
Walking around the backyard it is as if a storm did not come through. The lake is up a few inches but no limbs down or debris. The swamps and marshes protected us again.

It was a brisk 39°F when I got up this morning. We are to top out at 61°. If all goes well the yard will be mowed by the end of the day. The AC went off yesterday afternoon and last night the heat was turned on.

I am glad that Sawnee Cat did not get damage from the storm; however, around here 7 inches of rain would be damage as our clay based soil can't absorb it that fast.

I wish all of you a wonderful day.
Do you remember the Vantoy Medley grocery store?

I remember some Gaylor's that lived there. Archie Gaylor was a pastor of some sort. Of course that was way past 1957.. I do have this one photo of my Paternal grandparents. Sterl and Lucinda. It is dated 1956, that may be my brother as he was born in 51.


This is my Dad and Mom, not sure who that boy is. I was born in 61, the photo is dated 69.
My Mammaw was always wearing an apron and when alone answering the door, you could see the 32 colt revolver she was clutching in her apron pocket. Nice memory stimulation. Thanks BBUK
Bless you brother. Both of mine are gone too. Lost my mother last year.
That alone shows they were successful and that handle of yours reminds me of lying across the bed with my Dad listening to the games on WHAS EVERY time I see it. Gotta love the D.
The bottom one is a fans idea of what it should look like. The actual court has those big blue sticker saying Rupp Arena at Citizens Bank Center. Myself, I like the fans idea better.
No Doubt about it.
Brother....if that's your are a blessed man....good on you
Belongs to USDA. Sacred to the Navaho. Burns regularly so better kept as it is. Over the years among my favorite places I've been blessed to experience spiritual renewal.

You put this in my head.
Good afternoon D, 69 years old and today is the first time I can remember mowing this late in the year!!!! Put it up for the second time for the winter!!!

I got three stained glass angels made this morning, got three more to go, before I can start on the THIN BLUE LINE glass for the LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS. The angels are made from our MOM"S china that she had.

I hope the D, we are having pizza tonight without them stinking little fish on it!!!!!
Good afternoon D, 69 years old and today is the first time I can remember mowing this late in the year!!!! Put it up for the second time for the winter!!!

I got three stained glass angels made this morning, got three more to go, before I can start on the THIN BLUE LINE glass for the LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS. The angels are made from our MOM"S china that she had.

I hope the D, we are having pizza tonight without them stinking little fish on it!!!!!
Happy Birthday Brother Cord.

Good afternoon D, 69 years old and today is the first time I can remember mowing this late in the year!!!! Put it up for the second time for the winter!!!

I got three stained glass angels made this morning, got three more to go, before I can start on the THIN BLUE LINE glass for the LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS. The angels are made from our MOM"S china that she had.

I hope the D, we are having pizza tonight without them stinking little fish on it!!!!!
I mow up into December to get the leaves off the grass.
Just found $1.12 on the ground during my walk. A young lady passed by the dollar bill because her head was stuck in her phone.

While out walking one morning last week, I noticed the song "Easy Street" from "Walking Dead" blared at a NAPA auto parts store. Apparently, store managers set it to come on because so many bums sleep near the storefront. The song plays all night on endless loop, just like in the show. Some mornings I count 10 homeless people sleeping in front of or near various local businesses. Crazy.

I am a hat man and I really like this one. It is a Montana style made of wool. Nice and clean and smooth


Locally our cowboys wear a different style, most are made of light straw. This cowboy is on a ranch a few miles from here. There is just something about a hat and if you are working cattle in the sun it is a must.

I prefer the pinched front too! Still have the retired one I'm wearing in the 1976 image below. I might bring it back. I like the linked straw one too!

Ok SC and the D, Today is not my birthday. The way I wrote that is does seem like that is what I meant, but it wasn't! I'll put myself on ban if The D wants me to! Just didn't want my birthday to come up in June and someone say I thought your birthday was in November!!! Be careful how you look and how you read those words, they can be misleading!!!
Ok SC and the D, Today is not my birthday. The way I wrote that is does seem like that is what I meant, but it wasn't! I'll put myself on ban if The D wants me to! Just didn't want my birthday to come up in June and someone say I thought your birthday was in November!!! Be careful how you look and how you read those words, they can be misleading!!!
LOL You better not self ban. You are much too valuable . Happy birthday when ever it us. And I wish you many, many more.
First, we lost Coach Schlarman, and now Coach Mitchell resigns. What a day for the BBN. :(
I've been hard on Stoops, but I saw the press conference video of him about John Schlarman and he handled it all very well. Hard to imagine losing a friend and colleague any time but especially during the season. Very classy manner the way he responded to all the questions.
Just found $1.12 on the ground during my walk. A young lady passed by the dollar bill because her head was stuck in her phone.

While out walking one morning last week, I noticed the song "Easy Street" from "Walking Dead" blared at a NAPA auto parts store. Apparently, store managers set it to come on because so many bums sleep near the storefront. The song plays all night on endless loop, just like in the show. Some mornings I count 10 homeless people sleeping in front of or near various local businesses. Crazy.

It's a shame that signs like this are needed nowadays:
Good morning from ATX. Current temperature is 68°F and foggy, down to 1/10 mile in some places. Our high today should reach up into the 80s.

Horrible day for BBN yesterday. Very unhappy about Coach Schlarman. He built a great line. What a fitting last game beating UT down in Knoxville. Matthew Mitchell's retirement is a shocker.

Wishing happiness and health to all our fellow D-League members.
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I am a hat man and I really like this one. It is a Montana style made of wool. Nice and clean and smooth


Locally our cowboys wear a different style, most are made of light straw. This cowboy is on a ranch a few miles from here. There is just something about a hat and if you are working cattle in the sun it is a must.

I have a similar one in the style of Indiana Jones fedora. Actually three, one darker brown, light brown, and a black one.