
Good Saturday Morning D-League

We have 71º this morning and our high should be 81º. Another fine November day. A pan of sausage is ready and the wife is frying up some eggs and biscuits are browning on the top. Breakfast is about ready.

The coffee is strong, the way I like it. And that is the way it is in my part of the world. Trust all have a nice day.
Good morning from ATX. We've got 56°F and partly cloudy. Today's high should reach 80°F Love it.

Wildcat football has the week off. We'll turn on Texas Longhorns vs WVa Mountaineers at 11 am. Horns play here in town. Many other good games around today Big-12, SEC and ACC today. Chores on my schedule later.

I wish continued happiness and improving health to all our fellow D-Leaguers.

I was wondering what happened to him?

I think a lot of that is Ymmot's choice. I talked with him a couple of days ago, and he is just now getting through some personal things that he had to clear up. I know Bert had talked with him, as well. He may be able to confirm that. Also, I don't think they gave him a ban through a certain date. I suppose he would have to ask for reinstatement, and I don't think he has come to terms with that, yet.
Yikes! Sorry to hear. Chill out here for a while. A couple posters I know can't post in the Poli thread. It's probably temporary. Hang in there.

Yep, probably temporary, that is until you think like a socialist. That is their problem. You cannot discuss facts with that bunch. You either agree with their nonsense, or you're banned.
I think a lot of that is Ymmot's choice. I talked with him a couple of days ago, and he is just now getting through some personal things that he had to clear up. I know Bert had talked with him, as well. He may be able to confirm that. Also, I don't think they gave him a ban through a certain date. I suppose he would have to ask for reinstatement, and I don't think he has come to terms with that, yet.
I agree. Ymmot told me he was not in the mood to grovel.

My membership is due in December. I don't know if I will renew or not. What am I getting?
I agree. Ymmot told me he was not in the mood to grovel.

My membership is due in December. I don't know if I will renew or not. What am I getting?
I made that decision several months ago. That is why you will not find Gold Member under my name. When they banned ymmot, I was finished paying money. A few weeks later it expired
?? Guess I didn't make myself clear or something. If you mean he votes for conservative Repub.
Or maybe I misread what you mean.

My mistake. I thought you had said in an earlier post that he was a Democrat. Must have been someone else. I remember someone saying that their son was a liberal, much to their dismay.
I was wondering what happened to him?
You're one of the good posters over on the Political thread. Can't think of anything you may have said the last day or two that would warrant a ban.
Now some of our Lib posters, especially the last few days I can't say the same about. The name calling and language many times is over the top deserving a ban just based on decency alone, not political views.
I'm banned from the political thread.
Actually I expected to be and couldn’t care less. I had never posted on it before but was reading it 2 or 3 days ago and one poster lit my fire. I responded what I thought of him and his kind and then got out. Don’t remember who or what, but I remember thinking if they ban me, so be it, I’ll live, and they will know where I stand. I’m kinda new to this anyway, taking baby steps, but ain’t putting up with dimwits. There’s more important stuff to do.
There is going to be recounts. Might not change anything but I am hoping it will expose some fraud. Unfortunately I don’t think the media would ever report it.
You're right. Recounts are meaningless. Vote audit is another story. That verifies the voter is legit. The country is at a crossroad. We don't have time for a needed audit. Belief the election has been stolen is widespread. Anger will fan the flames. The constitution removes the decision from the mob and gives it to the state legislators who are answerable to their constituents.
You're right. Recounts are meaningless. Vote audit is another story. That verifies the voter is legit. The country is at a crossroad. We don't have time for a needed audit. Belief the election has been stolen is widespread. Anger will fan the flames. The constitution removes the decision from the mob and gives it to the state legislators who are answerable to their constituents.
How in the hell did we get to this point? Is the constitution even relevant these day with the younger generations? Surreal. Talking to my nieces and nephews is worthless. Brainwashing by our educational system and mass information by our media. Unfortunately I have nieces in both occupations. Christmas/Thanksgiving will suck if politics are brought up.
President Biden about to be on tv. Heads up. Around 8
He sounds like it right now. What a speech. 10/10. Pride is back. Dignity is back. So happy right now. Going to be a great 8 years. You all can get on board or not. I don’t care. The world is celebrating. We are back baby. USA USA USA.

Yesterday was a beautiful day here in Ohio, sooooo, had to get out the mowers and do it one more time (I hope).
Plus got up a ton of mulched leaves in the backyard and put on the vegetable garden to rot over the Winter. Topped off the afternoon with a cookout with a fire in the fire pit with 'the world's largest cocktail party' on the TV while sitting next to it. Pretty good day. (Are the Dawgs that bad or are the Gators that good?)

Going to be another good one today 72. Probably won't do much...was taught as a youngster that Sunday is the Lord's I normally don't do any real physical work on Sundays...maybe just some piddling around, putting tools up, etc if I get bored.

Ever wake up and have a word very first thing? Where you haven't even realized that you're awake yet? Or keep hearing/thinking something during your sleep over and over?

Woke up with this on my mind.....separate the wheat from the chaff.
Yeah that was me. I still believe he will come around eventually. Other than being a strong liberal, he is a fantastic young man, and he makes me proud to be his dad.

I have 3 daughters and my oldest is the same way. Democrat, but other than that, the best kid in the world. She's a teacher, so that pretty much explains her Democratic failings.