
Good morning D, up early to get the trash out, the banks are closed today, so Mrs. M is sleeping in.

I am glad Kentucky won Saturday, didn't watch, just can't get excited about sports this year, I hope it changes!

I hope the D has a great day.

I did install some vinyl for a friend of mine Saturday, a piece 29' long x 11' wide in a room with 10'of that on one end being a bath room, all in one piece, no seam. I think I did this job more or less to prove to myself that at 69 I can still do carpet or vinyl installation, really surprised that I wasn't sore and hurting all over Sunday, I did tell my friend that it was probably the last job out side of family that I will do for anyone!!
Good morning D, up early to get the trash out, the banks are closed today, so Mrs. M is sleeping in.

I am glad Kentucky won Saturday, didn't watch, just can't get excited about sports this year, I hope it changes!

I hope the D has a great day.

I did install some vinyl for a friend of mine Saturday, a piece 29' long x 11' wide in a room with 10'of that on one end being a bath room, all in one piece, no seam. I think I did this job more or less to prove to myself that at 69 I can still do carpet or vinyl installation, really surprised that I wasn't sore and hurting all over Sunday, I did tell my friend that it was probably the last job out side of family that I will do for anyone!!
Good morning cordmaker. At 69 you are just getting started brother.

I feel the same way about sports. I have not watched any pro sports this season. I was online during the game and checked in from time to time but never more than a few minutes at a time. The TV was on a Britt Box movie so I was paying more attention to that than the game.

The excitement is just not there at this point in time. I hope it returns but it may not. I did see a UK commercial I think narrated by their president. After hearing that I felt good about not giving that university one more dime. UK has a primary goal now of ending "systemic racism". I wish the goal was educating the youth of Kentucky.
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Good morning cordmaker. At 69 you are just getting started brother.

I feel the same way about sports. I have not watched any pro sports this season. I was online during the game and checked in from time to time but never more than a few minutes at a time. The TV was on a Britt Box movie so I was paying more attention to that than the game.

The excitement is just not there at this point in time. I hope it returns but it may not. I did see a UK commercial I think narrated by their president. After hearing that I felt good about not giving that university one more dime. UK has a primary goal now of ending "systemic racism". I wish the goal was educating the youth of Kentucky.
Thanks SC! I hope GOD gives me a few more years so, when Mrs. M retires we can enjoy them together!!! Glad you are doing better!!!
Schnitzel and spaetzle tonight. October is German food month at our house. Also watching The Fog since it's Halloween month. Adrienne Barbeau baby!
One of many sad things about this flu crap is that most if not all Octoberfests were cancelled. There are several good ones in Ohio in cities/towns with a strong German background.
False. Now leave pedo.

Once again folks this guy is a known pedophile. He posted about my daughter in the political forum once and I gave him a scare. He will continue to harrass. Time to put him on ignore.
Pedophiles are the worst of society. For some reason this guy wants to stalk me on the internet, he must think I am 8 years old, but I guarantee you there is no way he would be so brave face to face. I believe pedophiles should be put to death and most of my peers down here agree.
Left to right: My son in law Ben, the grand baby, and my daughter Sam.

It does not get better than this:

Great family photo. Real Americana. You are right it does not get any better than that
I can remember and I'm sure you can, change for a dollar at Mickey Ds for a burger, fries, and coke.
Oh yes, I never had more than $1 in my pocket when I went on a date. I would ask dad for permission to drive the car and he always told me to put a quarters worth of gas in it before I came home. That left 75 cents to spend on my date. You could get a hamburger for 15 cents and a coke for a dime. We did not have Mickey D's yet, I had to wait for college before I saw one.

So that is who was stalking yesterday. I have him on ignore so missed what he said. I guessed it was Ed3333 because he has been doing that to me for a long, long time. I ignore him too. I do not come on a message board to stir up trouble or attack someone. I express an opinion and if one does not agree, just move on and find someone you do agree with.

I am not a tickle your ear man. I say what I feel and let it go. I am not here to convert someone to my way of thinking either. God called ministers for that and He did not call me to the ministry. And so it goes
I'm going to be honest, other than the D-League, I've almost completely given up social media. I use to post on Twitter, but it got to where people were constantly attacking you over your opinion. Now I hardly get on it, and that's mainly for sports. Personally, I'm glad to have a place to where I can go and not be attacked, plus learn some things from you all. If social media had more people like you guys, the internet would be a lot more enjoyable.
I'm going to be honest, other than the D-League, I've almost completely given up social media. I use to post on Twitter, but it got to where people were constantly attacking you over your opinion. Now I hardly get on it, and that's mainly for sports. Personally, I'm glad to have a place to where I can go and not be attacked, plus learn some things from you all. If social media had more people like you guys, the internet would be a lot more enjoyable.

It's because most of us think alike, but even when we don't, we respect the other guy's opinion, and don't attack him. Different opinions are welcome, especially when they are given with civility. That is the problem with other sites. You differ from someone else's outlook, and they attack you. Not here. That's why the D League is an oasis. Thanks Don.
Good morning cordmaker. At 69 you are just getting started brother.

I feel the same way about sports. I have not watched any pro sports this season. I was online during the game and checked in from time to time but never more than a few minutes at a time. The TV was on a Britt Box movie so I was paying more attention to that than the game.

The excitement is just not there at this point in time. I hope it returns but it may not. I did see a UK commercial I think narrated by their president. After hearing that I felt good about not giving that university one more dime. UK has a primary goal now of ending "systemic racism". I wish the goal was educating the youth of Kentucky.

Sawnee, if they did truly educate the youth of Kentucky, the youth would realize there is very little "systemic racism", and they don't want that.
I'm going to be honest, other than the D-League, I've almost completely given up social media. I use to post on Twitter, but it got to where people were constantly attacking you over your opinion. Now I hardly get on it, and that's mainly for sports. Personally, I'm glad to have a place to where I can go and not be attacked, plus learn some things from you all. If social media had more people like you guys, the internet would be a lot more enjoyable.
I was a city commissioner for 6 years and mayor for 4 years. Rand Paul was my eye doctor and I ended up supporting him in his initial campaign and got into all sorts of crap because of that. On top of that I am friends with Mitch McConnell. I am too damned dumb to shut up.

It is a IQ problem that I have. Hell, half of my friends on FaceBook have either unfriended me or don't follow me anymore. I have first cousins who do not acknowledge me.

I am one stubborn "Elmore" (my mom's family). I don't give a crap.
Good Afternoon all,
Looks like I have some catching up to do. I toned it down on this site for a few days spending time with the family running around with my darling and working around the house. I posted a time or two but that wasn't the normal amount for sure. This place is addictive and a WHOLE LOT more enjoyable since you all took me in; thanks.

I hope all are well and and a belated few good mornings to you all.
I don't know of systemic racism.

My best friend (note he is a UL fan and is 6'8".):


Yes Sir,
I understand where you are coming from. The two men I respect most in my life are my fourth and fifth grade teacher David M. Nelson and my Captain while I was at Fort Bragg Jerome V. Spears. They happen to be black.

I have been blessed to be able to call many people friend but I don't have any real close friends now as they all live in different states. I have white and black friends now that I think about it (Never had a friend due to their color.). One real good friend lives in San Antonio and one in Vine Grove Kentucky. I stay in contact regularly.

I do not believe there is systemic racism. I do not. I have seen those who state it and know that it is to extort and make money. Just shameful that racism thing is still allowed to flourish. (Sure there are racists but just assuredly they are kept in line now.) Just HAVE to make money off some who probably have more money than sense. jmuo
Just saw where another Cincinnati Red legend has passed away in Joe Morgan.

I watched Joe Morgan play and saw his grit. His arm pump while batting was like watching a coiled snake getting ready to strike. I remember vividly watching the Big Red Machine. Joe at bat, I could see a two homer game in his demeanor from game to game and remember him delivering those multi-homer games a few times. I felt those before the game was played.

Joe Morgan played the game as the most focused on the game he was playing as any I could compare. May God bless and comfort his family in their time of loss.
Yes Sir,
I understand where you are coming from. The two men I respect most in my life are my fourth and fifth grade teacher David M. Nelson and my Captain while I was at Fort Bragg Jerome V. Spears. They happen to be black.

I have been blessed to be able to call many people friend but I don't have any real close friends now as they all live in different states. I have white and black friends now that I think about it (Never had a friend due to their color.). One real good friend lives in San Antonio and one in Vine Grove Kentucky. I stay in contact regularly.

I do not believe there is systemic racism. I do not. I have seen those who state it and know that it is to extort and make money. Just shameful that racism thing is still allowed to flourish. (Sure there are racists but just assuredly they are kept in line now.) Just HAVE to make money off some who probably have more money than sense. jmuo

There has not been systemic racism since the early 70s. If there is, why do most bi-racial people identify as black (eg Obama) if the system is stacked against blacks? There are definite advantages to being black for the people who apply themselves.
I don't know of systemic racism.

My best friend (note he is a UL fan and is 6'8".):


You have shown us this picture before. Great photo, and you can tell you all have a great relationship. My kids had black friends and they all hung out at our house. They weren't black or white to us, they were kids. A couple of their friends went on vacation with us. Do I think there are some in this state who are prejudiced, absolutely, because I know someone who is. Do I think it is widespread, and it keeps blacks, or any other minority from becoming educated, having a good job, or living like anyone else? No. I am just offended for some to think that I am a racist, simply because I believe in the rule of law, and think this country was founded on certain principles. Principles that I see being ignored, and sometimes spit upon.
Just saw where another Cincinnati Red legend has passed away in Joe Morgan.

The Reds were a really good team, until they traded for Joe. Then, they were a great team. He made them go. He hit for average, and power. He was a great glove, and he had speed, that gave other teams fits, when he got on base. One of the 5-6 best players I ever saw, in person.
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The Elmore's got to Virginia really early. The oldest was John Aylmore Elmore. He was born in 1573 in West Wittering, Sussex, England and died in James City, Virginia in 1655; however, I have no date on when he came to the new world.
I am one stubborn "Elmore" (my mom's family).
This is interesting. John Elmore son Thomas Peterus (Peter I) Elmore was born around 1627 in England as well with death listed after 1681 in Richmond, VA. Immigrant settlers in Virginia were still digesting the ungodly horrors of cannibalism in Jamestown as colonies were being settled by Christians subject to hideous persecutions including beheading. Bert, there's drama here. Apparently, descendants of "John Aylmer Anglican Bishop of London" (our ancestors) were fleeing consequences of the chaotic nature of religious/monarchial corruption for power in England. Maybe the beheading of the traitorous Richard Rich as a Royalist contributed to those Hard-shell Baptist convections of our Elmore/Rich roots. Investigation continues.
<=== Linky

btw: You are now included in the Elmore family web of my GEDCOM.
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This is interesting. John Elmore son Thomas Peterus (Peter I) Elmore was born around 1627 in England as well with death listed after 1681 in Richmond, VA. Immigrant settlers in Virginia were still digesting the ungodly horrors of cannibalism in Jamestown as colonies were being settled by Christians subject to hideous persecutions including beheading. Bert, there's drama here. Apparently, descendants of "John Aylmer Anglican Bishop of London" (our ancestors) were fleeing consequences of the chaotic nature religious/monarchial corruption for power in England. Maybe the beheading of the traitorous Richard Rich as a Royalist contributed to those Hard-shell Baptist convections of the our Elmore/Rich roots. Investigation continues.
<=== Linky

btw: You are now included in the Elmore family web of my GEDCOM.

Investigate and disclose. The poor folks on the D-League need to know who they are dealing with.

I think that I shared this before; but this is my 5th Great Grandfathers land warrant. He was 3 miles away from my house in 1784. One brave or "crazy" dude.
