school yesterday and was out for about 5 minutes. So far they haven't found anything wrong and are attributing it to dehydration. She's about 14, so she's at the age where they quit eating trying to look like a supermodel to fit into the latest 'in' jeans, etc. Plus she's a whirlwind of activity. In all kinds of things at school and is on a traveling All-Star cheerleading squad so she's always training and working out.

Prayers have been sent . I trust it is only dehydration.
You lost me on the last one. My sister died in 1996, but she was a good cook.
My bad, I've no doubt she was and continues to be wonderful. Obviously a poor attempt to pile on to your humorous reference of an egghead with degrees out the butt. I've also heard folks refer to acorns as "eggcorns" so if she's real smart and fell from the same tree of genes so you're likely smart too. Then searching for a Friday the 13th witch with a meat thermometer and pork butt when I saw the ad for the Over the Hill product. Having a large meat thermometer, I laughed at the silliness, but failed expressing the connection between temperature degrees and diplomas, then hastily threw it out there.
Rooster, I saw this on FaceBook. Is it fake or fact or something in the middle.

What are farmers doing besides feeding the rest of us? A NASA satellite found some odd readings over the United States. Global warming proponents thought they were onto something. They were surprised to find this image was a manifestation of the force of farming in the United States. This satellite image shows the photosynthesis of America's 100 million acre Corn crop. Further research found the US corn crop, at it's peak, produces 40% more oxygen than the Amazon rain forest. Thank you farmers.
My bad, I've no doubt she was and continues to be wonderful. Obviously a poor attempt to pile on to your humorous reference of an egghead with degrees out the butt. I've also heard folks refer to acorns as "eggcorns" so if she's real smart and fell from the same tree of genes so you're likely smart too. Then searching for a Friday the 13th witch with a meat thermometer and pork butt when I saw the ad for the Over the Hill product. Having a large meat thermometer, I laughed at the silliness, but failed expressing the connection between temperature degrees and diplomas, then hastily threw it out there.
No bad, I just did not get the connections, of course it was before my first cup of coffee. :)
Rooster, I saw this on FaceBook. Is it fake or fact or something in the middle.

What are farmers doing besides feeding the rest of us? A NASA satellite found some odd readings over the United States. Global warming proponents thought they were onto something. They were surprised to find this image was a manifestation of the force of farming in the United States. This satellite image shows the photosynthesis of America's 100 million acre Corn crop. Further research found the US corn crop, at it's peak, produces 40% more oxygen than the Amazon rain forest. Thank you farmers.
Well if y'all are burning up in the North you can always come down to Miami for some snow skiing. Bring your own mountain

Feels a bit like Old Man Winter in Ohio this morning. Mid-20s. Brrrrrrr.
The Mrs headed out at 5:30 to WalMart for their ongoing Black Friday deals. For some weird reason we always enjoyed Black Fridays over the years. Became a family tradition. For probably 20 years we'd get up at 4 or so and hit the stores till about 9...and we were pretty much done. Always enjoyed it....and I'm not a shopper at all. Once a year. But this year I don't even know if they'll have a Black Friday on Black Friday. Covid ya know.

Say a prayer for one of my granddaughters if you would. She passed out at school yesterday and was out for about 5 minutes. So far they haven't found anything wrong and are attributing it to dehydration. She's about 14, so she's at the age where they quit eating trying to look like a supermodel to fit into the latest 'in' jeans, etc. Plus she's a whirlwind of activity. In all kinds of things at school and is on a traveling All-Star cheerleading squad so she's always training and working out.

Have a good Saturday.
Prayers sent.
Rooster, I saw this on FaceBook. Is it fake or fact or something in the middle.
I've not completed building a home GIS to give you the correct analysis. 2 very interesting questions that have answers. I'll snoop a little and see what I come up with.
  1. This satellite image shows the photosynthesis of America's 100 million acre Corn crop
  2. US corn crop, at it's peak, produces 40% more oxygen than the Amazon rain forest.
I've simply got to get out of the house more.

I dreamed last night that wildcatdon showed up at my old house in Bakersfield and went in my backyard to inspect the weeds growing out of control there. We never talked. True story.

Any dream analysts here?
It has to be something to do with your bald head and wildcatdon's golden locks. This is a hairy thing
The answer: Hemochromatosis..

The question: What goes undiagnosed in those from German, Irish decent. It is a disease where your body does not get rid of iron. As you get older there are some symptoms of being lathargic but most just die in there early 70's. This disease is very treatable with therapeutic phlebotomy's on a regular basis...

God Bless you all, have a great weekend and may you have a chance to make a difference in someone's life.

Edit: Yes I have this disease. Been getting treatment for over ten years. I feel great after dropping a pint. It's not contagious, it is inherited.

Please get checked for this. It is wide spread but many are never tested. They just die young.
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So far they haven't found anything wrong and are attributing it to dehydration.
OK, I live in Arizona worked outside over 40 years. Very possible. Electrolytes (V-8) today for tomorrows sweat, during tomorrows sweat activities rehydrate with water & refresh with (Gatorade). She needs to know. Working all week, then make it routine.
This is me with my white privilege. I was privileged to be born into a family with love. I would rather be sitting on this "Rattlesnake" watermelon that grandpa grew just for me than sitting in an apartment in New York City with money in the bank. I love the simple things of life.

My granddaddy raised some that looked like that. He called them Congo Watermelons.
We do have a football game today don't we? Blew by the football board and you wouldn't know it.
I'm not paying much/little attention this year.

Quite the variety of sports on the tube today. I cut the cord on cable years ago so only get OTA channels (about 28...that's enough) and streaming services....but on TV is car racing (Sebring), college football (about 4 or 5 games) and the Masters. Had forgot about the Masters. I think someone on here the other day mentioned it, but I had already forgotten about it (involved in a house project that's taking a lot of time).

When I lived in Atlanta I was blessed to be able to go to Augusta National a number of times. Never went to the tournament...had tix a couple of times but things came up plus it's an all-day, and then some, affair. Never played the course but was at the clubhouse and walked the course. Absolutely beautiful. Like a little bit of heaven here on earth. So I'll be flipping the channels back and forth....tired of my project so I'll spend a bit of time in the Lazy Boy.
My granddaddy raised some that looked like that. He called them Congo Watermelons.
I like that name. My grandpa raised "Rattlesnake" melons An interesting article about them. Seems they disappeared as a commercial melon but has come back after 100 years. Melons were huge when I was a boy and my grandpa raised his from his own seeds. Grandpa had a green thumb and taught me the love for the land.
I've simply got to get out of the house more.

I dreamed last night that wildcatdon showed up at my old house in Bakersfield and went in my backyard to inspect the weeds growing out of control there. We never talked. True story.

Any dream analysts here?
Or first stage of Covid?
Something in your water.
I like that name. My grandpa raised "Rattlesnake" melons An interesting article about them. Seems they disappeared as a commercial melon but has come back after 100 years. Melons were huge when I was a boy and my grandpa raised his from his own seeds. Grandpa had a green thumb and taught me the love for the land.
I miss the big 'ol watermelons from years past. Now days, at least around here, you can't hardly find the big seeded watermelons anymore. They're almost all the round (some decent size) seedless kind.
Remember when I first moved to Atlanta you would find pick-up trucks parked along streets/roads all over selling those big ones out of the back of the truck. Or down at the Farmer's Market.
Guess the farmer can get more melons to the acre with the smaller round ones? Don't know.
I miss the big 'ol watermelons from years past. Now days, at least around here, you can't hardly find the big seeded watermelons anymore. They're almost all the round (some decent size) seedless kind.
Remember when I first moved to Atlanta you would find pick-up trucks parked along streets/roads all over selling those big ones out of the back of the truck. Or down at the Farmer's Market.
Guess the farmer can get more melons to the acre with the smaller round ones? Don't know.
Years and years ago you could get watermelons off the side of the road for 10 for a dollar. !0 cents apiece. On my first trip to Florida right after I married I told my wife the minute we hit the Florida line you are going to see truck loads of watermelons for sale. Ten for a dollar. She laughed. Sure enough the signs were up 10 for a dollar.

But I will have to say this. They were not the big rattlesnake melons, more like icebox size.

Icebox watermelon


Rattlesnake watermelon

Feels a bit like Old Man Winter in Ohio this morning. Mid-20s. Brrrrrrr.
The Mrs headed out at 5:30 to WalMart for their ongoing Black Friday deals. For some weird reason we always enjoyed Black Fridays over the years. Became a family tradition. For probably 20 years we'd get up at 4 or so and hit the stores till about 9...and we were pretty much done. Always enjoyed it....and I'm not a shopper at all. Once a year. But this year I don't even know if they'll have a Black Friday on Black Friday. Covid ya know.

Say a prayer for one of my granddaughters if you would. She passed out at school yesterday and was out for about 5 minutes. So far they haven't found anything wrong and are attributing it to dehydration. She's about 14, so she's at the age where they quit eating trying to look like a supermodel to fit into the latest 'in' jeans, etc. Plus she's a whirlwind of activity. In all kinds of things at school and is on a traveling All-Star cheerleading squad so she's always training and working out.

Have a good Saturday.
Hopefully it's nothing serious. Prayers sent for your granddaughter.