
Speaking of midnight movie staples, this one was so bad that it was good.

I'm a goin to the state fair today! Good friend has tickets for us to get in and a parking pass as well. I'm saying that "free" is a fair fair fare.

It was my idea to go on opening day. I told him that the food would be freshest that day and that the people wouldn't be pissed off like they'll be after this weekend. Most kids will be in school where they belong.

Dad and I went last year on senior citizens day and he was the first to say that we wouldn't do that again. Of course, he turned out to be right but not for the right reason. Senior day might be the busiest day of all and we had a hard time getting around.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F. Streak is over. Austin may not see triple digits today. Some beautiful rain fell late yesterday afternoon.

Flight leaves at 9:30 am this morning.


We'll check back later. Behave.
Safe travels Austin.

It is 67.6°F and sunny. The guys got half of my fence painted yesterday. Hopefully the second half today. It looks a lot better.

It is good to see that things went well for railroad cat. Someone needs to take him a lap top and let him type. :)
I'm a goin to the state fair today! Good friend has tickets for us to get in and a parking pass as well. I'm saying that "free" is a fair fair fare.

It was my idea to go on opening day. I told him that the food would be freshest that day and that the people wouldn't be pissed off like they'll be after this weekend. Most kids will be in school where they belong.

Dad and I went last year on senior citizens day and he was the first to say that we wouldn't do that again. Of course, he turned out to be right but not for the right reason. Senior day might be the busiest day of all and we had a hard time getting around.
Sweet memories.
Good morning D-League

Our temperature is 77° and the high will be 83° with a 60% chance of rain. Looking out of the window we will get a little now. The area is still on flood watch. That will stir up the gators and snakes.

So thankful for the good news on railroad cat and Austin fly safe. Trust all have a good, productive day or just get some rest.
Hey there D-Leaguers,
It's been a while since I've been on here, but as football season approaches, I hope to visit and check in more often.

Currently, it's a more pleasant mid-70's headed for 90 later today. Still hot, but not as bad as this past Monday and Tuesday, when it hit 100 degrees here in the Chattanooga TN area, with the oppressive humidity, the index was up around 107-110. A cold front and some nasty, severe storms cooled us off a bit for today. The lightning during the storms Tuesday night was amazing.

Anyway, football must be around the corner, but I've been enjoying MLB baseball so much (especially the Atlanta Braves young superstars) that I haven't really been following the football happenings much. From what I've seen though, I believe that UK can have another good season, capped off with one of the Florida bowl games.

Have a good one.
I just received in today's mail the highest electric bill of my life. And I have solar heat for my water My wife has to have the thermostat at 68 and you pay for that in Florida. I could have the AC taken out tomorrow and would not miss it.

I keep my thermostat on 74 and my AC unit still runs constantly; it will run from 10:00 through 10:00 PM without cycling on/off. Probably will be like this until early October. I tell my wife that she better not touch that thermostat or else I'll cut her fingers off. Thankfully, she obeys me. My AC unit would explode if we set it lower than 70 and my electric bill would send me over the edge.
Got into a discussion with some other not-young men at work about the MLB game next summer on the 'Field of Dreams" in Iowa between the Yankees and White Sox. Who wouldn't love to be there for that?

The movie, of course, has the classic ending scene. Every guy in our conversation admitted to at least some degree of choking up during it, me included. Can't say why exactly, aside from that universal and complicated relationship between father and son that begins with love, generally includes conflict and some form of estrangement in adolescence, then eventually reconciliation if you are lucky. Anyway, a shamelessly manipulative but effective piece of movie making...

I love the idea of having a game out there in Iowa at the movie location. Can't wait to see it!!
Hey there D-Leaguers,
It's been a while since I've been on here, but as football season approaches, I hope to visit and check in more often.

Currently, it's a more pleasant mid-70's headed for 90 later today. Still hot, but not as bad as this past Monday and Tuesday, when it hit 100 degrees here in the Chattanooga TN area, with the oppressive humidity, the index was up around 107-110. A cold front and some nasty, severe storms cooled us off a bit for today. The lightning during the storms Tuesday night was amazing.

Anyway, football must be around the corner, but I've been enjoying MLB baseball so much (especially the Atlanta Braves young superstars) that I haven't really been following the football happenings much. From what I've seen though, I believe that UK can have another good season, capped off with one of the Florida bowl games.

Have a good one.
Welcome back. welcome back, welcome back, welcome back.
Good morning D.

I'm deep into a three-week run of productivity and fun, that alas, must end soon. Week One: Meddlesome boss on vacation. Week Two: I was on vacation. Week Three: Meddlesome boss in NYC for meetings.

I've gotten about double done during that span, even with a week off. But this morning the counter-productive micromanaging from up the food chain has re-commenced via emails, and Monday it'll be a full blown fluster-cuck.

How did a good guy as accomplished and capable as MD get in such a situation, you ask? I needed to make a move from a failing industry a few years back, just as my need for cash to put two kids through expensive colleges loomed large. So I took the best paying gig I could get, knowing I'd have to put up with a lot of nonsense. That compromise looked better on paper. But one kid has graduated and the other is halfway through UK at out-of-state rates.

Anyway, hail to all the retirees here. Looking forward to my turn.
First day of school was yesterday. If those kids I saw standing at the bus stop were anything like me, then they were miserable. My least favorite day of the year. Maybe kids are different these days.

If you think about it, going to school ought to be the best, most fun part of your life. If you put the least effort into learning, the school work ought to be a piece of cake. Do they have study halls any more? I knocked my homework out in mere minutes in study hall and never ever took a school book home. You are surrounded by countless potential friends all day long. I coasted through my teen years without ary hint of drama. So did just about everyone else I knew. All you hear about today is kids with their drama.
Good morning D.

I'm deep into a three-week run of productivity and fun, that alas, must end soon. Week One: Meddlesome boss on vacation. Week Two: I was on vacation. Week Three: Meddlesome boss in NYC for meetings.

I've gotten about double done during that span, even with a week off. But this morning the counter-productive micromanaging from up the food chain has re-commenced via emails, and Monday it'll be a full blown fluster-cuck.

How did a good guy as accomplished and capable as MD get in such a situation, you ask? I needed to make a move from a failing industry a few years back, just as my need for cash to put two kids through expensive colleges loomed large. So I took the best paying gig I could get, knowing I'd have to put up with a lot of nonsense. That compromise looked better on paper. But one kid has graduated and the other is halfway through UK at out-of-state rates.

Anyway, hail to all the retirees here. Looking forward to my turn.

:cool2: Hehehe Chortle, chortle, chortle.
If you think about it, going to school ought to be the best, most fun part of your life. If you put the least effort into learning, the school work ought to be a piece of cake. Do they have study halls any more? I knocked my homework out in mere minutes in study hall and never ever took a school book home. You are surrounded by countless potential friends all day long. I coasted through my teen years without ary hint of drama. So did just about everyone else I knew. All you hear about today is kids with their drama.
That is about how I did it too. I didn't study hard. Ever.
If you think about it, going to school ought to be the best, most fun part of your life. If you put the least effort into learning, the school work ought to be a piece of cake. Do they have study halls any more? I knocked my homework out in mere minutes in study hall and never ever took a school book home. You are surrounded by countless potential friends all day long. I coasted through my teen years without ary hint of drama. So did just about everyone else I knew. All you hear about today is kids with their drama.
I hated school or going to classes to be more precise. Boring. I sure loved my friends though and had a great time after the last bell rang. Summer vacation was nirvana for me and I hated to see it end so abruptly. Now UK was a different story. The best years of my life. I couldn't wait to get back on campus.
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Great movie. We were naming our top 10 baseball movies the other day, and everyone had FOD in their list. I also love Major League, and Sandlot. Guess my favorite may be Moneyball, but not by much of a margin. I could be persuaded to another. Lots to choose from.
Another great baseball movie with Kevin Costner in it is Bull Durham.

Home again! Fair was fine. Not too crowded at all until we were ready to leave. Got a great parking spot because I ignored the Andy Frain who was telling me I couldn't go where I wanted to go. He wasn't too serious because he didn't chase me very far.

Everything is expensive at the fair except for free pretzel sticks and dip. I had one.

We saw about everything there was to see but didn't walk around the midway or go into the cow and chicken zone.

Might end up going again with my wife but I don't really think she'll go. It will have to be a Saturday and between the crowd, the heat, and the walking...[laughing]
Home again! Fair was fine. Not too crowded at all until we were ready to leave. Got a great parking spot because I ignored the Andy Frain who was telling me I couldn't go where I wanted to go. He wasn't too serious because he didn't chase me very far.

Everything is expensive at the fair except for free pretzel sticks and dip. I had one.

We saw about everything there was to see but didn't walk around the midway or go into the cow and chicken zone.

Might end up going again with my wife but I don't really think she'll go. It will have to be a Saturday and between the crowd, the heat, and the walking...[laughing]

Reminds me of the time I went to the Memphis Blues Festival. I arrived too late to get a ticket. The crowd had exceeded the number the fire people would allow. "I've come too far now," I thought. I'm going in anyway. So my wife and I just walked in, she holding on for dear life, not knowing what would happen. An employee chased us down, telling us we had to leave. I told him we tried to buy tickets but they wouldn't sell us any. So we're going in. He said, "Well, I guess there's not much I can do then." He let us go in.
Home again! Fair was fine. Not too crowded at all until we were ready to leave. Got a great parking spot because I ignored the Andy Frain who was telling me I couldn't go where I wanted to go. He wasn't too serious because he didn't chase me very far.

Everything is expensive at the fair except for free pretzel sticks and dip. I had one.

We saw about everything there was to see but didn't walk around the midway or go into the cow and chicken zone.

Might end up going again with my wife but I don't really think she'll go. It will have to be a Saturday and between the crowd, the heat, and the walking...[laughing]

I'm in for Saturday, wife needs to see if she won a ribbon. Dreading the heat but thank goodness for music tents, beer, and pork chop sammiches..Look for me if ya go Tommy, I will be wearing shorts and grey tee and wearing sunglasses!