
Al Gore probably owns the house next to O'bama in Martha's Vineyard. They both set at about 3 feet above sea level. The last thing I would do is move to the ocean if I truly believed it was going to rise up and wash away my hard earned 15 million dollars.

But, I thought they believed that ocean levels would raise 10' from the melting ice packs, caused by climate change?
We'll see the pictures, but if any portion of the Bahamas was truly hit by 185 mph winds, then that area will be scoured with nothing standing other than some rigid concrete structures. Nothing would have a roof and no tree would be in the ground.

They have already cried wolf so many times that people are starting to ignore them.
last year the sheriff cars and fire trucks came by my house with their loud speakers screaming "you are in a mandatory evacuation zone and you must leave immediately". Their flyers said once the storm hits no one will go out and save you. No one in my neighborhood left.
last year the sheriff cars and fire trucks came by my house with their loud speakers screaming "you are in a mandatory evacuation zone and you must leave immediately". Their flyers said once the storm hits no one will go out and save you. No one in my neighborhood left.

They do the same here. Even tell you at what wind speed they pull all emergency response vehicles off the road and that that they will not respond no matter the emergency. Even turned the water off in mandatory evacuation zones before. But that was due more to threat to treatment facilities and salt water intrusion to where they pull from. Although it did get the attention of people in the zone.
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Just seared up a couple of smashburgers for my wife and I. I ate mine with nothing but cheese on it and a cheap bun. Was very good. Later I'll be making them again only I'll have pickle, tomato, bacon, and a thin slice of onion to go with it. Cut up a large russet to make french fries in the air fryer.

Looks like I'll be going back on the diet tomorrow. Only put on about 15lbs in the 4 months I've been off of it but that will surely ramp up when the weather gets cold. Next break I take will be a throw down for Thanksgiving.
♪♫Glad that I'm not down in rocky bottom
Between them Tennessee hills
They're all broke on down in rocky bottom
Can't pay their telephone bills

Once I had a girl on rocky bottom
She was half bear and half cat
Never knew quite where that lady lived
Tracked her down by her scat

Rocky bottom you'll never be
Home sweet home to me
Poor ole rocky bottom
Rocky bottom Tennessee
Rocky bottom Tennessee♫♪
Afternoon D
I wore myself out today
Did a complete purge of all my old clothes and shoes. Got rid of anything that didn’t fit well, I never wore and/or was simply too ratty looking for work. Then I reorganized the rest of my bedroom and bathroom. Got the living room cleaned and dusted and vacuumed and the kitchen done. Now I’m going to relax and finish up laundry and start some dinner
Afternoon D
I wore myself out today
Did a complete purge of all my old clothes and shoes. Got rid of anything that didn’t fit well, I never wore and/or was simply too ratty looking for work. Then I reorganized the rest of my bedroom and bathroom. Got the living room cleaned and dusted and vacuumed and the kitchen done. Now I’m going to relax and finish up laundry and start some dinner
Dinner? I'll be right there!
Afternoon D
I wore myself out today
Did a complete purge of all my old clothes and shoes. Got rid of anything that didn’t fit well, I never wore and/or was simply too ratty looking for work. Then I reorganized the rest of my bedroom and bathroom. Got the living room cleaned and dusted and vacuumed and the kitchen done. Now I’m going to relax and finish up laundry and start some dinner
I am tired from just reading this. I might go to bed and forget about grilling out.
Afternoon D
I wore myself out today
Did a complete purge of all my old clothes and shoes. Got rid of anything that didn’t fit well, I never wore and/or was simply too ratty looking for work. Then I reorganized the rest of my bedroom and bathroom. Got the living room cleaned and dusted and vacuumed and the kitchen done. Now I’m going to relax and finish up laundry and start some dinner

I need a nap just thinking about that.
I still haven't seen any damage that would suggest 185 mph wind. Far from it. Just now I saw the latest data from the hurricane plane that showed max wind speed in the eyewall at 100 mph. Talking head said they were leaving it at 145 mph and that's what the graphic off to the side still says.

Isn't a hurricane serious enough on its own? Does a hurricane really need embellishment? There must be some reason why we would be misled by our most trusted weather sources.
Speaking of beer....

I would like to get through one summer without getting stung by a bee/wasp/hornet. This isn't that summer. Damn it! At least I made it to September.

It's been over 15 years since I've been stung. Little sweat bees from time to time on the golf course but those don't count.

Never liked Miller. Well I take that back. In college I'd drink anything that poured.

It won't happen next Saturday. Making it an even rarer beer!
I worked out in the yard today for about 6 hours. It was a pleasant day with a strong steady wind but my bones and what is left of my muscles felt like they were on fire. I am not the man I was but I am still on this side of the dirt. Tomorrow I am going back out there, take off my shirt and do it again.

Cut Grass and weeded today myself.
Went to a bar in Belgium during the 80's that had over 600 different types of beer. The strongest being EKU (I think) being the thickest, strongest, and darkest in the world at the time. You could almost stand up a spoon in it. One drink was all I could take, nasty. However, most Belgian beers I drank were very good.