Had a guy come into my office yesterday yelling at one of my co-workers because he used an ellipsis to end his sentence in an email.. He (my co-worker) was requesting the correct orders for a soldier to get his travel to next duty station. The irate guys was angry and shaking telling my co-worker that the use of three periods to end the sentence meant that he was yelling and cursing him. I came out of my area of the office to try and calm him down. He explained that in his circles three dots means you are calling him an inept ass. I looked at him and then at my co-worker and ask if that is what he meant. He of course said no and that he had no clue what this guy was talking about. I told the guy it was an ellipsis and did not have a derogatory meaning. He then said that he was a PC guy and that in the PC world that is what it meant. I stopped him right there and said that we do not do PC in our office and know nothing about PC meanings. Told him that it was simply a misunderstanding by him and to just let it go and we would as well. He sort of agreed and walked out mumbling something under his voice... what is the world coming to?.