
Heh. So true.


I have a great nephew who looks just like this kid. And he's a snowflake rich kid who got anything he remotely wished for from the day he was born (still does). He posted his "manifesto" on Facebook announcing he is bi-sexual (pretty sure he's just gay) and an atheist. I suspect he just did this to irritate the religious members of his family. We believe his mother is a lesbian although she keeps it private. Ironic in the sense that her mother, my wife's sister, despised gays and railed on about gays all the time. Karma?

Not that there is anything wrong with that. Hehe.
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Well I am here and so is the rain thunder amd lightning. Launch is 6:52 pm so maybe it will clear up
Welcome to Florida summers . Not looking good for a blastoff
Yeap. There can be a lot of change in that amount of time.
Lightning has moved into the Atlantic and clouds moving quickly. The buses to take us to the Banana Creek viewing area are here. We might have a lift off today.

Yep, it might change 5 times before scheduled launch. Hope it goes for ya.