
Rupp's favorite hangout. Ate there many times.


Morning Legionnaire's:

Never had one of those stoves you are posting about, but had a couple of fire places after leaving home that I really liked. Grew up moving all over Louisville because parents could not pay the bills all of the time. Moved from one house to the next until I was 16. Then we moved to Vertrees KY my sophomore year of high school to a 50 acre farm where my step father and my mother moved us into a single wide trailer. 6 kids, but my step sister moved in with her grandparents in ST. Matthews and my older sister who was a year older took off with her boyfriend who by the way she married and is still with. My two younger brothers got the extra bedroom in the trailer while my parents got the other one. Me and my brother had to sleep in a 4 walled bin built for storing grain. No electricity. Had to use outhouse for bathroom and shower in the trailer when available. Stayed there for 2 years before moving about 5 miles away to a trailer that was on a farm owned by a lawyer I started working for before my senior year of high school. Helped him run his place after school and on weekends for below minimum wage but, he let me stay in the trailer rent free and he paid the bills. My brother came with me and so he could have a better place to stay. Turned 18 before my senior year so, I was good to go. Left there 2 months after graduating in 1976 and joined the Army and the rest is history.
We owned one of these. Burned coal and wood:


Also one of these bad boys below. It still sits at my ex mother in-law's (RIP) place and is in excellent condition. They switched over to central heat/air about 25 years ago.


Can't find a picture of the potbelly we owned.

One must pay attention with dampers and especially flues. I've seen a flue pipe turn red several times. Gotta pay attention. No, I don't miss those old days at all.
Speaking of turning red, any of you former military guys ever use a Yukon stove while in the military? It was a welcome sight and sound while in Alaska in the mountains during winter training missions. It would be humming and the stove would turn red all around when it was humming.

Morning Legionnaire's:

Never had one of those stoves you are posting about, but had a couple of fire places after leaving home that I really liked. Grew up moving all over Louisville because parents could not pay the bills all of the time. Moved from one house to the next until I was 16. Then we moved to Vertrees KY my sophomore year of high school to a 50 acre farm where my step father and my mother moved us into a single wide trailer. 6 kids, but my step sister moved in with her grandparents in ST. Matthews and my older sister who was a year older took off with her boyfriend who by the way she married and is still with. My two younger brothers got the extra bedroom in the trailer while my parents got the other one. Me and my brother had to sleep in a 4 walled bin built for storing grain. No electricity. Had to use outhouse for bathroom and shower in the trailer when available. Stayed there for 2 years before moving about 5 miles away to a trailer that was on a farm owned by a lawyer I started working for before my senior year of high school. Helped him run his place after school and on weekends for below minimum wage but, he let me stay in the trailer rent free and he paid the bills. My brother came with me and so he could have a better place to stay. Turned 18 before my senior year so, I was good to go. Left there 2 months after graduating in 1976 and joined the Army and the rest is history.

My brudder from anudder mudder... Quite similar except I did that as a near only child. My brother is 9 years and 51 weeks older than me and my sister is 7 years older than me. Very similar except in Detroit and I had no farms to speak of...except when we visited the south. Dad paid the bills mostly but that was it. I was not a loner but I knew being alone.

Oh A real good morning to all. May your day be filled with blessings and may all good things come your way!
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I too never had one of those stoves (but do have a Buck stove in the garage...but that doesn't count in these discussions). Couple fireplaces in the house while growing up ... but not for heat. Looks and relaxtion/comfort only. Mine was a good upbringing not only monetarily but morally as well. Dad did very well....but being an old country boy, he put up with no nonsense, was a devout christian, and we as kids were never without. But as kids....we got what we needed, but not always what we wanted. Big difference.

Looks like another nice day in Ohio. Not quite as warm as the last few days but still warm. Think I heard that maybe some rain's coming in tonight and temps will be dropping back into the 50s as the week goes by. So a couple inside/outside projects I can still work on. Trying to get some things done before Mr. Tom Turkey comes a calling.

Everyone have a good, safe day.
Speaking of turning red, any of you former military guys ever use a Yukon stove while in the military? It was a welcome sight and sound while in Alaska in the mountains during winter training missions. It would be humming and the stove would turn red all around when it was humming.
Yes, used up in AK and several times in Germany. It came in real handy once up in the mountains during 1988 winter when we set up outside of Bad Hersfeld.

You're correct. Turned crazy red. The stove burned diesel, right? I can't remember.
Good morning from the marshes of the Florida West Coast

Eyes are on the Gulf and Miss Eta. Were will she go and what will she do. Meanwhile our temperature is 74° clear and the high should make it to 82°. Lots of sunshine and about a 10% chance of rain. The humidity has dropped to 88%.

Today is meet with the surgeon day. My follow up appointment with the surgeon who removed the cancer is late this afternoon and I should know where we go from here. Thank you for you past prayers. They have encouraged me and given me spiritual strength which is all that matters at the end.

Trust all are well and good health to all.

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Grew up in E Ky. We smelled of coal and burnt wood. We all smelled that way so nobody noticed until we got around city folk.
My dad would "bank" the stove at night so there would still be hot coals in the morning. Weekends were for getting wood so it would be seasoned out by winter.
He had 4 brothers so each weekend was alternated to get wood for whoevers turn it was.
Me and my cousins were the mules packing it and stacking it...😆😆
Rupp's favorite hangout. Ate there many times.


Adolph always had the chili. There was a guy who had a restaurant in Midway, who had the recipe, and served it, until a fire burned his restaurant. A year or so later, he opened a Barbeque restaurant, just off Winchester Rd., in Lexington. I loved to eat there and talk to him. He was from Louisiana and he served some cajun dishes as well as smoked meats. He also had the old Brookings chili. He ended up selling out to a couple of younger guys who changed the menu to just smoked entrees. It's now called the Blue Door and is a popular take-out place.
Good morning from the marshes of the Florida West Coast

Eyes are on the Gulf and Miss Eta. Were will she go and what will she do. Meanwhile our temperature is 74° clear and the high should make it to 82°. Lots of sunshine and about a 10% chance of rain. The humidity has dropped to 88%.

Today is meet with the surgeon day. My follow up appointment with the surgeon who removed the cancer is late this afternoon and I should know where we go from here. Thank you for you past prayers. They have encouraged me and given me spiritual strength which is all that matters at the end.

Trust all are well and good health to all.


Praying for your return to good health.
Good morning from the marshes of the Florida West Coast

Eyes are on the Gulf and Miss Eta. Were will she go and what will she do. Meanwhile our temperature is 74° clear and the high should make it to 82°. Lots of sunshine and about a 10% chance of rain. The humidity has dropped to 88%.

Today is meet with the surgeon day. My follow up appointment with the surgeon who removed the cancer is late this afternoon and I should know where we go from here. Thank you for you past prayers. They have encouraged me and given me spiritual strength which is all that matters at the end.

Trust all are well and good health to all.

Praying for you here as well.
Happy Tuesday Morning D-Leaguers!

It is a sunny 71°F here on our way to 77°. We are supposed to get a little rain tonight.

Sawnee I hope you get a good report on the cancer stuff. I had prostate cancer in 2016. So far I am still clear, but I hold my breath a lot.

Growing up we never had a stove for heating our house. We had two gas floor furnaces. Stand on top of those and you could really warm up your butt. If you stood very long you could brand the soles of your shoes with the grids of the furnace. I had a couple uncles who had wood/coal burning pot bellied stoves, all warm morning brand.
Happy Tuesday Morning D-Leaguers!

It is a sunny 71°F here on our way to 77°. We are supposed to get a little rain tonight.

Sawnee I hope you get a good report on the cancer stuff. I had prostate cancer in 2016. So far I am still clear, but I hold my breath a lot.

Growing up we never had a stove for heating our house. We had two gas floor furnaces. Stand on top of those and you could really warm up your butt. If you stood very long you could brand the soles of your shoes with the grids of the furnace. I had a couple uncles who had wood/coal burning pot bellied stoves, all warm morning brand.

We had a big fireplace insert with a big flat top and a fan that would circulate the warm air through the house (a 900 square foot ranch.) It also made for a killer cooking top - dad would cook bacon (when we could afford it,) eggs and toast on the weekends on there, and that's how most of our venison and moose would get cooked in the winter. Good times. Looked almost exactly like this one. The fan is behind that slot in the back and it blew awesome hot air out into the house.
Loving the camaraderie in this thread. Gonna take a permanent retirement from the Political Thread and hang here.

Sawnee, I'm sure you have me on ignore but good vibes to you sir. Cancer sucks.
I wandered over here maybe a year ago. Great people on the D. I was welcomed by all. Glad you are here, no one will disappoint you here. Sawnee, good luck with your appointment, hope you get a good report sir.
Morning D
I see we have some newbies and a few pains in the ass
welcome to the newbies, PIA have been blocked
Going about every two or three days to sit with my friend, he is slowly winding down.
The election, only thing good about it as of now, our guys are putting up the fight for what's right
In the end I think/hope we keep our President
Hope all is well
loving this weather

All I got....smoke em if ya got em, bum em if ya don't
Both gas and diesel. Took a bit to get the diesel started though.
That's right. Mogas.

I was out at Graf once sitting in a GP Medium tent with a Yukon stove. Soldier went into a seizure and kicked the stove over. Started a small fire. We laid down hay for flooring. Damn, what a mess. Saved the tent. Soldier later got chaptered because of those seizures.
We owned one of these. Burned coal and wood:


Also one of these bad boys below. It still sits at my ex mother in-law's (RIP) place and is in excellent condition. They switched over to central heat/air about 25 years ago.


Can't find a picture of the potbelly we owned.

One must pay attention with dampers and especially flues. I've seen a flue pipe turn red several times. Gotta pay attention. No, I don't miss those old days at all.
The one we had was like the one in the top picture. Talking about the pipe getting red, we had it so hot in the house one time, that the candles were starting to melt. We had to open the patio door to "cool" the house down.
Good morning D, been a busy morning here in the Berg.

I use to have a fairly regular schedule, I would get Mrs. M off to work then flip it over to Faux snooze as I went about my chores that Mrs. M put on my "Honey better do list!!", now as soon as Leave it to Beaver goes off I hit the road, 2.4 miles this morning, in about 1hour and 5 minutes, not bad for an old hippy wannabe with 2 new hips!!

I have a new stained glass project I am getting ready to start as soon as I get 5 more Angels made out of our MOM'S dishes for my brother and sister. My new project is a piece of blue and black glass, that I will cut and grind the glass, then solder it into a THIN BLUE LINE badge. I will paint the officers number on the glass, bake it for 30 minutes, then put it all together. I am going to fix two of them for FALLEN OFFICERS and give them to their widows. Then I am going to start making them for my son and the former sheriff of our county who is my best friend. This has been on my heart for a while and now is the time to start on them!!!! There are pictures of these online, one is a shield and one is a heart. The D knows I can't post pictures, so if one of the fine D would post them, I would appreciate it!!!! THIN BLUE LINE!!!

I hope the D has a great day!!! I pray for the D every morning while I am walking, I know he listens because HE hears his children!!!!
Good morning D, been a busy morning here in the Berg.

I use to have a fairly regular schedule, I would get Mrs. M off to work then flip it over to Faux snooze as I went about my chores that Mrs. M put on my "Honey better do list!!", now as soon as Leave it to Beaver goes off I hit the road, 2.4 miles this morning, in about 1hour and 5 minutes, not bad for an old hippy wannabe with 2 new hips!!

I have a new stained glass project I am getting ready to start as soon as I get 5 more Angels made out of our MOM'S dishes for my brother and sister. My new project is a piece of blue and black glass, that I will cut and grind the glass, then solder it into a THIN BLUE LINE badge. I will paint the officers number on the glass, bake it for 30 minutes, then put it all together. I am going to fix two of them for FALLEN OFFICERS and give them to their widows. Then I am going to start making them for my son and the former sheriff of our county who is my best friend. This has been on my heart for a while and now is the time to start on them!!!! There are pictures of these online, one is a shield and one is a heart. The D knows I can't post pictures, so if one of the fine D would post them, I would appreciate it!!!! THIN BLUE LINE!!!

I hope the D has a great day!!! I pray for the D every morning while I am walking, I know he listens because HE hears his children!!!!
Thank you for your prayers cordmaker. God hears His children.

I would love to see your stained glass. Where can we find them online.