Update Just talked to Railroad. Improving. Taking awhile to get back his strength. FCC.
Good news. Pneumonia will wear you out.
Update Just talked to Railroad. Improving. Taking awhile to get back his strength. FCC.
I'm 90% sure Plat is not LEK. I may be wrong.
LEK is smarter. Plat post every lie he can find and I believe he believes them.I'm 90% sure Plat is not LEK. I may be wrong.
I agree its not LEK. He stopped posting when that Jason physical therapist guy lost his job because of his posts. I think he got scared he might get outed as well.
I'll bet he still lurks though.
Got a bunch of the man's albums....would have been 94 today.
You're dreaming man, no wait...oh yeah.My dream house.
This is the exact same menu and price list as when I worked there as a UK student. We added the fish sandwich while I worked there.
Go ahead and delete that post 55. Too much info. It will be for the best. My opinion.
You are describing Chick-Fil-AWow, such a simple, easy, menu. Sometimes, nowadays, there are just too many choices on the menu, leading to "Analysis Paralysis"
Keep it simple, focus on just a one (or only a few) thing and do it better than anyone else.
the humanity and temp dropped.
Yes, you guys are very hot for this time of year. Wow.Records breaking here in the City. Yesterday at 97 degrees is the hottest day ever this late in the year. Yearly rainfall attained by mid-July. Record this summer of 21 straight days of measurable precip. Today a record of 22 days without measurable precip. I am comfortable to understand that the One responsible for this knows what He's doing. FCC.
I am.Are you old enough to remember these signs?
I needed a good laughIt's a shame nothing is made in America anymore. I just bought a TV and it said, "Built in Antenna". I don't even know where that is.
It's right next to Buenes Air Waves.It's a shame nothing is made in America anymore. I just bought a TV and it said, "Built in Antenna". I don't even know where that is.
Sounds like I need to take a trip there sometime to fish. Actually have never been trout fishingGood morning D. Not much going on here in the Berg because I just simply not going to do anything!
Well I have to take that back because, I had to repair the house numbers I made out of stained glass, one of the hangers broke, so I just soldered two new hangers back on, now I am going to put some new patina, wax it real good and hang back up. I wish now that I would have used lead, but if it needs worked on again I will just take it apart and use lead when I put it back together.
Getting anxious about heading to Arkansas. I found out yesterday that I will be with the same guide that we were with last year, just an old riverman, but a great guide. He has a video on youtube if you want to see it, White River Monster Brown Trout 36.65 lbs! We found out just how knowledgeable he was about what goes on with those trout. We were fishing one day, catching some Rainbows, then all of a sudden they just quit biting, our guide just kinda sets back and says, guys the Browns have moved in, it wasn't but a few minutes and we started catching some big Browns! Glad to have him again!
We saw 100 on the thermometer yesterday, then about 6 the wind picked up a little and the next thing we knew it was raining! Rained for about 30 minutes, but during that time the humanity and temp dropped. Temp went from 100 to 84 in the next hour. Got real pleasant!
Ok D I have to run. I have to stop at the store for Mr. M and pick up two cans of Cherry pie filling, she is making a triple chocolate cherry cake, second place to her orange Juice cake! If you have never had a TCCC make one and try it! Truly death by chocolate!
Prayers for the D!
Are you old enough to remember these signs?
D! lightful people!!!!Evening ya bunch a (fill in the blank).
A little heads up.
WC I guarantee that you would love it!!! Some of the boats tell when they come in that they have caught over 100 trout each! We just get to keep 5 apiece, but they clean them and bag them up for you. I can give you the name of the guide service we us, a great guy! Some of the services they have includes a shore lunch, they clean the fish cook it with fried taters, hush puppies and desserts, plus other food I just don't remember. Some of the guys that go never fish except on this trip, guides even supply the rods and reels, and they even put new line on for you iffin you need it!Sounds like I need to take a trip there sometime to fish. Actually have never been trout fishing
That sounds like a very enjoyable time. What does something like that cost?WC I guarantee that you would love it!!! Some of the boats tell when they come in that they have caught over 100 trout each! We just get to keep 5 apiece, but they clean them and bag them up for you. I can give you the name of the guide service we us, a great guy! Some of the services they have includes a shore lunch, they clean the fish cook it with fried taters, hush puppies and desserts, plus other food I just don't remember. Some of the guys that go never fish except on this trip, guides even supply the rods and reels, and they even put new line on for you iffin you need it!