
Yes, true. I've seen the results. An ex-girlfriend grew up in Houston. We visited her mother often between 1996-1997. By the way, George Foreman was one of her mother's clients. I met him. Amazing gentleman.

Zoning, or lack thereof in Houston, represents a true American oddity. There are no zoning laws, per se, but rather development codes instead. Below are a few examples how older established dwellings clash with new developments.





"Zone d'Erotica" wins this thread for today.
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites, New Folks and Lurkers.
  • We have 60s in Cumming. Very nice morning going,
  • #3 Grandson is a U.S. Army Ranger. Party for him next weekend. We are very proud of that young man. No snake bites.
  • Florida whooped Georgia yesterday. #5 was in Jacksonville.
  • That is all.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
Congratulations to the young man, that is something to be extremely proud of.

Mighty Christian of you calling someone a cancer. Sad. There is room for you in Biden’s America
I respectfully decline your request
UK4number9, I am taking this personally. I added Jedwar, a mod, to make darned sure he sees what I am posting.

Why are you doing this? Are you just a retard?

You are still welcomed to kiss my ass.

Get the hell off D-League. You do not want to have a decent discussion, you just want to contribute to hate.

Ymmot gets banned @jedwar but this dude gets to mess with us.
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UK4number9, I am taking this personally. I added Jedwar, a mod, to make darned sure he sees what I am posting.

Why are you doing this? Are you just a retard?

You are still welcomed to kiss my ass.

Get the hell off D-League. You do not want to have a decent discussion, you just want to contribute to hate.

Ymmot gets banned @jedwar but this dude gets to mess with us.
He is one of the ones I have on ignore. He is nothing but a stalker and trouble maker. I should have known he would show up after the election. Matt Jones must have sent him
UK4number9, I am taking this personally. I added Jedwar, a mod, to make darned sure he sees what I am posting.

Why are you doing this? Are you just a retard?

You are still welcomed to kiss my ass.

Get the hell off D-League. You do not want to have a decent discussion, you just want to contribute to hate.

Ymmot gets banned @jedwar but this dude gets to mess with us.
Put me on ignore. Easy. You and your pals have said much worse to me. I was compared to cancer. Seriously. That’s sad. I get you all are devistated and hurt over lord trump getting smoked but it not my fault. Grow up and get on board or don’t and live out your like in hate and sadness. I made it 4 years. You all can make it 8. I’ll leave you alone. You seem like a decent person. D-league carry on. I’ll stay out.
  • Like
Reactions: wildcatdonf
Put me on ignore. Easy. You and your pals have said much worse to me. I was compared to cancer. Seriously. That’s sad. I get you all are devistated and hurt over lord trump getting smoked but it not my fault. Grow up and get on board or don’t and live out your like in hate and sadness. I made it 4 years. You all can make it 8. I’ll leave you alone. You seem like a decent person. D-league carry on. I’ll stay out.
Thank you.
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites, New Folks and Lurkers.
  • We have 60s in Cumming. Very nice morning going,
  • #3 Grandson is a U.S. Army Ranger. Party for him next weekend. We are very proud of that young man. No snake bites.
  • Florida whooped Georgia yesterday. #5 was in Jacksonville.
  • That is all.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
Congrats to your Grandson. That is quite an accomplishment.
With the Dems in office, giving away money and benefits, those who leave California will be replaced by illegals.
And when Biden opens up the Southern border Houston will be flooded with even more illegals. He will wipe out what Trump did and do it fast
Believe me, I understand the "Doom and Gloom" The election appeared to be highjacked. I don't know. I don't have the evidence. I know what I saw and continue to see on the Boob. A suspicious tainted election result I'm being coerced into accepting by a discredited MSM. This perch ain't biting. We need accountable elected representatives making this decision. Not bureaucrats, judges and definitely not the mob. Take it to court, invalidate the suspect electoral results and send it to decision to those states for their legislators to decide who their electors will be. If they can't reach a conclusion in time proceed without them. Listen to General Flynn's POV.
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I was pretty pissed when Trump won the 2016 election because I assumed he would be a right wing fringe POTUS. Instead, he has been very middle of the road for the last 4 years and hasn't really done anything that has significantly changed the lives of anyone in terms of freedoms that were enjoyed under Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. We'll see if Biden and his handlers are really able to push any left wing shit. I have my doubts.
I was pretty pissed when Trump won the 2016 election because I assumed he would be a right wing fringe POTUS. Instead, he has been very middle of the road for the last 4 years and hasn't really done anything that has significantly changed the lives of anyone in terms of freedoms that were enjoyed under Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. We'll see if Biden and his handlers are really able to push any left wing shit. I have my doubts.
Every President deserves a chance. I'll hold off on judgement until I see what policies he/she implements. To be honest though I'm not optimistic.
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My wife's birthday was last week. I got her some clothes and bath and body stuff that women like. I kid you not, a nightshirt from Amazon, packaged like all their clothes was wet, muddy and had white blotches all over. It looked like someone washed their car with it. The white spots? Who the hell knows. Never seen anything like it.
Every President deserves a chance. I'll hold off on judgement until I see what policies he/she implements. To be honest though I'm not optimistic. We'll see if he backs up his claim about being a President for everyone.
Right there with you. I don’t have any good expectations, but I’ll wait it out and see. Hell, I don’t really have a choice anyway, so I’ll let it play out. To Don, I know you are really proud of your grandson, as you should be. I have deep respect for those who serve, or have served.
Right there with you. I don’t have any good expectations, but I’ll wait it out and see. Hell, I don’t really have a choice anyway, so I’ll let it play out. To Don, I know you are really proud of your grandson, as you should be. I have deep respect for those who serve, or have served.
These old ears and eyes despises every promise he's made. Like you said, no choice.
We'll see if Biden and his handlers are really able to push any left wing shit.
The government has not recovered from the disastrous Obama presidency. It's been 4 12 years of continuous obstruction and deceit since 2016 2008. To the point where it took 18 months to receive permission to purchase a $20 replacement fan a needed for a NAS because it was not provided by an approved vendor to address social engineering paradigms. I was allowed to make the purchase after proving that the USDA had an exemption from these restrictive protocols for USDA scientific research sustainability. The cost of a simple 20 min maintenance operation was absurdly crazy. This is but a single example of the ineffective management protocol enforcement of the government for the people. I remember a investigative colleague commenting there was nothing so simple that it cannot be made impossible by having a meeting. President's really do make a difference for responsive cost effective government.
These old ears and eyes despises every promise he's made. Like you said, no choice.
It's not over in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia or Nevada. Don't drink the lame stream cool-aid that, "Well there ain't nothing we can do." That's exactly what they're banking on because the facts do not support the narrative. You we're wondering how we got in this mess. By being complacent with immorality . . . That's how.
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The government has not recovered from the disastrous Obama presidency. It's been 4 years of continuous obstruction and deceit since 2016. To the point where it took 18 months to receive permission to purchase a $20 replacement fan a needed NAS because it was not provided by an approved vendor to address social engineering paradigms. I was allowed to make the purchase after proving that the USDA had an exemption from these restrictive protocols for USDA scientific research sustainability. The cost of a simple 20 min maintenance operation was absurdly crazy. This is but a single example of the the ineffective management protocol enforcement of the government for the people. I remember a investigative colleague commenting there was nothing so simple that it cannot be made impossible by having a meeting. President's really do make a difference for responsive cost effective government.
It's not over in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia or Nevada. Don't drink the lame stream cool-aid that, "Well there ain't nothing we can do." That's exactly what they're banking on because the facts do not support the narrative. You we're wondering how we got in this mess. By being complacent with immorality . . . That's how.

I have to laugh at the disrespect shown to Trump’s SCOTUS appointments. The right acts like they are just pawns who are there at Trump’s beck and call to do his bidding. They are in fact proud, qualified JUSTICES. They are not political pawns. They have deep respect for each other, for the law, and for precedent. IF they even decide to hear any of these cases, if they are not presented with very compelling evidence that a fraud has been perpetrated, they will not just overturn the will of the people and hand Trump the election.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 68°F and partly cloudy. Slight drizzle. Our high today should top out at around 84°F. Nice.

Monday, Monday...

Returning to KY in 12 days. Can hardly wait. Not really enthusiastic about the upcoming drive. Looking forward to visiting everyone again.

Wishing all our fellow D-League members good health and happiness.


Morning Legionnaires!

Still have not started part time work yet, not pushing the issue. Needed the time off to catch up on issues around the house and re-energize. Also will wait and see how the year starts off under new regime. Wife pulled most of her money out of the stocks she was invested in and moved to safe account. Note sure that was the right move but, we will see. She was growing her 401k pretty good but, took a hit in a couple last week so... My money has been in safe accounts all along while she kept investing. Felt we needed a fall back just in case. Never was savvy on investing but, she follows a Christian investor that seems to be pretty good and has done OK with him.

Here's to hoping and praying that all who are suffering this day are relieved of their pain and find some peace. To all that are sick: GET WELL SOON!
Hello all,
I have not posted much and will not be posting much. I will read some but I am at a point of quiet.

God is still in control, I know that and do NOT doubt that. My human inclinations are not in a good state right now. It is better I do nothing than act as I feel. This shall pass but I hurt deeply.

God Bless you all and "I know who I have believed in and am persuaded that he is able, to keep that which I committed, unto him against that day!"

The government has not recovered from the disastrous Obama presidency. It's been 4 years of continuous obstruction and deceit since 2016. To the point where it took 18 months to receive permission to purchase a $20 replacement fan a needed NAS because it was not provided by an approved vendor to address social engineering paradigms. I was allowed to make the purchase after proving that the USDA had an exemption from these restrictive protocols for USDA scientific research sustainability. The cost of a simple 20 min maintenance operation was absurdly crazy. This is but a single example of the ineffective management protocol enforcement of the government for the people. I remember a investigative colleague commenting there was nothing so simple that it cannot be made impossible by having a meeting. President's really do make a difference for responsive cost effective government.
It's not over in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia or Nevada. Don't drink the lame stream cool-aid that, "Well there ain't nothing we can do." That's exactly what they're banking on because the facts do not support the narrative. You we're wondering how we got in this mess. By being complacent with immorality . . . That's how.
Thank you Rooster, you always know how to pick up my spirits. Wisdom and much appreciated.
I turned on the TV for some weather news and see the stock market is up about 1500 points this morning and nearing 30,000.

Reports are the COVID-19 vaccine being developed by Pfizer is 90% effective and should be on the market soon. During the campaign President Trump said we were within weeks of having a vaccine and the press laughed at him, suppressed the news and you know the rest.

The press and media laughed, said Trump was killing people and instead of staying positive with the news of a vaccine they turned on him. He put in a plan of "warp speed" that no other president would dare. Once Trump is gone look for red tape to return and things to take years to accomplish as we get back to an America before Trump. Stay healthy my friend or else.