
You have shown us this picture before. Great photo, and you can tell you all have a great relationship. My kids had black friends and they all hung out at our house. They weren't black or white to us, they were kids. A couple of their friends went on vacation with us. Do I think there are some in this state who are prejudiced, absolutely, because I know someone who is. Do I think it is widespread, and it keeps blacks, or any other minority from becoming educated, having a good job, or living like anyone else? No. I am just offended for some to think that I am a racist, simply because I believe in the rule of law, and think this country was founded on certain principles. Principles that I see being ignored, and sometimes spit upon.
Yep. I have a bunch of black friends. I know that they are black and they know that I am white, but I and they really don't give a damn if we are black, yellow, brown or white. My nephew is black and I don't give a crap, but he does have blond hair!

If I like someone I could care less how their stupid skin looks.
Afternoon D
Good win for the Cats Saturday, not sure they're going to get too many of them this year. Tough schedule, sub par coaching & a QB that can't throw.
We got us a nice German restaurant on the west side of E'ville - Gerst Haus. It used to be a hardware store for many years.
That is one beautiful old building.
Just saw where another Cincinnati Red legend has passed away in Joe Morgan.

We bought a car from one of Joe's dealerships about a year or so ago. Employees there loved him.

Edit...funny as soon as I got done with this post, I went to my email in that I had a new one and it's from the dealership.
You have shown us this picture before. Great photo, and you can tell you all have a great relationship. My kids had black friends and they all hung out at our house. They weren't black or white to us, they were kids. A couple of their friends went on vacation with us. Do I think there are some in this state who are prejudiced, absolutely, because I know someone who is. Do I think it is widespread, and it keeps blacks, or any other minority from becoming educated, having a good job, or living like anyone else? No. I am just offended for some to think that I am a racist, simply because I believe in the rule of law, and think this country was founded on certain principles. Principles that I see being ignored, and sometimes spit upon.
Below is me and my crew in OSUT (One Station Unit Training) BCT and AIT combined in 1976. These were the guys I hung with. They were also my friends.
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These are most of the guys I hang out with now minus one mexican and a Choctaw Indian (his words not mine). The ones in the picture are all Black belts in Karate with the front left guy our Sensei who taught us all. And this is for Bert, the guy on the front right is 6' 8", the guy behind me 6' 7" and his son who sits across from him 6' 9". Every one there I have sparred against many times. It wasn't pretty.
There has not been systemic racism since the early 70s. If there is, why do most bi-racial people identify as black (eg Obama) if the system is stacked against blacks? There are definite advantages to being black for the people who apply themselves.

There was not that much racism in the 70's either. People just feared the unknown. The forced busing among other things enhanced the unknown factor. Assimilation was happening but that was near the time when the democrats thought they figured out how to make hay while the sun shined. (Some of them. At that time they were in the minority.)
Good afternoon D leaguers. sincerely hope all of you are doing ok. Haven’t posted much here all summer but still believe this is one of the better places to post and catch up. Just been extremely busy, but I’m trying to catch up. Good to see Sawnee posting regularly, seems to be recovering well. Most of the regulars here seem to be still posting often. Haven’t seen Yymott posts recently, hope he is ok. Good to see BBUK posting here, always enjoyed exchanging thoughts with him. Y’all welcomed me when I was fed up with some other sites for reasons mentioned above, and I’m eternally grateful. I will check in and interact when I can. Take care D.
Power amp for home stereo though I wish I had the talent to play guitar.
I worked on one for my mom about 20 years ago. Was bought in the late 50s. Beautiful cabinet/piece of furniture. Couldn't hardly find parts. Got done and worked great....for about 10 minutes.....sniff, sniff......yanked the cord as smoke was coming out of it. Done with that.
I worked on one for my mom about 20 years ago. Was bought in the late 50s. Beautiful cabinet/piece of furniture. Couldn't hardly find parts. Got done and worked great....for about 10 minutes.....sniff, sniff......yanked the cord as smoke was coming out of it. Done with that.
I only do basic maintenance on what I have. Fortunately there's a local company in Louisville that specializes in vintage gear. I fell in love with the warm tube sounds many years ago. Love solid state as well. Audio equipment is my passion but unfortunately it takes up room and space is at a premium these days.
I don't know of systemic racism.

My best friend (note he is a UL fan and is 6'8".):

Great picture Bert. I have no idea what this new term in society, systemic racism, means. When UK says they are going to eliminate what are they eliminating.

I was raised in the deep south and this is how I grew up. The young boy on the right is me and the young boy on the left is Buster, my best friend. He lived on my grandfathers place with his mom and dad and many brothers and sisters. The family had lived there over 100 years. We played together and enjoy life. This was taken in 1946


And this is my mother and one of his aunts who lived on the place. No hate and no systemic racism that was told to me. This was taken in the mid 1930's

And this is an example of my family's "White Privilege" They had the privilege to drag a cotton sack. This is a picture of my mother one Sunday afternoon after church. A family was visiting from up North and they had never been in a cotton field. So mama took them home for Sunday dinner and showed them how it was done. By the time I was born the cotton had all gone into citrus so I didn't have the pleasure of picking cotton in the Florida sun. But my mama did. White privilege. And daddy had the white privilege of working in the Pike County coal fields. Although he did come out every day black from the coal dust. lol

Good Afternoon all,
Looks like I have some catching up to do. I toned it down on this site for a few days spending time with the family running around with my darling and working around the house. I posted a time or two but that wasn't the normal amount for sure. This place is addictive and a WHOLE LOT more enjoyable since you all took me in; thanks.

I hope all are well and and a belated few good mornings to you all.
Yeah, I fade in and out as well but the DL is a welcoming home...
Yep. I have a bunch of black friends. I know that they are black and they know that I am white, but I and they really don't give a damn if we are black, yellow, brown or white. My nephew is black and I don't give a crap, but he does have blond hair!

If I like someone I could care less how their stupid skin looks.

And so does God. He created all of us, and he doesn't make mistakes. How could I hate one of his creations?
Great picture Bert. I have no idea what this new term in society, systemic racism, means. When UK says they are going to eliminate what are they eliminating.

I was raised in the deep south and this is how I grew up. The young boy on the right is me and the young boy on the left is Buster, my best friend. He lived on my grandfathers place with his mom and dad and many brothers and sisters. The family had lived there over 100 years. We played together and enjoy life. This was taken in 1946


And this is my mother and one of his aunts who lived on the place. No hate and no systemic racism that was told to me. This was taken in the mid 1930's


You were raised properly. I am not saying that blacks have not suffered over the years, and there has never been systemic racism. When I was 5, our family lived in Tupelo, MS. Our next door neighbor said she would rather her children be dead, than to marry a black person, and she meant it. When we moved back to Louisville, the movers had already taken all our belongings ahead of us. We had stayed in a motel, and stopped at a local restaurant to eat breakfast before hitting the road. There was a black man who placed an order. The owner brought him a plate with 2 raw eggs, and 3 raw strips of bacon. He told the man, "the law says I have to serve you, but it doesn't say that I have to cook it." I didn't understand, and my Mother had a difficult time explaining it to me, but until then, I never really thought about people being different. From that time forward, I have hated racism and discrimination. Does this still exist, today? Maybe an instance or two, but it is usually dealt with in the courts, and mostly people have learned to live together, as equals. I am not better than anyone else, and they are not better than me.
Good morning from ATX. Our current temperature is 57°F and dry. Today's high should reach 88°F. Much better.

Early voting in Travis County begins today. Local voting booths are located near our place. Longest waits are also expected today. I'm looking at voting tomorrow through Saturday.

How about them Braves last night?

Wishing continued happiness and good health to all our fellow D-League members.

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Good Tuesday morning D League

Just walked back inside and my outdoor thermometer reads 65° with 100% humidity. That means you are going to sweat when you run that mile. No chance of rain today and our high will hit 84°.

Last night a Presidential Peaceful Protest was held over in Sanford. 30,000 people attended. These were once called rallies but with COVID-19 and social distancing they are peaceful protests. Science has told us COVID-19 will not bother those who are engaged in peaceful protest. I think there will be many more of these as we practice good health and fight against those super spreaders.

Our moon phase is: Waning Crescent. This is how it looks outside of my window as I wait for the sun to come up.


Morning Legionaires!

Will be trying to get away to the fishing holes once it warms up today. Currently 47° now and will warm up in to the 80's by midafternoon. I figure to hit the ponds at around noon. Early lunch scheduled and then launch. Stay tuned or "Stand by for News!"

Who coined that one?

Morning Legionaires!

Will be trying to get away to the fishing holes once it warms up today. Currently 47° now and will warm up in to the 80's by midafternoon. I figure to hit the ponds at around noon. Early lunch scheduled and then launch. Stay tuned or "Stand by for News!"

Who coined that one?

Paul somebody... Hello Americans...

In any event all can use some "good" news! ,,, In other news my wife and I are going to be losing some nesting chickens. My two daughters have contracted for their own places. We will still be deeply engaged in loving on our two grandchildren (We have four grandchildren but two live in Florida with my son.) but now the wife (and I) won't be indentured servants as we have been for about two years now. (Some good times of course as we love our children but it gets tiring and they didn't seem to understand that.)

Oh, and a very good morning to you all, May God give you your desires in him. May your needs be met and your desires Christ-Like. God Bless you all...
Great picture Bert. I have no idea what this new term in society, systemic racism, means. When UK says they are going to eliminate what are they eliminating.

I was raised in the deep south and this is how I grew up. The young boy on the right is me and the young boy on the left is Buster, my best friend. He lived on my grandfathers place with his mom and dad and many brothers and sisters. The family had lived there over 100 years. We played together and enjoy life. This was taken in 1946


And this is my mother and one of his aunts who lived on the place. No hate and no systemic racism that was told to me. This was taken in the mid 1930's

I was born and raised in the North (Ohio) with a ton of family in S. Kentucky. I've always been of the opinion that racism was/is worse in the North than the South (also coming from someone who lived in Georgia for 20 years).
The media, who historically has been based in the North...made up of Northerners, has always painted the South as hillbilly no-nothings. One reason I think UK basketball has always been derided in the media...but that's another topic. But go back to the 60s. Race riots in cities across the country, but to me, the city/area they still talk about is Birmingham and Bull Conner. I remember the coverage back at the time and if I recall correctly, B'ham was a war zone but cities up here weren't really reported as much (they were but not as much)...meanwhile Northern cities were burning too. But then...Boston. That virtue of Northeastern liberalism...what happened when school busing hit Boston?
Meanwhile while visiting relatives in S Ky or traveling the South, or especially while living there (of course a number of years past the 60s) I encountered much less racism by other whites than I did in the North.
Remember shortly after moving to Atlanta I was talking to an elderly black man and I asked him what it was like in the South in the 60s. He smiled at me and said something along the lines...young fella it wasn't that bad. Sure there were restaurants I couldn't go into, but I would just walk down the street and go to the next. Not all white people hated us.
I was born and raised in the North (Ohio) with a ton of family in S. Kentucky. I've always been of the opinion that racism was/is worse in the North than the South (also coming from someone who lived in Georgia for 20 years).
The media, who historically has been based in the North...made up of Northerners, has always painted the South as hillbilly no-nothings. One reason I think UK basketball has always been derided in the media...but that's another topic. But go back to the 60s. Race riots in cities across the country, but to me, the city/area they still talk about is Birmingham and Bull Conner. I remember the coverage back at the time and if I recall correctly, B'ham was a war zone but cities up here weren't really reported as much (they were but not as much)...meanwhile Northern cities were burning too. But then...Boston. That virtue of Northeastern liberalism...what happened when school busing hit Boston?
Meanwhile while visiting relatives in S Ky or traveling the South, or especially while living there (of course a number of years past the 60s) I encountered much less racism by other whites than I did in the North.
Remember shortly after moving to Atlanta I was talking to an elderly black man and I asked him what it was like in the South in the 60s. He smiled at me and said something along the lines...young fella it wasn't that bad. Sure there were restaurants I couldn't go into, but I would just walk down the street and go to the next. Not all white people hated us.

I remember sitting on my roof during the race riots in Detroit. I was six or seven years old. Blacks didn't break into our house and try hurting us like they are doing now. It seems it is agitators now that are causing a lot of the violence. I imagine I'd have been drug out into the street back then if it was how it is now. There was a lot of destruction but I don't remember being scared during those riots.

It's different now. Not scared but people are more animalistic now than then. A true shame of what this country has allowed itself to become.

Edit: Come to think of it that may have been why Dad moved back to Middlesboro around that time frame. We lived in Middlesboro and also Cumberland Gap for about 18 months or so before moving back to Detroit.
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I was born and raised in the North (Ohio) with a ton of family in S. Kentucky. I've always been of the opinion that racism was/is worse in the North than the South (also coming from someone who lived in Georgia for 20 years).
The media, who historically has been based in the North...made up of Northerners, has always painted the South as hillbilly no-nothings. One reason I think UK basketball has always been derided in the media...but that's another topic. But go back to the 60s. Race riots in cities across the country, but to me, the city/area they still talk about is Birmingham and Bull Conner. I remember the coverage back at the time and if I recall correctly, B'ham was a war zone but cities up here weren't really reported as much (they were but not as much)...meanwhile Northern cities were burning too. But then...Boston. That virtue of Northeastern liberalism...what happened when school busing hit Boston?
Meanwhile while visiting relatives in S Ky or traveling the South, or especially while living there (of course a number of years past the 60s) I encountered much less racism by other whites than I did in the North.
Remember shortly after moving to Atlanta I was talking to an elderly black man and I asked him what it was like in the South in the 60s. He smiled at me and said something along the lines...young fella it wasn't that bad. Sure there were restaurants I couldn't go into, but I would just walk down the street and go to the next. Not all white people hated us.
Back in the mid 90's I was flying from Atlanta to Montgomery, Alabama and had the pleasure of sitting next to a black woman who was as happy as anyone I had seen for awhile. I struck up a conversation and ask her why she was smiling and feeling so good. She said because she was going home.

She had worked in Washington DC her entire career and was a native of Alabama, born and raised. She had retired that past Friday and her personal belongings were on a moving van heading South. She said she never left Alabama in her mind and every day of her life she was waiting to get back to the old home place among friends and family. When we met at the baggage counter she hugged me good-bye and said this girl is going to get some red dirt between her toes. Both of us burst out laughing.
Good Tuesday morning D League

Just walked back inside and my outdoor thermometer reads 65° with 100% humidity. That means you are going to sweat when you run that mile. No chance of rain today and our high will hit 84°.

Last night a Presidential Peaceful Protest was held over in Sanford. 30,000 people attended. These were once called rallies but with COVID-19 and social distancing they are peaceful protests. Science has told us COVID-19 will not bother those who are engaged in peaceful protest. I think there will be many more of these as we practice good health and fight against those super spreaders.

Our moon phase is: Waning Crescent. This is how it looks outside of my window as I wait for the sun to come up.

My sister/BIL live in Sanford and I can guarantee she wasn't there. Never did understand that woman.
Back in the mid 90's I was flying from Atlanta to Montgomery, Alabama and had the pleasure of sitting next to a black woman who was as happy as anyone I had seen for awhile. I struck up a conversation and ask her why she was smiling and feeling so good. She said because she was going home.

She had worked in Washington DC her entire career and was a native of Alabama, born and raised. She had retired that past Friday and her personal belongings were on a moving van heading South. She said she never left Alabama in her mind and every day of her life she was waiting to get back to the old home place among friends and family. When we met at the baggage counter she hugged me good-bye and said this girl is going to get some red dirt between her toes. Both of us burst out laughing.
I love that story and I know how she felt.

One of the reasons that I retired at 53 years old was to get back home. I have not had one regret yet.

Home is home. My mom told me I could leave for work but I had to come back. I did.
I love that story and I know how she felt.

One of the reasons that I retired at 53 years old was to get back home. I have not had one regret yet.

Home is home. My mom told me I could leave for work but I had to come back. I did.
I did the same. Work took me all over the world but home is home. Due to growth I could not return to my county of birth but I found a county that was much like my childhood home.
He basically could not talk. It was pitiful. I felt sorry for the old fart.

Grassly isn't a whole lot better, and I am a Republican. These folks are perfect examples of why there should be term limits. Democrats, in California, will vote Feinstein back into office if she is on life support, and they have to wheel her in, on a ventilator.