
Game time. They had over 40 minutes time of possession. With the kind of offense UK runs, you just can't win with that, unless you create 2-3 turnovers, or your defense scores. Unless the offense plays better, we may only beat Vandy, going forward. USC will probably beat us, and there is no way that we will beat Bama, UGA, or Florida. Oh well, I'm ready for basketball.
Another beautiful sunset.

Good morning.
Everyone must be sleeping in on this nice Fall Sunday morning. It's chilly in Ohio so old man Winter is not far behind.
Thought that Mizzou was a gimme? I haven't paid a whole lot of attention this year (first in decades), but in dropping by the football board last week, the resident experts (homers) were acting like it was already in the bag. Afraid with yesterday and the Ole Miss loss the season might already be basically down the tubes.
Oh well....there's always next year.
Have a good one.
Good Sunday Morning D League

For some reason this cup of coffee is extra good this morning. I make it the same every day so I don't know why that would be. We have 71° on the thermometer with a high of 82° by mid afternoon. There is only a 15% chance of rain, very sunny and pleasant.

The moon phase is: Waxing Gibbous

Trust all have a wonderful day on this the day the Lord has made.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 56°F and overcast. Expecting 82°F for today's high. Loving this weather.

Tough loss against Missouri yesterday. Like I said earlier, I believe Cats suffered from "We beat UT" hangover. UGA coming to town next weekend. Dawgs are mean.

Wishing happiness and good health to all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning.
Everyone must be sleeping in on this nice Fall Sunday morning. It's chilly in Ohio so old man Winter is not far behind.
Thought that Mizzou was a gimme? I haven't paid a whole lot of attention this year (first in decades), but in dropping by the football board last week, the resident experts (homers) were acting like it was already in the bag. Afraid with yesterday and the Ole Miss loss the season might already be basically down the tubes.
Oh well....there's always next year.
Have a good one.
I never think any UK game is a gimme. I sat in Stoll Field when I was a student and watched UK lose to Xavier. So that taught me to never take a game for granted. It was a perfect set up to get beat by Missouri and UK played their part.

When a team does not have an offense and you are playing a senior at QB who can't throw a football and receivers who can not catch you lose to Missouri.

We are missing those cupcakes from the MAC conference this year.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 56°F and overcast. Expecting 82°F for today's high. Loving this weather.

Tough loss against Missouri yesterday. Like I said earlier, I believe Cats suffered from "We beat UT" hangover. UGA coming to town next weekend. Dawgs are mean.

Wishing happiness and good health to all our fellow D-League members.

I am a greasy food addict.
When a team does not have an offense and you are playing a senior at QB who can't throw a football and receivers who can not catch you lose to Missouri.
Sounds like the perfect recipe doesn't it?

Xavier. Ha. Must not have been long after that that they dropped f'ball. Haven't had a f'ball program for years. Almost forgot that they had one.

I loved Stoll Field. Always thought it was a shame that they couldn't have expanded it/modernized it some. To me there's nothing like an on campus stadium with that old nostalgic look/feeling. Had season tickets for awhile at UGA and absolutely loved game day there on campus.
UT hangover, y'all. 🙁

I never think any UK game is a gimme. I sat in Stoll Field when I was a student and watched UK lose to Xavier. So that taught me to never take a game for granted. It was a perfect set up to get beat by Missouri and UK played their part.

When a team does not have an offense and you are playing a senior at QB who can't throw a football and receivers who can not catch you lose to Missouri.

We are missing those cupcakes from the MAC conference this year.

My thoughts as well. I was telling my supervisor that the Cats were prime for a letdown after last weeks huge win.
You, @Ben101er and @cordmaker attended BCT out there if I remember correctly? It's a tough place, from what I heard.
I've been to 3 bases, Ft. Leonard Wood, Ft. Campbell, and Ft. Knox. Ft. Knox was by far my favorite and Ft. Leonard Wood was my least favorite.

Coming home from basic, our plane was delayed and they said we could stay the night in St. Louis or fly on to Pittsburgh and stay the night there. We all chose to fly on to Pittsburgh, since we wanted out of Misery as fast as possible.
Sounds like the perfect recipe doesn't it?

Xavier. Ha. Must not have been long after that that they dropped f'ball. Haven't had a f'ball program for years. Almost forgot that they had one.

I loved Stoll Field. Always thought it was a shame that they couldn't have expanded it/modernized it some. To me there's nothing like an on campus stadium with that old nostalgic look/feeling. Had season tickets for awhile at UGA and absolutely loved game day there on campus.
They beat us in 1962, 14-9. Same old story, UK could not score. I remember the day as a dreary, cloudy, cold, windy November and most everybody was drinking cheap bourbon trying to stay warm.
Tough loss at a bad time. Trap game between a UT win and Georgia next Saturday. The season is still salvageable but it would take a herculean effort and I just don't see that happening. I sure do miss those non-conference games. There's certainly been tougher times. My final semester at UK was Fall 1982. That was the year the Cats went 0-10-1. Even then we packed the fans in. I doubt that would happen today. Well of course it can't with this damn virus.
We also called it Misery when we did Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood(Lost in the Woods).
When I was a DI at Knox we had two hills that were killers. One was Agony and the second was Misery. I would "double time" the platoon before we approached them and it is where we separated the men from the boys.
Happy Blessed Sunday morning.
Had to cut down a 25-30ft white pine tree in the yard yesterday. It actually landed where we wanted it to...not on the house or on trees/bushes. My brother and I had reservations about doing it, but we had a thinkin' beer and decided F it, lets just do it.
I didnt see the game, saw the stats and didnt look any further. Pitiful.
Enjoy your day,. I just plan on piddlin' around.....until the redhead wakes up and tells me what to do.
Me: Takes another sip of coffee enjoying the silence.
Morning folks. We have a cool drizzle this morning. .04" of rain in the last four hours and 52.5°F.

The Cats have a good defense but we need last years quarter back/receiver back. I actually believed they could win.

I am going to be very lazy today. The biggest thing is making our meal for later on. The biggest decisions always are what to eat.

Happy Sunday all.