
Good morning D League

Looking for a typical September day with current temperature at 73°F. and possible showers. We have a 40% chance of heavy thunder storms later this evening. We are looking at a high of 89°F. I am about to finish up my pot of coffee. Black and strong and waking me up.

Trust all have a nice day. Counting down to Saturday football.. We can still have an excellent year if we get on track. We can start with a win over Mississippi State.


63.9°F and sunny. We had a hot one yesterday, but the humidity this week has been low so that helps.

Mississippi State is a must or this season is going to not be good. I have followed UK football for 60 years and there are more lies than highs. Stoops has got us going in the right direction, I just pray it can keep it going. The SEC is a tough conference in which to play football.

One week from today I will see my orthopedic surgeon for advice. I can't wait. I am tired of getting physical therapy for undetermined problems.
Good Morning D-League,
Another hot one in the chattanooga area in store for us today, but not as hot as yesterday's 100 degrees. We set another daily record yesterday. We were roasting out there in the Dalton, GA. sun at another of our league cross country meets yesterday afternoon. Several runners ended up on the edge of passing out and a few were seen vomiting along the 5K (3.1 miles) course. It was just too hot for any of the runners to perform very well, including my son, who ran his slowest time of the season.

The local weathrer talking heads are saying it should get up to "only" 91 later today, but with less humidity. I'm headed up to Kentucky this weekend for a family visit and hope it's a bit cooler up there.

I placed my prediction for the UK/Miss St. game and decided to go with UK winning 27-24. I missed last week's UK/UF prediction by just a point or two. Hopefully the cats can clean things up, take care of the football, not be too conservative, and just play smart football. A road win is a nice way to get the ship going in the right direction again.
That sounds like a very enjoyable time. What does something like that cost?
Mr. Don, I am looking at the rates for this guide and it looks like for 2 people is $250 for a full day. It says that this includes taxes, bait and tackle (not artificial lures though), spin rod and reels and ice box of soft drinks and bottled water. You have to have Arkansas fishing license and trout stamp, which I paid &30 for a 3 day permit. Now if you want to throw in a shore lunch add $25 cooked by the guide, I am not sure if that counts in your full day time or not, but it has the fish you just caught, fried taters and ungins, baked beans, slaw and dessert. They will also provide a box lunch a sammmich, baked beans, chips, snack cakes-cookies and fruit or just bring your on lunch!!! They can also set you up at somewhere to stay, just have to call them.

Keith Chism's (John Chism's son) Cold Water Guide Service Calico Rock, Ark. You would not regret a trip like this. The White and Norfork Rivers are beautiful.
Good morning D, what a beautiful morning here in the Berg! I got instructions from Mrs. M this morning to do nothing, don't climb on any ladders, get sick, just stay in the house, because you don't want to miss your trip tomorrow. Sounds like she is trying to push me out the door!

This is my third trip with this church group form Greenville Ky, my best friend had been trying to get me to go with them for 5 or 6 years, but I just kept making excuses like, I wouldn't fit in, or I can't get off work, just anything but, what it amounted to was ole cordman just didn't want to miss making that ALMIGHTY DOLLAR!!! My gosh how could I be so stupid!!!!!! I missed out on what I found out was that I was friends with just about everyone that went on the trip and if I wasn't friends we are now!!!! This may sound kinda lame but this trip is one of the best experiences of my life! Now I start looking forward to the minute we leave. I have this selfish prayer that GOD will let me go on a few more!

They have this grand slam there Rainbow, Brookie, Cutthroat and Brown that you try and catch. I caught the Brown, Brookie and the Rainbow before lunch last year, but never got a Cutthroat, everyone else got the Cutthroat but not Cordman, going to try again this year.

Ok D I gotta run (no better walk) probably lurk around, but mater D!

As alwys D ya'll are in my prayers! Have a great day!
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Good morning D League

Looking for a typical September day with current temperature at 73°F. and possible showers. We have a 40% chance of heavy thunder storms later this evening. We are looking at a high of 89°F. I am about to finish up my pot of coffee. Black and strong and waking me up.

Trust all have a nice day. Counting down to Saturday football.. We can still have an excellent year if we get on track. We can start with a win over Mississippi State.



Been to Tombstone several times. Neat place, and I love that part of Arizona.
Mr. Don, I am looking at the rates for this guide and it looks like for 2 people is $250 for a full day. It says that this includes taxes, bait and tackle (not artificial lures though), spin rod and reels and ice box of soft drinks and bottled water. You have to have Arkansas fishing license and trout stamp, which I paid &30 for a 3 day permit. Now if you want to throw in a shore lunch add $25 cooked by the guide, I am not sure if that counts in your full day time or not, but it has the fish you just caught, fried taters and ungins, baked beans, slaw and dessert. They will also provide a box lunch a sammmich, baked beans, chips, snack cakes-cookies and fruit or just bring your on lunch!!! They can also set you up at somewhere to stay, just have to call them.

Keith Chism's (John Chism's son) Cold Water Guide Service Calico Rock, Ark. You would not regret a trip like this. The White and Norfork Rivers are beautiful.
Thank you.
Did you catch that Mr. Rooster? I was in the boat that caught the biggest Trout last year 7lb Rainbow! I think he won $350 but the winner always splits it with the guide!
No, that's just to illustrate the Lees Ferry fishery. Were you fishing the Colorado? Best trout fishing in the southwest. I fished the Colorado from Glen Canyon Dam to Lake Meade. My 1st cast in Marble Canyon returned a 20" rainbow weighing just over 3 lbs. Five pounders there are common. Now the Colorado River Lakes have huge Striped Bass if you want big.
No, that's just to illustrate the Lees Ferry fishery. Were you fishing the Colorado? Best trout fishing in the southwest. I fished the Colorado from Glen Canyon Dam to Lake Meade. My 1st cast in Marble Canyon returned a 20" rainbow weighing just over 3 lbs. Five pounders there are common. Now the Colorado River Lakes have huge Striped Bass if you want big.
No Mr. Rooster we go to Norfork, Arkansas about a 6 hr drive from here in Muhlenberg, Western Ky. I don't know if every state has trout to fish for, but this is a major place to fish for them. Here in the Berg the state stocks trout in some of the old strip pits that are left. In November, December and maybe January they stock anywhere from 1200-1500 in three different pits, they are small 10-13" but they are good to eat. Of course they die out in the hot weather, then they just restock when the water temp goes down.
No, that's just to illustrate the Lees Ferry fishery. Were you fishing the Colorado? Best trout fishing in the southwest. I fished the Colorado from Glen Canyon Dam to Lake Meade. My 1st cast in Marble Canyon returned a 20" rainbow weighing just over 3 lbs. Five pounders there are common. Now the Colorado River Lakes have huge Striped Bass if you want big.
Also Mr.Rooster I use ultra-lite fishing gear with 4lb test, love the thrill of the fight! I caught that 20" Brown on it! What a fight!
Good Morning D-League

"I placed my prediction for the UK/Miss St. game and decided to go with UK winning 27-24. I missed last week's UK/UF prediction by just a point or two. Hopefully the cats can clean things up, take care of the football, not be too conservative, and just play smart football. A road win is a nice way to get the ship going in the right direction again.

Me too. We need this one, should have had the last one and I will need a lot of ones if we falter.:beer:
No, that's just to illustrate the Lees Ferry fishery. Were you fishing the Colorado? Best trout fishing in the southwest. I fished the Colorado from Glen Canyon Dam to Lake Meade. My 1st cast in Marble Canyon returned a 20" rainbow weighing just over 3 lbs. Five pounders there are common. Now the Colorado River Lakes have huge Striped Bass if you want big.
Plenty of stripers in the lakes in my surrounding area. Caught about 15 one day (Nothing that big) and gave them to a boy and his father who were having no luck. Gave the boy one of the lures I was using and he caught one within minutes of me giving it to him. His father had a big approving smile and thank you to me because, it was the first time he had taken his boy fishing.