
No one will answer. You do not challenge the swamp. It will destroy you


You know, since the media would not report all the corruption, I just wondered why Trump didn't focus on it during the debate. I would have had posters with quotes, and dwelled on it.
You're right. Recounts are meaningless. Vote audit is another story. That verifies the voter is legit. The country is at a crossroad. We don't have time for a needed audit. Belief the election has been stolen is widespread. Anger will fan the flames. The constitution removes the decision from the mob and gives it to the state legislators who are answerable to their constituents.

And the corruption will be raised to a new level in Georgia. The Dems will do anything to win those two senate seats.
You know, since the media would not report all the corruption, I just wondered why Trump didn't focus on it during the debate. I would have had posters with quotes, and dwelled on it.
Remember we were told Bill Barr and Durham were not going to release "The Report" until after the election. They did not want to appear political. The FBI has held the "laptop" for over a year. Since when do you not tell the American public of your findings of fraud and an attempted coup because you do not want to appear political? Especially when the media hides it.

If Trump is removed I hope he declassifies every thing in the Justice Department pertaining to those who destroyed him. Lay it all out. Most of the public still will not get the truth from the media but maybe a few will. I would like to know the truth about the government I have sent thousand and thousands and thousands of dollars to and still do. So What is Truth?
I truly believe that this is when the country is going under. When husband and wife both work, plus sometimes a second job, just to make ends meet. They come home and see the people next door not leave the house and live as well as they do. When the working people decide to quit working, paying taxes, and doing the right thing, then we will have more people taking from the system, than those paying in, and this country will go upside down.

My co-workers and I were just saying that the other day. I had a co-worker once say "you can't get anyone to work nowadays". I said, why would they, when they can do just as well sitting at home, enjoying their 365 vacation days.
I made that decision several months ago. That is why you will not find Gold Member under my name. When they banned ymmot, I was finished paying money. A few weeks later it expired

I decided with so much free information readily available nowadays, it's not worth paying for. Years ago, it was, but time has changed that. Even a local news story makes it's rounds on social media before the newspaper can print it.
The message coming out all around the MSM is "healing". Can you believe that? For the past 4 years, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day the MSM, Hollywood, Democrats, etc. have been blasting people like me with complete hate. Will they be healing that? No. They are the ones who have divided this country to a point that may be beyond repair. Healing? The hatred is on their side and it will continue to divide. Sorry for the rant but this just boils my skin. Healing. HA!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 64°F and partly cloudy. Expecting 81°F for today's high.

The message coming out all around the MSM is "healing". Can you believe that? For the past 4 years, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day the MSM, Hollywood, Democrats, etc. have been blasting people like me with complete hate. Will they be healing that? No. They are the ones who have divided this country to a point that may be beyond repair. Healing? The hatred is on their side and it will continue to divide. Sorry for the rant but this just boils my skin. Healing. HA!
Oh, I completely agree. They hate us unless we conform to their worldview like cheery little dittoheads. They operated a GD 4-year disinformation campaign while condoning unreal levels of civil unrest. Screw them.
The message coming out all around the MSM is "healing". Can you believe that? For the past 4 years, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day the MSM, Hollywood, Democrats, etc. have been blasting people like me with complete hate. Will they be healing that? No. They are the ones who have divided this country to a point that may be beyond repair. Healing? The hatred is on their side and it will continue to divide. Sorry for the rant but this just boils my skin. Healing. HA!
Now they will be pushing this agenda even further for future elections. We are at a crossroad as someone eluded to earlier. This is a dangerous time for our country right now. Not sure another republican will ever be elected again since this cheating worked. The runoff in Georgia will be the nail in our coffin.
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites, New Folks and Lurkers.
  • We have 60s in Cumming. Very nice morning going,
  • #3 Grandson is a U.S. Army Ranger. Party for him next weekend. We are very proud of that young man. No snake bites.
  • Florida whooped Georgia yesterday. #5 was in Jacksonville.
  • That is all.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
A million congratulations! What a tremendous accomplishment.
Good Sunday morning D League

Hurricane Eta is in the local news and we are under a Tropical Weather alert with our temperature at 74°. We should reach 84.

I enjoyed the Florida - Georgia game. Georgia always has the talent but for some reason falls a little short. Under Dan Mullen Florida will get stronger and stronger. Their offense is ideal for the best athletes in America and he will sign them up.

The moon phase is Last Quarter. Have a nice day all.

  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites, New Folks and Lurkers.
  • We have 60s in Cumming. Very nice morning going,
  • #3 Grandson is a U.S. Army Ranger. Party for him next weekend. We are very proud of that young man. No snake bites.
  • Florida whooped Georgia yesterday. #5 was in Jacksonville.
  • That is all.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
Congrats to the young man. Toast to him once for me at the party. I will do the same here next weekend.
Good morning D, beautiful LORDS' DAY' already 72 here!

Prayers for all that need them! Congratulation on the young man becoming a Ranger!!!!

One of my finds Friday was a piece of metal that has Westinghouse on it, will try to get a pic on here of it.

Have a great day D, wish some people would quit driving by the D!!!
I just received word one of my favorite posters has been banned from Cat Illustrated. If you are conservative tread lightly on the political board. And he did not attack anyone or post anything out of the mainstream or offensive. Be careful we do not want to lose you
Hope it's not who I think it may be. Haven't seen him around since Tuesday night I think.
Remember we were told Bill Barr and Durham were not going to release "The Report" until after the election. They did not want to appear political. The FBI has held the "laptop" for over a year. Since when do you not tell the American public of your findings of fraud and an attempted coup because you do not want to appear political? Especially when the media hides it.

If Trump is removed I hope he declassifies every thing in the Justice Department pertaining to those who destroyed him. Lay it all out. Most of the public still will not get the truth from the media but maybe a few will. I would like to know the truth about the government I have sent thousand and thousands and thousands of dollars to and still do. So What is Truth?

The problem is that all these agencies are run by bureaucrats. Lifers who depend on the government to sustain their jobs. Democrats want big government. That is why all these agencies have become an arm of the Democratic party. Wait until you see first quarter numbers on jobs. They will really go up, but look and see where they are generated. It will be in the public sector.
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites, New Folks and Lurkers.
  • We have 60s in Cumming. Very nice morning going,
  • #3 Grandson is a U.S. Army Ranger. Party for him next weekend. We are very proud of that young man. No snake bites.
  • Florida whooped Georgia yesterday. #5 was in Jacksonville.
  • That is all.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.

Congrats to the newest Ranger. You have to be proud.
Maybe AustinTXCat know the answer to this. Seems I remember reading an article many years ago, maybe 70s or 80s when Houston really starts to explode in growth, that it had basically no zoning laws and therefore the city was growing/building just about anywhere developers could. Does that ring a bell with anybody?

Had an opportunity years ago for a job in Houston but didn't pursue it (think I would have gotten it) 'cause I just didn't like the direction of Houston at the time....massive growth being one.
Maybe AustinTXCat know the answer to this. Seems I remember reading an article many years ago, maybe 70s or 80s when Houston really starts to explode in growth, that it had basically no zoning laws and therefore the city was growing/building just about anywhere developers could. Does that ring a bell with anybody?

Had an opportunity years ago for a job in Houston but didn't pursue it (think I would have gotten it) 'cause I just didn't like the direction of Houston at the time....massive growth being one.
I lived in Houston in the mid-1980's. I don't remember it being without zoning laws. I know our subdivision was planned and was in the North West side of the city.

When I lived in Houston it was already the 4 largest city in the nation. Plus I think that part of Harris County are outside Houston's city limit. It is a massive metro area.
The problem is that all these agencies are run by bureaucrats. Lifers who depend on the government to sustain their jobs. Democrats want big government. That is why all these agencies have become an arm of the Democratic party. Wait until you see first quarter numbers on jobs. They will really go up, but look and see where they are generated. It will be in the public sector.
Yes and no. The "BIG" govt you are referring to is not solely Democratic creation. It was a corruption by deciders to appease critics of their neglect. I saw this as a federal employee. Affirmative action was used to correct real economic disparity and hiring policies were used for social engineering welfare based along subjective artificial concepts vulnerable to deception like race, gender and cultural. Fixing this will be difficult because institutional knowledge has been pushed to the sidelines or hired over with people willing to compromise their opinions. Contracting government services cost at least 5 time the cost required to perform them. This is/was and only makes sense because 80 % of federal employees are subject a swampy self-sustaining predatory supervision and the biomass of an incompetent herd of government cows.
Maybe AustinTXCat know the answer to this. Seems I remember reading an article many years ago, maybe 70s or 80s when Houston really starts to explode in growth, that it had basically no zoning laws and therefore the city was growing/building just about anywhere developers could. Does that ring a bell with anybody?

Had an opportunity years ago for a job in Houston but didn't pursue it (think I would have gotten it) 'cause I just didn't like the direction of Houston at the time....massive growth being one.
Yes, true. I've seen the results. An ex-girlfriend grew up in Houston. We visited her mother often between 1996-1997. By the way, George Foreman was one of her mother's clients. I met him. Amazing gentleman.

Zoning, or lack thereof in Houston, represents a true American oddity. There are no zoning laws, per se, but rather development codes instead. Below are a few examples how older established dwellings clash with new developments.




Yes and no. The "BIG" govt you are referring to is not solely Democratic creation. It was a corruption by deciders to appease critics of their neglect. I saw this as a federal employee. Affirmative action was used to correct real economic disparity and hiring policies were used for social engineering welfare based along subjective artificial concepts vulnerable to deception like race, gender and cultural. Fixing this will be difficult because institutional knowledge has been pushed to the sidelines or hired over with people willing to compromise their opinions. Contracting government services cost at least 5 time the cost required to perform them. This is/was and only makes sense because 80 % of federal employees are subject a swampy self-sustaining predatory supervision and the biomass of an incompetent herd of government cows.
Yes and it is not just government.

I worked for CSX from 5-1968 through 1-2000. I watched the affirmative action keep some really good talent in their place. Then the next step was to promote as many females as possible. Then "diversity" became important. If you were a white male then screw you. I had a really good friend with the last name Lopez (his dad was from Bolivia and went to Georgia Tech). He was offered a promotion if he would reclassify himself as Latin-American. He told them they could stick it.

In this type of identity wars, work and results are secondary. I was given a large award two years before I retired because they could not promote me because it would mess up their ratios and the Federal Government is really worried about what you are rather than who you are. Old white men are easy targets.
Yes and no. The "BIG" govt you are referring to is not solely Democratic creation. It was a corruption by deciders to appease critics of their neglect. I saw this as a federal employee. Affirmative action was used to correct real economic disparity and hiring policies were used for social engineering welfare based along subjective artificial concepts vulnerable to deception like race, gender and cultural. Fixing this will be difficult because institutional knowledge has been pushed to the sidelines or hired over with people willing to compromise their opinions. Contracting government services cost at least 5 time the cost required to perform them. This is/was and only makes sense because 80 % of federal employees are subject a swampy self-sustaining predatory supervision and the biomass of an incompetent herd of government cows.
Spot on here. I retired before I was really set financially where I wanted to be because of corrupt and illegal hiring practices. I could not in good conscience go on. Especially after telling them I would retire early if they did what they did.