Yep. I have a bunch of black friends. I know that they are black and they know that I am white, but I and they really don't give a damn if we are black, yellow, brown or white. My nephew is black and I don't give a crap, but he does have blond hair!You have shown us this picture before. Great photo, and you can tell you all have a great relationship. My kids had black friends and they all hung out at our house. They weren't black or white to us, they were kids. A couple of their friends went on vacation with us. Do I think there are some in this state who are prejudiced, absolutely, because I know someone who is. Do I think it is widespread, and it keeps blacks, or any other minority from becoming educated, having a good job, or living like anyone else? No. I am just offended for some to think that I am a racist, simply because I believe in the rule of law, and think this country was founded on certain principles. Principles that I see being ignored, and sometimes spit upon.
If I like someone I could care less how their stupid skin looks.