69.3°F, sunny and only 66% humidity. Looking good. Hopefully my guys will get my steel landscape down between the grass and mulch today.
Two weeks to UK football?
About Elvis: my sister is three years older than me and she lived and died with Elvis. I loved him too and I suppose that I have all of his music in one format or the other. Elvis' gospel music is the best that I ever have heard. He did all the old classics to perfection.
I really got into the rock and roll guys. The Stones, Beatles, and all the rest. By the time Queen came along I was raising kids and knee deep into making a living, so concerts and a bunch of music was out of the question. Later on when the kids were out of college I started buying up the stuff that I had missed out on.
I gave all my 45's away last year as I got tired of storing them. One of my friends collects old records. I kept all my old 78's and 33 1/3 albums. I bought a new turn table to digitize them three years ago and never have got started. That could be a big project for this winter. I have some music on albums that we never made into CD's, so I need to capture that. Also my son and daughter are back to buying albums.
On music: my best music present ever was when Ymmot gave me a thumb drive of the top 100 songs from 1953 through 2003. Plus he added a bunch of albums on the back, like all of Elvis', The Stones, The Beatles.... A wonderful collection, plus the 1953 through 2003 are in date order by the number 1 through 100 sales for that year.
Typing ramble is over.
Uh, I sure would like a thumb drive with that music too. FCC